The difference between Catholics and Christians

The difference between Catholics and Christians

Matt Fyfield

6 лет назад

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@mattfyfield - 30.10.2018 02:09

So first, an apology. It would seem most people who came to this video were looking for differences between Catholics and Protestant Christians. I've now made a video addressing that very question. It's a bit longer, and goes through history, earthly organisation, and beliefs. Check it out on my channel, or click the links I've embedded in this video.

@cheryleasly5801 - 01.12.2023 21:56

I disagree with this assessment about the definition of a Christian. My comment is not meant to be disrespectful. True Christianity is NOT a religion. Many people call themselves Christians when they truly are not. The root of Christianity is in the shed blood, death, and burial of Jesus Christ, who is the ONLY Son of God AND the only true living Savior for the souls of mankind. He is the only one to have risen from His grave, defeating death and the grave. Here is where people are lost. God says in His word that life is in the blood. Jesus Christ, who is without sin, holy and just, took on all our sin on Himself through the shedding of His blood through His scourging and death on the cross. He became the final sacrifice for sin. Salvation comes through the shed blood of Jesus Christ and His death and resurrection. It’s by His shed blood that sin is forgiven. The last words of Jesus Christ on the cross was “ It Is Finished “ interpreted “ Paid In Full”. Jesus Christ Alone is the ONLY true living Savior AND the ONLY Way To Heaven. Eternal Life Is Only Gifted Through Faith And Trust WITH Obedience To HIS Holy Word and NO Other. Repentance (Turning Away From Sin), Confession By Mouth, Redemption AND Assurance Of Eternal Life,Can Only Be Given Through Jesus Christ and NO Other. There Are No Compromises In True Christianity. A Real Change And An Actual Conversion Takes Place In A True Believer. Christianity Is Not Based On Any Church Or Self Beliefs. It’s Based On The Word Of God And In The Shed Blood, Death, Burial, And Resurrection Of Jesus Christ, The Only True Living Savior, The One True Son Of God. Christianity Is A Personal Relationship With Jesus Christ. It’s NOT A Religion, it’s NOT An Affiliation With A Church, It’s NOT A Religious Organization Or High Esteemed Religious Rulers, Priests, Prophets, Preachers, Pastors, etc. His Holy Word Is God’s Authority. A True Church Follows AND Teaches/ Preaches The Truth Of God’s Word. The Word Of God Teaches The Believer, Not The Other Way Around. Christianity Is Personal. Jesus Christ Is A Personal Savior. Christianity Is A Personal Relationship With God, The Father Through His Son, Jesus Christ because He Sacrificed Himself As The Final Sacrifice In That Cross, The Altar Of God, The Father. “ For God So Loved The World, That He Gave His Only Begotten Son, That Whosoever Believeth In Him Will Not Perish, But Have Everlasting Life.” — John 3:16. kJV. This Is The Gospel. “In The Beginning Was The Word And The Word Was God And The Word Was With God.” —. John1:1 Read On Through Verse 5. Jesus Christ IS The Word Of God ! There Is NO Other Word Of God Other Than The Word Of Jesus Christ, Son Of The One True God. The God Of Abraham, Isaac, And Jacob. I Know My Narrative Is Long, But I Felt It Necessary To Explain Fully My Whole Stand And Reason For My Disagreement With Your Definition Of Christianity. Many People Have Been Deceived Because They Don’t Read And Know Their Own Bibles. They Have Depended On Their Church And Church Leaders Who Have Deceived Them All. God’s Word Says Very Few Will Follow And Obey God’s Ways, Which Leads To Eternal Hell/ Damnation. Jesus Says In His Word That He Will Tell Them, “ Depart From Me, For I Never Knew You.” And They Will Be Cast Unto Total Darkness Where There Will Be The Gnashing Of Teeth. It’s So Sad To Comprehend, But God Is A Just And Fair God And Is Merciful To Those Who Have Placed Their Faith And Trust In Him. I Am Bot God. I Am Nothing. I Am Only Relating His Word And His Truth. Who Are We To Question Or To Argue/ Debate God And His Ways?? We Loose Every Time. He Is The Final Judge And There Is No Escape From His Final Judgment. I Pray And Share With People Almost Everyday To Get The Truth To As Many People As I Possibly Can. God Is Real. Jesus Christ Is Real. Heaven Is Real HELL Is Real. God Is The Almighty Great “ I Am” And His Final Judgement Is Severe And Devastating For Eternity For Those Who Refuse Him And Disobey Him And Rebel Against Him And Disbelieve And Reject His Son Jesus Christ. I Pray People Come To Him. Come As You Are And He Will Receive You Unto His Own. The Lord Bless All Who Have The Heart To Receive His Truth. Amen❤✝️📖🙏

@All4ways - 30.11.2023 23:07

You have explained nothing…
at all

@LoantakaBrook - 27.11.2023 21:40

Only the properly baptized are Christian. Christians also have to believe in the proper meaning of the Trinity. There is much more if you want to be an actual Christian. The rest could say, they are followers of Jesus, if they are so inclined to do so.

