FREE FOR PROFIT | "FEAR" - NF x G-Eazy Type Beat | Hard Trap instrumental | Prod. Pendo46

FREE FOR PROFIT | "FEAR" - NF x G-Eazy Type Beat | Hard Trap instrumental | Prod. Pendo46


4 года назад

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@Pendo46 - 02.11.2019 10:49


@trackscapital - 21.09.2023 14:43

👍 always 🔥🔥 liked

@sanjanavishwakarma3350 - 12.02.2022 14:14

Can I use this beat for all platforms??🥺

@Tonyjess02 - 23.12.2021 01:21

Που πάει το σήμερα που είναι αύριο να τρώνε Με τρόπω μακάβριο

@drakewalker8478 - 14.08.2021 07:25

Fucking legend

@azeemakhtar6252 - 30.06.2021 14:16

Is beat ki BPM kya h plz tell me agar kisi ko pta h to jarur bataye

@diazmdz - 24.05.2021 15:59

No sé ni lo que hago y la cago al fin
Me preocupo demasiado por quien tengo junto a mí
Yo por ti daría mi mano tú por mí ni un par de calos ser bueno también es malo se aprovecharán de ti
El peón con el alfil La verdad contra el perfil
El principio contra el fin la vida contra este imbecil
Suminístrame la realidad en dosis
Te entregas a esa chavala y solo les has visto el chasis
Me he quedado en el casi por culpa del por si
Me llevaba la ostia el miedo es mi parálisis
El rap mí catarsis tu mirada mi oasis
Sois cucarachas a lo kafka en la metamorfosis
No preguntes por migui
Estará a lo suyo haciendo sus movies
O quizás vaya de jari
Y este pensando en ti gastando tinta del boli
Me cago en el poli
Que se crece en la mani
Si le quitas la porra
Es una puta en bikini
Pedazo de toli pega a su pueblo por money
Solo es otro un cerdo con una placa en la cami
No lo hago por hobby esto lo hago por mí
Por todo lo que jodí y hoy no me deja dormir
Esto lo único que estuvo cuando nadie estaba allí así que después no digas que si me acuerdo de ti

@khepri4057 - 04.05.2021 21:02

Yok yolu bir çıkmaz
İçinde yıkıldım kim susmaz
Yolumuz karanlık içimde yangın
Sessizlik hakimiyet kurar bu acı
Ömrüm kısa kömür gözlüm
Kara bahtım aydınlansın
Sözümü tutarim ölene dek

@D_Ecrit - 01.03.2021 12:18

I made my first track in English with that beat! Thank you, Pendo46, for inspiring me!

@miguelalvarez8924 - 25.02.2021 19:57

- [ ] Ya no sé si pensarte o si verte
- [ ] Si mantenerme fuerte o mantenerme al margen
- [ ] me imagino en un instante
- [ ] que soy capaz de quererme
- [ ] por delante de a alguien
- [ ] que no supo valorarme
- [ ] empiezo a dar valor a las cosas importantes el valor que me faltó cuando te tuve delante
- [ ] ahora entiendo las palabras que retumban en mi mente nunca diré un para siempre a alguien que no sea mi madre
- [ ] entiendes
- [ ] La vida no es pa cobardes
- [ ] Es pal que le hecha un par sin importar el contrincante
- [ ] Es para el que la sigue y la consigue pronto o tarde
- [ ] Porque nunca será tarde si consigues encontrarte
- [ ] harto
- [ ] Llamas a lo tuyo arte
- [ ] Tu no has visto a mis chavales sangrar letras en el parque
- [ ] Eso se llama talento Primo y no puede copiarse ni comprarse sale solo cuando estás roto en mil partes
- [ ] Apártate si no quieres condenarte
- [ ] A recorrer conmigo un camino a ninguna parte
- [ ] dicen que porque escribo si digo que va matarme,
- [ ] Porque aunque esté vacío ansío llenar a alguien
- [ ] Ansío llenar a alguien
- [ ] No creo que lo entiendas si no vives en mi carne y
- [ ] Me da igual ser diferente no quiero ser importante
- [ ] Me basta con ser valiente con mi gente por delante
Calma, me paro y me digo calma
tranquilízate Miguel desactiva ya la alarma
Jamás amarás más a un cuerpo o a una cara
que a una charla hasta las tantas conversando con su alma
El más callado es el que más secretos guarda
Y aquel que no se calla mejor no contarle nada
Cuenta con unos pocos en las buenas y en las malas porque la traición asoma cuando la envidia les llama

