The Doomer Psychology

The Doomer Psychology


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@theepicbellendoftomorrow4703 - 10.07.2023 01:14

All effort in life is futile.

@seandanzot1220 - 28.06.2023 19:52

“If you are constantly penetrated”
-Von Franz

@PerpetualityHypnosis - 30.05.2023 08:30

I am not sure if I agree that being a doomer is training oneself to not suffer by anticipating suffering, I think being a doomer is accepting the inevitability of suffering based upon factors outside of ones control. It is not a fatalistic expression, but more an understanding of ones insignificance. The take against doomerism seems to be that one should still go at life and play the game of life even though they already have this understanding (whether they choose to accept it or not) of doom. Rather than choosing to go back into the game and go with it like some zen monk, they choose to deny the reality, and step back.

Now I am sure some people walk around complaining everything is terrible and dress like the actual doomer meme....... but i kind of feel like that is stolen. Outcasts and emos and (although they often make their own clothing) goths would already use this motif in how they would. if someone is a 'crying for attention doomer' sure I'd agree with this video.
I believe an actual doomer would be invisible, or as close to unseen as they can be, because the expression of being a doomer is inherently against the doomer ideology.

@franzhaas5597 - 04.05.2023 04:57

I never considered myself a doomer but I guess I'm a doomer.

@milfbangerbhabhilover9771 - 22.01.2023 07:51

There is another great poem that reminds me about the doomer is the love song of j Alfred prufock by ts Elliott

@whocared3337 - 21.01.2023 20:37

Aanticipating suffering is already suffering on its own

@afonsolouro8770 - 17.12.2022 00:26

Lets go Doomers!

@jamespaguip5913 - 14.11.2022 08:40

I guess the lesson is learn to man up.

@jamespaguip5913 - 14.11.2022 08:37

"In a world filled with misery and uncertainty, it is a great comfort to know that, in the end, there is light in the darkness."

@jamespaguip5913 - 14.11.2022 08:31

Well made video

@GOMFER11 - 05.06.2022 23:26

Where you been my boi

@lostinhappyway7490 - 25.03.2022 13:51


@AkariCh. - 15.03.2022 22:39

I feel like I was analyzed after this video... Good job man

@StarlightEater - 05.03.2022 19:34

Man, doomer is a puss 💯

@mightbyson - 16.01.2022 10:35

Doomer until the final doom comes.

@josueramirez7247 - 03.01.2022 10:44

I really liked that poem at the end about reacting to the rainbow in the same happy way at different ages of life. It raises other questions for me about how to react to life’s challenges.

@__rm307 - 25.10.2021 20:31

Just found your channel after recently finding the doomer meme (late I know). Thank you for this! Great quality content 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

@dant.3505 - 02.10.2021 09:50


@dachicagoan8185 - 26.09.2021 18:59

Growing up in the eighties and nineties I was taught by school, movies, and peers that a happy and successful life was getting a college degree, getting married and buying a house. And that everything would come together.

@diegoaespitia - 24.09.2021 19:08

i love you man. this video helps me a lot. it shed some light on my situation. im not a complete doomer. but when it comes to relationships i am... i'm engaged to a girl. and theres NO issue with the relationship. but at the same time... im always expecting the worst although it will probably never happen... and so. i find myself getting cold feet. im going to break it off with the girl.... just because im anticipating suffering in a future i not yet know anything about

@lostinhappyway7490 - 19.09.2021 16:52

Thank you❤

@gerdaleta - 14.09.2021 10:00

Pussies and cowards a lot of you I'd rather if you do more pieces of s*** would go blow up buildings trying to bring down the system then just sit there and go the system man the system man mark my works I will shred this thing down to its last Adam and if I don't then I will die trying and I will live an interesting life

@The93Momo93 - 12.09.2021 03:16

The "Doomer" as a state of mind can be controlled. You don't have to fall into the "abyss", quite the opposite, it's the best friend you can have beside you.

@ReinertZerker - 17.07.2021 04:16

It's not the Doomer that is a problem, it's the world they've inherited. They're beyond the point of anything being a surprise and know how it all inevitably must end. It's when you know there is no decency in people, there is only doom.
The saddest part is all they want is something so simple, so easy to give, it just takes being a good human-being.

@lordmaximus5 - 24.06.2021 13:01

This idea of giving oneself wholeheartedly to the nature of the world and suffering reminds me of nietzsches idea of accepting the dionysian view of the world. He who can look into the suffering of the world without becoming cynical and mad has the world in his palm

@oMarcus2Ko - 01.06.2021 08:52

Yea I pulled a Kanye. Overprotective mother died and I didn't know what to do with myself 😭😭 working on it tho

@jimwoody3056 - 27.05.2021 20:11

Aunt Teefa brought me here. Thanks.

@ellis4752 - 26.04.2021 11:13

How do we escape from the Doomer mindset please ? This is life for three years now, and I hate this please.

