PYXNIEL: Why I Just Maxed RAID'S Worst Fusion!

PYXNIEL: Why I Just Maxed RAID'S Worst Fusion!

ASH: RAID Shadow Legends

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RAID Shadow Legends Pyxniel Build, Masteries & Guide
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Today in RAID Shadow Legends I'll share why I finally built Pyxniel, RAID's worst fusion champion ever (IMO). Today we'll show just how awkward and bad she is as a champion as we speculate on what ought to be done to make her better. Plarium has a long history of giving Legendary champions big buffs so hoping that's the case with this champion as well.

►Pyxniel Ayumilove:
►Russian Plarium Interview:
►Reddit Interview Translation notes:

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@tylerpaul7278 - 09.07.2023 23:33

Ash can you do a follow up on this since the buff is out now. Idk if you see comments on. Vids this old but shes. One. Of my first. Leggo pull and i only have 3. Leggo, need 2 kno. IF. I should invest

@dorintamas7286 - 23.04.2023 20:24

got her in a sacred and i built her bcz i had a 5* awakening so i got her to 60 with masteries but no books. So i consider it to be free to build 4me.. not using her anywhere.. ^^

@robert48044 - 25.10.2022 18:12

She my third legendary besides the gold skeleton, yay lol

@williamlimbach1743 - 06.10.2022 02:17

Hey Ash thanks for the video on her. I just started 3 months ago so your videos are massive help. I just got this toon last night. Did they buff her over the ladt year? Or is she still not wprth it ?

@bouhbouh9408 - 31.05.2022 14:31

I maxed Pyxniel. She's actually very good in the arena. Against all the freeze champions, especially ninja, she is a good protector for my other champions : remove freeze, increase defense, heal, and freeze. The freeze is far better than you give it credit for. In the arena, I have better results with her at level 50 than with bad-el-kazar at lvl60. It depends on the enemy team obviously, but on average, that's it. This is after the buff BTW.

I feel like people underestimate increase defense, and you definitely underestimate, or you don't understand, her freeze ability.

@rebellionofindia43 - 06.04.2022 20:35

so unlucky she is mine first legendary in vault gone her as food

@skepticfucker280 - 06.02.2022 04:03

My second Lego if you count s1mple.....

@dillardpowell7002 - 28.01.2022 20:19

Thanks for the input Ash! I pulled her the other day. on my F2P on the double leggo shard pull. Least I got a Rotos with her.

@doravouth9266 - 24.01.2022 20:42

I was thrilled when I got a legendary out of a blue shard.... then I took a better look at Pynxiel :(

@andreiiamu4299 - 12.01.2022 01:16

Spoiler alert : Still trash

@crockettwalker3683 - 08.11.2021 19:36

Good to see you enjoy the family time, I do as well with my twin boys, nothing is better. Do you think they did ok with the buff as it stands, or maybe they should do more with her

@Ernie_123 - 05.11.2021 16:38

I got her just now from Ancient Shards, was so happy seeing Gold but then she appeared. As a free to play player I've been so unlucky with Legendary champions.. first Warchief and now her, and they're the only two Legendary champions I've pulled.. 😭😭

@Ounouh - 03.11.2021 16:21

Whoever designed Pyxniel skills should be fired. Not only do the skills suck but look at the number of legendary books to max her?!

@tonymueller6800 - 09.10.2021 03:13

I am just a couple months into the game and after a full reboot after 5-6 weeks, because watching your vids made me understand how many horrific mistakes I made to start the game. I only ever had 2 leg champions, Ninja and Pixniel. And I am heavily leaning on her because she is literally the only healer (sort of) in my champions list. And you're right in that her A2 ability is pretty much the only reason I built her up because I needed ANY type of healing. She'll probably fall out of my rotation when I get a legit healer.

@nicojoubert9338 - 01.10.2021 19:52

So we got news on pyxniel honestly I think you wasted your resources her buff is not worth it

@Dragon_Fyre - 28.09.2021 22:02

Well, they released buff notes for Pyxniel. Still useless…

@qo5958 - 25.09.2021 15:06

Her passive should remove a freeze from an ally and 50% at deflecting the freeze debuff either onto the attacker or a random enemy, either would be cool. But yeah, retool her a3 so it's an aoe freeze and a2 so it's an aoe attack.

@bigbadgazok - 02.09.2021 12:52

Right Ash. After watching this video, I followed your advice and maxed her.....and today the update change to Pyxniel!!!!! What's the deal bro? 🤔

@Monke0310 - 25.08.2021 23:20

Even if the buff is substantial, the book requirement will still make her garbage with those cooldowns

@aSimpleWanderer - 20.08.2021 11:24

Put her on a team with Achak and Ninja and see what she can do bro

@nix9vex13 - 17.08.2021 19:55

Pulled her a few days ago. Not touching her.

