The Naked Truth About Age Gap Relationships In The Philippines

The Naked Truth About Age Gap Relationships In The Philippines

The Filipina Pea

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@harleyrdr1 - 27.06.2024 09:35

Yeah….leave the children alone.

@harleyrdr1 - 27.06.2024 09:37

The PPP’s hair is so sexy!

@tek9058 - 27.06.2024 09:45

western woman are terrible. as a men you end up doing 80% of the work then get sued for money after divorce because she had no time to work due to 30 min houshold work per day, where you did 60 minutes additionally to a full time job.

@thefriendlypsychopath3894 - 27.06.2024 09:49

Im always with 16 year olds when i got to the Philippines, i have 4 kids with 4 different females there.

@djfernando16 - 27.06.2024 09:58

It's impressive how much work you put into research, and I'm surprised by how objective you are! Well done!

@justaguy-69 - 27.06.2024 10:36

i'll be 63 july and my wife is 32 we have 2 kids and a great relationship. i'm told i look young for my age and i'm still very active so most people dont think our ages are that far apart. we have been together 14 years now.
i was just a 48 year old kid when we met and she got me to settle down and be responsible .
we have a very good life . we are happy. our kids get good grades my wife has 3 boats to keep her busy and i have my house projects and the kids to entertain me. i dont know why anyone would disparage others if they are happy.
live and let live.😎

@subterragaming836 - 27.06.2024 11:07

What is love anyway. Tbf most women dont even know what love is in a western society . So age gap is whatever

@palmtreeshenanigans - 27.06.2024 12:39

Depends on the age of the younger person, man or woman. If a girl is 18 and the man is 38 then it is a bit weird, but hey the men will learn young girls want more from life than they can give, eventually leaving them. But if a man is 50 and a girl 70 that should not be a cause for concern. a 18 year old girld should really, depending on maturity not be with anyone more than 6-8 years older same with men an 18 year old guy should not be with a girl more than 8 to 10 years older.
Some will disagree b ut i just call them weirdos, a 16 year old boy should never be with a 50 year old woman and vice versa.

@partoftheway4235 - 27.06.2024 15:11

In my opinion as long as the 2 people are of leagal age to date or marry another person then I don't care how old they are?!!!! Geesh people need to focus on their own life and not the lives of others unless the others are doing something illegal! Geesh!

@partoftheway4235 - 27.06.2024 15:14

And by the way I'm an American and I'm marrying a filipina at the end of this year. She is 12 years younger yhsn me. But we are both 40+ years old. Neither of us are young. And if you all don't like our age gal then like we really care about your opinion. Yah riiiigh!!!!!!

@jwelsje - 27.06.2024 15:16

When I met my wife, I was 50 and she was 20. We both had a bad relationship before. Now I'm 62 and she is 32 and we have a daughter of 10.

@orneryoverwatch7031 - 27.06.2024 15:35

This was pretty much the only 'culture shock' I experienced when I first visited. At that time, I was 24 years old. I remember the first night we arrived, I went with my buddy and the filipino side of his family down to this little town square. There was a big church with christmas lights adorning it that stretched out along the sides of the square, little shops, people mingling, it was a good time. Then, this really young looking girl walks by me waves and say "hi!" in a sweet way, and my buddy's uncle looks at me and is like "hey she likes you! You two might hit it off, go talk to her!" As I looked back at her, my buddy leaned in close and kinda whispered in my ear "dude that chick is 14yo" and I was like "whoaaaaaaaaaaa" haha.

I didn't take offense, I figured it was just a cultural thing. I wasnt upset at the uncle or anyone, really. But I have noticed age gaps don't really seem to matter there, and who am I to judge. No different than how I went and saw a 'cock fight' between roosters. My friends back home gave me so much crap for even attending, and I was like "What? It's a part of their culture, I'm not going to tell them they're wrong or shame them for it". I had a great time there, easily the best trip of my life.

@geert-janvreeburg4573 - 27.06.2024 16:01

Ik ken twee kennissen in mijn omgeving die getrouwd waren met een jongere vrouw van 30 jaar .
Ze zijn inmiddels ook weer gescheiden . Als twee mensen echt van elkaar houden ondanks het leeftijdsverschil ( zonder de andere ego belangen van de horizontale lijn ) wie zou daar bezwaar tegen kunnen hebben .de vier lichamen van de man en de vrouw zijn omgekeerd evenredig gepolariseerd ( vandaar de onweerstaanbare aantrekkingskracht tussen de geslachten )

@GadgetMan-rr3ik - 27.06.2024 16:01

My girlfriend is 57 and she is Latina and I'm a 40 year old white guy, we are both keeping each other young and in our prime, we have sex every morning mostly because we sleep nude and I'm aroused in the morning, it pushes the covers up and creates air to it while I'm in a warm bed that's about to squeak for 25-30 minutes. Lol

@pachk627 - 27.06.2024 16:06

I'm 45, my wife is 43 and my girlfriend is 22.

@damaliamarsi2006 - 27.06.2024 16:09

I dated a woman 33 years younger when I was 22. I got looks of disapproval from reality.

@TheKobiDror - 27.06.2024 16:51

You need to find your second half. It doesn't matter how big the age gap is. My girlfriend is just 2 months younger than me and it works. It can also be 2 decades apart and who should be bothered?!

@Donkeyearsa - 27.06.2024 17:01

Just because one partner is much older than the other that does not mean the older partner is the richer one. My boyfriend is well over a decade my senor but I am by far much richer than he is to the point that I have to support him from living on the street. He lost his job do the pandemic and since he was starting to get close to retirement age no one would even consider him for a job do to age discrimination. If I had not come along he would either be living on the street or even worse unalived his self.

