Impact of state abortion bans after Roe v. Wade is overturned

Impact of state abortion bans after Roe v. Wade is overturned

CBS News

2 года назад

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@harpran346 - 06.06.2023 04:03

Grnerally people NEVER help a child thats not their own. Putting so many chilsrem in foster care is insane.

@micaelrutledge5176 - 12.03.2023 19:13

If abortions are going to be banned, there should also be a ban on Viagra! AND Viagra should NO LONGER BE COVERED BY MEDICAID, MEDICARE, and should not be dispensed by Walgreens!!!!!

@DarkBirgon - 18.02.2023 13:17

I wonder how quickly these "No expectations for r@pə and įnsəst." gestational slævərs would be changing their tune if they woke up hooked up to someone else after being a passenger in a reckless driving accident. If you don't want to be life support for another person, then simply don't force people to do that very same thing with an added legal ğųn to their həad.

@azmakhan1415 - 05.12.2022 05:42

So these DUMB prolifers want a 10-12 year CHILD to bear the TRAUMA of child birth, after enduring years of sexual abuse from their rapists... with no consideration to the risk to her own LIFE &
The Life long complications to that baby heath as a result of being carried to full term in an under-developed, under- nourished body.

All this for an unwanted unborn FETUS.. who if survives till fullterm may aswell be dumped in the foster care at birth, just to grow up without a loving parent, a caring family, a protective home,
& Have an underprivileged, poverty-ridden, LONELY childhood.

And even worse, this vulnerable CHILD could meet the same fate as the mother of being abused, raped & end up getting pregnant by age 10,

Then SHE will also be forced to carry the pregnancy to term even though a child is mentally & physically unfit to endure pregnancy & childbirth.

The very people who claim to be her 'LIFE'S advocate' BEFORE birth, will no be longer concerned whether she DIES due to pregnancy complications..
because a baby's life in only important in the WOMB & will no longer valuable ever since she takes the very first BREATH in this world.!!!

Sensible people can see how wrong all this is..
There is no point in proclaiming to be a PRO-LIFER if you can't guarantee a QUALITY LIFE to all the UNWANTED babies that were FORCED to be born due to your decision & irrational beliefs!!!!

Better focus on the welfare of orphans, & children of low income families that are already ALIVE!!!!!

@MyName123. - 13.11.2022 00:39


@johnshea7871 - 07.11.2022 10:25

This is why I gave up on Republicans. Ever since Trump became president he ruined their credibility. This abortion ban is restricting women’s rights. I may be a man, but I am pro-choice.

@Solarenergybby - 05.11.2022 17:17

Thank God!!!! Can we now create a law that forces women to get married if they want children?

@turquoiseturquoiseturquois1174 - 13.10.2022 17:49

Let's party🎉🎉🎉

@tonystraw7202 - 05.10.2022 06:24

Stop Klinger babys

@estherklitton390 - 27.09.2022 16:45

Typical for "old men" trying to control women! A long time battle against women! WOMENS RIGHTS RULE

@firewilson8056 - 08.09.2022 02:44

Maybe some individual states will decide not to change back

@tonimartin6167 - 22.08.2022 06:40

The USA is getting closer to be like Iran

@johnsummers9116 - 31.07.2022 06:54

Ok then let's make is with in the law last say the youngest was 8 yours old so make it with in the law to marry without parents ok

@studentathlete7751 - 14.07.2022 21:23

Abortion shouldn’t be banned it should still be legal under certain circumstances if the baby isn’t going to survive if the mother can’t physically have the baby safely if the pregnancy is threatening the mother’s life or if the pregnancy was the result of rape those are real legitimate reasons for abortion where the mother would actually need it.

@rtroutbumm - 09.07.2022 10:05

This is not a man’s place to say anything! a woman should have the right too decide and or choose. Men need to step aside on This one. Just saying. Women receive men do not.

@taz1417 - 04.07.2022 11:22

Hey, here's a novel idea, why don't the democrats try to contact the woman who was the "Roe" in Roe v Wade, and ask her how she feels about this SCOTUS decision now. Hmm, oh, that would be too hard to do for them, because they will get a big surprise when she tells them what she thinks.

@BigMobe - 03.07.2022 17:31

The life a woman carries inside of her is more important than hers. Anyone that doesn't realize that should opt out of gene pool.

@rustyshackleford1877 - 03.07.2022 16:58

My body my choice, except when it comes to vaccines and masks.

@rustyshackleford1877 - 03.07.2022 16:55

I don't protest when I have to drive to another state for 30 round magazines, because they're illegal in my state.

@apsifox5874 - 03.07.2022 11:42

yeetus that feetus

@sarahferiozzi384 - 03.07.2022 02:53

A huge impact that people dont realize is a huge number of these babies are going to be born with MAJOR medical problems. A huge reason for having a late term abortion is finding out the fetus has a life threatening disease - I'm not talking about down syndrome. These children will need so much medical care as long as they live. I hope people understand this and care for these children.

@TiredButHardWorking - 03.07.2022 00:56

This stupid decision will unfortunately lead to an increase in back alley abortions that existed before Roe v. Wade was legalized.

@splawshy3346 - 02.07.2022 19:11

Wait what happens if the woman is a r@p3 victim?

@realyty4real - 02.07.2022 17:14

"And they'll just have to carry unwanted pregnancies to term"
So what does equality feel like now?

@LizzyRox420 - 02.07.2022 15:06

It's BS. Women should have the right to choose. What happens when parents sue the governments cuz their teens or anyone else they know die trying to do it on their own with a coat hanger and puncture something the wrong way. Thats pretty much what will happen eventually. It poses a risk to children never finding a home if they're adopted. There's a higher percentage of children not being adopted than the ones who do. I would not choose abortion or adoption for myself, but I can understand why other women would choose this decision and they deserve their right to choose

@richlaw5136 - 02.07.2022 09:31

Do they also sell Kool aid to wash down the abortion pill?