Fuck that no confió ni en mi sombra
Lo siento piva lo de ser borde lo bordas
Tu te crees muy hombre por saltarte un par de normas luego te ve tu padre y te pega un par de tortas
Pa que aprendas a cuidar tus formas
de tanto meter mierda en esa mierda te transformas
Meter toda tu mierda debajo de la alfombra es esa verdad tan fea que con la mentira adornas

Sin creer en dios por los míos rezo a veces
Porque tengan salud y todo lo que se merecen
Se te acaba la pacienciya a medida que creces
Me cago en la piedra e ha n la que tropecé mil veces
Quien te crees solo dices estupideces
no me trates de hermano si me has visto un par de veces
No me fio de ti me la suda lo que me ofreces
Se que no estarás aquí el día en el que tropiece
a veces
algo dentro de mí se estremece
Me acuerdo d ti tu recuerdo me escuece
Estoy acostumbrado a vivir en un martes 13
Con la mama a voces
pero el niño no obedece
De que
Me vienes a contar tu a mí
Si to lo q perdí
fue por dártelo a tí
Comprendí que no quería seguir así
Y ahora estoy con mis chavales gozándolo por
Vine vi vencí el rap es trasmitir
Prometí y cumplí
Perdí y aprendí
Que debo cuidar las flores del jardín
que si no las malas hierbas se apoderarán de mí
Cacho mierda
Fallaste mi confianza cuando yo te abrí la puerta
Estate alerta
por mucho que me pagues nunca saldarás tu deuda
Que aquí todo se paga no se me ha olvidado tu deuda

- [ ] A

- [ ] Siento que tardé mucho tiempo en aprenderme a desahogarme

- [ ] de aprender a valorarme
- [ ] sin
- [ ]

@akovic817 - 16.02.2021 01:04

pff what a long day im lookin for a beat the whole day finally found one !!

@OneSavedAll - 13.02.2021 02:49

Do you smell that it's the smell of beautiful life and a uncontrollable soul to hold that flys with angels of all gold my soul was sold to long ago I froze and showed I wasn't gonna fold. The king tuk of I don't give a fuck and got you shook like a hockey puck . Still playing games rascially rabbit I control your habit . So try to grab it. Lightning bolt shot gun shot to your soul . You made me sell mine so I'm selling all yours by glideing your spiritual light that you think is yours. So get ready to do your chores. The pathway is critical and black out nation is upon us but like I said who gives a fuck not us apparently. Dang the song is still going all day long lengo in my wordplay like moneybagg would say . Who taught the king's what they know ole dirty jesus christ I brush my shoulders off and sit back and watch the show. Payback attack on them broadcasting brain eating camel toes.

@666mert4 - 10.02.2021 04:49

Hiç bi zaman olmadım markanın on yüzü
aynaya baktıkları her saniye onlara gotyuzu
Benjamin franklin hepsinin son yüzü
Para biriktirsem olmazdım dostların tek sözü

ben realistim sözlerim açıkta
Kafamin ıçinde tonla kaçık var
Beni sevmeyenler için hep
gösterdiğim bir kısım var-neyse

herkesten farkım ne
Koşmam dır belki de
Beni takmiyorlar ki
Hep olgun düşününce

@avpthegreat1903 - 07.02.2021 06:05

I started rapping

@djzier6284 - 06.02.2021 00:20


@colebrewer471 - 05.02.2021 20:48

NF isn't the type of person to flash the cash man you dont know nf

@halls679 - 19.01.2021 07:40

Ад или рай,
Сам выбирай.
Получилось пройти,
На душе нету сил,
Не погибай.
Если же погиб,
То проваливай.
Куплет 1:
А я бреду в бриду,
По району залипая,
И не найду беду,
Хоть она за мной питляет.
Родное сберегу,
Чужое потеряю.
Что же на том брегу,
Я всё равно узнаю.
Мне говорили с детства,
Теперь здесь твоё место.
Терпеть придётся честно,
И много будет веса.
Но я не из собеса,
В душе играют бесы.
Вокруг всё меньше леса,
И не дождусь чудес я.
А помнишь как мы в детстве,
С тобою пели песни.
Сейчас же мы не вместе,
Выслушываем лести.
Не стану в это лести,
Забуду это место.
Но только в моём сердце,
Всё будут эти песни
Ад или рай,
Сам выбирай сам выбирай сам выбирай ай яй яй(2)
Ад или рай,
Сам выбирай.
Получилось пройти,
На душе нету сил,
Не погибай.
Если же погиб,
То проваливай.(4)
Куплет 2:
И город спит,
Небо затянуто дымом.
Район шумит,
Мама потеряла сына.
Я не один ма,
Всю ночь по улицам,кабакам, пацанам и падикам.
А что же дальше будет,
И что мне скажут люди.
И кто меня осудит,
Сердце не заволнует.
Ведь каждый за тут будет,
Счастье он ждёт на блюде.
Но не бывают судьбы,
Без сложных перемен.
А как же так случилось,
Вдруг жизнь переменилась.
Моя судьба добилась,
Чтоб моё сердце билось.
А как же так случилось,
И что то приключилось.
Моя игра закрылась,
Но я встаю с колен.
Вернусь к себе домой,
В большой свой край родной .
Сказав тебе постой,
Прижму к себе рукой.
И не забуду слов тех,
Что сказаны тобой.
Мои воспоминания,
Стали твоей слезой.
Ад или рай,
Сам выбирай сам выбирай сам выбирай ай яй яй(2)
Ад или рай,
Сам выбирай.
Получилось пройти,
На душе нету сил,
Не погибай.
Если же погиб,
То проваливай.(4)

