Fallout: New Vegas - Why Project Nevada isn't recommended

Fallout: New Vegas - Why Project Nevada isn't recommended


4 года назад

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@andiarrohnds5163 - 29.05.2020 04:34

my friend... english is not for you

@TheAnalatheist - 29.05.2020 07:21

Project jomama

@restassured.3932 - 30.05.2020 19:52

You forgot to add B42 QuickThrow! :)

@dylanr.cerezo4325 - 08.06.2020 21:39

I play modded new vegas on a yearly basis so ill probably go through the hassle of uninstalling project nevada and all its patches next time lmao. Though I have been taking notice of its flaws in my current NV binge.

@mati96cabj - 22.06.2020 12:45

Thanks. From Argentina

@peppermillers8361 - 04.07.2020 17:37

"It's nice"/10

@pyry1948 - 05.07.2020 06:07

Hyvä video, olen myäs korvannut kyseisen modin muilla modeilla :D

@despacitobravo2881 - 17.07.2020 03:31

suomi gang

@f14uubercat - 09.09.2020 08:19

There is one aspect that Project Nevada does that no other mod has, and that's the Re-balance options it gives you. They are really powerful, also, the sprinting thing requires a perk to keep your weapon out.

@johnsteel6008 - 15.10.2020 00:36

My favorite part about project nevada was the implants, so far as I've seen pretty much everything else can be replaced with another more finely polished mod, but I've not seen anything like the implants for fallout. They're like some stuff straight out of Shadowrun, and none of them are really overpowered unless you do something like use The Embrace of the Mantis King with level 4 razor nails. Then you get crits pretty much every hit and one shot half the enemies...

@potatopoweredhamster9897 - 30.12.2020 05:12

Thanks for this... I bet some people just see you as shitting on the mod but no. You are correct.
If it's a choice between an old mod requiring tonnes of patches or a small set of new mods that do the same (with no patch requirement) then it's just a no brainer.

@brandonvortex995 - 31.12.2020 20:09

quite frankly you dont need project nevada at all i been using project nevada for 3 years and i found it is problematic

nowadays i reinstall new vegas and intsall few solution mods that better than PN

@Gypsy86er - 03.01.2021 01:38

Thx for this vid I almost installed PN. Seems like it’s sometimes better to install the standalone mods instead the merged packages

@kaede1491 - 11.01.2021 05:01

My recommendation: Don't install Project Nevada and Solid Project, both are old and broke as fuck and there is new mods that does the same thing but better.

Nice video btw

@cookiebaker2660 - 20.01.2021 21:10

Bad video. Good recommendations in the description. You come off as someone who just hates the "popular thing" because of your tone. And I say that as someone who came looking for alternatives to PN and WANTED to hear bad stuff about it.

@dontbanme5583 - 24.01.2021 10:59

Damn, you got me. Thanks for the update.

@Mabra51 - 30.01.2021 19:21

"Let's try out charged weapons"
uses a weapon that doesn't have that feature

@TheTISEOMan - 08.02.2021 19:57

The Weapon Wheel can be used in conjunction with the quickslots. So the quickslots can be used for weapons, but the weapon wheel can be used to hold food, water, and aid items. I use it extensively.

@IamMortui - 11.02.2021 16:41

I agree its outdated and adds bloated things to your game, but I really miss the rebalance option allowing me to get a perk each level, instead of a perk each 2 levels.

@cybersloth2467 - 13.02.2021 20:33

PN overlays like night/thermal vision fried my old HD7770 when the mod came out. Ever since then I avoid that mod like a plague.

@AidenRKrone - 26.02.2021 12:54

Just because a mod is old doesn't mean it's bad. However, Project Nevada certainly deserves criticism, mainly because of how bloated it is. Because of that, it's almost always guaranteed to conflict with any other mod. Most of the settings, mechanics, and items that it adds are pointless, redundant, or buggy. You're better off using standalone mods that provide the same features. They're probably less glitchy and more stable.

@MalfunctioningAndroid - 08.03.2021 14:28

Here I am returning to New Vegas in like 5 years, and find out PN is outdated, and starting a journey of finding my new must have mods. And boy does this video help.

@mateuszzeman7632 - 21.03.2021 00:30

Im just using the PN for the vault-tec power armor

@shi-woonyi2605 - 05.04.2021 17:52

Thank you, I didn't check out mods too deep, so I never looked for other things besides some top mods. You helped me a lot just installed few mods, after watching this I uninstalled Project Nevada.

@PainweedingPills - 01.05.2021 11:12

Just Mods and Stewie's Tweaks are literally my go to mods for anything, especially the sprint mod. Also enjoying the Metric option to satisfy my European needs. Project Nevada is just something that is NOT for me, with all those cybernetic mishmashes. Vanilla game's (and DLC, especially OWB's) implants are enough for me.