@Bkillaskr - 17.08.2021 11:16

You should put my favorite ladies side by side as a team instead of to compare them..🤨

@jbjorge - 11.08.2021 22:54

The Pyxniel passive skill should be something like to protect allies from freezes (with a decent %chance), and freezing back the attacker (this counter could not be resisted). It would be nice. And of course, the amount of books needed should be reduced.

@jeremyscott6403 - 10.08.2021 16:47

18 books m8...why? totally used her max Duchess...boom

@seabrown8694 - 08.08.2021 21:42

hey hotash; busy with school but really wish they would upgrade pyx:)

@trollmctrollington3693 - 08.08.2021 19:54

Stop praising dark elhain before they nerf her

@kinggsgames3740 - 07.08.2021 11:46

My account full of garbage legendaries only one of 1 is pyxneil and hopefully the other garbage get buff so I can have a actual bease account outside of epics

@joseabrantes7721 - 07.08.2021 00:49

High doomtower freeze comps for CC. She keeps them at bay.

@joseabrantes7721 - 07.08.2021 00:31

Pyxniel was always supposed to be the best freezer slash resist champ ever. Buttttt.

@smcmu1len - 06.08.2021 19:45

let's make it worse.. and make them book it up! lmao

@xerioussunblade - 06.08.2021 05:05

I built her, booked her, JUST FOR this reason! What a gamble!!!

@chasepeterson1696 - 06.08.2021 00:13

Even if they made the A3 an AOE with 100% freeze and improved her passive a little, I'd think to myself "not a bad champ, maybe I should build her"... then I'd look at the books and go "nah" not worth 1000 lego books. If I am going to use that many books on a champ, they need to be a really good champ. So, rework or not, probably not maxing her out

@darkbeach72 - 05.08.2021 20:20

Your suggestions are good, if a little modest. I think she should have an irresistible freeze somewhere in her kit. She kinda has an Uber Elsa thing going on visually. Something like that would make her an OP meta breaking champion.

@darkbeach72 - 05.08.2021 19:59

This is great news. I wish they'd slow down on the new champs though. Kind of overwhelming.

@Facehunter33 - 05.08.2021 02:03

Lets recall teela goremane who HAS been buffed, and is still quite dog shit :D Although I use her in sorath actually >_>

@jhonatanperez9481 - 05.08.2021 01:55

I hope they buff the barbarian version of her in the future but im just glad they finally decided to buff her after all the work that went into getting her especially since she's one of the best looking champs in the game

@mogrease4 - 05.08.2021 00:25

AOE freeze 100% on three turn cooldowns. No conditions on any of her other abilities and change passive to just remove all freezes instantly. No cooldowns.

@YOUmommaHAX - 04.08.2021 23:44

When is her buff coming? Can't freaking wait hopefully I can take her off my vault

@oldsloppy69 - 04.08.2021 18:47

Love the content Ash but everytime you say Visix the Unbowed.. Its pronounced Un(bowed) not Un(bohed). It means she cant be made to kneel or bow.. not a bow and arrow bow.

@boon4ll - 04.08.2021 18:29

Dude.. love yer vids an watch em all.
Yah never far off with your advice and you’ve helped me soo much man…
Also love the funny little samples and stuff you use to add some humour…
Buttttt… maaaann, don’t get carried away mate huuh?
Know it’s kinda your thing but don’t get to Silly man.
Nuff luv! Peace! An happy raiding heh! ;)

@zachary6977 - 04.08.2021 17:43

The easiest way to buff her is to make her freeze last for two turns.... boom, now she is the only champ in the game with a 2 turn freeze ability AND now when her turn comes back around she can AoE on her A2 because all the enemies will still be frozen.

@Gantzz321 - 04.08.2021 17:12

I have 2 of this stupid things in my vault

@Gantzz321 - 04.08.2021 16:53

this is because of the new DT BOMB boss that requires a FREEZE on the bomb.

@bearnold15 - 04.08.2021 16:38

You're being too generous, for the amount of investment it costs for this champ they need to make this a complete game changer. All the champs, silver, potions, books, this is a very expensive champ to just be sitting in my vault. And she's also probably one of the coolest looking champs! They need to first off lower the amount of legendary books, if they can't do that then they need to insanely buff every ability. I'm with you more guarantees more AOEs, she should be BY FAR the best freeze champ in the game when they're done.

@liamrobinson845 - 04.08.2021 14:18

because you can afford to ??? KEKW

@adriancanestra6910 - 04.08.2021 08:47

They need to make her so she can team up with dark Elaine or frozen Banshee or Ninja. Something...she looks cool so they need to fix her.

@adriancanestra6910 - 04.08.2021 08:38

I have that Pixniel so I can't wait for them to upgrade her.

@Dannyb1022 - 04.08.2021 06:22

Don't have her. Soooo... don't really care what they do xD

@wasp0074 - 04.08.2021 04:44

I'm not sure if anyone caught this but when she fight against the frost spider she would stll get her turn after being frozen...Hey Ash totally agree with you about this champ. With the right reworking from Plarium she could be useful.
