Disturbing Reality Of Asylums

Disturbing Reality Of Asylums

Papa Meat

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@x-mil9760 - 09.02.2024 09:09

That hoody goes crazy

@jinx6573 - 09.02.2024 08:37

The human brain is so extremely complex we still have no clue about the entirety in general. We have evolved to have to biggest brains in the entire animal kingdom, the human brain is still very much a mystery. It's like how much of our oceans have been explored, only 10%

@guardianzg6 - 09.02.2024 04:51

That cat painting has incredible background. Some guy had schizo and painted a cat every few weeks and it portrays his downfall into insanity😢

@alexandergarcia6889 - 08.02.2024 22:00

The New Jersey asylum reminds me of like lady Maria’s research lab from bloodborne

@mokuuu_ - 08.02.2024 08:05

Ive had to stay in a psych ward before and can confirm that it felt like straight up prison.
Metal toilets, items chained to desks, limited phone calls, absolutely no outside time, screaming and grates on all windows.
So that aspect hasnt changed for centuries- very progressive.

@scarlett8782 - 07.02.2024 21:16

I'm a medical professional, and I've actually seen all of a patient's teeth be pulled in the modern day for psychiatric reasons. for example, late stage Alzheimer's patients will sometimes have their teeth pulled, because they cannot brush them at all, and many times they have a swallowing issue called "dysphagia" which means they can choke on toothpaste, and they can't follow simple instructions to open their mouth in order for someone else to brush them - they will fight staff to prevent teeth brushing, because they don't understand what's happening when staff try to brush teeth due to their condition. therefore, their teeth just rot out, and can cause serious infections that may be fatal. this is the reason that the teeth are pulled - to prevent a potentially fatal infection of a rotted tooth. the reason that they are pulled all at once is because, due to the patient's mental state, they have to be put completely under general anesthesia to remove a tooth, instead of just inhaling a little laughing gas, or having a bit of local numbing cream applied. you can't put someone under general anesthesia 20 times over 5 years to pull one tooth at a time as they rot out. you have to just put them under one time, remove all the teeth, and move forward from there. as far as loss of quality of life goes after having them pulled, for patients with dysphagia (swallowing difficulty), they are already on a soft foods only diet, so losing their teeth means little in terms of ability to eat, since they're only permitted soft foods to start with to prevent choking. it's sad to see someone slowly deteriorate with a disease like Alzheimer's to the point of having their teeth pulled, but I've seen it happen many times, and it's still done today.

@CrumbisBumbis - 07.02.2024 20:15

it's just aweful hearing the different stories and being able to realize "oh that person probably had adhd/was on spectrum/ had anxiety disorder" but then were just stuck in these places. That person who "wouldn't stop clicking their tongue" so it was removed probably just had that as a stim/tick like maybe they had tourettes

also Rosemary Kennedy just seemed like she partied a lot, smoked and drank, and maybe had some kind of behavioral issue, which could have just been her fighting with her family about her lifestyle choices given their reputation, and they really just scrambled her brain and let her wither away in the institution..

@markos8449 - 07.02.2024 20:08

The god complex was definitivy a thing for most of the doctors in the 20th century.

@jaygopinath1694 - 07.02.2024 19:29


@knife0party - 07.02.2024 13:47

As someone wwith epilepsy that is hilarious, and also scary 😂

@RJ_Ehlert - 07.02.2024 08:39

It's absurd that some of these real stories would be considered too outlandish for fiction.

@game0wl - 07.02.2024 08:30

You should do a deep dive on the notorious Unit 731. The stuff they did were absolute nightmare fuel😱

@xbatman9649 - 07.02.2024 07:55

I do enjoy visiting these places nowadays and imagining what went on. Finding paperwork from the 1960’s or so is cool too.

@Elstarda - 07.02.2024 05:38

There were iq definitions for those categories that you didn’t include and oversimplified. If a person who was 54 years old who didn’t have the capacity of an understanding of below 12 years old, you have oversimplified. This lack of nuance has led me to bow out 4 mins in

@tulpadub - 07.02.2024 05:26

I'm very lucky that I was born when I was born. I have severe bipolar 1 disorder and I have had multiple psychotic breaks due to mania. I'm fine now, but this shit is so fucked.

@HT025 - 07.02.2024 01:20

My old community college used to be the main campus for the Hawaii state hospital (psychiatric hospital). One of the older buildings which is still there today, used to be where they did the lobotomies. Now students learn how to do Hawaiian arts and crafts, and dance hula in that building. It’s also one of the more haunted buildings on that campus.

@thatguy4d916 - 06.02.2024 23:30

As a resident of Topeka, we had 2 mental hospitals. One of which is still standing, and is much more interesting to look into I think. Was a massive campus, but the main building stands, but is guarded with cameras.

@waulpall - 06.02.2024 22:46

The Knick (Cinemax) was based on Henry Cotton. We have similar things occurring in the medical world today with regards to drug addicts

@PhallicPhantom2 - 06.02.2024 21:11

Okay ao I hate to tell the story but briefly I was put in Friends hospital for a bit of unhinged behavior (tbh i jus lost myslef to loneliness and hung with the wrong crowed) but how i was treated in there was akin to a dog in a kennel. Ignored whenever there was a serious problem unless it was a serious as passing, aoem unhinged people walking around completely naked, specifically these two woman, one of which who took a computer monitor and was struck because of it. It was alot, and very unprofessional. Thank godness i served my time and got out, the mistreatment in those places is no joke!

