This is MY FAVOURITE Horde Base Design [Step-by-step Tutorial] - 7 Days To Die 2023

This is MY FAVOURITE Horde Base Design [Step-by-step Tutorial] - 7 Days To Die 2023


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Shiodaku 73
Shiodaku 73 - 28.09.2023 07:13

I put my horde base about 250 away from my main base is that far enough or do I need to go farther

Gintare Aleknaite
Gintare Aleknaite - 12.09.2023 02:40

Hi there, i have a question either to video owner or anyone that has similar issue. So i copied exact build, i have hard time making zombies come up the stairs where i can meet them behind the defenses, instead they pile up at the bottom of the base and they start hitting the lower part of the base completely ignoring the ramp, not a single zombie came up, ive setup spikes all around the base following an advice in the comments to make damage to them and that way aggro them up but they still hit the base, some of them even went to my main base nearby and started hitting random walls, of course this gave me vision to shoot them and defend the day 14 horde but still cant seem too see what im doing wrong

Master OfTheDeathwing
Master OfTheDeathwing - 20.08.2023 16:42

this base is 1000% more effective if you use a centred pole instead of blocks for the walkway.

Joshua Coleman
Joshua Coleman - 19.08.2023 10:47


Ian Druckman
Ian Druckman - 19.08.2023 00:46

You could add one more row of blocks under the bridge to help with exploding zombies as well..

Gungnir - 02.08.2023 10:03

you could also make the path out of two (or more) added block. like two plates. otherwise its hard to perfect this simple almost timeless design. something close to this has worked for all the alphas i can remember. lol its not how they fight them in normal zombie stories or tv shows, but i kinda want a goofy zombie story with just a funnel of them while people chill behind.
but are these more like traditional zombies or some sort of demon or vampire creature? they don't seem dead, more like possessed. wow, i need my morning coffee, good day!

Norm MacLeod
Norm MacLeod - 30.07.2023 13:35

Works like a charm.
Thank you brother.

Quicksilver292 - 24.07.2023 11:09

used this base yet again.. had 10 seconds left with no time for prep to get more ammo and buffs but day 7 is a breeze with this base even on survivalist 64 anyways :D

Jodah175 - 22.07.2023 15:54

Built this in my sp game and thought I'd be smart by adding a grenade chute. Breaks the pathing and causes the horde to attack the sides of the base more than run up the stairs. >_<

Obsidious - 21.07.2023 10:27

soooo what do we do about demos? D:

Doubtful Form
Doubtful Form - 19.07.2023 02:03

Nice simple build, think alpha21 nerfed the small i-beams in front of the plate

Karri-Sebastian Calitu
Karri-Sebastian Calitu - 12.07.2023 08:04

Iron hatch for me now takes forged iron, which I don't have and I also don't seem to have secure wooden door.

rhonda turner
rhonda turner - 07.07.2023 22:57

How do you get the I-beam small? I could not find it. Please someone help me.

William C
William C - 07.07.2023 21:20

Thank you i will try that tonight!

Josh Marks-Thomson
Josh Marks-Thomson - 22.06.2023 16:23

I use a very similar rendition of this but loved some of your ideas. Some suggestions for this that I use.
Two centralised poles on the bridge. Zoms really struggle to walk around them. Beneath the bridge dig a pit 3-4 blocks deep and fill with wooden spike traps for the ones that fall from the bridge poles.
Picked back up for A21. The only part I don't get is digging down for another layer of blocks beneath the earth. Makes little sense to me. Otherwise great.

Hailcat - 22.06.2023 03:03

I just wanted to say, I've used this base for the last 4 months up until the newest beta (haven't tested it yet in the new release, June 2023) and it has BEEN AWESOME. I've used it up to DAY 98 without any blocks failing.

I upgraded the blocks to cement and then steel as it became available to me, and eventually added some spinning blade traps and shotgun turrets. Even on high difficulty with many exploding zombies, I have not once needed to repair a block mid-horde night. It just works.

Any zombies that team up by the foundation get killed by my traps, and I shoot all others on the bridge as soon as they come into sight. As long as I am very attentive and kill all exploding zombies on sight before they blow up on the bridge, there is hardly any damage anyway.

Just saying, thanks for the awesome base design! I'm currently now trying to see how I can modify it to make it work in a multiplayer scenario. I can't give you enough credit for this great and almost painfully simple base.

DiminEx - 14.06.2023 23:04

Still works perfectly in A21 (b313). Thanks for the build!

HiddenSwan - 13.06.2023 18:07

When I built this base on Alpha 20 the zombies kept attacking the base of the main structure and rarely going up the steps. What could be wrong?

Sharmageddon - 12.06.2023 21:09

I just started playing 7 days and was having trouble reinforcing a world gen building to a horde base. This one helped a lot. Currently I've crossed 2 hordes with it, but I'm playing on easy settings, so idk how long it will last. Maybe day 70?

Just Me
Just Me - 10.06.2023 16:11

Literally a life saver 😊 thanks

Maliphus Locksport
Maliphus Locksport - 09.06.2023 15:08

so i also play console and i found just make a 2 block flat spot instead of a 1 spot for them to jump up and place a camp fire and turn it on they all just walk over the top and pause before jumping up and light themselves on fire easily but i havent tested it much i have never seen a video with anyone using campfires to light zombies on fire....

IronArkQ - 06.06.2023 19:52

does anyone know if bunker buster mod works only against stone? does it work with coal or nitrate?

Crazmuss - 31.05.2023 19:16

Why not craft cobblestone blocks tho?