@A-VidD - 07.04.2021 20:40

I’m not sure whether anyone will read this, nor if they care about what I have to say but I’d like to share my story and my perspective. For many of you you all came to be doomers or at least resinate with some of the characteristics/philosophy’s associated with them over the course of your life. I’ll be honest before becoming depressed I was the most optimistic person you could ever meet. I’m not saying this to make myself feel better or get some satisfactory feeling about reminiscing about the old me, in fact it’s something that I now dislike about myself as that version of me feels so foreign but realistically I used to be the friend you’d come to for advice or even if you just needed help in general. Me helping people was nothing I ever did to get some satisfactory feeling of “let me carry your cross” kinda thing but rather I just want to see people be happy and building a friendships from that. This all took a turn when one bad day destroyed myself. I don’t want to get into specifics but think of everything in your life that could possibly destroy any ego , character, or self respect you had for yourself occurring all in one day and you get my circumstance. With the cherry on top being losing the only person you thought you had left... , which in my case was my girlfriend. It was this one day that destroyed that old version myself that eventually spiraled me into depression, loneliness, and yes even some doomerphilosophy’s. I’m not necessarily a doomer on paper and nor do I consider myself one but by my fear of losing everything or becoming too attached in anticipation of suffering has cause me to see some my current self in this video. I’m thankfully in a better place now and after years of missing my ex I’m finally over her, but that anticipation of suffering is something that I still need to work on and confront. I’ve never noticed this until recently but I ruined a relationship over this anticipation of suffering and I feel I might do it again. I’ve finally met someone I care about, someone makes me happy and I don’t want to let them down. I’m not sure whether I feel like I’m nor worthy of this or if I’ve become jaded from the world but balancing our life’s doom and our life’s gloom is something we’re all going to confront. By no means am I saying this will be easy but learning to accept yourself, your circumstances, and your will to advance you will slowly find a light to which you will eventually seem some sense of hope. I’ve relearned what it means to hope and although it’s still has it moments I will advance and I hope you will too.

@damo9961 - 11.03.2021 23:37

See the glass as half empty and blame everyone else for your problems = DOOMER.

@JasonNewsted420 - 11.03.2021 16:22

I suffered in every romantic relationship I've had. I still trust every girl I meet and never try to control them. If they want to fuck around, so be it- the search goes on. Don't give power to the people that aren't even present in your life anymore, lads. Life's about experiencing everything, so don't try to achieve something, try to enjoy everything

@vsgfilmgroup - 25.01.2021 08:08

didn't have a bad childhood
still a doomer anyway

Oh look, your shipment of fail has arrived.

@lucindapiplup2993 - 16.01.2021 01:37


@lordofabstractions8462 - 06.01.2021 21:54

Man this video is so unbelievably relatable I will actually show the first part to my therapist. I feel like the doomer has devoured my whole unconsciousness and I'm barely holding it together by presenting the husk of an introverted bloomer to the public.

They say don't bottle it up but the only alternative seems to be screaming it into the void...

@marsship921 - 19.12.2020 01:35

For real, this is just poetry dude. It doesn't help or solve anything.

@SpintoSopranoSexyYea - 17.12.2020 03:33

That whole bit about a doomer meeting a woman and just not even giving it a chance because he just expects disappointment... that's heartbreaking. The best escape from the inevitable suffering of life is not having to endure it alone.

@evolvedfromrot8199 - 02.12.2020 11:51

"Their childish longing for a loving Mother." this makes me cry every time I hear it.

@torki3697 - 18.11.2020 23:47

Childhood? Nah. Mind.

@janjansen7983 - 16.11.2020 19:25

''They try to train themselves not to suffer, by always anticipating suffering''
Nothing more has to be said, this exactly describes the doomer. The solution is simple, yet the hardest thing to do.

@CemeterySunshine - 12.11.2020 00:09

I feel like the is Sartre's, "Hell is other people," but inflicted on ones self instead of happening because of other people. I'm not sure.

@sexymama5583 - 10.11.2020 20:00


@SpartanPZR - 04.11.2020 19:37

I feel personally grasped into this. The divorced parent starter pack really caught my attention and resembled my childhood so much, and now that I'm 20 I can feel myself slowly slipping into this. Is there a way to rescue myself? Or is this simply a phase? My childhood has damaged my social abilities and I have to run so fast just to stay in the same place so I don't slip farther into the abyss. Any advice is welcome.

@marko3096 - 04.11.2020 11:21

Your analysis is much better than the toxic positivity the doomer preachers going around cheering people up in most videos

Ultimately the process and the end have you yourself to decide half of the outcome , life is inconsistent and not accomodating , we as humans were designed to survive , therefore we are better at adapting the situations thrown at us than solving or fixing (those parts come at a much later stage) . Condemning a person for having lived and experinced lost , disillusioned , or a simple failed adulthood is cruel , even if you're trying to be helpful

No amount of oxytocin , endorphin , testorerone , vitamin can alleviate your state of mind , they're chemicals , they re partially making you sighted , the effect can last for a short while and they ll all end , even heroin was used as medicine before so i wouldn't recommend depending on sustance so much

The worse problem of having realized your limitations , is to know you still long your ambitions to come true , so it's a do or die for me , do it like you're dying in the next second , but for most folks , it's just about finding the courage , forgiving yourself for not having achieved what you started out with , everything is a result of many things , cest la vie

@clocktowers1 - 27.10.2020 07:39

Here's my take: the "Doomer" is a negative bitch boy. I was once a negative bitch boy for some years. Then I grew the fuck up. Simple as that. Now my life is on a track of progression that I want it to be on. Who woulda thought?

@youdoomer-climax3897 - 15.10.2020 01:27

Doomer does not surf

@anthraxanthrax4124 - 05.10.2020 20:39

Good shit
