This STRIKERS FURY BUILD is INSANE in the Division 2! (Amazing Damage & Survivability)

This STRIKERS FURY BUILD is INSANE in the Division 2! (Amazing Damage & Survivability)

NothingButSkillz 2.0

1 год назад

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NothingButSkillz 2.0
NothingButSkillz 2.0 - 19.03.2023 19:14

Today we are playing with NAMED SMG the Apartment and I'm loving it!

GodlyNutty-_- - 01.10.2023 13:33

This still a good build today? Returning player of 2 yrs gone asking lol.

Daniel Needs
Daniel Needs - 27.09.2023 22:13

Nice build man. I love the apartment

Cipher Gaming South Africa
Cipher Gaming South Africa - 24.09.2023 02:32

what kind of helmet and mask is that

hamit mehmet
hamit mehmet - 20.08.2023 14:03

NBS I run your dark winter build it’s my favourite I will definitely try this and I also try it with the dark winter 😊

jenshub523 - 22.07.2023 19:19

Really enjoying this build!

Vegistila - 27.06.2023 23:05

So yeah, gonna try something like this out, I don't like running SMG's I have a hard time letting go of ARs so I'm gonna see if it can't make it work with ARs but this looks fun and I like what I see, guess it's back to the summit since i'm not fond of countdown.

edit: Nvm after watching a second time I see why you focused around SMG's it plays to the builds strengths, and this build is nutty. The highest damage I put out was in the 400k but these crits are critn hard on this build. Also Yeah Summit for some reason I wasn't getting any drops for targeted loot so I ended up crafting the pieces I needed and with some recal I roughly had the build ready and even in the stat it's in now I can run heroic control points which I could do before but it took MUCH longer.

Mike Crow
Mike Crow - 30.05.2023 20:14

Been playing with this build since watching this video so fun to run dude 👊

Riley Moller
Riley Moller - 11.05.2023 23:47

I got a strikers build sitting at 102.2k damage with a SMG and 860k with a SASG with 300k health and 660k armor I’m tryna get more damage but don’t know where to go from where I’m at rn

David Lombard
David Lombard - 07.05.2023 16:39

Love these builds you put out man but my question is this. All these builds you put out are much higher proficiency levels, what is the #1 build to run at say a level 5 proficiency? I’m almost there and I want to run heroic and these builds just cut it a little short on running them. I can run countdown on heroic with the PFE builds but that’s with 7 other players. I need the best survive ability build. Thank you in advance.

SugarBombsRADS - 02.05.2023 18:49

Hi! what mask and helmet you character wear at the beginning of the video? It's looks so cool!

ARIS_Analysis Reading Intelligence System
ARIS_Analysis Reading Intelligence System - 15.04.2023 21:37

I just tried out unwavering on a vector with striker’s gear set and I like it. Weapon handling greatly helps.

Dead_Shot804 - 15.04.2023 02:35

I used striker as well but playing heroic mission pretty hard keep going down any advice

ComplexPlane - 13.04.2023 18:20

You can also run the busy little bee exotic sidearm to insanely increase your weapon damage

leconen leksa
leconen leksa - 12.04.2023 22:48

After I saw the striker bonus armor build, I did n tried this. N yes it works really well.

Galm 1
Galm 1 - 30.03.2023 04:51

I envy literally every one of you in this thread. I am shade level 332 and half the time when I read your guys comments, I feel like I have no idea how to play the game. Literally been running 4 umbra. 1 ceska , memento.

Joey Gregory
Joey Gregory - 27.03.2023 13:07

I haven't searched yet for any videos because I usually watch your channel but how do you get the exotic I think it's the assault rifle the ravenous? There's only a couple of the guns that I don't have and that's definitely one of them that I've never been able to use or see I don't know if it's any good or not I guess it depends on the build the talent and all that stuff like you do anyway let me know if there's a way I can do it solo if you get to this message thanks no more messages for me LOL keep up the great videos very handy help me out a lot thank you

Joey Gregory
Joey Gregory - 27.03.2023 13:01

When you say you need to get it to level 20 what exactly do you mean are you talkin about expertise? Because mine only lets me go so far I just started getting into that realizing all those Jedi deconstruct it over the past year or so that I could have had that completely done I'm assuming if it is I have to have a certain expertise level before I can rank the gun up more than it is you're talking about when you go to the expertise or that crafting table and go to proficient weapons because it's full and hit the upgrade option correct?

