PayPal Subscription payment Integration in php: create a subscription plan

PayPal Subscription payment Integration in php: create a subscription plan

Henry Watters

2 года назад

3,430 Просмотров

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@francoismavunila1771 - 18.10.2021 13:16

Hello , Do I need to create a plan for every subscription , and how do I associate multiple plans to a single product

@Tradeocalm - 03.09.2021 21:55

Hello, thank you for all these videos, could you make a video about the update of a subscription when a user changes his mind during his month of subscription
exp: the user takes subscription A on the 1st of the month and choose after 10 days to take subscription B which is more expensive than subscription A. we find only pieces of code on the description of the api but I don't understand how to do it. Could you help me? For the api rest php, thank you very much

@shacaraads2795 - 29.08.2021 16:25

hello please this is a nice video, pls can i get the PHP source code