Voli_55 - 21.05.2023 23:41


KayinfromSiren - 16.05.2023 01:16

Tried This base. It held up for my first hoard night. But they never come up the stairs. They just keep beating on the back side. 👻 oh well me :1 zombies : 0

chris johnson
chris johnson - 09.05.2023 23:57

not a bad base but i use poles to hold up my base and they never attack the poles as long as they can get through

Murtaza Lehri
Murtaza Lehri - 08.05.2023 18:04

I'm literally in a Church reinforced with concrete on day 71. This base should work for 100 days

Jimmy C
Jimmy C - 06.05.2023 20:18

Yepper, I've been using this design for a long time now.
I make my runway as long as I can and have several paths that feed into the mainline.
This way, if a bomber happens to destroy one way up, there are backups for them to use.
I keep a couple of guns with a stack of ammo for each, a repair tool, a few meds and some food n water on my toolbelt.
Then I fill a backpack with extra ammo, meds, repair resources, etc...
Something I don't need much, as it's a RARE occurrence that they ever even make it to me, unless I'm repairing something or eating.
The runway (as I said earlier) is as long as I can make it with lanterns set to the sides, set at the best range for each of my weapons.
Line'em up...knock'em down.
I've used it for every horde night, even months into a game and the design has yet to fail.
It's almost like cheating.

Schmeed - 04.05.2023 23:49

Can you make this for a duo?

Mako Fako
Mako Fako - 03.05.2023 22:25

I really want an underground horde base that will work. They used to not try to dig from the top of where I was waiting to shoot zombies. They would just fall into the pit I dug for zombies to enter my tunnel. Now they're trying to reach me by digging through my head. Any idea about that, comrade?

First Last
First Last - 01.05.2023 17:30

Awesome base

I can't find railings in my shape menu. I found something else that looks similar but it can't be upgraded to iron

I'm on alpha 20 btw

Paradrake2 - 30.04.2023 20:04

I love your voice! It's so soothing. You should do ASMR

Susanna Monika Faltz
Susanna Monika Faltz - 30.04.2023 14:54

I love how you had 1 spare block, while I was missing one at the end 😂

Rose Richards
Rose Richards - 28.04.2023 20:44

Hey Thanks for this. I just gpt the PC version after playing Console for the last 4 years so this definitely helps.

Minkles13 - 28.04.2023 10:50

Thank you for this, I'm gonna start building this and facing the horde, I usually find a sturdy POI then hide on the roof till 4am before cleaning up haha. I'm day 36 at the moment so have a decent amount of ammo now so I should stop being a wimp haha.

EDIT : I just survived my Day 42 horde with no issue, I have a lvl 4 assault rifle and went through about 400 rounds.... most of it reinforced with concrete so wasn't too worried about getting knocked over as where I am standing is 3 concrete blocks thick / wide. Now I gotta start learning about traps n wiring haha

DarkFlameWolf - 25.04.2023 20:58

Is there a benefit in using railings over bars? I've always been used to using bars, but have never had any luck being able to repair or access things behind them. Is that a thing with railings?

Uğur Hepbiler
Uğur Hepbiler - 25.04.2023 17:27

its not work for me, half of the zombies use stair other half attack the piller and other block, its okey until day 50 ish after zombies start break block, any other idea ?

Boomstikk-Gaming - 23.04.2023 06:49

May have been an error on my part, but I wasn't able to get to I-beam on the bottom to place in the correct spot. Top one is correct but bottom one ended up floating in midair 1 block out from the other. Haven't quite hit blood moon yet, so hopefully it won't cause issues.

J.J Binks
J.J Binks - 18.04.2023 12:01

I've been using this on my new playthrough, built exactly the same way except it's been upgraded to concrete and the zombies still have a massive hard-on for attacking the supports?

FargoTheElite - 16.04.2023 02:55

I like to actually build forts. My best fort I call Fort Trump and it's entirely stainless steel.
I'm on day 268 and they've yet to get past my jail door fence. Once they do they will fall in a 100 ft spike pit in which they will not escape. I have an outer wall also covered in spikes, the main chamber, the crows nest at the top, a huge underground bunker and a series of tunnels, and finally a mini fort also with a 50ft spike pit trench.

The huge underground bunker is under the main chamber and is stainless steel covered in steel spikes all the way around. So if they did somehow dig under the base they will die.

Hernan13 - 09.04.2023 23:56

i built this with a friend and we held day 21 horde easy. Does this still work when the hordes become more difficult if we upgrade the materials??

Protein Shake
Protein Shake - 08.04.2023 20:26

Very solid. Perfect for early to even mid game stages. Sometimes the most impressive design is the one that works and is simple.

Atomic Snowfall free kicks
Atomic Snowfall free kicks - 05.04.2023 05:20

Can I add a turent on the side that pushes them off or will they just target the turent

Wyn - 05.04.2023 04:05

There was no small beams showing in the crafting menu

J. J.
J. J. - 01.04.2023 18:27

Excellent helpful video. Im gonna build 1.

palzone - 30.03.2023 19:33

Do you have any horde base designs for 2-player worlds? This is great, but it doesn't fit us both.

HenriqueRJchiki - 23.03.2023 23:04

but where is the base itself, like boxes, sleeping bags, furnaces?

Prophet seven
Prophet seven - 21.03.2023 03:26

Why dig a trench? Why not just place blocks on top? How about on top of a building too?

Kami - 18.03.2023 16:00

Try placing a hatch at the top of some ladders but rotate the hatch so it's at the top surface of the air block. It will need some blocks surrounding the top 1-2 ladder blocks just to keep them contained, but when done right, it easily lines up multiple zombies up for collateral headshots with the penetrator perk + AP rounds. A single electric fence wire at head level for the zombies will make any hatch you use last 100x longer, but it still works very well without it. It's a very simple setup but it allows you to get absolutely insane value out of even the pipe rifle on horde night.