@M_a_h_a_g_o_n_i - 18.01.2021 14:54

love it

@jeffreyhawkins3649 - 16.01.2021 01:12

Pendo46 bro every beat dope wether its my style or not hardly a single one I dont like .......listing to beats at work like damn who made this FIRE 🔥 beat and of course it was pendo

@officialumar007 - 12.01.2021 14:56

Kill it bro 💯♨️♨️💯♨️♨️💯

@munirosman3447 - 08.12.2020 03:31

Using everybodieZ lyricZ on here and become rich. Thanks ladZ, dont worry I won't use credit either.

@cashabian9618 - 22.11.2020 02:36

please try harder

@cashabian9618 - 22.11.2020 02:33

you need to improve

@jssonhicks3375 - 21.11.2020 05:18

Now its time light workers r to UNITE ALLIGHN we walk today rebpern reincarnated SOLDIERS of REVELATIONS !!144000 being brought out of hibernation to convince the MASSES !
Lead them out of this deception explore who u r to GOD U MAY BE ONE OF US !!?TRUTH OPEN YOUR HEARTS PRAY AND AN ANSWER WILL ARRIVE!!

@FilmerStevie - 10.11.2020 21:57

Hey Pendo, long time fan bro. Can you please report/take down the video: Давай забудем by KosBoss? The dude claimed a copyright on it by ONErpm and gave me a copyright claim trying to use this for a vlog series I edit for on another channel. I would appreciate if you did! As I want to keep the awesome beat 🙌🏻

@XXX-ix4gv - 17.10.2020 16:04

Spotify Free?

