Document Storage: OneDrive, SharePoint or Microsoft Teams

Document Storage: OneDrive, SharePoint or Microsoft Teams

Jonathan Edwards

2 года назад

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@amirhk1699 - 10.01.2024 14:13


@XtianApi - 28.12.2023 03:09

I created a SharePoint site and uploaded files and created a document library, but no matter what is shows up in my onedrive, not company wide onedrive. It's driving me crazy. How do I share folders in the company wide?
Thanks onedrive?

@johnwalshaw - 23.12.2023 16:38

Love the videos! Something to note, in my experience clicking Sync from a SharePoimt Document Library creates major issues, especially when used for many sites. This creates a OneDrive Sync entry for each Document Library.

The alternative and more robust in my experience is Add Shortcut to OneDrive (the next button over). Note that clicking Sync vs Add Shortcut to OneDrive are mutually exclusive. So you have to start by deleting those Sync relationships, which is a bit of a nightmare, given it leaves all the files locally.

With Add Shortcut to OneDrive, the user can navigate in an identical fashion as well as rename those shortcuts or delete, etc. It's far less complicated in my experience and problem free, whereas Sync is not and is not something my own mother should use. I hope this is helpful.

@michaelpietrzak2067 - 27.11.2023 21:54

Great stuff! Thank you for the video explaining this. I am just learning Sharepoint and this is tremendously helpful

@FisherManGr - 24.11.2023 01:43

When I am in a sharepoint group, what is the maximum space that I can upload files, and is this space occupied independent of the available space that is given per user?

@MatthewsTechHub - 21.11.2023 20:48

Really helpful video thanks Jonathan! I am also an IT provider and this video is very helpful for a project we have coming up shortly.

@studiotwo - 21.11.2023 11:58

One other issue with creating a shared "Company Data" Folder within OneDrive is that you will lose your data when that individual leaves the company and the account gets deleted.

@jill4539 - 20.11.2023 20:03

Thank you, this has been so helpful and easy to understand. Just what I needed.

@hwelvaar - 09.11.2023 01:40

What’s WunDrive ? 😅

@greaterthanbut - 03.11.2023 18:20

Thank you... Spot on! ❤ from the deserts of Arabia

@carlos_mann - 30.10.2023 20:35

How much storage do these SharePoint sites allow for me to save for data, or do i have to pay for a cloud storage sub?

@getl0st - 17.10.2023 14:09

The thing that wasn't explained in this Video is that with Microsoft Teams you can create Private Channels which can have restricted access so for example if your company has a HR Department and you don't everyone in the Organization having access to the HR Files, you create a Private HR Channel, add all of the Applicable people into that Channel and then get them to Synch the Files in the HR Channel to their Computer thus giving you the same sort of File Based permissions we used to have when everyone was using Mapped Drives to Servers

@ManeelxAkosAdor - 15.10.2023 19:30

Amazing video 😎

@MSRahmanSD - 05.10.2023 13:39

Excellent. Crystal clear explanation. You saved my day. Thank you

@lalliehayes6601 - 23.09.2023 15:09

Excellent explanations of what to use when. Microsoft loves redundancy even when it leads to user confusion.

@shivmahla4988 - 22.09.2023 18:30

Thank you very much!! first time my confusion got clear that what is the diffence between OndDrive and SharePoint site. Kudos to you.

@idlewild - 14.09.2023 00:26

Two other things:

1. A private channel within a Teams site will create another SharePoint site.

2. You can't replace the default "Files" link in the Teams channel to send to an existing SharePoint site. So users who (likely) are more and more using Teams, will be confused as to where to store theirs files: in the default Files tab (and backend SharePoint site for the Teams / or private Teams channel) or to a preferred existing SharePoint site that the Teams owners may have added.

@guruware8612 - 27.08.2023 13:55

why would or should one store files on a microsoft server / cloud or or any server for that matter ?
and then complain about privacy, but understandable when people upload videos from their bedrooms.
for teams, setup your own server and give members access, why using ms or google ?
a terrabyte drive isn't that expensive anymore, so whats the real problem?
it worked without a spy-company 20 years ago, now guess how we did that...

@user-wd8ld1my8c - 23.08.2023 18:50

Great video, very informative.

@leodsouza5272 - 23.08.2023 08:36

I have opted for Onedrive Business Plan 2 where in until 25 TB storage will be provided in Onedrive but beyond 25TB the storage will be provisioned in Sharepoint , Could advise how do we access the files from onedrive within sharepoint

@NaeDeen - 09.08.2023 06:07

I spent TWO days trying to get my employees set up properly and wasted so much time. This man solved my problem in less than 10 minutes. I’m not sure whether to be grateful or over it. 😂

@user-oz1mf1ec1n - 08.08.2023 09:33

The best explanation on the web hands down! Cheers!

@dyspeezy - 20.07.2023 19:05

This was super helpful and easy to understand! Thank you for the info!

@brittanyparker-vaughan2881 - 09.07.2023 09:21

Where does Loop fit in…?

@andrew8061 - 05.07.2023 03:28

Excellent explanation Jonathan, thank you. As an IT provider ourselves, we're always looking for ways to simplify the many services offered today, and your video by far, is one of the best.

