How to Destroy Clans & Kingdoms in Bannerlord ! (Quick Guide)

How to Destroy Clans & Kingdoms in Bannerlord ! (Quick Guide)

STAN Games & Tutorials

1 год назад

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@Christian50166 - 08.02.2024 02:29

This game while fun has a lot of problems when it comes to being realistic, why should my clan care about the beheading of an enemy???😂😂😂 also, if you capture a clans leader, the war is over, you win. But according to M&B the war goes on😂😂 little things here and there that make the game weird when it comes to a realistic experience

@nikolaj192 - 06.02.2024 01:47

It's stupid that it's not possible to just take them into once own clans when they get weak this game is still unfinished.

@roninsays - 19.01.2024 08:58

Execution in this game is useless, the is game expects you to throw your enemy lords and noblea into dungeons just so they can escape 2 days later

@user-gh1nf1qv9l - 12.12.2023 21:13

Dont do this. Killing the leaders does NOT HELP YOUR GAME IT RUINS IT. It is quicker to befriend and convert all the vassals through friendship after letting them go after you beat them.

@PitKings - 10.12.2023 03:03

I did this because sturgia kept attacking me. I would imprison them, and they would escape... no more mercy

@Nocure92 - 07.12.2023 19:36

If you take all their land, that should be elimination. What the hell is this bullshit.

@rollerr - 30.11.2023 19:05

It's really stupid how your own faction starts hating you if you kill their enemies. My faction was on deaths door in a two front war and I resorted to killing enemy lords in order to save the faction. I ended up single handedly winning the wars but somehow I'm the bad guy for preventing us from getting wiped out? Makes no fuckin sense lol

@Matt_Hew - 19.11.2023 01:03

You chose the wrong clan as an example. Minor factions will recruit new member in less than a day, so its hard to destroy them. You should choose normal clan.

@JuanHerrera-wx7jc - 08.11.2023 20:44

Almost 500 party size how? Lol

@FunkyMonkey4305 - 26.10.2023 10:16

Because of there being a small chance they die in battle they make the execution option greatly negative???

@abumorgan1421 - 07.09.2023 08:13

I destroyed an empire by a mistake 😂

@yourdailyviewer8901 - 02.09.2023 01:32

This is one of Bannerlord's biggest issues. Going around chasing small parties for hours to end a kingdom just for everyone to hate you. I didn't wanna have bad relations with the other lords so I kinda tried to leave the Northern Empire alone thinking I'd just take their last fief and that would be that only for Lucon to somehow pull 2000 troops out of his ass and take one of my towns. From there it's just endless guerilla warfare. Imo there should be a system where the nobles get demoted to minor mercenary clans once you've taken all their lands. Or better even, kill only the faction leader and his heirs and watch the vassals destroy each-other over succession

@michaellowe2305 - 23.08.2023 22:59

The living clans with no fiefs are extremely bad. They will raid your villages and hassle your fiefs. They can be so many it's unmanageable. Then to buy piece can be something insane like 20k a day and they are complete wimps

@grainnmertens - 20.08.2023 05:48

I once played the game this way.
Just walk around, find a relatively weaker party. Defeat them. Execute. Rinse and repeat.
Boy the negative relationship notifs never stop lmao

@mynightmaresholdsomegold - 12.08.2023 15:08

BA-BLAMO! hahaah love it

@TheMescalero95 - 09.08.2023 18:35

I've killed the entire clan which ruled the Southern Empire and now the new ruler just became another huge clan... went from +40 to -67 again with the bar. I already destroyed northern and western, only southern remained with a lot of clans... I don't know how to handle this final quest with the elimination. And its very weird cause I got the "Freedom-Barbarian victory" achievement and I didnt finished with this last quest.

@SteveTheGhazaRooster - 04.08.2023 04:26

I finally executed every vassal of the aserai, most of their territory was gained instantly with all garrisons and militias carried over also. Really nice, except everyone hates me, I can't even enter fellow vassals castles anymore, and the leader of the kingdom kept all the acquired fiefs for himself even though I did all the work BY MYSELF with zero help because the realm is busy fighting everyone else, also doing so poorly because of the atrocious ai. If I stay at a village that keeps getting raided, you'll see a dozen small parties zip back and forth, trying to raid the village but fleeing once they see me and my troops chilling outside it. This doesn't end. I'm ready to just go mad queen and kill every fookin vassal from every kingdom. What a dumb system. Makes me want to go play warband instead

@darthsion3253 - 01.08.2023 13:49

Feel like there should be a option to hire assassins or send ur own companion to kill a lord if they have 70+ rogue

@DonnieflowMusic - 09.07.2023 15:35

I did it to lot of Empire bloodlines and the execute me ad the end 😂😂😂

@doomderxeso2537 - 15.06.2023 20:44

theres a way to make the clan armys change to your faction by bribing em. Ive become the emperor of the southen empire just by doing that

@hanneswurstbrot6902 - 04.06.2023 10:53

riding+scouting 225 prisoner perks and let them rott in your prisonerstack. No relation loss while conquering their land.

@videouploader9602 - 03.06.2023 22:38

Factions without fiefs should eventually dissolve, its absurd that i have to execute every last one of them while they run around for years without fiefs. In my playthrough, the southern empire ran around for 4 years fiefless before i even formed my own kingdom., Wish taleworlds would revert their stance on it, it just makes the game tedious. Warband did this better.

@EdgeSanityGaming - 05.05.2023 23:05

Awesome video, man.

@mereassassinates550 - 01.05.2023 20:23

“You don’t have to kill the children…That’s crazy”

Had House fray killed Arya when she was a child house fray would of lived

@Reuel-Jazwa - 23.04.2023 22:34

this is just like real life!

@marshallhall9354 - 20.04.2023 22:50

Bro just took the order 66 route

@liviubostan7229 - 20.04.2023 20:03

When killing minor factions
Kill them AT ONCE!
Otherwise next day they'll respawn.

However if you've built a new kingdom,just leave them be or recruit them,they won't bother you!

@NBMC22 - 20.04.2023 19:39

The problem is really just the mass relation loss. Killing rebel clans and faction leaders shouldn’t make the whole world esp my own faction hate me