@noonemusic7427 - 15.10.2020 20:11

Leave me alone

I dont wanna talk to you

Bitch get the fuck out my face


Leave me unknown

I dont wanna fuck with you

Kid get the fuck out my way


Im on my own

I wont ever walk with you

I'm on a whole different plane


Yall are all plane janes

With a plain brain

And a plain face

I ain't the same my name is trystan

You hate me alot

cause I wont be like you

Your taking a shot

But you dont think I'll shoot

I'm making a spot

For a whole when I do

Im claiming the spot

Once you show me the wound

I'll take the victory

I'm my own enemy

You wont be getting me

Down when I've rose

There is now way

that you'll ever get rid of me

That shot is missing me

Your outta smoke

Think that your hitting me

Know your proximity

In this vicinitys

Outta my zone

You thought to grip the peice

Now you'll know differently

When you are instantly

Down in a hole

There is no trickery

This ain't a joke

When you die miserably

No one will know

You hope its imagery

I'll show no sympathy

When theres no dignity

Found in your soul

Thought that I would

Then you gotta be kidding me

My thoughts ain't good

When theres no positivity

Give me a look

Know to watch your trajectory

I'm overlooked

So dont ever think less of me

Or I'll throw hooks

Till you've unhooked your jealousy

In this discrepancy

You will remember me endlessly

As your worst memory mentally

This wasnt ever meant to be heard pleasantly

Your hurt was sent from me

Your words are dead to me

Fuck what you said to me

It's been my turn

So dont think I will let you be

When you were testing me

You've been expecting these burns

But its ten degrees

I'll be the next to beat any beast

On this beat fed to me

Think your ahead of me

Link with your friends to see

Everything you thought

Is fucked when your next to me

Leave me alone

I dont wanna talk to you

Bitch get the fuck out my face


Leave me unknown

I dont wanna fuck with you

Kid get the fuck out my way


Im on my own

I wont ever walk with you

I'm on a whole different plane


Yall are all plane janes

With a plain brain

And a plain face

I ain't the same my name is trystan

You have been stressing me

To release energy

Out of my head and see

You got no tendency

You'll be the next to leave

No you will not be free

I have the weaponry

To clash with several fiends

So dont expectedly step to me

I can see were enemies

So I will kill you restlessly

With every single breath in me

And still be what I meant to be

This destiny was meant for me

So I wont ever rest or sleep

Just go ahead and question me

Progressions seen eventually

When I show my integrity

Then focus on my legacy incredibly

For centuries

So never think you've bested me

Cause I have the complexity

The present me collects to peice


Your never gonna get to me

Get severed if you step to me

Like NF I dont really trust this thing

inside my chest to beat

If you wanna be the best then

You should look again and see

You'll always be just like the rest

Infectiously caught in a dream

Asleep to lay so helplessly

With this disease

That no one can treat medically

I told you I dont give a fuck

About the shit you said to me

Leave me alone

I dont wanna talk to you

Bitch get the fuck out my face


Leave me unknown

I dont wanna fuck with you

Kid get the fuck out my way


Im on my own

I wont ever walk with you

I'm on a whole different plane


Yall are all plane janes

With a plain brain

And a plain face

I ain't the same my name is trystan

@agapieoficial8035 - 14.10.2020 00:04

Cand am jos a trebuință mă ridic
Cand am fost sus a trebuință pic
Iau un avion pe 1 lam pierdut
Vorbesc de arta, părinții mei buni
Facem muzica, unde nu rasar norii?
Practica mă învățat să îmi redau stările
Zările să aștepte, mă cheamă inima
De acolo de unde încă nu răsare muzica
Binecuvântare? Poate nu am țintă clare
Poate motivația îmi face inima să doară
Tenesii mei încă mă duc spre Hristos
Poate muzica maninvata să nu devin hot
Cand i mei plecau pe capete, am rămas între boxe
Viata nu doar ca nu bate filmul, dar merge penroti
Cand a fost frig a trebuit să fii tare

@foodpandaridersupport3582 - 08.10.2020 09:13

Free for profit but when i used it mh monetization is limited .

@slikp5054 - 07.10.2020 09:18


@pinku6273 - 05.10.2020 14:26

Rehna azaad mera
work aye work aye
Karla oye pata je koyi
shak aye aye
Fuck aye tenu ethe yariyan di thuk aye
Shabab aye saare na koyi tutiya trunk aye
Dread ne dushman nale sitiya vi jung aye
Tang ne hath sale karde ne fund aye
Sang aye sadi jive udd diii patang aye
Rang aye kale pr disdi jhalak aye
Pluck aye kole wang makhiya da jhund aye
Kreya sangharsh tahi lageya khrund aye
Umeed krde daleri di jido ohh apun aye
Sakun aye dil ch kyo ki zindagi malang aye
Bhang ne duki teeki hun kam sampan aye
Rap hi karam hai ehi dharam aye ......
ede bina yaar jaani kade na safal aye.......

Tanshan na koyi , tu rati na soyi
Suyi wang m chubda , pr dhaga na poyi
On air ch yaar , menu film na dakhoyi
Sun hook tu chhote , sir na bhigoyi..

Sade gunshot wound paar kr dene Bound
Sound nikle ni jadobullet tan wich found
Mount area ch landu rapper krde crowd
Sprain aa jandi tri boys nal ave koyi ground
Rayii soreness to bachke ethe glass sare kach de
Bachde ni head rende naal kayi mad
rakhi banke tu pad cheti krde eh glad
Khed kri na eve gal da zimedar ni koyi bal da
Padh da m copiya Jedi kine naiyo napiya
Ethe papiya de dere ch sirf labh diya chabiya
Khapiya da sardar mera jigri yaar
Car krke assi haar kade takde ni naaar
Laar digdi ni muha cho koyi dekhe shingar
Dil lagda aye sada hip hop da bazaaar...
Bhar hai ni ena mica da ik din ban na m star

Menu tension na koyi , tu rati na soyi
Suyi wang mai chubda , pr dhaga na poyi
On air ch yaar , menu film na dakhoyi
Sun hook tu chote , sir na bhagoyi

Sunda si kali denali bajda si taali wich
Sari pitch rang jandi janta diya taalia ch

@abersichael3156 - 29.09.2020 15:57

Is it free for Spotify too?

@rabbi9t650 - 26.09.2020 13:29

can thisbe used for releasing to store too?

