COLD CASE FILE EP12 - Nicole Glass and Melissa Mason - Triple Homicide  - [CC] HD

COLD CASE FILE EP12 - Nicole Glass and Melissa Mason - Triple Homicide - [CC] HD

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55 лет назад

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Nicole Glass and Melissa Mason were strangled in their Phoenix home. Though the murder of the 27-year-old roommates remains unsolved, their families are still hopeful for a break in the case. Help the family fight to get justice in this case. Glass' mother, Rachel, held a vigil Sunday to honor the pair and ask the public for any information that could benefit the investigation, which she has done every December since their deaths.
Glass' friends and family gathered at Seventh and Lincoln streets, beneath a billboard displaying a smiling photo of the two women and offering a $9,000 reward through Silent Witness for information. The Mason family was unable to join this year."I just want justice," Glass said. "I think it's still possible to find. We just need that one missing piece."
The vigil started with a heartfelt musical performance and ended with Glass' loved ones praying by candlelight. Rachel Glass says, above all, the vigil is about seeking justice for her daughter. She said she is frustrated that there are no leads in the case and won't stop until the killer is found.
According to Republic archives, there are more than 2,500 unsolved homicides and sex crimes in Phoenix dating back to the 1950s.


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