How 'Into the Dalek' Changed EVERYTHING

How 'Into the Dalek' Changed EVERYTHING

Harbo Wholmes

1 год назад

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@captaind8152 - 22.01.2024 15:22

The adventures of rusty and k9

@AshtonRogers-se1zj - 10.01.2024 08:24

I totally agree with you,sir! Children ARE the worst.

@villekuronen6242 - 08.01.2024 14:30

Rusty is one of the best Daleks with Caan and Davros

@captainchaos5705 - 07.01.2024 23:03

If there is one thing I can say about Moffat it's that he doesn't hate women

He loves women! Especially women that are willing to slap him...

@alfje5492 - 05.01.2024 01:49

If you had the chance of watching a bunch of Daleks being blown up, wouldn't you give up your day-off?
Anyway, a solid episode with everything you could wish for in a DW story.

@ceciliaslepmet4840 - 31.12.2023 20:21

Rory was never cowardly

@Antonioplus - 27.12.2023 01:41

Ncuti's downfall will be his acting when we've had the likes of Capaldi putting out bangers. Before him Smith. Before him Tennant.

RTD may live to regret not going for a better, more compelling actor. Chibnall's issue was definitely poor writing but Jodie was the other problem as though she's very very good, she doesn't have the range for Dr Who - role was far too big for her.

@azapro911 - 15.12.2023 21:37

Without wanting to, the Doctor has often sacrificed people to buy time and defeat the enemy. Twelve was just very honest about it.

@GreigaBeastDS - 05.12.2023 01:13

I thought the Daleks show up so much because they have to show up or BBC loses the rights?

@neilgodwin6531 - 25.11.2023 16:31

"Fantastic idea for a movie, terrible idea for a proctologist" has to be one of the greatest lines in 60 years!

@richardpeel6056 - 21.11.2023 23:21

There was an episode of Lost in Space in which Will Robinson and Dr Smith were miniaturised and went inside the robot and had to avoid the robot''s self defense droids floating around inside.
There are clear parallels between this Lost in Space episode and the much later Dr Who story.
The Lost in Space robot was however a force for good, protecting the humans and having a relationship with Will Robinson similar with that shown in Terminator 2. The robot learns as much from the child as the child learns from the robot. The protection offered by the robot becomes personal.
Why do I remember more about 1960's episodes of Dr Who and Lost in Space than I do about what we were being taught in school during the day?
It would be interesting to see a modern Dr land at the crash site of the Robinson's family colony and see the Dr's reaction to the boy, Dr Zachary Smith and the robot. A meeting of the 1960's 2 legendary sci fi doctors. They both fled their responsibilities and rode off into space.

@omegafd6992 - 10.11.2023 06:57

this episode is so dumb wdym. makes the daleks more into robots than actual creatures

@undying_artv2 - 03.11.2023 15:16

It’s gonna be awkward when harbo has a child and all these references to him despising kids exist

@dashfatbastard - 01.11.2023 22:51

There's no need to explain shrinking, even to exclusively NuWho fans. "Let's Kill Hitler"
ring a bell?

@lostones234 - 25.09.2023 18:33

They're also contracted to have a Dalek story every few series

@chloemcdermott3293 - 17.08.2023 13:47

Starting to suspect Moffat wants to slapped by women 😅

@qvcybe - 06.07.2023 15:45

not going to lie i did kind of like the floating cyberman heads mostly do to how dumb they were

@LiminalQueenMedia - 31.05.2023 02:24

"maybe not the chained up and penetrated part". . . . well then

@apanapandottir205 - 11.05.2023 23:21

Peter "Ace" Capaldi.

@chrisleneil - 06.05.2023 06:12

The Special Weapons Dalek is my favourite… except for the one that Ace beats up w/ a bat! 💜💜➕🟦

@Leviathis_Krade - 27.04.2023 03:10

The Doctor: "I don't very much care for Adric."

@rebbyberard8150 - 17.04.2023 06:20

I love to see the patterns in doctor who and there are so many ways in which Clara is like Rose and a lot of them are on display in this episode and the last one. And these similarities work over their whole story arcs too, since in the end, Rose gets the doctor without the traveling and Clara gets the traveling but can't be with the doctor. Plus they're the only ones in nuwho to be with the doctor as they regenerate

@Blue-xc7qc - 13.04.2023 15:02

Serial 9 was a miniaturization story in 1964. I'm suppressed you didn't bring it up, because doctor who did it before Fantastic voyage did. Definitely not the first ones to do that, but weird you left it out.

@beesbrownies - 11.04.2023 01:33

tbf, rusty got a nice hustle after this episode

@ZekromAndYugiAndDrago123 - 29.03.2023 01:02

This episode makes me wish they kinda reinvented the Daleks to focus in this war with humanity. Something I feel Doctor Who doesn't focus on enough is that despite constantly talking about it and a few episodes showing it, we never get a good view of Humanity spreading across the galaxies. An episode focusing on this with Humanity holding their own against the technological superior Daleks with improvised weaponry and creative thinking could do wonders for both making Daleks a genuine threat again, and focusing on this (imo) underdeveloped aspect of the show.

