The Philosophy of Everything Everywhere All At Once

The Philosophy of Everything Everywhere All At Once


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@karkatshipper8383 - 09.12.2023 18:06

This whole fearing the sun blowing up and heat death of the universie makes no fucking senes to me. I've had years of feeling like whats the point of getting up everyday, making the bed washing the clothes thats the pointless meanlessing waste of time. This monder world just distracts us from looking up happily to the stars. Guess putting trust in my own faith(not that damn christan shit) helps to show the individual that everything is conntected and everything have a propuse or we are where we are in this moment exact as it's meant to play out- and no that doesn't take away free will. It's like choosing a path to the right or the left. If you take the left path you are going to walk in a sequential order- whats closest to you to what further away but your free will came into play when you chose which way to go. Please don't fear space or the universe it's too beautiful to fear.

Hail Satan, Hail Lucifer 💛

@Cherry-bq4oh - 06.12.2023 03:36

This movie made me want to change my life

@utilizator500 - 03.12.2023 18:40

Finally a video that actually analyses the ACTUAL MOVIE

@brandonb6560 - 25.11.2023 20:37

This movie is absolutely phenomenal and has so many layers you can peel apart if you really want to. Whether it's the internet culture, the comments on nihilism, the experience of personal growth and self actualization, the affects of trauma building our life experiences, the actual framework of life and possibility, and so much much more.

Hell, it's just a good movie if you want just something to "watch". The emotions I felt and the things I thought were so deep, and I don't know if I'll ever find a movie that can do this for me again...

This is what art in cinema should look like.

@Fb-gj5rn - 15.11.2023 03:00

I would say that this film doesn’t confirm but it does support the idea that the universe does have some type of meaning. Look at how the commonly found atoms came to be like carbon, Hydrogen, or oxygen. They were made from the explosion of dying stars. And what did that material make? They came together to make planets like earth and made all life on our planet. So in a sense, humans and every organism is deeply connected to the universe since we are made from the left over material of those dead stars.

@loganbachman1593 - 09.11.2023 00:30

If we "create meaning in our lives" in the face of there being no meaning, then isn't the "meaning we create" meaningless? Just something to feel good to keep us alive long enough to despair?

@aaronharkins4331 - 06.11.2023 04:24

Did everyone forget about Absurdism? When people hear meaninglessness they think existentialism or nihilism. This movie is the greatest embodiment of absurdism I’ve every seen and I literally haven’t heard anyone use absurdism in relation to this movie. I think it’s a bent toward pessimism but that’s just me.

@shreddhead23 - 27.10.2023 06:09


@385thstu - 15.10.2023 14:27

I may be high but one thing stays the same Bagels and multiverses

-Miles…Probably…Or not

@shadeblackwolf1508 - 04.10.2023 18:41

My philosophy, which lines up with Waymond's, would be "Nothing has inherent meaning, meaning comes to be because we grant it."

@tiredideabox - 02.10.2023 02:06

I say the universe makes no fucking sense whatsoever and you'll never fully understand ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. So just stop worrying about all of that nonsense because it won't be on the test and you're not expected to know it for a job interview. Just live life because life can be intoxicatingly fun and extremely entertaining! There will be bad days, but if you just go through those days and take them as they come, you'll be okay. Just live life in 7 day segments, as we all tend to do, and appreciate the positives in life.

I don't recommend choosing a religion or faith to believe in though because those tend to have rules, even if they're unwritten. BUT! That's just me, so do whatever the hell you want.

@animefurry3508 - 19.09.2023 08:02

I read everything everywhere all at once in both a post modern and buddhist way.

@pressure609 - 14.09.2023 15:26

Fucking waste of potential on this woke dyke shit.

@eagleeggs3862 - 13.09.2023 22:26

Through existence as the initial prerequisite,won't that automatically default to the first purpose, simply by existing, purpose. is derived though that first medium.

@leandrorgps - 12.09.2023 23:09

Amazing video! Thanks! I just have to say that the entire philosophy of the film is in A Course in Miracles. Some almost textual phases of the book.

@jasonavery - 25.08.2023 17:28

Literally the best version of a multiverse ever on the big screen.

