99% Of Theatrical Movies Are Better Than Streaming Movies - Scott Menzel

99% Of Theatrical Movies Are Better Than Streaming Movies - Scott Menzel

Film Courage

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@kubrickenigma7977 - 03.09.2022 15:26

After broadcasting went to digital, I stopped watching TV.

@BionicDance - 03.09.2022 15:59

I stopped going to movies because everything feels overly-manufactured, like they absolutely have to follow a specific formula, have to include the same action sequences, have to do everything the same way, like movies are being written solely by the marketing department.
I stopped going to movies because I don't feel wonder anymore, because the characters don't grab me anymore, because it feels like watching somebody else play a video game. The magic isn't there anymore.
Some of my favorite movies are low-budget sci-fi from the 1980s, where the studio just threw money at a script and saw what happened; you couldn't make a "Buckaroo Banzai" or "Solarbabies" or "The Ice Pirates" today. Kids don't make friends with aliens anymore; gone are the days of "E.T.", "Explorers", and "Flight of the Navigator". EXCEPTION THAT PROVES THE RULE: "Bumblebee"; it was like if E.T. was a robot.
Sequels made decades after the original don't manage to capture that same vibe; "Tron: Legacy" was a joke. In know some people liked "Ghostbusters: Afterlife", but try watching it back-to-back with the original, I dare you. Only "Top Gun: Maverick" managed to truly recapture the essence of the original.

I miss walking out of a theater wanting more. I miss walking out of a theater feeling inspired to make my own movie. I miss walking out of the theater wanting to live a similar adventure.

@pr248 - 03.09.2022 16:39

Most tv show are bloated garbage. If you cant tell a compelling story inside of 90-120mins, then don't bother.

@kubrickenigma7977 - 03.09.2022 17:51

As soon as Hollywood started taking money from Mainland Chinese production companies (in no way connected to the CCP /s) also answers part of the question as to why several Western films have become more diluted.

@MuttonChopYaz - 03.09.2022 18:24

TV's golden age is already over, though.

@Rooster_Ric - 03.09.2022 18:29

when was this filmed? normal adults have been aware of the increasing quality of popular TV over popular film for a decade, at least.

@ComicBookSyndicate - 03.09.2022 18:57

I started to see the pendulum swing from movies to TV as far back as X-files in the 90s. Since the early 2000s, TV writing has eclipsed the writing in film.

@Iskelderon - 03.09.2022 19:29

Today's movies either throw an avalanche of effects at you to try to disguise that there's no worthwhile story behind it or it's just two hours of the writers wanting to hear their own words and not much of value happens either.

@jrobertlysaght - 03.09.2022 19:49

if not every weekend, at the very least every payday weekend you'd find me and my friends at the theater. I have not been back to a theater since the Pandemic. Not once. Not from any militant stance or anything weird, It just doesn't compel me to go anymore, not sure why.

@anthonyheaton5798 - 03.09.2022 20:57

The wokeys, telling me how to think & live my life is the main reason for me not watching movies or tv. Why should I give them my money just to abuse me. They also seem to be crap' a handfull of plots.

@Valen-xu2wy - 03.09.2022 21:23

The Mummy came in tv, with Cruise in it. I explained to my relatives the big pkans rhey had to redo all the old Universal horrors, as a franchise.
Heres the catch. That Mummy was terrible, whereas the originals saved the studio.
Why. Simple, and well written

@carltonbauheimer - 03.09.2022 21:49

He lost me at Wandavision.

@gregorylagrange - 04.09.2022 00:12

Films have gone social agendas. Gender swaps.
And they've milked past success and past good stories to ruin. That's become the initial mindset to follow, because there are still good movies being made.
TV has taken an approach that I said they should start doing a long time ago. And that is create series with the idea of at least a 5 year run, and then end it. Even if it's still super popular. Instead of keeping it going until people get tired of it.
They did it with a show I really liked in The Good Wife with 7 years (but messed up with the fem power follow up to whatever the spinoff was titled). They did it with shows that I haven't seen but looked very interesting and have been credited with being very good with The Wife and Breaking Bad.

@thinkimpulsive - 04.09.2022 02:50

Movies don’t have the time to tell the kind of story I wanna experience

@stillgotit9770 - 04.09.2022 06:12

Films today have no " Movie Magic." There's a lot of lazy filmmaking going on currently so why waste my time? I watch older stuff (70s, 80s & 90s) now. Compelling Television is also worth watching because they're way better than most films made today.

@LoDoFilmUnlimitedMedia - 04.09.2022 12:24

The 80's was the greatest decade for film!

@Doggieworld3Show - 04.09.2022 12:41

“That was fine.” That fits.

@asht2058 - 04.09.2022 14:49

Where the Crawdads Sing was so boring that I quit after a few chapters. So, I'm least interested in that movie.
I used to watch 100+ movies a year to now just one movie a month. Most movies are meh. Even IMDB ratings are deceiving. So, I'm extremely selective now.

@veritas2222 - 04.09.2022 20:53

When the studios gave their gatekeeping function to accountants and narcissistic pop culture addicts, WTF did we expect??? Most of us grow out of comic book consciousnes, but Genx just can’t seem to let it go.

@darthbiscuit - 05.09.2022 01:47

When movies felt like a ride it was worth going to theaters. It's why Top Gun is the only one still pulling viewers over the entire summer

@bvkronenberg6786 - 05.09.2022 08:23

I gave up on movie and went back to books. If you want a bad story, watch a movie.

