Budget head tracking with SmoothTrack and OpenTrack with Microsoft Flight Simulator

Budget head tracking with SmoothTrack and OpenTrack with Microsoft Flight Simulator

Jonathan Beckett

1 год назад

6,430 Просмотров

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Brammer Adventures
Brammer Adventures - 20.06.2023 01:26

I have followed every step paid for SmoothTrack and have the OpenTrack. But it’s like your shaking your head when in game. Even when your phone nor head is moving. I can’t figure it out

Christoph Bewt
Christoph Bewt - 10.03.2023 12:27

Can you use both front or back camera of your phone with the smooth track app?

Randy Petty
Randy Petty - 11.02.2023 18:31

I wonder how this would work Using the webcam on your laptop when the flight simulator is streamed from a gaming PC in the same room

Randy Mosele
Randy Mosele - 29.01.2023 02:38

What settings did you use? When I turn my head to either side it also rotates the view down even though my head is level. Makes it hard to use. I tried moving all the sliders around but didn't see any change.

Gumper Van Lier
Gumper Van Lier - 26.01.2023 20:31

Thank you for this information. Another excellent and informative video.

Shadey - 26.01.2023 02:59

Great video Been using AITrack and opentrack with an old GoPro style sj4000 camera, which can be used as a webcam. Works pretty well with similar results to what you have demonstrated The bonus is I can still make a phonecall 👍

Jeff Hartley
Jeff Hartley - 25.01.2023 23:33


Jeff Hartley
Jeff Hartley - 25.01.2023 23:32

I use a Delan clip and an old PS3 camera with the UV filter removed as a backup for VR. Total cost around £30 a few years ago. SmoothTrack and OpenTrack are awesome free programs. Once dialled in they are almost as good as a £200 TrackIR. Great video once again.

Stephen Bull
Stephen Bull - 25.01.2023 14:42

Used to have head tracking with a PS2 webcam. Takes some getting used to and time to dial in the sensitivity. Now I have VR , no going back. Great video.

David Harrison
David Harrison - 25.01.2023 14:22

This is such a snazzy little app. I bought a magnetic wireless charging stand (Anker) that can prop my phone up in front of my monitor. But it can get a bit toasty after an hour or so.

ThaiGer52 - 25.01.2023 12:11

Thanks for the vid ..... During daylight nothing except SmoothTrack works for me because there is a big window in my back. Glad to have it. It's a bit sensitive but works even under these conditions. As soon as it is dark outside I switch to Grass Monkey .... I can recommend both.

Canberroo - 25.01.2023 10:36

Tobii 5 is the bomb...!!! It's awesome. Accurate, a breeze to set up, calibrate and then set your preferences in MSFS. Supports precise eye tracking on top of head tracking. No head gear required. Minimal footprint, just a tiny rig attached under your monitor. Quality construction. I love it! A great investment for simmers who enjoy the immersion head tracking brings to the party. (Note you'll need to deep uninstall - using Revo or similar - any Track IR apps to avoid potential conflicts in MSFS). 10/10 for me. So impressed with this product.. and they're not paying me to say this.

Brian Crawley
Brian Crawley - 25.01.2023 09:28

Nice video. I have used this for a couple of years now. So much cheaper than other eye trackers. Also not affected by the daylight like TrackIR which sits in my drawer now. I use mine on iPhone.

Mike Coffee
Mike Coffee - 25.01.2023 08:10

what cheeky little program and as usual another Spot on Video

Rosen213 - 25.01.2023 07:56

I used Opentrack before buying tobii, I found that using a led bracket was the best option and performance with OT, works great for a budget setup, tobii is next level but reflected in cost.. Great video

Sly Rothman
Sly Rothman - 25.01.2023 06:27

I tried it a few months ago. It was glitchy as heck. Could only turn my head to the right. Didn't work turning left. And it was very stuttery. I look on Kijiji and found a used TrackIr for 80$ Canadian. I bought it and plugged it in and it is smooth as silk. Couldn't live without TrackIr

John Wiström
John Wiström - 25.01.2023 06:13

Only on pc?

Dean Nolde
Dean Nolde - 25.01.2023 04:54

I have Grass Monkey head tracker so far it works Great at a decent price. Jonathan, are you planning on using head tracker now?

Josh Kumpf
Josh Kumpf - 25.01.2023 04:09

Great vid! OpenTrack now has the ability to do head tracking without needing the separate phone app. It's selectable as the "neuralnet tracker" as an input in OpenTrack.

Centurion - 25.01.2023 03:06

What a neat idea 💡...especially for folks wondering about head tracking without the expense! 👍
