Think Story

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Eric coffey
Eric coffey - 21.11.2023 09:19

You either have a bunch of stupid followers or your just starving for ideas.The ending doesn't need explained if you paid attention

Jacob Tschirhart
Jacob Tschirhart - 19.11.2023 11:31

I like this series I hope they make more seasons and not just two seasons

TJ The 90s KID
TJ The 90s KID - 14.11.2023 21:24

Great ending keep it going

Dinelia Ferrer
Dinelia Ferrer - 13.11.2023 10:09

No way was Hershel’s toe be cut off.

UnleashedRex1 - 13.11.2023 02:30

I'm so over Maggie's BS... Hell Rick went through harder shit and didn't have the Godzilla sized hate boner for Negan that she has. It's just annoying at this point and I hope she gets Glenned

Orly M
Orly M - 10.11.2023 22:55

I couldn’t get into it

Mercedes Hudson
Mercedes Hudson - 06.11.2023 21:51

I’m going to be honest I didn’t like it at first but now it’s heating up

SonOFOdin - 04.11.2023 19:54

Will someone just kill Maggie already jesus........

Canuck - 03.11.2023 05:33

I actually didn't mind this show. The setup for a possible season two and how it got built up in that last episode made up for some of the shitty writing within the episodes.

Eric Sanchez
Eric Sanchez - 02.11.2023 02:28

LOVE "Daryl Dixon" show. "Dead City" not so much.

ItzAngelos_ - 31.10.2023 20:30

In the end I think they both realized that nobody really won. A new war has just began and they were both fooled by the Croat. Negan for the first time has met someone even badder, more cold and manipulative than himself, a person that actually doesn’t play games and that he will have to become that persons puppet. If he doesn’t, Maggie and her son will suffer. Maggie at the same time realized that it’s not over, she learned of the horrors her son had to go through and that evil will be back to kidnap him again. She knows that for this to stop, she has to go back and help Negan get out of there otherwise the cycle will never stop.

Gromgi Grudgebearer
Gromgi Grudgebearer - 31.10.2023 06:47

Sadly it fell flat in the later episodes. I hate random time jumps without any context. They meet survivors who somehow after so long are so incompetent. The series want to keep a sinister quiet tone which resulted in a survivor quietly being eaten alive lol. Sadly the show didn't live up to my hopes.

Hanazz - 30.10.2023 02:40

Kinda feels like the Last of us and i Love it

Birko - 27.10.2023 16:51

Fun fact the burazi in serbian-crotain translation means the brothers since buraz is a slang word for naming someone like bro

A - 23.10.2023 16:18

This show sucked. The last episode was the only one that was watchable.
Hopefully S2 won’t be as awful as S1.

a e lee
a e lee - 21.10.2023 16:24

Mr. Think Story, you have proved yourself here as both astute and clever. Thank you for giving credit where credit was due, not filling up your vid with opinions about different actors which may or may not have any relation to the end product. You pay homage to the old ones and 11 seasons and you make room for the series to grow. You showed, imho, a truly telling bit from Nunny Isa, her accusing Daryl of abandoning Laurent. Cheap shot

Shaany Sully
Shaany Sully - 21.10.2023 03:04

"Ending explained" yet u only went through what happened and everyone perfectly understood lol, but then again what is there to explain here to someone that's watched every episode of twd XD

Bootsy - 19.10.2023 03:14

So both spin offs can't finish their own plotline. Both needed cliffhangers and a fistful of loose ends to tease instead of writing a conclusion. Both of these shows have Phase 4 MCU-level bad writing.

Cobra_DC - 16.10.2023 08:24

Big reason why i dont like maggie. Fucking annoying.

PLV Soundman
PLV Soundman - 16.10.2023 07:56

TWD Daryl went to a whole nother level. Can’t wait for season 2 of Dead City and Carol returns on Daryl Dixon

Frank Woods
Frank Woods - 12.10.2023 02:53

The fact that the characters are going back to who they once were is great! Wonder if when Rick comes back he’s gonna have to be the one to take down the new Saviors and make good on his promise to Negan

James - 08.10.2023 20:59

I like it explaining what has happened to NYC following the virus. It would seem largely controlled at this point. The only thing they never explained at least to me was where did they get their food supply. I can fully understand where they are getting fuel and likely would push them far forward. However, a lack of food would simply make them an easy target.

I do like both Neagan and Maggie. It is like they have reason to hate each other more so Maggie to hate Neagan, but she needs him at the same time. Her son Hershal losing his toe is a bit harsh. The show seems pretty good just some plot holes that I would like to see fixed.

Beer Me
Beer Me - 08.10.2023 20:03

Lets stop pretending to give a shlt about the Maggie/Negan storyline that got settled back in Season 11. I legit STRUGGLED to get through this cashgr... "Spinoff" sorry. The characters we came to know & tolerate in Negan & an even lesser extent Maggie, didn't need a spinoff show together, they went through ALL THE SAME PLOTPOINTS of the past 2 Seasons, Maggie's "Whaaa! I hate Negan" thing was as old & tired looking as Maggie herself looked plodding through this dreck show. Oh yeah! Her son's been kidnapped AGAIN. How many people have been kidnapped in the Walking Dead universe by now anyway? Has to be in the high double-figures by now right? Tired, lazy retread of a once great show now resembles the decayed corpses in the show, no new ideas, just a boring slog to get through.

