Does the Femboy community have a Neo-Nazi problem?

Does the Femboy community have a Neo-Nazi problem?

The Kavernacle

3 года назад

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@rekusloth3979 - 19.11.2022 01:15

Most femboys are republican some close to alt right. Very rare to see a non at least somewhat shitpost racist femboy.

@phantasmo9998 - 24.11.2022 05:03

"ALT RIGHT FEMBOYS" yes, more of that pls.

@heriek113 - 01.12.2022 21:20


@WizardofToemountaint - 13.12.2022 07:40

Odins neobussy…

@maidoforleans1056 - 12.01.2023 02:40


@Jytami - 18.01.2023 22:57

The most phenomenal example of emancipation

@eelamite - 19.01.2023 10:19

never understood this two years back - th0ught it was only a joke n not meant to be taken srsly until of recent after joining some servers on discord

@eelamite - 19.01.2023 10:26

they also use anime pfps - from japanese culture to propagate anglo-supremacist ideologiesn rhetoric which adds to the irony

@tomyk9233 - 26.01.2023 22:04

i actually joined anime/furry-oriented femboy community a while ago...
on discord ofc...
it's all racists. like... almost without an exception xdddd
and sometimes even homophobes. there's this strange sense of superiority when looking at other "normal" gay couples.
like... femboys are just something more... it's so weird xddd

@VerrucktKertz - 03.02.2023 01:39

EVERYTHING BELOW IS THE ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION and corrections of your knowledge

You are so ignorant, you guys call us alt-right instead of Third Position because people are only aware of Left and Right and some know of Authoritarian and Libertarian
I do use the term alt-right and other terms when talking about degenerates who claim to be fascist or any other extension of fascism
There is a Fourth Position I'm pretty sure but haven't on that yet

People have argued if National Socialism was or wasn't fascism, I say it's a fascistic ideology because it's more of an extension of fascism

We don't consider ourselves NAZI's as that was a slang word made by a Marxist Jew in Europe based off of a Austrian derogatory term against National Socialists
No National Socialist from the National Socialist German's Worker Party has ever identified any member as NAZI's but as National Socialists

I agree while also disagreeing that Femboys can't be National Socialists because you have how National Socialism systematically worked in 1930's Germany
Furthermore, you also have the philosophy of National Socialism where could use your interpretation to bend in parts

The reason why people turn to National Socialism is because they end up learning the truth, usually on accident
For example, from finding "Europa: the Last Battle" on BitChute or being open minded and just reading "Mein Kampf (Henry Ford Translation)"
rather than listen to the media and the education system about it instead of questioning the stupidity of what they're saying and just research into it yourself

In all those pictures the men are by themselves in the middle of no where for obvious reasons
[Crossdressers had go into the middle of no where to cross dress because they would of been killed]
I have seen the video of the guy who has collected and archived these photos and it's basically in the same setting
Setting being in the middle of no where / alone

@dharma_mane - 06.02.2023 15:04

Once I found out about this issue I literally became straight again.

@fishactivation5087 - 07.02.2023 03:29

Yes, I'm a wannabe femboy, and yes, I support Kanye.

@TimelineTheSchizoid - 15.02.2023 13:57

Bro they exist more than you expect

@redjirachi1 - 23.02.2023 07:10

Whenever I see the authright femboy meme I'm reminded of two people; Ernst Rohm, and Ted Haggard

@sombodythatyouusedtoknow9046 - 08.04.2023 12:28

As a hoi4 player I see nothing wrong with that, because our community is an unholy union of fascists and femboys

@steelingcable6350 - 05.05.2023 02:50

I have been talking about this for years, I have had my own experience with these types. I'm so glad someone else acknowledges that this is real and I'm not just crazy

@NightsOutJ - 11.05.2023 00:42

The weirdest shit I’ve ever seen

@VegitoBlue202 - 28.05.2023 03:26

I have three reasons why that shit exist

1.) Lack of allies barring maybe trans activism but that mainly works for trans women who identity as a femboy

2 ) Feminism becoming terfy these days

3.) Nazis go after marginalized groups to indoctrinate into fascism examples include black men, effeminate men, white women, the mentally ill, neurodivergent, and jewish people (via Zionism)

Nazis and fascists are creating a literal army of margenilized people

Nazis want to kill all of us yet there is at least a group of nazi in every group of people who would be victims of nazism

Its scary and shows why intersectionalism is key

Feminism, Black Rights, Trans Activism, Enviormentalism, The Femboy movement needs to unite and fight against the far right, femboys need allies, neurodivergent people need allies, the mentslly ill need allies

We dont have that and if we do were in the backseat.

