The Real Reason why Go is not so Popular

The Real Reason why Go is not so Popular

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1 год назад

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Furz - 09.11.2023 03:06

Youre completely wrong its not statically typed enough im in a abusive relation ship with the borrowchecker the rust compiler is my daddy also the naming conventions in go just suck xyz.something/something isnt a package name its a url and the fact its not even necessaryly where the package makes it all that worse gopls is not great either

JR Hossain
JR Hossain - 24.10.2023 17:01

I love python. After 4-5 months of learning go, I loved that too.
When i need efficiency, i use go. For big projects, i use python. Both are very good & easy language. Both has different use cases

froreyfire - 19.10.2023 12:06

Go it just really a boring language. That's a good thing, as it means easy transitions and little surprises. It's a very good tool. On the other hand, there is nothing to make one really super-excited, like Rust or Haskell or Clojure does.

Jack Navarro
Jack Navarro - 05.10.2023 21:23

Python legacy systems? Python got a boost from AI/ML, and it was primarily a modeler before you ported to C++ (but now it's production) Simple answer Go, C++, and C are harder so developers are more apt for JavaScript like coding. But all backbone and infrastructure will stay on the afore mentioned

sven - 06.07.2023 20:53

Everyone loves static types. Only noobs don't, which is understandable.

Ric Nyc
Ric Nyc - 04.07.2023 12:24

Stop it. We do not need another programming language.
Stop fatiguing the developers with this endless "learn this, learn that"... ENOUGH!

Abiira Nathan
Abiira Nathan - 25.06.2023 09:48

This is absolutely untrue 😢 Bro ..😂😂😂

VLADI BVLGARI - 20.06.2023 20:55

So they made the language but no tools around it. It also tries to tell you it's a full language, but doesn't convince you in the slightest You can sense that Go is bit of a prison system.
What problem did Go solve by existing? People didn't like Java, C++ and Python is too weak, so Go is supposed to be all of this?

It appears to me it's a simplified C/C++ language. I strongly suspect that Google, like many other companies, went for wokists and foreign workers instead of supporting a national system of quality developers who do not fear programming languages. It's all about the money. Don't forget that there was a business plan behind de development of Go.

jon - 16.06.2023 02:59

this is extremely bad information

DAVID LEE - 23.05.2023 11:22

No true dev doesn’t like statically typed lang

Nick Tibbits
Nick Tibbits - 02.04.2023 03:00

JavaScript propaganda

D Smeckt
D Smeckt - 26.03.2023 19:28

Golang doesn't work out of the box. Compiling a project with different files is pain in the ass compared to other languages. And the package system (cannot refer to eachother) and the unused variable error are just annoying. It should be an option

Kostas Gkoutis
Kostas Gkoutis - 05.03.2023 02:15

Go (or any other language for that matter) isn't so popular because the other languages don't suck so much as the internet would want you to believe. And 15 years is actually a long time, so don't get your hopes up.

James Johnson
James Johnson - 06.02.2023 15:34

I know exacly why. I've been through my share of communities, and the Go community is up there with some of the tougher crowds for new developers. I love the language, but it doesn't seem as approachable as say Flutter. The other day I looked for the Go YT channel, and couldn't find it. Meanwhile every week I get to livestream with professional Flutter devs on YT.

I see way more videos about Flutter/Dart than I go Go. It's not popular because it's more of a closed group, more along the lines of Red/Rebol. You have an easy to use language, but getting support for the harder issues can be tough to find.

The community also seems to only push it for low level microservices, and ignores other projects for desktop and mobile. Al you hear is "Docker" and "Kubernettes."

Stefan Weinmann
Stefan Weinmann - 06.02.2023 08:48

Year u like and prefer Python. Good news, u can.
But don't tell it's, the rise of Python came with Big data, untill then scripting languages.lik3 rub, perl and python were on the downside.

Erlisch - 17.01.2023 01:33

>made by Google
first red flag

Bilbo - 16.01.2023 20:06

Bro if developers don't like statically typed languages, why is typescript so popular?

miracle innocent
miracle innocent - 16.01.2023 15:17

Go is a hyper focused programming language, and it’s being focusing on that since 2009, so popularity rise to wouldn’t be that high

no T
no T - 16.01.2023 07:09

Honestly it's quicker to get golang jobs since the competition is less hence they'll hire you even if ure an entry dev.

john andrew asaria
john andrew asaria - 15.01.2023 20:14

Dart language is more successful than GO. Both developed by Google. I Hope Google will back Dart for the backend.