Lord Pistachio Nut
Lord Pistachio Nut - 05.10.2023 09:38

I feel like Maggie is the antagonist actually. Negan is totally the protagonist of the entire series. This next season will be a character study on him. What will he do to keep Maggie's kid safe, and what evil shit will Maggie do in spite of him. One could argue the Croat and dame are the antagonists too but at the heart, Maggie is the evil within.

nadiaga - 03.10.2023 06:51

Hershel was so annoying (guess it's a teen thing), i really don't understand him it's like he doesn't know why her mother hates Negan (and he forgets he himself was going to shoot Negan one time), I get the Maggie could be overprotective, but come on! there are zombies everywhere, everyone should prepare their kids to defend themselves. If I were Maggie though I would've killed Negan a long time ago, at the first chance (comic Maggie tried, i don't remember if she was successful though), and all of this would've been avoided, but since he became a popular character twd showrunners kept him alive and here we are (lucky for as viewers, not for Maggie lol). Anyways, kind of not believable that she continued to be obsessed while running a community, to the point that it warrants Hershel's attitude, when she didn't live near Negan or hear anything about him, that was one of the things she asked for at the end of twd so she could move on, and he agreed, if I remember correctly. Overall, it was a good story and i hope we get at least a second season.

Samuel Krueger
Samuel Krueger - 29.09.2023 05:31

I didn't think the lady was threatening Herschel, I thought she was implying that he has some sort of Stockholm syndrome. At that point she didn't know that Negan had a soft spot for any of them.

See Ess
See Ess - 28.09.2023 13:38

Show completely sucks. Like so bad. Worst writing ever. Actually the arc where Beth was centralized was some of the best. Not even necessarily because of the hospital. But because of Beth. Maggie is a decent character. But really should have kept Beth going. She was one of the best characters and would have made sense for a main role. Maggie killed it or still alive = whatever. She was never as good a character. I like her being alive. But a side character doesn't need a show. Especially with Negan that also nobody gives a crap about. I mean sure he's a good character here and there. Was a good villain. But nothing more. Did not need a show with either of them.

Nancy Carne
Nancy Carne - 25.09.2023 23:17

I thought it was horrible I get get into Daryl Dixon either

D C - 25.09.2023 18:24

I am loving this show! It has such psychological context! Awesome!

Chris Lachapelle
Chris Lachapelle - 21.09.2023 16:12

Anyone else just want to punch Herschel really, really hard?

Horns n Halo
Horns n Halo - 20.09.2023 03:32

Negan and Maggie sooo need the sage wisdom of my FG now... he's the only one who could talk to/get through to them both

This spin-off is soooo good! I KNEW Maggie was leading Negan into a trap from the off, though. And why don't I believe that Negan personally killed Ginny's father? Sounded like he was saying it all to get her to leave, or else he'd have adopted every kid whose parents he killed... (which had to have been a lot tbf)

boston - 20.09.2023 02:12

Damn its gonna be good

Sveta Khan
Sveta Khan - 13.09.2023 20:17

What happened to Negan’s wife and unborn child.?..

Donald Murphy
Donald Murphy - 11.09.2023 08:15

thane can be used as fuel. however, another caveat of methane gas is that it is highly explosive when compressed and ignited. so in the dead city you have the potential for a massive explosion underground. sewers are also have the possibility of creating hydrogen sulfide H2S. H2S is a gas that has a similar smell to methane, its also combustible and explosive as well as it has the ability over time to break down concrete. this is a byproduct of waste and decomposition of organics. when h2s and methane are combined yield hydrogen gas and carbon disulfide. this is causes an ether or chloroform like smell. so basically in real world events they would be chemically suffocating or killing themselves and creating more walkers. there you go i gave useless information that none of you will read and probably respond with a less than flattering reply. THA MOE YOU KNO AND SHIT

mermaid000pranu - 11.09.2023 07:12

Daryl dixon > dead city

tena2sweet - 11.09.2023 07:02

I think them figuring out how to use the dead as a fuel source was pretty ingenious.

ScioNiXx - 11.09.2023 05:27

I still hate Maggie

Alien_hunter51 - 09.09.2023 22:48

In the comic Herschel grows up to be a real shit human being, I think we're seeing his origin story.

Sabre F4i
Sabre F4i - 02.09.2023 07:42

New Babylon leader, of course a woman of colour and of course, the real leader of the people in Manhattan is a woman, social justice, SJW politics at its best

Dustin Reynolds
Dustin Reynolds - 01.09.2023 20:43

Are people really still watching this? Lol

Javier Martinez
Javier Martinez - 29.08.2023 13:14

can you make preditions for seaosn 2 and how its gonna go down

Katie L
Katie L - 29.08.2023 08:01

Last I checked, a season was still about 3 months, or about 13 weeks. Remember when seasons used to be like 22/26 episodes long? I feel like we're getting ripped off

Ja'Quan Najm
Ja'Quan Najm - 28.08.2023 17:35

Pretty accurate potrayal of modern day New York

Russell Spearman
Russell Spearman - 26.08.2023 16:16

I can't wait to see what happens next

Don Vancu
Don Vancu - 26.08.2023 15:47

totally unnecesary continuation of the original crap series...this is so stupid in so many ways...same stupid writing, weak blend acting..atrocious dialogues..stupid story..jesus..just stop with this milking of twd....

Angel of Bliss
Angel of Bliss - 25.08.2023 02:04

its what we wanted sooner, i guess this explains why the later TWD seasons were slow. THey weere making new stuff ?

Heather Yokom
Heather Yokom - 24.08.2023 15:44

Sooo, Rat-King with terrible CGI?

Guitar Guru .357
Guitar Guru .357 - 24.08.2023 12:29

Team Negan!!

KRALTAIR47 - 24.08.2023 08:00

Rick should have killed negan