@jmajanen - 24.06.2023 06:24

Excellent explanation on Microsoft’s rather confusing approach (and it doesn’t help they keep changing the product names). You made sense of it all.

@dhillroy2525 - 20.06.2023 11:31

very helpful explanation @Jonathan Edwards! To the point and succint!

@matthewtelles8619 - 17.06.2023 03:49

amazing tutorial. Thank you for explaining both the intended setups and some company's bad habits setups. It was the later camp that I was in, but I'll use this knowledge to improve our system.

@user-my4hj6lm7h - 09.06.2023 15:59

Clear explanation. Thank you

@itsnotatoober - 09.06.2023 08:05

Really good explainer

@DontTrip41 - 06.06.2023 13:34

Awesome training thanks

@CapNJunkie - 05.06.2023 22:33

that helped tremendously. thank you

@danielsassoonsos4583 - 02.06.2023 08:49

confusing situation of Microsoft.

@joelgulick393 - 28.04.2023 05:03

Great description of the products within side Microsoft regarding files and folders where to place them either in one drive SharePoint or teams thanks for your help

@kevinlin1680 - 27.04.2023 21:30

wonderful, loads of my questions had been solved

@michaelortega804 - 26.04.2023 01:22

is possible to share a file using with sharepoint from standar O365 user to a exchange online plan 1 user? if so, how to work from windows explorer. thanks

@mariocibao - 20.04.2023 14:31

Excellent video, Thanks Jonathan for sharing

@AlainSylvestre - 11.04.2023 04:56

The sync is a little bit tricky, If you sync the root document and later you sync something deeper in that first sync it become messy.

@marcussp83 - 05.04.2023 07:54

Thank you for your video but this still is difficult to understand. I don’t understand why OneDrive can’t be used for a server? It looks just like File Explorer which my company currently uses to access our server documents. There are a lot of features in SharePoint and Teams that seem unnecessary to simply store files.

We just got Microsoft365 and are looking to eliminate our server, so we’re looking for a way to have our folders/files stored in the cloud. OneDrive seems like a cloud version of FileExplorer, but everyone insists it should only be used for personal files. Why?! We’d like to have an Excel file, for example, that someone can open, edit and save it right back to the same location for others to view, open and edit. This is exactly how we use our current server but want to eliminate the server so we don’t have to worry about needing a VPN to access files remotely, back up files or be unable to access our files if the power goes out at our office.


@waldo4460 - 05.03.2023 13:48

Thanks for this insightful video! I've always found it difficult to understand the differences between MS Team, SharePoint, and OneDrive, but your explanation has really helped me to see how each one can be used in a unique way to streamline the workflow and improve collaboration. Keep up the great work!

@scottmattson360 - 26.02.2023 04:58

What don't understand is WHY??? That is an honest question, my company is jumping in to 365 with both feet and I fail to see how efficiency is gained by going from using one file storage program, I.e. one drive (formerly we used google drive) and then switching to use three I.e. one drive, sharepoint and teams? There are tons of videos explaining what each are used for but none explain how this creates efficiency. I understand how this locks in microsoft customers but I don't see how it makes my job day more efficiently managed.

@patrick__007 - 19.02.2023 11:14

Very clear. Thanks a lot. But what about permissions at the SharePoint site level (ow ere, members & visitors)? How to set this up correctly? In my opinion it is a bit of pain in the ....

@supersandrots - 28.01.2023 19:04

Great stuff, thank you Jonathan!

@NassimCortocus - 26.01.2023 03:13

Thank you boss !!

@truthwsyf - 25.01.2023 15:58

Hi @JonathanEdwardsTech - thanks - great video. If you already have a lot of files & folders in sharepoint - how can you sync it with Teams - without having to copy the files over. Since every Teams site files are hosted behind the scenes in Sharepoint - there must be an easy way to make all your sharepoint files appear within Teams - without having to copy them across (which would essentially make them available twice in sharepoint). I ask because some people prefer to use sharepoint, and others prefer to use Teams folder and yet others prefer to use their file explorer and have all the files sync'ed on their PCs. Could you pls kindly help explain this?

@hrostgarfthk918 - 02.01.2023 18:20

Thank You! Your explanation made the differences between the products very clear.

@konfetti002 - 31.12.2022 18:37

Great explanation 👍

@claudiapenna8778 - 18.12.2022 17:10

This video is really so helpful! Thank you

@reenanarvekar3772 - 01.12.2022 07:35

Hey Jonathan, thanks for sharing your knowledge. I have a doubt from a Onedrive storage perspective. Is Onedrive storage mapped against SharePoint at the back same as that of the teams channel.
Your help would be really appreciated. Thanks.

@Nevir202 - 01.12.2022 03:43

Okay, we are using Teams with SharePoint, but the storage was getting too expansive.

We've tried migratation to working within OneDrive, integrated with Teams, but that keeps giving us grief.

So is there at least some way to easily archive a SharePoint when a project is done? We don't want to "sync" it, we want to migrate the files so we can reclaim the storage space by deleting it all, without completely losing the files.
