What If Joshua Dies?

What If Joshua Dies?

Collector Togami

6 лет назад

22,186 Просмотров

Ismaire, the Queen of White Dunes, is killed in cold blood by Caellach. In the following scene, Joshua inherits the Sacred Twins of Jehanna, and subsequently passes it on to Eirika so the army can use it. What if he died instead?

In the same vein as my What If Virion Dies video, I had Joshua killed at the last possible second, by his own mentor, Carlyle. I used tool-assisted random number manipulation to ensure both characters not only hit, but also crit in the same turn. Seeing Joshua go from critting and having the advantage to being critted and dying from full HP... that is the kind of theatrics I strive for in my videos. I expect this to be a true gut punch to the viewer.

I find it really fascinating how the subsequent scenes change, not only the one with Ismaire. In the original version, Joshua and the other nobles discuss how they are allies now. So to have that part of the game simply gone is another gut punch on top of what I already did.
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