F for Fake and the Death of the Author - Brows Held High

F for Fake and the Death of the Author - Brows Held High


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f. cane
f. cane - 11.08.2023 09:13

The best part is when (I think 5 seconds in) you say "quit this vid and go watch the movie" XD.

C.W.R. - 28.04.2023 04:45

Well- I guess there is, because of AI and everything. But, I suppose that’s besides the point.

Dave Handelman
Dave Handelman - 01.11.2022 15:01

I want to sit and watch you talk about the thing you want to contemplate all day!!

CG Ivarsson
CG Ivarsson - 11.10.2022 12:49

Still a great vid❤

Julius Sw
Julius Sw - 13.08.2022 13:15


Ruth Bennett
Ruth Bennett - 25.06.2022 23:15

This is an enjoyable video essay. Thank you for creating & presenting it.
Glad you claim no “expert” status… your small errors (pronunciation, nomenclature, etc.) keep your opinions honest.
(n.b. The Bayeux Tapestry is a collectively produced embroidery. If it were just a “weaving” it would be a long bolt of unadorned linen.)

Reese Torwad
Reese Torwad - 16.06.2022 00:21

👍 Amazing film!

Chef Banjo
Chef Banjo - 15.01.2022 10:27

I gotta wonder: is it really so bad that Orson Wells’ last movie is Transformers? Citizen Kane is largely autobiographical, and it’s big twist is all about giving the middle finger to leaving behind childish things.

jizburg - 08.04.2021 21:13

As a swede i got very confused when i heard swedish rap all if the sudden.

Don Device
Don Device - 31.03.2021 15:46

little red riding hood was written by jean de la fontaine

ackamack101 - 03.03.2021 03:46

The editing is the star of F for Fake

ackamack101 - 03.03.2021 03:37

I ❤️ F for Fake

[ Shana Reviews ]
[ Shana Reviews ] - 15.02.2021 11:52

I'm fine with Orson Welles being remember for voicing Unicron, because given the history behind the scenes, it sounded like he was both annoyed and happy to play it.

and one thing I did enjoy learning about was that even if he took this role for the money, he gave it the best he could, given his health, and I would honestly love it if kids did find out about him through the Transformers movie

The man earned his place in cinema history and has left his mark in almost every part of it.
Heck, I can actually quote all of Orson Welles lines as Unicron from the movie, that's how memorable he made him.

LittleGreenSoldier - 29.01.2021 22:50

Recently, Elmyr's apprentice and heir, Mark Forgy, had a frankly dismaying email exchange with an auction house about "fake Elmyrs". I could feel my brain melting as I read this exchange, with Forgy insisting that only he could determine what was an "authentic Elmyr". It was buck fucking wild.

jmalmsten - 26.01.2021 12:48

I do not know why. But I return to this video every time I think of the term "freeze frame enthusiast"...

It is surprisingly often.