@EXPLORINGINSIDE - 24.09.2020 17:09

Why is there copywrite strikes on it bro

@HPHerrmann - 23.09.2020 16:16

Amazing beat
Def gonna text to this
Ty pando 🙏🏻👁️♠️❤️

@specialed2230 - 23.09.2020 14:35

Shit gave me chills!

@thulaniskosana7613 - 16.09.2020 16:39

verse 1

let's talk depression
somethin like my everlasting winter season
should we talk happiness oppression
sometimes in ice land am never a happy penguin
see am dealing with demons which don't compromise
fucking me anyhow damn they never condomize
people see me acting somehow and conclude that am otherwise
how i wish they realize that my troubles caught me by surprise
just yesterday i had a barrel on my ears wishing for it to whisper peace
just the other day I wasn't feeling well so i prayed for my demise
am always on a grind everyday but all my efforts show up ineffective
sometimes live gets too real that you only wish to see it from Ghost perspective

@RUSLANHATE - 15.09.2020 23:13

intro :
Yolun birində ölüm.
Yolun birində zülüm
Yolun birində tupik ,
Yolun biri edir freek , (2X)

Məni başa düşecek , tabə olmayan insan.
Sənin varlığın burdadır , sən yaşamırsan inan.
Yalan çoxdu danışan , sən oyan gedir zaman.
İçimizdə qocalmışıq ,ikimiz idik cavan.

Verse :
dilimi kəs .mənim həqiqətim, menim həyatim true , mənim həyatim boş , sənin həyatin ful , mənim kimi bir qoş , çətin olacaq qul.
tələb eləmirəm pul, mənə verir ləzzət . Sənə Mənə batmaq inan olar əziyyət..
yaşadığın əzbər, hamıdakı vəziyyət, sənin kimilərə rapim təzə bir tərzdə. Ey
Yeah , sürətim var ! həvəsim , sənə sübüt eləməyə var.
Yene men dem , şəhərim dar, Həyatimi sevirem sebebim var..
Sözm mənim bol , əməlim az , əzik üzük yol , təməlini qaz.
sen Eleme naz , həyat verer pas , birdefedir heyatimiz , yaşa onu saz. Ey.
her gece ve her gunduz , sual birdənədi "niye" ?
Borcun icinde uzur , yene axtarir nisye .
1 il den artiq ezab , yox 1 il boş heyat.
Heyat vurub 2 qat , geceni gunduze qat(2x)

Dunene geder susub, bugun olub dirildim.
Kecmiwimi uduzub , bugun hamini bildim.
Zamana burax meni , her wey gorecek ozu.
24 il sehv heyat , daha mende yox dozum.

Raper unikalam , 2 dili bilib bile bile bele yaradariram ozume terz .
Bugunume sevinirem ,menem menem deyen meni mene menfi eledi , verir ders.
Menim kimi yoxdur mene yox say , pozuluram men , men oluram zay .
Oz haqqimda yeter sene , pulsuz sene pay.

Belke sonuncu defe , sabahim acilmaz.
Denen duzunu mene , yada bildiyini yaz.
Rapde yoxlu anlayiw , terk edim ve verim pas.
Eger deyiliwim saz , biraz Bass ve biraz qaz.

@haydnr1631 - 15.09.2020 19:27


@jaredgarnett181 - 15.09.2020 14:27

It’s clear what is unfolding
Don’t let your fear be controlling
The cards your holding
Keep em close
We are all chosen to succeed in moulding future hope

@AlphaspitzZ - 09.09.2020 06:48

Keystyle...fuck it...

Ayo, it's like I'm walking thru my dreams, and yet I can never find the light/ crawl away from the anger, but so enticed just to try to fight/ what's on my mind, is that I just wana fucking die/the hurt inside, and yet my mind always wonders why/ bleeding from the inside, what do I need upon in this life/
.... keep it going

@yngmessya5545 - 01.09.2020 00:31

Yo Bro, Thank U! Can u please tell me the key?

@barzlightyear8531 - 25.08.2020 10:43

Love neva fails and its opposite counter opposition isnt hate that got that one wrong and how the let it get this way is unclear i mean how much bullshit can ya be fed before ya realize this countrys a victim of bad news programming the same hot hand tryin to convince a mofo the devil dont exist hes just a figment of our inner most being fallin freely till they collide wit fear the second they hit the cement

@randomschmo967 - 25.08.2020 05:30

Can we used this beat in our gaming video?

@davidmiranda1277 - 14.08.2020 01:31

Vnkay don't give a fuck
I'm Drowzy and my hates know was up
Vanowen St is my Gang
We turn up