@heavysitter - 06.02.2024 19:52

Great video on the history of some of the old asylums and how people were treated due to a lack of understanding.

@screwthenet - 06.02.2024 15:32

The sad irony is that because of the endless generations of asylum mismanagement, abuse of the patients, and lack of proper care in general to put it mildly...eventually just about all mental health services that could have helped folks were gotten rid of in the 1980s. To this day, its still been a struggle to get the government to properly address the needs of the people whom need mental health services. FUck the medical establishment for gouging prices and prescribing ineffective, experimental, or outright placebo bs pills too. The world should be able to do better. *sighs

@blondie2508 - 06.02.2024 14:18

Papa put so much comedic relief in this video I really don’t know weather to cry or laugh

@deadbodiesandgraveyardsoil - 06.02.2024 13:02

I lived down the road from the Kansas one

@braindead8164 - 06.02.2024 11:54

bro i have dyslexia, I've would have been gone.

@carterstevenson6009 - 06.02.2024 10:57

I don’t know why I’m so I bothered by most concepts but lobotomies mess with me so much it’s difficult to even think about them; just the idea of permanently becoming something else and lesser mentally in a way where you are barely human anymore is just so terrifying

@emilyadams4130 - 06.02.2024 09:06

I live near severalls. I am pretty sure that they are remodeling the main building to be flats/apartments after being derelict for many years. People used to explore it regularly. Behind the main section of the building is a mental health unit for children that I worked in a few times. It's crazy that even a small part of it is still used for the same thing

@allenmontano1117 - 06.02.2024 07:34

my laughter in this video is painful.

@dylanfarnham5164 - 06.02.2024 04:05

As someone that was diagnosed with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy at 13, I'm so glad I was born when I was. Just a few decades earlier and I would have been thrown into an asylum instead of treated with medication and having a fairly normal life. Absolutely terrifying.

@dontask3613 - 06.02.2024 03:01

My grandmother worked at Danvers Mental State hospital as a nurse( Session 9's hospital ), she passed away from cancer when I was a baby but it always made me super curious and when I was in my teens we went and snuck in there before they knocked it down. It was wild, they had fucking holes in the ground very clearly made for people.... literally fucking holes in the cement floor they would stick someone in. If lobotomies and other fucked up shit wasn't enough they literally treated them like rabid animals.

@falloutmaniac1393 - 06.02.2024 00:36

I have to respect the chimera power trip sweater 👌

@Topazskull - 05.02.2024 23:29

I stayed in a psych ward for a a week when I was a teenager. The things I saw

@_illmatic_ - 05.02.2024 22:39

@TheItalianio - 05.02.2024 22:22

Now crazy people roam the streets and crowd the prisons. Bring back asylums but modernise them.

@celty5858 - 05.02.2024 20:07

The new Greystone hospital in NJ is state funded too and according to reviews on google, still isn’t much different. 🙁

@HufflepuffsPanda - 05.02.2024 19:31

Don't get me wrong I love Papa Meat and this channel, but I think with serious and tragic subject matter like this maybe these stories should told a bit more delicately.

The editing of these videos are hilarious when we're talking about weirdest foods and terrible movies, but it kind of made this whole video feel like it was a slapstick comedy and making light of the horrendous things that happened to these people.

These are true stories of human beings suffering some of the worst things imaginable, so maybe it might be kinder to make a more straightforward edit.

I don't mean to be "soft" or a buzzkill or anything, cuz I do love this channel and it's humor usually, but maybe pick and choose which videos would benefit from humourous editing.

@user-su5uf5yv1w - 05.02.2024 15:12

Don't tell me I already knew disgusting.

@noelhutchins7366 - 05.02.2024 13:53

your, Dr Cotton, must be the inspiration for The Suffering, and its sequel, there is an asylum and the enemy-sub-characters are definitely missing some key anatomy; he shows up several times, I can't imagine anyone inspiring the video-game-villain from real life but you have him right there.

@noelhutchins7366 - 05.02.2024 13:40

Russia banns lobotomies because they want their patients to verify the suffering, torment and play along with various treatments: they want Zoochosis to be vividly on display.

@noelhutchins7366 - 05.02.2024 13:33

You might get a kick out of the ramifications of narcissism; as if being sent to an asylum wasn't bad enough: there's a wildly accepted form of mental disorder, bent on control, tyrannical, brutal, private, popular, image-maintenance-disorder, and it's completely untreated or recognized as such, it's just narcissism but it isn't vanity, some of the most repugnant fucks are narcissists. Gain encyclopedic knowledge of the workings narcissists deploy, & life makes sense, but still sucks.

@cristianaraujo9293 - 05.02.2024 06:25

Wholesome Epic Science moment:

@SegwayTugg1 - 05.02.2024 05:37

The last one is bigger than the White House

@hawaiilacrosse44 - 04.02.2024 22:45

Snuck into Letchworth all the time in highschool. Never found any documents with scary things or fucked up practices. Did find random photos though of patients where it just seemed off. None of the patients seemed to know they were being photographed, which I assumed was the goal. Can't believe it lasted 50 years.

@agentlabelle2546 - 04.02.2024 22:08

As an epileptic I am happy I was not born before the 1990s

@Cisc-gl1nz - 04.02.2024 22:01

All the asylums turned into DSP Homes, that’s what I do. I’m a DSP, & most of our clients/patients are from families who abandoned them, or pay for these services.

@dizzeedandan4744 - 04.02.2024 20:37

This is amazingly disturbing how the mentally ill were treated