@rajmodi5238 - 24.08.2023 02:41


@resiliencewithin - 11.08.2023 12:14

It is funny how the film and this video try so hard to sound complicated and all of it is simple and stupid.

@anonymous-mq7ce - 08.08.2023 09:05

In the end, Jobu Tupaki was right concerning that nothing matters and everything is meaningless. But in the end, she just embraces her emotions as a way to cope with this idea. Love and kindness seem like a means to be happy and create an illusion of purpose. Even though it sounds a bit corny, but love seems to be the only way to escape existential dread.

@cup.o.joe... - 06.08.2023 17:21

I think what the movie is trying to say is that love will bring meaning to our lives and that finding someone that is kind and patient makes life worth living and finding meaning and even pleasure in the mundane and unremarkable is indeed enough to appreciate life. It is weird for me being such a cynic to enjoy and appreciate this type of message but that is the takeaway I got from this movie

@katiakreutz - 03.08.2023 18:40

Great video!

@Mowglibaloo2 - 31.07.2023 01:49

Was there not any universe where Joy was straight, non-angst, and nihilist? We even see a universe where Evelyn is gay with hotdog hands. It seems strange that the husband is seen in an alternate life but Joy was not. Perhaps this was explained away that all of the other Joys were essentially the same across the universe after the accident.

@mikedavis2252 - 26.07.2023 05:24

Loved this movie

@thedudefromrobloxx - 09.07.2023 23:47

I feel like that plane metaphir assumes individual ppls goal in life is to somehow advance humanity or cement in history, when thats not the case at all. Like at all

@thedudefromrobloxx - 09.07.2023 23:41

I mean ppl that are as married to idea of meaninglessness as you describe in this video can just go ahead and die, becauae why are they alive anyway

@Horatio_Jones - 08.07.2023 07:12

Kung fu Hustle meets the Matrix. Brilliant and original.

@MultiJpad - 06.07.2023 15:54

So everyone creating their own sense of meaning is the way to go? What about a guy who likes to torture cats? Or someone who ignores traffic laws, everyone is their own authority? According to this philosophy Epstein didn't do anything wrong when he had sex with underage children.

@MultiJpad - 06.07.2023 15:44

Life is not absurd, everything has a telos, a purpose, there is one truth, we humans are too prideful to accept it, God is existence and is the standard for Love, truth, and justice.

@DaleC5195 - 01.07.2023 20:48

I love how when Joy tried to explain her new relationship to her grandpa, she literally couldn't "speak his language" and her mom stepped in and gave an ultimately untruthful explanation, but one he could understand. I feel it's very representative of the current generational climate, I know I've definitely had that experience with my own parents/grandparents; your parents get it more then you grandparents do but something still always gets lost in translation as you go up the line.

@topsykrett1744 - 14.06.2023 15:59

It is also a fantastic representation of male emotional positivity in Waymond. He fights with love instead of force.

@isaacjosameovish4447 - 13.06.2023 01:37

I didn't understand anything

@bahumatneo - 12.06.2023 09:43

if you answer me ill sub and hit the bell. I'm drunk right now watching parts of the movie over and over when something occurred to me that no one has said anything about. wtf happened to joy? hear me out. i swear it makes sense in the end. every time the husband alpha bro went away the normal dude didn't have the passage of time, like he was dead. example is the elevator when he said this elevators fast. so Chewbacca's a Wookie almost committed suicide and then perfect because she so bad at stuff lady saved her and they became mother and daughter happy forever throughout eternity but what happened to the normal joy that she had raised her whole life? is she dead like the husband on the elevator? what happens when her and her supermom decide to go to a different universe and joy just wakes up like the husband in the elevator and she 73. wtf.
p.s. now that im thinking about the start they used a dimension that nobody knew about for communication the first time and then they both got killed. but she didn't die, she just went back to her dimension while the other universe lady just wakes up and gets stabbed to death one second after regaining consciousness and then dressed in a baby onesie with a pacifier. if they hadnt occupided them in the universe they used to communicate would they have died or even been hunted? this shit gets worse the more i drink. lets see how far i can go.

