The Most Unsettling Movie's Iceberg Explained

The Most Unsettling Movie's Iceberg Explained


1 год назад

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@bills-beard - 08.11.2023 20:47

Re: why is the last movie so tame?: it is my understanding that iceberg structure is not based on degree of topic (from least disturbing to most disturbing) but rather based on how well known a piece is, where the top tier is the most well-known pieces and the bottom is comprised of pieces that are on-theme, but no one has heard of it unless theyre SUPER deep in the sauce. And it sounds like you definitely hadnt heard of that russian surgery film 😂 it was obscure as hell

@floppsiemates - 12.10.2023 01:12

omg Megan is missing messed me up so bad that I lost 3 nights of sleep and was hallucinating, and I only saw images and descriptions. I think It scared me so much because I could have been megan cause I had a similar incident on chat rooms

@1hundred1 - 29.05.2023 07:26

That leatherface shit had me dying 😂😂😂😂

@charlie-vl3vl - 31.03.2023 18:07

ur so hot wtffff

@uk6396 - 20.03.2023 18:56

I recommend the golden glove. Terrefier 2 is one of the most graphical disturbing movies I ever saw. Talking about saw, its worse than saw.

@ytbrado - 11.03.2023 23:38

nice, quick overview of the movies. love your content and you have a great narration voice by the way.

@jodon72 - 09.03.2023 02:14

Guy is a fan of Mortal Kombat, for that alone I must subscribe. But also, great quality video. Can't wait to see you grow

@Anfallhund - 07.03.2023 08:40

Wendigoon invented sitting down in front of a camera and reading text off a screen apparently

@onadaTotihotiH - 06.03.2023 01:49

I think Wendigoon would be flattered more than anything lmao

@Kissingerzones1311 - 03.03.2023 18:52

Bro think he Wendigoon (joke)

@vincentfromnothing - 01.03.2023 16:34

August underground is left

@lilmissbloodbath89 - 01.03.2023 15:51

Faces of Death is mostly fake. The people who made the movies did a movie about how they did some of the special effects called Faces of Death: Fact or Fiction.

@deathdog1392 - 01.03.2023 12:30

Megan is Missing is a good movie. It should be viewed by every young girl that thinks they need to whore to be cool. They censored it cause they want young girls trafficked. Not kidding that why.

@ColdFuse96 - 01.03.2023 01:01

I just found your channel, and I just want to say that you make awesome videos!!! You have a great narration voice!!! Don't worry about bring called a Wendigoon copycat because, honestly, because your videos arent the same as his. They both have similar low-spooky vibes, but you both cover different content, but with similar styles. Two are better than one, and even if you make videos on subjects already covered, it's always great to hear someone else's take on it, maybe even with new or updated information to accompany it.

Rock on!!!

@imogen5141 - 28.02.2023 22:46

I'm suprised megan is missing is in the first tier. That is one of the movies that really had an impact on me. I couldn't stop thinking about it for ages afterwards.

@Neowildblaster - 28.02.2023 22:14

As much as I enjoy your videos, i do think you could def improve in some areas! In my opinion, i feel like you go a little too fast with topics/try to speak fast…it’s made more obvious when you stumble on words or have to repeat them. Maybe slowing down your speech or cutting out the parts where you have to repeat yourself would help the video flow better. Also there’s some information that’s wrong in the video, it’s not noticeable or really a big deal but still…attention to details and facts can still be really important!

@SkillzHigher - 28.02.2023 21:49

Your content is in general really great and documented, but this one was just lazy, take your time, look at the movies if you want to do a tier like this, give your own opinion, explain them as you should. If you don't enjoy this type of media its totally ok just stick to what you like and do that

@sergiobarrazaruiz1811 - 28.02.2023 21:18

Marquis de Sade died 2 December 1814 of an infection...
Pier Paolo Pasolini was the guy who directed the film and the guy who got murdered, not the Marqui
Eraserhead is not from the 90s, its from the end of the 70s

@yunshij - 28.02.2023 14:52

I dont see how you are a wendigoon copycat tbh just because u cover the same topics😂 people r mad. Keep up the good work

@TheDetox36 - 28.02.2023 14:28

Nice to see a new vid from you man! Recently came across your channel and been loving what you’ve been doing. Keep it up man.

@Phakedra - 28.02.2023 13:41

Eraserhead was a 70s movie, not a 90s movie. no h8 tho. entertaining vid.👍

@sewnkin_fournine - 28.02.2023 13:37

You didn't watch any of these movies? So you're taking the plot and other peoples' experiences at face value? If you plan on doing a disturbing iceberg, it's best to sit down and try to watch every movie so you have more to go off of than just the plot. Also, when you said eraserhead was made in the 90s when it was made in 1977 made me want to die. You definitely didn't do this iceberg justice and the iceberg itself was shit, too. I fucking love wendigoon so like others have said, it's a compliment mote than anything else.

@cowbearrie - 28.02.2023 10:51

terrifier takes me back to old b movies and i love itt. the nostalgia is unreal. also art's actor has a video on his channel from years ago where he does family guy impressions and it kills me every time

@threedog3034 - 28.02.2023 08:03

Needs some background music

@IronBat918 - 28.02.2023 06:24

why does it like sound your voice is dubbed

@hideyokids9665 - 28.02.2023 05:20

Being called a Wendigoon copycat is not an insult, its a praise dude. You have a way to discuss topics that can be a little boring for others in a way that entices people's curiosity and make them pay attention.

@ADP057 - 28.02.2023 04:32

Even if you where a windagoon clone, which I don't believe you are, people are entitled to like similar entertainers. Plus, creators like Dantavious have also done a lot of iceburgs. Windy doesn't even focus on iceburgs anymore. Overall, I enjoy listening to your voice when I'm doing homework or going to sleep. Keep making more, I've really loved it.

@YourLocalEBoy - 28.02.2023 04:07

oh hecks yeah amazing timinq
