Recommended Linux Partitions for any Linux ! Your One Stop Guide to Manual Disk Partitions in Linux

Recommended Linux Partitions for any Linux ! Your One Stop Guide to Manual Disk Partitions in Linux


2 года назад

6,351 Просмотров

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Alex Plastow
Alex Plastow - 02.07.2023 06:12

Thanks so much for the crystal clear explanation. Everything seemed reasonable and rational. I'll save this video for the next time I find myself hankering for a new linux distro

The TnT Guy
The TnT Guy - 10.06.2023 12:13

Please help I am trying to do this with cutefish It has the same settings but keeps saying installer failed to create a partition table 😢

Emerald Knight
Emerald Knight - 22.05.2023 21:20

Great explanation video, thank you 😊

Two Reel Productions
Two Reel Productions - 01.03.2022 18:48

Does this work when installing it directly on a USB DRIVE?
