The GOLDEN RULE For EVERY ROLE In League of Legends - Patch 12.5

The GOLDEN RULE For EVERY ROLE In League of Legends - Patch 12.5

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@gabisek1111 - 09.03.2022 20:26

actually my sin is same as yours - i overdo it and feed

@padelistsavalos7724 - 09.03.2022 22:35

more usual list
top:dont et counterpicked
jungle: dont be negative iq
mid:pick 200 year meta champ
adc: just scale and last hiot
support:try to not go insane trying to babysit your inting adc

@NocturnalPyro - 10.03.2022 02:16

golden rule for top lane is, just ignore it, it's worthless.

@katkrasher - 10.03.2022 18:54

Sins for each roll-
Top- dying
Adc- dying
Jungle- not muting your team

@AdamonXC - 10.03.2022 19:16

As a support I tend to try and save my team mates even if I shouldnt :(

@shukakah8862 - 10.03.2022 20:43

Biggest mistake of my life as a top lane pantheon main, Helping my team, brotha i go from 7/0 to 8/6 so fast when i go help my team, to a point its like, "Why the fuck am i helping them?" I could just push my lead further and hope for the best, but nope never.

@onixtheone - 10.03.2022 22:44

XFsn saber had a great sin for adc “DYING TO ENEMY JUNGLER is a big nono”

@ulyssescadet5210 - 10.03.2022 23:35

Number one rule for adc is choose a dif role

@blueberrymushroom2458 - 11.03.2022 05:03

nathan: "CS is the most important rule for adcs"
tristana: proceeds to miss like 5 cs in a 7 second long clip

@_obey_flex6955 - 11.03.2022 14:49

I play in the jungle and rely a lot on myself.(

@stijnd5268 - 11.03.2022 15:56

#1 support rule: never take even a singular CS, your adc will start inting

@FarmerSakki - 11.03.2022 17:18

As a support, my sin is often leaving the adc to 2v1 bc I want to roam. Sometimes it doesn't result in anything and my adc dies bc they don't play safe. My new method is try to snowball the adc hard enough so they can 1v2 properly. Unless they're Aphelios or Varus, can't leave those bitches alone bc they always die

@eric-fz4xp - 11.03.2022 22:25

my sin: get 12/0 when you playing support like alistar and leona :v

@neimad6065 - 11.03.2022 22:53

thinking we can fight but going solo because my mates don't follow the call

@benji2665 - 12.03.2022 03:30

The REAL GOLDEN RULE for MID is to always pick Yasuo, be 0/10/0 OR pick any champion what you have a nice skin.

@mustafaishakyalcn144 - 13.03.2022 01:52

no 1 sin sp: stealing flaming teammates cs

@ether6521 - 14.03.2022 11:07

Thank you

@scottyswirl1133 - 17.03.2022 03:37

QOTD: my sin has to be playing a little too safe. Playing ADC has made me a cautious player which can sometimes make me too afraid to fully commit to fights when I'm unsure of the outcome.

@AIMusicFF - 17.03.2022 15:20

dupa cie boli nie mam zadnych zasad gram for fan

@hyahhahaheehaha5098 - 18.03.2022 01:22

worse sin is getting ahead and throwing it all away just to steal an objective like dragon or baron

@tellmewhenitsover - 18.03.2022 03:36

I'll save you 10 min. #1 rule for all roles: uninstall, your sanity will thank you.

@ikttheneighbor9134 - 18.03.2022 14:22

why i cant find kiana on league of legends ? can anyone help me ?

@sameerahmed9797 - 18.03.2022 14:29

adc: get another minion wave/split push(unless you know what you're doing map awareness and shit)

@sameerahmed9797 - 18.03.2022 14:35

golden rule for adc: play safe ya animal

@andersjensen2523 - 19.03.2022 00:50

My top sin is to be impatient in hard matchups. "Just stay under tower"... it's just so hard!

@austinhensley6553 - 19.03.2022 05:21

I main split push tops, the number 1 sin is very easily dying in lane, 1 death in top lane is all it takes to get snowballed on. those early wards count and if youre ahead should not go in a river brush. put them on enemy buff or krug camps so you can back off in time

@ChimkinSendwich - 21.03.2022 12:05

Support: Even if you wait for the wave to crash just to ward your ADC will die and blame you.

@molmolsmolses - 21.03.2022 14:50

When he said don't gank the losing lane, I kept thinking of every snowballed champion who went unpunished until it was too late...Like yeah, ok, you can gank winning lanes to get them strong and stuff, but don't forget slowening down the fed adc or mid laner at some point before it's too late...

@iamking6078 - 21.03.2022 20:23

what do I do if my team loses every lane then?

@marianwantulok7718 - 21.03.2022 20:59

pushing too mutch

@hayden6700 - 21.03.2022 21:45

QOTD: My sin is trusting my support to make a decent play ever

@trymidsalarthun9915 - 23.03.2022 00:41

QOTD: Getting tilted by the clueless support who 50% of the time is a yasuo main getting autofilled

@kinamita8500 - 23.03.2022 13:09

meowrick - Yorick

@mehrunez4838 - 23.03.2022 19:14

My biggest sin as a jungler, is favoring my friends even when losing, and ignoring my real wincon

@EmbracedDestiny - 23.03.2022 20:51

Golden rule for jungle: what if your win con is the losing lane? Protect the vayne comp who is 0/2 by 5 min? Or do you just ff

@weebfam1311 - 24.03.2022 03:47

QOTD:I use mid heroes for all roles

@kingdraze8995 - 24.03.2022 20:37

golden rule is dont die

@HikikimoriFemcel - 24.03.2022 21:50

Video is a good reminder as someone who plays on fill haha.

@aryksanchez5070 - 27.03.2022 08:05

As an adc my largest sin is a tie, one chasing fur a kill. As an adc is your job to put out as much damage as you can while staying safe. Knowing who and how someone can kill you could mean a difference could make a loss fight turn into a victory if done right. The 2nd sin is pretending to be a tank as adc you are the very definition of a glass canyon everything in this game is design to either kill you or keep you out of a fight. So if you playing Lucian why are you in front of thresh or cho'gath?

@thomasbaumhauer7565 - 27.03.2022 22:53

this is the worst, los quality video ive seen in a while. wow and kinda sad

@anonymouspenguin2405 - 29.03.2022 16:43

i think the main sin of midlaners is continuing to push their laner in, when they could be expanding their lead to other parts of the map.

@tssuper1613 - 30.03.2022 15:35

nah, we all know that the Golden Rule for every role is "It's always the JGs fault".

@pogmogs2384 - 12.04.2022 06:25

Number one sin for my main role is: I exist

@yeah5266 - 17.04.2022 14:29

my sin is that im a yasuo main and i always buy control wards

@llama_pizza_5967 - 20.04.2022 11:34

My sin is that i get extremely greedy so ill tower dive and die to the tower cause of it

@Big_T7 - 29.04.2022 16:51

Nerf junglers already theyre having way to much impact most(ofc not every Game) games the jgl diff is deciding the outcome of the game i swear to god , maybe its because im a mid main
🤷‍♂️. (Dia 3 btw)

@emmp8868 - 25.05.2022 11:42

Holy fuck that irelia was so fucking bad in the beginning