@thisguy8106 - 04.06.2023 09:06

If nothing we do matters, then the only thing that matters is what we do.

@MrMrvideosman - 29.05.2023 19:16

do "beau is afraid"

@dantethepunk6932 - 27.05.2023 19:59

I find it amazing that while everyone in the movie, when apresented with the universal problem and paradox of meaninglesness, they chose a oposing side, ones choose to be with jobu and become totally pessimistic, and the others chose to destroy jobu through violence. But, what i find amazing, is that between all this mess in which people think they have a ideological superiority, Waymond appears wtih his cliches, they were actually the one thing that gave a simplistic (yet fulfilling) answer to both sides. I don't if the writers meant it to be like that, but i still find it pretty awesome that something so basic, like kindness and love, that are cliches in every sense of the word when it comes to movies, were actually the one thing that permited evelyn to enjoy her life with waymond.

@nebula2582 - 26.05.2023 05:39

The movie is fiction, and doesn’t show actually how horrible it is. if the multiverse exist, there’d be infinite infinities, meaning you will die and suffer pain the worst and slowest possible ways, and an infinite amount of times, and infinite differentiations that have infinite parallel universes and then infinite differentiations and it goes on forever. And life is one, it’s only personal because of relativity but the multiverse and then into higher dimensions says the universes are one, meaning everything is one meaning all of our lives are one, meaning you will live every life, impossible and possible.

@ismireghal68 - 19.05.2023 12:59

I'd like to take a stance for a interpretation of Trauma here: Maybe the nihilism is connected not to the meaningless universe, but to the deep trauma of a society resulting from a century of technological development, scientific discovery, world wars and ideological cruelty. Along these lines, maybe if the generational Trauma in the movie of granddad- mother -daughter would have been resolved earlier, the granddaughter would not have had to ceate the bagel, become indifferent etc. It was a reaction of hers, but her actual cleansed nature is not Depression, but Joy (look at her name). So we go about it the wrong way, if we say the universe is meaningless and we have to heroicly create meaning out of thin air. That would be the position of the hurt teenager, the person abandoned by her mother. It's an isolated rebellion coming out of a state of being hurt. Independency for the price of lostness. But the film ends with connection, gladly, because connection is what we will inevitably strive for after having put out our guard and distanced ourselfs from our origins out of resentment and being hurt. I always thought of a rebellious teenager when reading sartre, funnily enough. "I didn't ask to be born, god!" is a sentece I always lay in his mouth.

@AUREOLAX88 - 16.05.2023 02:18


@StermaPerma - 10.05.2023 18:17

movie sucks lol

@namekiz3199 - 01.05.2023 19:46

This movie must be like field days for wisecrack with how much nihilism projected in its theme

@pillmuncher67 - 01.05.2023 11:21

It is astonishing to me that the Daoists found the cure for existential dread already more than two thousand years ago.

Also: Schopenhauer was the OG of Philosophical Pessimism.

@pungabunga9373 - 29.04.2023 18:03

this movie reminded me . Don't be such a dick chillout and be kind . i was stating to forget that

@MyMagnumOpus - 28.04.2023 11:15

This is about the multiverse, all time happening at once, and all of the fractured /fragments of ourself that keep us from being whole., centered. She was tryin to collapse these fragments, to become more whole, to zero point is one side of the movie. In seeing both sides- are neutral we ascend towards the 5D world, the higher plane of love/unity, recognizing others as they are, being neutral (see both sides) is necessary, how to get into other timelines. Issue of mirroring. Mother daughter issues. This is where our planet is right now.

@michaelcstonebear420 - 24.04.2023 16:53

Personally, I believe we depend too much on words to define ourselves. Create your own language and talk to everyone with it and you will find that others understand you just as well as they did before.

@koustave - 22.04.2023 20:03

My question to you. Do people today really care about consequences?

@mrjades4764 - 21.04.2023 16:56

This movie really reflected my own values that nothing has meaning objectively so we can choose to give meaning to the things that we see as important based on our own individual experiences. As a species we are social and it is inherently rational and to the benefit of all and our own mental health to be kind and compassionate.

@DivineMisadventures - 20.04.2023 06:37

Your side-dishes of scholarship are delish!
