The Most Shocking Ancient Civilization COVERUPS of All Time | Matt LaCroix • 154

The Most Shocking Ancient Civilization COVERUPS of All Time | Matt LaCroix • 154

Julian Dorey

11 месяцев назад

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Ty Hamell
Ty Hamell - 25.11.2023 22:45

farmer= i do gardening
miner= i have a rock collection
im not a skeptic of the unknown history but some of the characters other than billy carson or graham hancock, personalities gets in the way of messages

reddevil00745able - 25.11.2023 21:43

I like watching podcasts where the host will do a simple Google search. Makes me think they are actually interested in the truth. That is why I can't watch the news. They don't bother doing a simple internet search. Good job!!

Jonny Howes
Jonny Howes - 25.11.2023 19:45

Aztec story bunk

Wrapping with Payne
Wrapping with Payne - 25.11.2023 18:10

Matt LaCroix and Billy Carson could literally have a 5 years discussion without taking a break...I mean that in a good way..They sound like the same exact person. If they got together they could for sure unravel the meaning of life through their findings

collegejit - 25.11.2023 16:21

like button for if you said holy shit more than 3 times ❤

collegejit - 25.11.2023 15:43

damn i love he connected the dogon back to egypt …egypt was black before white ppl came wit the bullshit

Robert Cochran
Robert Cochran - 25.11.2023 02:26

Suggestion; The images that you show in the corner is difficult to see when watching your podcast on a cell phone. A full screen image would be helpful.

Robert Cochran
Robert Cochran - 25.11.2023 01:03

I like your podcast and find most guests and yourself Julian to be interesting and intelligent. One suggestion is to lessen or quit the cursing as to me it shows a poor choice of expressing one's self.

Teresa Young
Teresa Young - 25.11.2023 00:48

Get to truth

Guillermo Bayro Corrochano
Guillermo Bayro Corrochano - 24.11.2023 14:16


Dizzy Kincade
Dizzy Kincade - 24.11.2023 08:36

Gilgamesh Legit. Noah bs. Based on one is religious, so that’s obviously for dumb people, while the fable of Gilgamesh must be hidden ancient truth bc it’s an alternative truth for agnostics.

So lazy.

MorrowProduction - 23.11.2023 19:34

At first I was a little sceptical of listening but he dropped Brian Forester and Ben from Uncharted X as sources/reliable guys in the field and I knew instantly this guy was going to start spitting some facts. Matt should really do a conversation with Randall Carlson because they hit on ALL The same topics when it comes to Utnapeshnum.

BrenB - 23.11.2023 15:36

Humanity needs to leave what they think they know at the door. Open their eyes, ears and minds and LEARN something significant here. This is Brilliant.

Plutah - 23.11.2023 11:57

They covered up so much of our past and existence that we are so spiritually lost today

Brigham Starks
Brigham Starks - 22.11.2023 22:50

Julian is the most boring podcaster. No wonder his podcast is failing and he's attacking people for clout. Sad.

Andrew of Da'Arya-Hyperborea
Andrew of Da'Arya-Hyperborea - 22.11.2023 22:11

let's avoid talking about all the different species of non humans as if they're not real or ever literally existed or still do.

Andrew of Da'Arya-Hyperborea
Andrew of Da'Arya-Hyperborea - 22.11.2023 21:10

Ok. Let's not talk about the Urs of Da'Arya aka Hyperborea.
Not surprised.
I respectfully disagree.

This is all old news. It's been known for many millennia there have been many ancient civilizations.

timothy hodgkiss
timothy hodgkiss - 22.11.2023 16:50

but most dont get the gravity of all these discovery's ,do you realise that all these lost civilisations have 1 main connection. they only last around 11,500/13,000 years before the next civilisation emerges after a cataclysm ,so there only around for 11,500/13,000 years ,and the last cataclysm was the younger dryas 12,500 years ago .dont go mental but time is running out .

Gold Blooded 808
Gold Blooded 808 - 22.11.2023 08:37

The central emblem is the Mexican coat of arms, based on the Aztec symbol for Tenochtitlan (now Mexico City), the center of the Aztec Empire. It recalls the legend of an eagle sitting on a cactus while devouring a serpent that signaled to the Aztecs where to found their city, Tenochtitlan.[1]

Gold Blooded 808
Gold Blooded 808 - 22.11.2023 08:34

Matt's history lesson of the siege of Tenochtitlan is very inaccurate.

StarlightSkyes - 22.11.2023 06:43

This guy is so all over the place I would be extremely skeptical. There are many leaps of assumptions that he is acting like facts. I was really excited at first but the more he talks the more I just see holes

The Beast
The Beast - 22.11.2023 00:28

More on the screen time, please, and sometimes, at least put it on the screen.