Joey Gregory
Joey Gregory - 27.03.2023 12:55

Anybody else as of tonight have a problem with their setting menu the whole background on mine is white and I can't see the cash cache Fox's I'm opening the door event boxes it's blinded me it's also taken away my vision to mod the gun pretty much it's stupid bright light if there's a setting that I did or something I can adjust it with let me know but I didn't change anything and haven't played in a few days so I don't understand maybe it's a glitch on light reboot but if anybody else has this problem let me know if you have a fix or experiencing same thing

Joey Gregory
Joey Gregory - 27.03.2023 12:53

That's awesome I'm always learning from this channel in this is the exact build I have right now and steam rolls

Dirk Diggler
Dirk Diggler - 26.03.2023 06:34

Do you have to use those exact weapons? If lets i wanna use LD or Scorpio would the build still hit hard? Seeing is that i dont have either of those named weapons! Also with my HF build i use Dark winter!

Skooben666 - 25.03.2023 12:38

Dope something different to try right on bro

Jæger - 25.03.2023 10:26

4 fury and 3 striker maybe

Wust gewitter
Wust gewitter - 24.03.2023 22:32

dont work :/

Bobby Qu
Bobby Qu - 24.03.2023 20:24

这build真不咋地 没啥亮点 b站早有人这么做了

Mark Scorelle
Mark Scorelle - 24.03.2023 16:51

Excellent build, love playing it

Suijin - 24.03.2023 09:40

I use with dark winter

maracozzzz - 24.03.2023 03:21

If you feel like you still need more survivability like when you are still built crafting, slap on a high rof sub with preservation. It's effect can stack so on top on the 10% armor on kill from the minigun specialization you can get a crazy amount of armor regeneration.

NmRcTrailingNOutdoors - 23.03.2023 21:48

Umbra fury or umbra strikers rpm for days

IzThat it
IzThat it - 23.03.2023 07:13

One of my favorite Ninjabike builds. HF gives Striker so much survivability.

Not only are you getting 30% Armor (500k at 1.5M) you also get that free 100% Health (337k). So you're really getting 830k Healing per kill. This lets you play extremely aggressively because you get a significant amount of sustain from 1 kill.

Health really is useless as a state but it doesn't regen while you take damage and obviously takes a long time to come back when regen starts. You'll notice dying a lot more quickly when you get all your armor back but your health is still at 10% vs 100%.

Early Access Gaming
Early Access Gaming - 22.03.2023 00:45

is RPM the same no matter what the weapon? ie if the RPM of an AR or SMG is 900, does that mean its the same? (logic would dictate that it is, but checking as this is a game).

RedeyezReaperx - 21.03.2023 19:57

Swap the 4 piece strikers for fury and use only 3 strikers with the ninja bp and the build is a whole lot better for face tanking summbiches

Marcelo Buck
Marcelo Buck - 21.03.2023 12:33

PVE build works either way! But the cool thing is to make a PVP build that goes beyond the obvious! Here's the challenge!

Nong_Ing - 21.03.2023 11:46

God bless ninja
I need to get it already

Jose Mercado
Jose Mercado - 21.03.2023 10:33

I would use the SIG MPX (unnamed apartment) with the build if youre worried about losing the DPM on the first half of the magazine until you bring up the expertise level where you want it. Im at Expertise 7 as I wasnt going to bust my head trying to level my expertise level quickly. (maybe I should now). Another weapon you can run would be the Vector SBR 9mm with 53 round magazine capacity or the Tac Vector SBR 9mm which hits the hardest of all Vector SBR variants but only has a 39 round magazine capacity. (20 rounds from the mag on both weapons). If you dont like those two weapons, then my go to would be the Dark winter.

