Katina Robe Offering Ceremony 2024 | Sri Lanka | කඨින චීවර පූජා පුණ්‍ය මහෝත්සවය #Mahamevnawa #song

Katina Robe Offering Ceremony 2024 | Sri Lanka | කඨින චීවර පූජා පුණ්‍ය මහෝත්සවය #Mahamevnawa #song

Colombo Dhamma Friends

55 лет назад

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Between the full moon days of October and November, also known as the "Cheewara Masaya (The Month of Robes)" the Great Katina Robe Offering Ceremonies take place in Buddhist Monasteries across the world.

From the homes of lay devotees who invited the Monks for the Rains Retreat, the Katina Robe is most respectfully brought to the monastery through a Perahera (procession). It is then offered with utmost faith to the Maha Sangha with the words:
"Imam katina dusam bhikkhu sanghasa dema"

During the Buddha’s time, Arahant Nagita revealed the extraordinary benefits he experienced after offering a Katina Robe 91 aeons ago, during the time of Vippassi Buddha.

By offering a Katina Robe to the Maha Sangha, Arahant Nagita:
- Was never reborn in a bad destination for 30 aeons.
- Enjoyed divine comforts for 18 aeons.
- Was born 34 times as Lord Sakka, the King of Gods.
- Became a Wheel-Turning Monarch for every stitch he made to sew the robe.
- Received countless lands, enjoyed every form of comfort, and was highly respected wherever he was born.
- Always had access to all forms of transport and received any clothing he desired.
- Attained Nibbana in the Gautama Buddha's Dispensation.

Such immense merit arises from offering this special Robe with a confident mind!

Therefore, may you all wholeheartedly rejoice in this great merit and realize the Dhamma in this dispensation of Gautama Buddha!

𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙘𝙩 𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙐𝙨
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Song: ගයම් කඨිනයේ වරුණා | Gayam Katinaye Waruna
Artist - Thilina Sudesh
Music - Harshana Disanayake
Lyrics - Udeshika Jayawardena
Mixing and Mastering - Chandana Dasanayake (STV Music Division)

Katina Cheewara Pujawa, කඨින චීවර පූජාව 2024, Kathina, කඨින චීවර පින්කම් ගීතය, කටින පිංකම, කඨින චීවර, Kathina, Katina Cheevaraya, Chiwaraya, Kathin chivar dana, Pavarana month, කඨින මහා පිංකම මහමෙව්නා අසපුවේ
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