You could even do great things with The Doctor by having them recognize the eerie similarities between this conflict and the Time War, have the Daleks worryingly upset about this (in their eyes) pest somehow becoming a genuine threat to them.

@mysuperpuffle - 13.03.2023 14:04

In "kill the moon" its like the Doctor asks Clara what to do, because he wants to learn what to do without admitting it. He is weirdly inspired by her

@darrylmars - 09.03.2023 01:06

Telling the Doctor "You are a good Dalek" is just beautiful.

@TooManyBrackets - 24.02.2023 13:43

All series 8 review could be classified under "Defending the Despised" - I myself - Really loved them. I felt they were the reboot that we needed. But at the time the response was a little cool.

@jamesalflattsbarkingmadpro3480 - 19.02.2023 12:23

I'm a bit confused here, are you defending the manipulation 12 uses with Ross , even though you always put down 11 for him being manipulative?

@jamesalflattsbarkingmadpro3480 - 19.02.2023 11:51

I was in Cardiff when this first aired in 2014 , I was there for the weekend to go to the doctor who exhibition . Its a good episode

@Lia-uf1ir - 16.02.2023 22:37

I used to really not like this episode but you made me see it in a totally new light.
A differnet size of it, so to speak ;)

@gabienriquez7929 - 13.02.2023 17:05

i started rewatching season 8 a couple weeks ago, and when i got to this episode i remember thinking "i cant wait to see what harbo makes of this." awesome video!!

@TarvalieEvans - 10.02.2023 07:30

I HATE Danny Pink so much

@apanapandottir205 - 09.02.2023 22:35

Journey Blue dropping the line about her brother "letting her down lately" is one of my favourite lines is Dr Who ever.

@inkermoy - 09.02.2023 21:59

This episode and Mummy on the Orient Express are the two episodes that feature the Doctor if he were House (MD). Brash, rude, sometimes achieving objectives by using people who are certain to die, keeping the goal or bigger picture in mind. Later on they make him more kind of like a dunce when it comes to social interactions, to the point that Clara writes out notecards for thing for him to say.

@taker68 - 08.02.2023 18:49

But one question after this story, why can't the Doctor do to all the Daleks what happened to Rusty? Then they would all be "good" Daleks. That would end a great menace to the universe. But that can't happen cause we need them to be the Doctor's enemy.

@nifralo2752 - 08.02.2023 15:04

Harbo your pretty cute

@TheOnlyGamingDML - 06.02.2023 18:42

Can you stop cutting your face in

@SparklyGooch - 06.02.2023 16:33

I love all doctors but Capaldi is just amazing and brings even more depth to the doctor which I didn’t know was possible. Team 12 all the way

@sbi168 - 06.02.2023 14:55

I love moffats era but he did do generally weaker dalek stories .I still like them all to a greater or lesser degree but this one is superb. Ben Wheatley is a top tier director too. Shame he isn't valued enough by the movie going audience

@sonicsera7979 - 06.02.2023 13:19

Peter Capaldi best doctor ever

@zachh6868 - 06.02.2023 06:05

I NEED to see a multi doctor anniversary with Capaldi, Smith, and Tennant's doctor. That would be so mind-blowing
(I know he cameo'd in the 50th, but we didn't get his character so that doesn't count)

@gamingkill3r604 - 05.02.2023 23:51

This is without a doubt one of the greatest dalek stories of all time. For up until this point the daleks hadn't killed anyone in any of their stories and their threat level had slowly diminished over the years. but then this episode came along and fixed it. the daleks were a legit threat, they killed people with ease with no hesitation. They began to regain that level of fear they made people feel.

But what truly makes this episode great is the dynamic between the doctor and rusty. the doctor is forced to examine his conscience when the dalek makes the doctor realise that he carries a burning hatred within himself for the daleks equivalent to theirs, leading to him to attempt what he thought was impossible, turn a dalek good. The way episode explores what it would be like if the daleks had morality, conscience and empathy, all the things that were removed when they were created. What if these aspects were given back to them? What if instead of seeing inferiorities and differences being wrong, they saw they beauty in the universe. An incredible Idea.

when I watched this episode for the first time I thought the daleks were finally getting back to what they were in RTD's era, a legitimate threat. complex and intriguing characters instead of the one dimensional disposable aliens they seemed to be turning into over the course of Moffat's run.

But of course in typical Moffat fashion, he back peddled and along came The Magicians Apprentice and The Witches Familiar which turned the daleks into an absolute joke.

@brobs0463 - 05.02.2023 19:39

I absolutely love Danny. A fantastic and underrated character. In one season he feels as fleshed out as Rory did in two and a half