@DudeHomer - 27.11.2023 10:54

YOU ARE CLUELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In your top illustration, you state that a CHRISTian believes in "God" + the bible; however, the vile catholic church teaches that their catechism and traditions trump the WORD OF GOD (bible). If anything, they should be referred to as "POPE-ians" because, in their brainwashed minds, the pope is "god on earth" and is referred to his blasphemous title of "Holy Father", which is reserved ONLY for the God of the bible......Jesus' Father. WAKE UP and renounce the cult of the Roman Catholic "church."

@ZLoHJPSALM- - 27.11.2023 09:18

All catholic are believing in holy trinity. But some christians are not. Catholic is always making sign of a cross. The sign of remembering GOD in a simpleist way....And also strong faith in saints.

@stevenderks8688 - 05.11.2023 12:27

Except catholics have pagan traditions, and worship false idols, which we are commanded not to, and that's what makes them not Christians, and most catholics don't even know the Gospel of Jesus Christ, also they been trying to be called Christians from the time Christians left their same fake religion, catholic priest can't save your soul because he is only human like you, that's one of their false traditions, and they got all kinds of bullshit traditions, they are just pagans that will lead you to damnation... Remember Rejoice in the Lord always. Amen to that.

@training-industry-matters - 13.10.2023 19:31

Didn't answer the question at all

@thandomathanda3201 - 07.10.2023 11:35

Christians believe that Jesus Christ, who is God, died on the cross for our sins (because God loved the world so much) , and He rose from the grave after 3 days.
We believe that the bible is the Word of God.
We believe that Christ Jesus is the only way to God, our Lord.

@brody20glancy2 - 30.09.2023 05:17

So when do you explain the difference? 😂

@70Accordion - 26.09.2023 04:53

I think the issue among some evangelical Christians is the belief of being born again is necessary to be saved and enter into heaven. The issue of being born again is from Jesus conversation with a Jewish elder, Nicodemus, Who questioned Jesus How must he be saved ? Jesus replied you must be born again, but here is where it has become complicated as some denominations have added to what Jesus replied to Nicodemus that you must accept God gift of salvations in order to be saved, or you must recite "The sinners prayer" and other man-made conditions in order to be saved. But Jesus said you must be born again, a changed person who is remorse for his or her past sinful life and the desire to live in the will of God, Thats all it takes to be saved !

@ptkk21 - 04.09.2023 15:22

This clip doesn't explain the difference between Catholics and Christians. Skip it. Don't waste time.

@Holy_Venom - 30.08.2023 15:46

Catholics are not Christians. The Catholic Church Accepts and Encourages the LGBTQ to where as real true Christians DO NOT TOLERATE ABOMINATIONS Like that.

@happy777abc - 16.08.2023 04:07

Hmmm, no. Respectfully. Even the demons believe Jesus is God's Son. One must accept Him as Savior, and follow Him. Repent, seek Him, change their ways, etc.

@rainvang4508 - 09.08.2023 16:33

No this didn't help😢😢😢

@jdaze1 - 24.07.2023 06:34

And all are heresy. 😮

@koreeee4135 - 19.07.2023 01:25

That in no way answers my question

@jeepsishumate2021 - 15.07.2023 00:05

the way is think again

@BlackCentric - 11.07.2023 03:23

Catholics aren't Christian...why would you say that all Catholics are Christian??? Catholics have unbiblical: rules or teachings or doctrines.

Also, you will probably find a Catholic who will tell you, I am not Christian I am Catholic.

@amaruconcepcion - 03.07.2023 06:42

Christians don't pray for dead people and we don't believe that Mary is sinless

@hirofujira - 30.06.2023 07:33

no. the video didn't answer the question

@user-lh5li8ll7i - 25.06.2023 16:42

Catholics follow the Lord and the Church He established on the Apostles while "Bible believing Christians" follow their Pastor's and their own interpretations of Scripture which is why they have thousands of contradictory teachings

@teddyray9336 - 23.06.2023 05:22

Satan not only believes but knows that Jesus is the Son of God, he also knows the Bible is true. Just believing does not mean anything.

@efandmk3382 - 22.06.2023 20:53

Catholicism and Orthodoxy are more or less interchangeable, the only real differences being the church hierarchy, and the liturgical calendar. "Protestant" encompasses many sects, some being relatively close in theology to Catholicism and Orthodoxy, to being outrageously heretical. And BTW, Catholics ARE Christians. In fact they are the ORIGINAL Christians. All other Christian sects are mostly unfortunate "spin offs" of the Roman Catholic Church. Secular historians verify this.

@khemkaslehrling3840 - 19.06.2023 21:04

2.4B does not equal 2.52B

@Ducky27645 - 17.06.2023 10:17

You really explained nothing. Not a single difference was given amongst the groups.