@debbiethompson14 - 05.09.2022 15:46

I'd like to watch a really good movie the same the afternoon and bask in the feeling are created within me for the rest of the today. Then, I wanna tell someone about it and recommend it and just treasure it. I want to really absorb the message.

@TheMightyPika - 05.09.2022 19:50

I haven't been to a theater in eight years.

@azia3337 - 06.09.2022 21:56

Tv is definitely better than movies to me that don’t hit the way they used to

@azia3337 - 06.09.2022 21:58

I think the best movie hits all cords happiness sadness strugggles

@ChilliCheezdog - 08.09.2022 18:10

Here's why I SHOULD have stopped watching movies: Jaws. Nothing has ever improved on this.

@guilherme5094 - 11.09.2022 03:58


@phattjohnson - 13.09.2022 02:44

One thing I don't get is how as a lifelong fan of "all things entertainment" he's only dipped his toes into 'TV' again recently? :P It took me a while, but Breaking Bad was about the time I realised "ah.. here's where the good shows are hiding" ;) Then I had to go back and catch up on The Sopranos :)

@xox6663 - 13.09.2022 14:19

Cinema will never ever die!!!!! There's movies and there's cinema. When you exhaust superheroes, there's only fine art.

@jedimaster4798 - 04.10.2022 22:28

I stopped watching modern movies because they don't have soul. Simple as that

@kevgamble - 10.10.2022 20:43

I think even some of the "great TV" from the last several years will eventually be due for a reevaluation. For all of the quality aspects, so many of the most-lauded shows have relied so much on either shock value or the anticipation of shock value that it's become a shortcut for receiving acclaim. Take the always-looming threat of sudden, unexpected violence out of most critically praised dramas from the last decade, take the unrealistic cringe-moment farce out of most popular comedies, and you're left with something more mundane. Frankly, I wish the industry would move on from it and get back to the stories themselves being enough.

@timwhite5562 - 02.11.2022 15:02

I literally haven't heard of single one of the shows he listed off. I have a feeling we wouldn't like any of the same movies.

@burgermind802 - 20.11.2022 17:06

Best thing I ever did was quitting watching movies and tv shows.

@CatholicK5357 - 08.12.2022 07:19

Well that is clickbait. The title says he stopped watching movies, when he instead says he went from five movies per week to two or three and replaced those with television.

@NicoleCushingWriter - 23.12.2022 06:10

Nearly all modern movies just aren’t for me. (‘Splosions! Pew pew pew!) Thankfully, there are many many gems of yesteryear I haven’t yet watched. Old novels are even better. Not really interested in TV shows, either. Don’t have the time.

@ongoi2 - 06.01.2023 07:49

I haves stopped watching Hollywood movies since they started rewriting history and falsifying it

@geoffjoffy - 15.01.2023 14:51

Modern movies suck.

@maddestmax6522 - 03.02.2023 14:37

I've stopped watching modern movies. I look for old movies I haven't seen. And have a much better time.

@creategreatness8823 - 26.02.2023 21:42

Jeesh isn't this the truth. A lot of these points stand, but also...the ever-declining quality of films that seems to be setting in is also a contributing factor.

@KmonMan - 24.03.2023 21:42

As a zero budget film maker, the comment section teaching me a lot about what people actually want. Each and every comment in this video is very important for me. Thanks film courage ❤

@Df27n - 10.05.2023 18:07

It's all that Marxist crap they putting in the movies now days. Everyone should quit watching movies and throw Hollywood under the bus 😂

@nickmcmenamin - 10.07.2023 11:02

Watching movies in general is spending time watching a bunch of liars play out a script, with sound and music to attempt to manipulate your perception. The point of movies is to get you to believe in lies.

@GermyBallswell - 09.08.2023 18:05

I used to chew on the right side of my mouth, but then all the sudden something changed in me, something electric, it just rose up in me and of course the pandemic was a factor, i started chewing in the left side of my mouth, and omg what a different experience

@DavidValeTX - 02.01.2024 10:10

Movies are dime a dozen now. It’s unfortunate but that is where we are at.

@jacobfield4848 - 12.01.2024 03:57

Hollywood producers have ruined writers freedom and thus movies have lost their appeal. TV still allows some writers freedom hence why it seems to be more exciting.

@aromals555 - 14.01.2024 17:22

Watching movies in Cinema theatre one of the best things because that's only place where doctor, engineer, advocate or a carpenter, brick layer, black white everyone comes sit together and watching that's socially a wholesome thing. These modern binge watchers never understand.

@kevinhealey6540 - 01.02.2024 13:31

One of the reasons, (maybe the main one) is the actors that they choose for these films don't like people.

@ThePatrickykm - 21.06.2024 16:43

SPECIAL REQUEST TO LABEL LBGTQ LESBIAN WOKE MOVIES AS "W" RATED. 3 years ago till now, I have walk out of cinema for at least 7 times! I would rather waste the money than my precious time. Now I still go to cinema but a lot of research need to be done to make sure it's not WOKE bcos I dont like walking out of a paid movie. I hope someone is the film rating industry is reading this.

@Lilithofeden1 - 05.12.2024 14:21

I quit watching TV and Movies in 2004. Glad people are waking up, like skyrim " HEY YOU, Your finally awake!"