Cliff Carr
Cliff Carr - 21.11.2023 23:12

Thank you Guys for your Sevice! Fascinating liberating Information. ❤️🔥

Changes - 21.11.2023 22:20

That bro love at the end was so cute ❤. I think this is my entrance into the rabbit hole 🕳. Does anyone have popcorn so that I can find my way back?

Franklin Roads
Franklin Roads - 21.11.2023 18:38

Graham Hancock & others have been talking about this for decades.

Adam Crawley
Adam Crawley - 21.11.2023 05:24

Did this guy just mix up Greek and Hindu mythology?
The Ferry and the River of Styx?

edukessen - 21.11.2023 03:08

Its all a really fun story but he provided literally 0 evidence. I have an open mind and think theres a lot of stuff we dont know, but this guy just spewed fairy tales like they were facts for 3 hours.

Leigh Bishop
Leigh Bishop - 21.11.2023 02:29

I would highly recommend the book “Genesis 6” it’s a fantastic book that goes into huge depth on this theory but even further back. There has always been two tribes, the sons of God and those made from the dust. It’s literally in the bible verse. Ow when you look at he world as above so below it’s Good versus evil, it’s a never ending cycle and it won’t stop until the end days. I know the bibles been twisted but I’m telling you there’s a lot of it that’s very real. That’s the thing with Evil, they rub it all in your face and laugh at you as you go about your day not having a clue. Seek people it’s all there to be discovered if you open your eyes

Hoofington - 20.11.2023 19:20

Awesome content

Rayanne Prijt
Rayanne Prijt - 20.11.2023 17:25

The fact that he doesn't call the Anun the Anunaki, gives him a lot of credibility. 👍🏻

I believe him

Michael Tammaro
Michael Tammaro - 20.11.2023 08:48

Julian, try and get Timothy Alberino on your podcast. He is brilliant and will give you a SOUND and 'ROCK YOUR WORLD' Biblical backing to what was going on this planet in the distant past.

Michael Tammaro
Michael Tammaro - 20.11.2023 08:31

I'm somewhat confused as to WHY the Flood of Noah and the Ark are ridiculous to this guy? The size of the Ark is humongous and confirmed to be capable of housing two of every land animal. Again, is this simply another FOOL who thinks the Almighty is dead? After all, such a minor task for Him to summon all the animals He created and undoubtedly communicates with if He so pleases doesn't sound to be so unbelievable. I mean, these same GENIUSES refuted there was even a great flood only until 40 or so years ago. Now it is scientifically sound and geologically PROVEN.

Ailton de souza
Ailton de souza - 20.11.2023 07:13

You are not covering Asia at all, i think ASIA has as much informations or more...

j.network3232 - 20.11.2023 04:26

As a Christian we called it 😂😂😂

Donna Magers
Donna Magers - 20.11.2023 01:02

Matt’s on to something big! Finally the truth is coming out!

Matt Gagnon
Matt Gagnon - 20.11.2023 00:16

The connection was already there and biblical scholars have been making that connection for awhile between all these civilizations. Along with these megalithic sites you also run into unearthed giant skeletons as well as stories passed down of giants who once roamed the lands, at every single site and a lot of them the humans worshiped these giants. Also Gilgamesh was a giant. These ancient sites were built by the fallen angles and their offspring the giants who had angelic technology which was way more advanced that the human tech at those times. This guy doesn’t want to accept the reality of the Bible being true but the archeological evidence points to it as well as a lot of stories of old.

MegaGolfer4 - 19.11.2023 23:35

How do you read a 5000 year old tablet of markings ???

MegaGolfer4 - 19.11.2023 23:31

So your talking about time travelling

MegaGolfer4 - 19.11.2023 23:24

Where in history have you seen a date on something ?? Scientists made a time line up

MegaGolfer4 - 19.11.2023 23:22

Some of these places have been flooded your right

Two dogs Garrett
Two dogs Garrett - 19.11.2023 17:00

You are however spot on about the mystery of stone work the ancients did. Many of the inside angles(right angles) and just overall precision of fit and finish should have been impossible for those people to do given the hardness of the stone and the tools they were reportedly using.

Two dogs Garrett
Two dogs Garrett - 19.11.2023 16:55

Ancient glacial Lake Agassiz , that’s what happened. Massive amount of water in Canada. Let loose and flooded. Europe was inundated. Separating England form mainland Europe. And also permanently flooding a ancient land called doggerland ,now the North Sea. The flood also affected the lands surrounding the Mediterranean.

Dominic Moore
Dominic Moore - 19.11.2023 10:13

Who knew the guy who made chemical flavored bubble water knew so much

Greta Pantophlet
Greta Pantophlet - 19.11.2023 00:07

❤❤ couldn’t get enough of this ❤❤

MtSpaceInEar! - 18.11.2023 23:43

The giant basalt Lion which was stolen in December 2019 by Turkish backed Syrian rebels.