@Barisdagame - 01.07.2023 21:38

I saw this video on fb and had to watch it 😂😂😂

@Bouncyboizes - 02.07.2023 12:39

Its not a problem

@Jakdisi1 - 08.07.2023 07:27

I knew I was a femboy 💪💪💪

@m64s32a1 - 24.10.2023 15:41

It's always feminine men, i knew i wasn't crazy

@arnaldoalange3869 - 24.10.2023 18:57

Wow.... And here i thought that only in Brazil we got Shit like this....

@DenizBahceci - 05.12.2023 20:55

Ein volk ein ##### ein führe#

@cawashka - 13.01.2024 12:11


@johnthomson2377 - 13.01.2024 23:15

This is in fact a real video with a real topic.

@warlordomegaxzy - 14.01.2024 03:33

The juice did it the juice did it the juice did it the juice did jt

@albertbecerra - 14.01.2024 19:42

I always thought they had a communist problem

@slovakkaenjoyer6845 - 15.01.2024 09:20

Most masculine nazi😂😂😂 161 🚩>🏳️‍🌈

@nighttide9485 - 17.01.2024 12:32

As someone who has been close to the community, there is this other thing called "sissy" which is more akin to a genre of porn that is heavily racialized. This genre comes in western and eastern falvours but there is a emphasis on the idea that a black man will steal your girlfriend, and that you will be sentenced to serve your life as a slave to women and black men

@nighttide9485 - 17.01.2024 12:33

Things get weird when you start to think about biodiversity and cultural diversity and these kind of things go hand in hand when it comes to transness ( Nature vs Nurture)

@nighttide9485 - 17.01.2024 12:36

I don't think I can identify with the biological layers of femininity in every aspect of it but even when embodying the social "feminine role" things get really hazy so the entirely new identy of femboy is created. This is just my current opinion which is subject to change

@sergioperezio5523 - 18.01.2024 08:35

I believe it but I also believe for every 1 gay or trans nazi there are 100 well balanced leftists. Maybe even 1,000.

@pretzelchannel1 - 23.01.2024 05:29


@SSNeo333 - 27.01.2024 02:30

femboys are not Neo Nazi

@jaxxer5447 - 27.01.2024 06:33

One other aspect. I am an ethnonationalist. I'm covered in runic tattoos etc, and very open about my political views.

I have fought in numerous conflicts as a contractor, as well as fought as a mercenary in Ukraine.

This type of person, and it's confirmed by several colleagues as well, is for some reason very attractive to trans and femboys.

I could speculate that it could be due to many of us displaying traditionally manly attitudes, and we're aggressive men with a large potential for violence. This could be attractive to them from the point of a submissive kink. But it could also be because they feel men like us could protect them from abuse and hate, while they think two socially ostrecised groups would band together.

BUT: we hate them, we look down upon them. We see them as less than men, sometimes not even as people. I've only come across one or two people that actually had sexual relations with femboys/trans. They both said they did it from a degradation/dehumanization kink standpoint.

My two cents.

@ngl2.0-qo2pl - 06.02.2024 20:39

4-Chan really makes no fucking sense

@wow6787 - 13.02.2024 07:56

Por mais destes ✊✊✊

@AndreaFMS100 - 15.02.2024 16:58

I simply had to click on the video because Jesus! what a title.

@SinclairLocke - 11.03.2024 08:30

Doubt anyone will read this comment on a 3 year old video. But anyway, of course femboys are attracted to the "nazis" because, funny enough, femboys are treated better by them than by the LGBTQ/the leftist community.

@chiimumango3979 - 21.03.2024 09:38

change the "st" with d and remove the o from Astolfo

@monkeyman1429 - 28.03.2024 18:36

yes they exist 18 on top

@disgoop - 22.05.2024 12:34

racism always had a latent homoerotic charge

@Bradthefemboy - 20.07.2024 11:21

I love hearin bout our side of the femboy community

@RawrX32009 - 24.07.2024 02:25

No, no it doesn't, it's just an excuse for brocsialists like you to put down a minority group while feeling morally superior

@XxkirtsxX - 24.07.2024 16:54

I don't know if this comment will be lost because the video is old, but I'll post it anyway. I am also a femboy, and just a few years ago, I would say Nazi things to vent and get attention. I am from Spain and have always been someone with a rather "striking" personality. I am autistic, a crossdresser, have a quite shocking sense of humor, and speak my mind. My parents always hated my way of being, but at the same time, they ingrained in my head from a young age that I am better than others or that I have a special sensitivity, and the kind of nonsense negligent parents say to their children. This, and the culture I live in, made me fearless and even see it as a duty to be different and to be myself without being afraid of what people say. At 12, I started getting interested in crossdressing, and when I talked about it with my parents, they confronted me with the usual stupidity, saying it wasn't normal, that a boy should do certain things, etc. My father always had an extremely toxic concept of masculinity. For him, relationships between men consisted of being openly hostile always, never showing your true self, and not taking anything seriously. If you didn't act that way, life would be impossible for you. Obviously, no one identified with this, and I certainly didn't.