Something you are out right wrong about is that people lived to only be about 30. The problem is that before modern medicine half of humans died as children which REALLY affects the average human life span. If you disregard people who died as children the average human life span was into the late fifty's to early sixties. It was extremely common for children to grow up knowing at least one of their grandparents if not most of them as they would spend most of their time being watched by one of their grandparents while everyone else where out in the field working.

@restonthewind - 27.06.2024 17:01

If it's voluntary, if both partners in the relationship want the relationship, it's no one else's business. If she's only in it for his money and he's only in it for hot sex, so what? It's their choice. Get over your domineering self.

@andrewcarmichael8683 - 27.06.2024 17:38

I'm 62. Looking for45 and up! 45 is even pushing it!

@GastNdorf - 27.06.2024 17:43

An old saying in my country: if there's grass, you can play the match

@mcgoo721 - 27.06.2024 18:53

If you can't bring charges stfu is my policy and I mean. What is someone that disagrees with it going to do.

@bobthrepeeoh - 27.06.2024 19:10

If you are over the age of consent in your country, do whatever you want and if someone has a problem with it, give em the middle finger.

@chrismast2790 - 27.06.2024 19:14

TLDR: Get an American wife while you're wrong and then a young Filipino once you're older.

@KenCozine - 27.06.2024 19:25

I knew a man who had parents that had a 40 year age gap. He was born when his father was 75 and his mother 35. His father was born when Grant was president!

@thedoopa3169 - 27.06.2024 19:30

I personally don't care, just don't creep on kids.

@cory2016 - 27.06.2024 19:36

If 18, you can date any one above

@cornonjacobdotcom - 27.06.2024 19:43

“Power imbalances have nothing to do with age gaps” *proceeds to describe situations where age gaps have everything to do with power imbalances…

You are absolutely promoting age gaps by twisting facts to promote the culture. You make some really great points, but you are equally as blind as the people in your comments that you think are blind, speaking from a defensive position, and not imparting impartial evidence like you say you are.

@10MinuteMoan - 27.06.2024 19:52

What about the early 80's scandal in the UK when Filipina women were send notes to others in the UK tellingh they can leave their husbands after they get Permanent residence?? Filipina women are too gobby. Thai women are much better

@ThatsMrPencilneck2U - 27.06.2024 20:02

Q. What is the difference between a 100 year old man and a 50 year old woman?
A. It's possible for a 100 year old man to make a baby with a younger partner.

@AtlasGaming4k - 27.06.2024 20:06

Easy formula, woman can be 7 years younger and 1 additional year difference for each $ million in the man’s bank.

@StitchesLovesRats - 27.06.2024 20:13

Can't be arsed to watch the video, but the prefrontal cortex (which is the last part of the human brain to fully mature) doesn't fully finish developing until around age 25. Basically, you mat be legally an adult at 18 or 21, according to various countries' laws, but you're not fully biologically an adult until 25.

@RemedialRob - 27.06.2024 20:22

When a single video is responsible for a 1000% increase in tourism...

@TheInsaneupsdriver - 27.06.2024 21:06

the max i go is 5 years younger then me and i'm 46 now. i'm no pedo!

@stevelast3429 - 27.06.2024 21:13

maybe the real issues is how genuine is the relationship not the ages,,,,,

@gracesavage2885 - 27.06.2024 21:21

Just an outstanding breakdown of a "different" societal norm. It's sad but true that few people can view something outside their societal conditioning. Once again, just a fantastic job in explaining perceived differences. GS

@jacekc3326 - 27.06.2024 22:50

You are clever woman, same as my lovely Filipina wife. 15 years together and everyday same happy as on day one. And yes, she is 20 years younger than me.

@GonnaDeleteNow - 27.06.2024 23:04

I envy Pea's bf. I wish she was mine. I don't know him so I said what I feel. 😅

@ShadowLordxsx - 27.06.2024 23:48

My cousin was 15 and her boyfriend was 29, and yes totally illegal here in the US. But after she turned 18 and they got married. Now 25 years later, they are still as happy together as when I was hanging out with them back when I was 18 and met him for the first time.

@mre4u422 - 28.06.2024 00:02

here is a hint if you have to ask that question, she is too young

@PaulHarris-sl1ct - 28.06.2024 00:21

My mother once asked how she could tell when the men she was chasing were too young for her. My response was " when they get away"

@LivingFire-su2zw - 28.06.2024 01:18

Im 70 and that is just a number. Its my and my wifes business what we do. If I find a young wife Ill have what she needs shell have what I need. I have never ever cared what ppl think.

@LivingFire-su2zw - 28.06.2024 01:36

As an adult there is no one who can stand in my way.

@ike7539 - 28.06.2024 03:15

As long as much the guy has $$$ age difference does not matter in Philippines. Even 50 years is okay, acceptable.

@professorgreen1215 - 28.06.2024 05:22

The 20 years old philippina dream of building a family, the 50 years old already rose, is kids, and he wants to retire. The 20 years old have a career too. Build, the 50 years old want to travel, enjoying retirement.

@NinjaOnANinja - 28.06.2024 06:05

You are 100% correct and I thought my view was a dead one. I don’t care about age, but I want her sex drive intact. And sadly, out here, that’s young. So I’ve been alone despite being the shit.
Crazy crazy.

@SMunro - 28.06.2024 07:06

As long as both are Adult, it isnt a legal matter.

@jameslaughlin3298 - 28.06.2024 09:04

I’m in love with two girls who are 9 years old. I’m 71. That’s a 62 year difference. I don’t know what I’d do without them in my life. I hope we can spend many happy years together. One is a Dachsund and the other a Chihuahua.

@dreadhound187 - 28.06.2024 09:58

Jesus. 4 sets of ads……. That’s unacceptable.
