JS Monorepo Architecture | Using Yarn Workspaces with Next.js and React Native

JS Monorepo Architecture | Using Yarn Workspaces with Next.js and React Native

Patrick Porché Jr

4 месяца назад

369 Просмотров

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@ZiggyVeerman490 - 09.04.2024 16:51

Heee there, normally I don't actually leave comments anywhere, but, just wanted to say thank you! I have a react-native project of which I now would like to start and create a web app, I had been stuck some hours on why my react-native app couldn't see my shared folder. I knew it had to do with metro.config but never concidered to just look at how expo had done it. This unblocked me! :D

@PabloGomez-Echegaray - 05.06.2024 23:30

Nice simple example! In my first internship and having to learn about workspaces for our project.

@sherozeali2760 - 03.07.2024 09:46

I'm using react native cli monorepo is creating issue.
please podfile config if you've.
react-native version 0.74.3