I am 23 years old and from Spain, living in a social environment that is neither hostile nor dysfunctional. So, for a 12-year-old in 2014 to dress however he wanted was not only not far-fetched, but even in school, teachers and the environment taught progressive values. However, my parents, who weren't conservative but whose thinking was entirely based on being as normative as possible and having extreme social phobia, told me that if I did things like that, everyone would hate me. This and other problems made me grow up with anger against my surroundings. I had the same mindset as my parents about how society worked, but unlike them, I never identified with that "normality" and developed quite a visceral hatred for my surroundings. Still, during my adolescence, I never suffered from bullying and never feared showing my eccentric personality. People seemed to like it, and although I wasn't the most popular in class, I had friends and got along well with people. Even at 13, I had no problems openly saying I was bisexual, and no one cared about such things. But still, I always felt in constant danger, feeling that anything I did or was told could have a double meaning, that people talked behind my back, etc. My parents always focused all their educational efforts on being antagonistic figures whenever I did something "non-normative." They never taught or demanded basic things like doing laundry or cooking when I had time, but they went crazy if I said I wanted to be a vegetarian or something like that. It wouldn't have been such a big deal if at least those rules were consistent, but what happened with my parents was that one day they would tell me I'm the most empathetic person in the world and help me be vegan and pay for sessions with a nutritionist to have a planned diet, and the next day they would say if I didn't eat meat, they would send me to a boarding school. This contradictory behavior ends up destroying your mental health.

At 16, I got interested in the femboy phenomenon and started wearing makeup and painting my nails. The first time my mother saw me with black painted nails, she started screaming hysterically. Then I started dressing "like a woman" with the little money I could save from time to time, and that made her even worse. They threw away my clothes, screamed at me, made up rumors that people talked behind my back, etc. They made all kinds of hurtful comments like that I embarrassed them and not to go anywhere like that, etc. But this was interspersed with things like "Well, we support you, but give us time and let me choose your clothes because you don't know how to dress well," or "But do you feel like a woman or want to be one," or "If you were transgender, we would accept you, but what you're doing doesn't make sense," and that ended up destroying me even more than I already was. When I talked about this at school, almost everyone was scandalized to hear about my parents' behavior. In Spain, there is a protocol by law that educational centers can mediate with parents in such situations, but it's primarily for transgender people. By that point, my mind was so broken that I no longer knew if I was a man, a woman, or non-binary, so I didn't mind saying I was transgender without being so. In my head, I thought, "Well, if this affects me so much, it must be because I'm a woman. What kind of cis boy suffers and obsesses so much because he can't wear skirts and paint his nails?" Although these were doubts I had had for a long time. When I asked for help, their way of "mediating the situation" was to tell my mother that her dysfunctional attitude is perfectly normal because "she needs time to adapt to something like this" and that "I'm an impatient person who doesn't empathize and should do everything she tells me, and eventually, she would accept me as I am." This issue made me unable to continue my studies. I always had problems studying, but this issue happened when I had started high school. In Spain, high school is the two-year educational stage after compulsory education and serves to access university or civil servant or police positions. It is much more challenging than compulsory education, and because of what was happening, I failed. The school counselor told me I wasn't interested in studies and was only there because I felt accepted. Even though eventually my parents got tired of living in constant war and "accepted me," my mind was already messed up. I dropped out of school and was filled with rage against the school authorities—a school with a "woke political" environment that not only turned its back on me when I was suffering but also sided with my parents. A school where if you openly criticized misandric policies of Spanish feminism, you got bad looks. The irony was simply too insulting to accept. I started identifying "woke" as a hypocritical movement that only sees non-normative people as an excuse to attack the Spanish "far-right" (here, the most extreme in that sense is the Vox party, and compared to the conservatives in the United States, Vox is even woke), while in real life, they are prejudiced people and hate those who are different from them. I started sympathizing with extreme ideologies on social media and venting all my hatred. Then I met a transgender woman on Twitter, with whom I became friends in real life. She is quite intelligent and has a strong personality but is very damaged, and she was also involved in those extreme movements. Then I started spewing racist and misogynistic garbage on social media and doing self-destructive content like videos where I put ants on my penis just to get attention and be a kind of "antagonist to this hypocritical society."

Luckily, my life is "improving" thanks to my current girlfriend, but not having an education is a thorn in my side, and it hurts.

@the_pinkerton - 26.07.2024 19:55

It's probably because many furries are Polish

@seba27113 - 08.08.2024 03:14

The Neo-nazi community has a femboy problem*

@White_lives_matter1488 - 04.09.2024 23:47

What the hell? Now I've really seen it all but femboy National Socialists? Really? Hahaha well I've met some, they're idiots I assure you