@thermalejaculation4523 - 22.06.2021 17:01

im using jam and i have jvs sprint enabled and when i run its just as fast as normal walking

@dustymoney8733 - 17.07.2021 14:15

you end up being able to sprint with weapon if you get the perk

@lv_1003 - 01.08.2021 16:27

Project Nevada is old, there are other mods that do the same thing but isn't old.
So the argument is that it is old? gotcha.

@quanganhpham72 - 19.08.2021 18:34

I have 3 problem with this. 1st when you instruct/advise other to mod their game, pls give better argument than "i don't understand why they do it like this", "i don't see what the big deal with it". 2nd pls read the mod description properly before install, you don't even know which gun have the charging feature. And this lead to my 3rd problem with this, this vid is still fill with bias against PN. The latter half is somewhat decent but the earlier half is fill with what you like instead of what is really wrong with PN, of course there are few things you said that is actually correct, 1 is the large number of patch require for PN and the 2nd is the missing reload sound (which also have a patch that fix it) and i also agree that PN have more modern and efficent alternative too. Anyway, bottom line is when you review a mod , pls be objective instead of this. If you name your vid Why Project Nevada isn't recommended by me or some other that explicitly tell that the vid is about your opinions then i will not argue with the bias. Don't name it in a general way like you did and fill it with bias pls. And if you wonder why i have to go here and ranting then it is because your vid just pop up when i search my google trying to fix some visual glitch.

@LehySnek - 07.09.2021 08:58

Can't tell which is more broken: Project Nevada or your English. xD

@paladinezrah4874 - 10.09.2021 12:00

the helmet overlays are shit compared to project Nevada. No one has done it better since.

@Diakyuto - 12.09.2021 01:46

Kind of insane how a mod that many people would considered to be essential back then has gone extremely out of fashion. Not even Skyrim mods have had this issue.

@no_opinion1065 - 06.10.2021 03:52

Look at this dude wear a visor helmet it moves around like in game

@claudiotavares9580 - 07.12.2021 14:48

Nice süomi accent, bro

@brandosmid2544 - 29.12.2021 01:37

your voice sounds cool

@RussianNationalist - 18.03.2022 18:20

project nevada kinda gets overshadowed by just mods and other better alternatives

@civilizedhuman7875 - 28.04.2022 17:35

Guys what is the project Nevada test room name

@KrausseDF - 17.05.2022 15:47

Fuck this mod bruh. Literaly impossible to unisntall. I delepted everything from the mod folder and it still works in game. Shit make no sense.

@intergalactichumanempire9759 - 15.06.2022 08:39

The only things I'm missing are the stealth field options and some of the unique weapons (Rail cannon, stealth laser pistol, etc) that I can't get anywhere else.

@Professorlicme8 - 28.06.2022 23:46

Project nevada has the best overlay and enhanced vision features. The helmet overlay mod is way worse than project nevada and the textures are bad. and enhanced recon jsut gives all powered helmets all advanced features. I like how project nevadas give only the enclave armor stuff like thermals since it is indeed more advanced than the t45 or t51. Gives a benefit to using certain armor over others. Plus with PN nightvision i dont have to toggle through 3 different night vision modes everytime i wanna use it like i do for the advanced recon mod.

@prometheus9885 - 30.06.2022 21:54

Yeah i used this for a little bit, UNTIL i found just mods, new and different options are just so much better

@M0rshu64 - 27.07.2022 01:15

I'll admit that I have some fond memories of playing a modded new vegas for the first time ever in the summer 2015. I had Project Nevada, Weapons of the New Millennium, Fallout classic weapons pack, and a World of Pain among others installed. But nowadays there's really not much of a reason for me to go back to Project Nevada.

@shunyaku7759 - 18.08.2022 18:41

I have been recommending this mod for a decade and I hate you so goddamn much

@Nikiboo32 - 04.01.2023 16:54

very good video i used to run nevada a lot most because i was dumb and just downloaded all the most downloaded mods on the nexus and yea it always caused some kind of issue

@johnsmith-bq2vt - 08.02.2024 07:09

Cool opinion bro. New weapons + better balancing (player, loot & enemies) + new mechanics all bundled into one download with zero dependencies is why I just downloaded it again.

This is a useless video.

@thiccboicory9964 - 25.04.2024 22:19

I love it but i just started a new game last night and just decided to not go project Nevada and just used a retexter for allmost everything made the skys and weapons look better and charcters to not look so bad after that was just few weapon mods and sprinting game feels great with just few small changes