Pavel Paul
Pavel Paul - 21.03.2023 09:21

Thank you. I played this Yesterday. Funny Build.

George Reed
George Reed - 21.03.2023 06:01

If you don’t have the Ninja backpack yet, what else could be used?

Agent Geo
Agent Geo - 20.03.2023 22:38

Looks cool. I think i'll throw that together later. But maybe try it with the Chatterbox to avoid the ammo running out at the last second...hmmm

Sean S
Sean S - 20.03.2023 19:38

I don't know how people keep playing this Div 2 past a certain point,I'm level 1200 and only been playing for maybe 9 10 months and have tried playing with different builds,DPS,Tank,Hybrid and skill builds,played around in DZ for a bit then Raids and nothing can make anything in the game new or fun anymore it's just boring as hell I guess PVP I could understand players putting hours in but PVE there is absolutely nothing to do that you have not done 100s of times before.I am primarily seeing new players now with shade under 500 and alot not even at 40 yet but when I see really high level shade players I think they must have leveled over years and there is noway they are still close to daily players and still enjoy this game,I can't play more than a couple of hours before I have to log off its so boring these creators must hate this game with a passion now having built their communities around Div content and are stuck.

Aron De Rocchi
Aron De Rocchi - 20.03.2023 17:37

Idk about you but here in EU some servers are having problems to play in general, a part from that i hope the game gets more content to work on👍😁
A thing that id like in this game is having a nemesis, and enemy AI that attack you at random in missions that adapt to you and gets stronger every time, and if you kill him/them it gives you very good loot.
Immagine having this ps shit out of nowhere come into a mission and you get a messege: Nemesis operator in the area CAUTION IS ADVISED!!! Id love something like that happening

Russ Paul
Russ Paul - 20.03.2023 16:17

For a bit of survivability and decent damage, technicians spec, all red build, ninja backpack, closer chestpiece (20% weapon and skill dmg) + 10% armour on kill, fenris gloves (seem to be more effective than walkers or contractors) + 20% reload speed and 3 piece striker. Add to that savage wolverine for 38%+ weapon dmg and/or king breaker and busy bee. Absolutely destroys on heroic. I am using that with shield and striker drone.

Another squishier option, but if anything more destructive. Gunner spec, All red, ninja back pack, 3 piece striker, sacrifice chest, providence knee pads. That gives you 155 crit dmg, 56 crit chance plus all that weapon damage. Again with savage wolverine or/and chameleon. More of an in and out of cover build, but it just melts heroics :D

Bananaa !!!
Bananaa !!! - 20.03.2023 16:03

What about Striker+heart breaker or fury+heartbreaker? bonus armor from heartbreaker is really nice

Mace_ InYourFace
Mace_ InYourFace - 20.03.2023 15:50

How do you get the apartment SMG

WhyDoI NeedToCreateAChannelToComment
WhyDoI NeedToCreateAChannelToComment - 20.03.2023 13:37

Reaaaaaally struggling to find something to make a video out of eh?

Ruslan S
Ruslan S - 20.03.2023 12:46

+5 директив и билд не зайдет.

ItsTLA - 20.03.2023 12:41

is this build good for the dark zone i need to know whats the best build is you think for the dark zone and i have not seen a single person get the eagle bearer from the dark zone yet do you think its in their??

James - 20.03.2023 11:18

Where are you finding all the top end mod and gear

muffdriver69 - 20.03.2023 08:47

Has this been tried on legendary zoo solo?

Isaiah Singleton
Isaiah Singleton - 20.03.2023 08:16

I run 3 striker, 2 Sokolov Concern and Ninja backpack..1.1 million armor, dark winter smg with killer talent..850k average full stacks body shots with just over 1 mill for me

MudGobbla - 20.03.2023 08:07

Has anybody here used strikers initiative? That rpm is fucking insane.