@angelruks6071 - 02.07.2022 07:57

Perhaps all these people that feel so passionate about this topic on BOTH sides will actually go out and vote! Pay attention to candidates and their views stop buying into the smear campaign ads on tv and start doing your research on who your putting in office with your vote and by not voting at all your choosing to accept whatever lands in office as your choosing to not vote. So VOTE!! Make your voice heard!

@nita5625 - 02.07.2022 04:50

REBELLION AT ITS FINEST SMH🙄! Lord protect your unborn🙏💔😢!!

@davidlor972 - 02.07.2022 01:50

Abortion should be legal.
Her body Her choice but THEIR CHILD THEIR CHOICE.
If the mother chooses to keep the child with out counseling the father and the father doesn't want to keep the child then the father shouldn't pay child support. If the mother chooses to abort the child without counseling the father and the father want to keep the child then she should be charged a reasonable amount of money to the father. If they both agree to abort then they do it and move on with their lives. if they both agree to keep their child then they keep it and move on with their lives. If both see fit that they are ready or not ready, to raise a child that is on them.

If they aren't ready and the child is born ,who knows, It might work out or it might not. Even if they are ready to raise their child, who knows, It might work out or it might not.

@barrrylincoln - 02.07.2022 01:09

You never hear about the women who deeply regret an abortion later in life or the ones that are haunted by it for life,, etc. I suppose there are women that don't regret it at all that tell themselves it was the only thing I could do at the time.
Children and Grandchildren are supposed to be a delight when you get old. Anything worth having is hard to come by, you might have to sacrifice for it.

@barrrylincoln - 02.07.2022 00:35

Go ahead, protest. It won't change anything. Abortion has been used for birth control for way too long. Be responsible. It should always be available for rape and incest or to save a mothers life.

@hannarose9557 - 01.07.2022 20:15

Reparations for the people who has been and still are been dragged through life on unfairness. We are not lazy nor unintelligent. We are tired of going through abuse, unfairness and been told we are nothing to the world because the color of the skins. We built this nation with our bare hands and toes. Bring babies in the world from rape and abused is not right nor fair.

@Jeffmacaroni1542 - 01.07.2022 19:35

Dr. C. EVERETT KOOP........ "Protection of the life of the mother as an excuse for an abortion is a smoke screen. In my 36 years of pediatric surgery, I have never known of one instance where the child had to be aborted to save the mother's life. If toward the end of the pregnancy complications arise that threaten the mother's health, the doctor will induce labor or perform a Caesarean section. His intention is to save the life of both the mother and the baby. The baby's life is never willfully destroyed because the mother's life is in danger.”

@kidcourage2169 - 01.07.2022 18:19

Massive win right here! 🙌🙌👍💯💯

@cryingsheep9485 - 01.07.2022 17:11

Now you know Our Pain. Learn from our Tribe we were once free and control of our life's.

@tristenwilliams558 - 01.07.2022 03:49

Goood im glad abortion is banned now it needs to be banned all over the world

@chuckufarlie24 - 30.06.2022 19:24

It's a woman's body and her chose. People before you know we're not gonna have any rights left.

@rickbrickles1410 - 30.06.2022 14:41

Good = God.
Bad = devil

Where are you on your spirituality. Pray and seek Jesus he is your only salvation.

For, “Whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech. They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it.”

@basedmanlett - 30.06.2022 13:42

Speaking as a Short Man, I was disappointed by this ruling. I want to make my wife get an abortion if it is a daughter.

I want to have a son who respects short men as opposed to some shallow heightist who only dates 6ft tall guys.

@gloomydaysunshine8656 - 30.06.2022 09:26

A nation destroyed by its enemies can rise again…but the one which crumbles from within… that’s dead

@ultramagatron - 30.06.2022 08:00

Your Liberal tears is sooooo sweet! Roe is dead on its track.

@ArnoldTeras - 30.06.2022 05:57

Americans might have become more pro-abortion over the years, but that doesn't matter, that's not how the judicial process works. What if the Court decides on abolishing the death penalty, for example, because some "polls" indicate Americans are against that, and then 5 years later, most Americans change their views? Besides, I think most Americans were pro-abortion only because it was normalized and legalized for so long. Perhaps a year later, results will also change. :)

@johnsmith-wj7qf - 30.06.2022 04:12

its funny how women can change their mind about having a baby with out a problem. but a man can't change his mind about paying chidsupport with out problems

@LH74 - 30.06.2022 02:28

Any right that is not explicitly stated in the Constitution is up for the States to decide. This is the way it is.

@Vanix0609 - 30.06.2022 02:04

Ah yes. Stealing an eagle egg is illegal, but killing a human baby? Thats totally okay! Nobody should have the right to take someone else's life.

@jas1049 - 30.06.2022 01:20

Any American that does not actively go out and vote against all GOP candidates at both State and Federal level in the midterms and thereafter are going to be responsible for finding themselves living in a fascist state lifted straight out of the pages of Margaret Atwood’s novel “A Handmaids Tale” before they know it and that goes for every single American over the age of 18 in every single State in the US. Not voting is so utterly irresponsible in today’s America.

@Dom-fi2ys - 29.06.2022 23:18

Note to people from states with abortion bans. If you come to the states with active abortionists. To do your dirty work. You better watch your back we will be fighting harder this time.

@axelrodriguez7928 - 29.06.2022 22:09

I guess if one gets raped/sexually abused/molested they are forced to keep the kid, the system will be overturned by us people, let this be a struggle now but later it will be overruled

@shahidahmed1956 - 29.06.2022 19:51