@judyhano8277 - 16.06.2023 22:42

A Christian is someone who has accepted Jesus Christ as their saviour. We di not believe in works to get to heaven, we only pray to God through Jesus. Stop being lead away.

@WORTHYOFITALL - 10.06.2023 14:00

So Mormons Jehovah witnesses are Christian’s. Same Jesus???

@tomsitzman3952 - 30.05.2023 01:57

Within the Catholic church there are the ultra-conservative, the ultra-liberal and the moderates in the middle. In the Catholic church the service or mass is a prayer centered around the Last Supper. the consecration of the Bread and Wine transformed in the body and blood of Jesus Christ. The mass can and is celebrated in many churches every day of the week and is called daily mass. The Sunday mass can be said after sunset on Saturday evening or any time before sunset on Sunday. Three styles of mass are held at some churches. There is the meditative mass which has no music or singing it is a reaching inward. . The most ritualistic mass is the High Mass with bells and smells of incense and Gregorian chants. It is in reality a history of the past 2000 years of Christianity., filled with traditions some going back to the earliest gatherings of the followers of Jesus and Jews in the Synagogue thru the Middle Ages the music of the Renaissance to the present. The most common mass is the updated rite from Vatican II in the early 1960's. As the world has changed over the past 2000 years so has the mass changed to reflect the society of the time. But the Breaking of Bread has always been and remains the center of the mass. The Protestant Anglian church of England in America is the Episcopalians. Church The service and core Creed are so similar that it would be hard to distinguish one from the other by most people.

@snackpup - 27.05.2023 06:40

No. A christian is someone who believed the gospel 1 cor 15:1-4 romans 2:16. If you didnt believe that then you arent saved.
Catholics dont know why Jesus died so they go to hell

@heidischmader6899 - 23.05.2023 10:24

Thank you so much for this simple explanation of differences that have been the basis of hundreds of years of European politcal, religious wars & power.
I completely agree with your last statement of us simply worshiping God together ❤

@fckk.ho.m.o.s - 23.05.2023 03:27

This didn't explain anything you f'n id!ot

@edithhewson7208 - 15.05.2023 19:39

Better question Was Jesus catholic or christian answer is He was a jew!

@ianconley6673 - 06.05.2023 10:38

No, highly innacurate and misleading.

@esteetaylor3171 - 19.04.2023 18:44

The video is called “the difference between…” 🤦🏻‍♀️

@azwelke2638 - 18.04.2023 04:59

Which group of Christians believe that Jesus is the only priest? i'm guessing maybe if they're protestant? Because if they don't agree with having a priest and a pope, they must be protesting the Catholic church is my guess. Please let me know if that is correct.

@funonlynomania - 15.04.2023 10:21

I am a Catholic 🎉 and I am tolerant towards all other religions

@mager888 - 24.03.2023 15:39

Catholics are Christian

@johnsteila6049 - 24.03.2023 06:39

Catholics are the first Christians.

@stephenmeehan8927 - 19.03.2023 18:42

No true church would elevate Mary to deity ("Mother of God", "Queen of Heaven", "Immaculate Conception") while demoting the Lord Jesus Christ to a wafer.

@rzaro2345 - 13.03.2023 15:37

Catholic church was man made because kings weren't not allowed to marry twice and church was losing money from the kings etc. So they changed it and added annulment so they can still preace and make money from kings etc.

@howbriblue - 13.03.2023 14:31

Catholics are NOT Christians. Catholics DON't believe the Word of God. They worship Mary. Christians DON'T worship Mary. She's dead. There is NO purgatory. There is NO praying to or for the dead. When you're dead, your dead.

@AdrianHernandez-cf9qp - 13.03.2023 07:23

im confused beacause if every catholic is a christian and believes in the bible is the word of god, then why do catholics pray to saints (mary, apostle etc) if in the bible is says that you can only pray to god and he is the only one that can hear you?

@peterj2226 - 02.03.2023 07:48

Your definition of what is a Christian is too generous. A true Christian confesses the Nicene Creed. Which includes the statement "I believe in One Holy Apostolic Catholic Church" Those protestants who do hold some credence to the Nicene Creed have to change the understanding of what is actually meant by those words and even then they kind of mumble them under their sleeve. So I don't regard them as Christians. We call them Christian only in the sense that this is what they commonly go by and as an aid to communication.

@fernandovazquez2666 - 28.02.2023 05:20

There is more to it. I would not call demons Christians. They know Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Bible is the Word of God.
There is only Catholics and Protestants (heretics).
God bless🙏🏻
Pray the Rosary 📿
Viva Cristo Rey!

@lilmsgs - 28.02.2023 01:47

Jesus is the son of god & Jesus = God (as shown on the paper) are not the same claim. So...

@hvyduty1220 - 13.02.2023 07:38

It is my understanding that Catholics put more faith in Marry and Saints, and they believe "you" work your way into heaven. Christians put all their faith into Jesus. Not all Catholics are Christian.
