Left Behind in Vietnam | VOA Connect

Left Behind in Vietnam | VOA Connect

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Thương Trần
Thương Trần - 22.01.2018 19:54

I don't know how I feel about this. The family was separated and all, which I feel bad for, but the mom already had a husband and yet had a child with someone else, which I despise.

Tiny Dancer54
Tiny Dancer54 - 22.10.2023 00:17

The mother is a whore, no doubt about it

Mạnh Lê
Mạnh Lê - 18.10.2023 09:05

Ignore the hostility in the past to see that there still many of the hearts are looking for a part missing before it stops beating!

Henry Thoreau
Henry Thoreau - 01.10.2023 09:36

The military didn't let you bring anyone back unless you were married. And he couldn't marry her. I know of other veterans who married into a family just to keep them from being killed by the VietCong. They were able to bring their entire family over, and they weren't even 'in love' or interested in each other in that way. They just didn't want to see them die. But in this case, he could not do so because she was already married. Let's be honest about this, she wanted the hapa baby. Ask any asian girl, even today, and they want the same thing. It's not a mystery as to why. A white guy will get propositioned in nearly every East Asian country for this very reason. And it won't be some car washer. It'll be wealthy women with business chains that want what she got freely.

Becca Love
Becca Love - 20.09.2023 07:04

This is why we are not supposed to have sex before marriage

paul camren
paul camren - 12.09.2023 09:25

My nephew had two baby’s with a girl that’s Hmong my nephew is Mexican and white .

陳元宥 - 28.08.2023 08:04

Vietnam say usa go fxxk yourself

LabDoctor - 01.07.2023 21:53

this will ruffle more then a few feathers, but it must be said!
It breaks my heart, and INFURIATES ME BEYOND REASON that the American government would send thousands of its own young men to Vietnam, who were often there for over a year or more (NOT TO MENTION THAT 58 220 VERY YOUNG AMERICANS DIED FOR NOTHING!🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬). Of course, they’re (the soldiers) are going to want companionship, and of course, they’re going to fall in love with Vietnamese women . In that war, the vast majority of these soldiers were only 18 or 19 years old, desperately lonely, and terrified, so they found love to make their time in Vietnam less painful after seeing so much horror. Of all the cases I have investigated (I actually helped a lot of people find their families in Vietnam, or in America/Canada, for no other reason then I just wanted to help), not once did the mother or father intend on having a child, it just happened. The US government will never admit it, but it’s a direct result of the US government forcing itself on Vietnam, tens of thousands of American GI’s fathered thousands of Vietnamese girls children, but then, when it came time to go home, the US government flat out refused to allow these men, who had sacrificed everything, to bring the women they loved home with them. It’s absolutely despicable, cruel, evil, and just plain disgusting! They did have operation baby drop, which was a joke, those were children who were abandoned, because Vietnamese society forced the mothers to give them away after the fathers were forced to go home alone. Add to that insanely corrupt Vietnamese government, and the result? There were an estimated 100 000 children that grew up, never knowing their father, with the exception of a lucky few, but they (the US) treated both their own soldiers and the Vietnamese women like garbage, and forced them to break apart, never to see each other again, never to see their children, often unborn, again, it was the most disgusting display of selfishness on the American governments part, they should be ashamed and disgusted with themselves! Those children had a right to be brought to the United States with the women the soldiers fell in love with, so they could be a family, and live happily ever after. One thing that never gets talked about is the sacrifice that those Vietnamese women made for the American GIs. They were literally pulled out of their normal life and thrown into the middle of a war, they too sacrificed everything, many of them, falling in love with American GIs, Because they too were incredibly depressed, lonely, and needed somebody in their lives. But to add insult to injury, the American government refused to help these poor women at all, completely abandoning them when they needed them the most. Dare I say it’s typical of the American government to do something like that, they don’t give a damn, even though they lost the war, and they did whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, it was all in vain, because at the same time, they destroyed hundreds of thousands of lives, and created tens of thousands of children that were stigmatized by both the Vietnamese and American cultures, how dare you? How dare you treat these brave people with such disrespect!? A bunch of cowardly politicians hide behind their desks on Capitol Hill not giving a damn how much misery their cowardice actions resulted in! Even though I’m Canadian, most Americans aren’t even aware of how many Canadian troops signed up to fight for the Americans, I know because I’ve met several of them, the American government won’t even admit, or acknowledge their sacrifice, as many of them never came back home, being killed in the war for nothing! It was nothing but a giant pissing contest, and as always, it’s the innocent that suffer. But it’s not just the United States, it’s a reoccurring theme in every single war across the world throughout time, just look what’s happening in the Ukraine right now. Russian troops are literally teenagers that got drafted, given almost no training at all, and are expected to go die for no logical reason whatsoever other than Putin and his insanity, wanting to conquer and claim everything he sees. That’s just yet another example, but let’s get back to the topic at hand . Tens of thousands of women and the soldiers that loved them were left absolutely heartbroken, creating an entire generation of children that neither culture would except. I know because one of my best friends growing up was a product of the Vietnam war. His father fought for the Americans, even though he’s Canadian, after being there, a few weeks, and seeing his entire platoon gunned down and blown up before his very eyes after an ambush, he went into shock. One of his best friends had his head blown off by an IUD, when he stepped on it, accidentally triggering it, blowing him to pieces, with his head landing in his friends lap. That was his first couple of weeks there. Luckily, most of the Canadians that joined the American forces were allowed to bring their Vietnamese girlfriends/wives and children home with them, sadly, they are in the minority. That’s just one of countless tens of thousands of stories just like it or worse, there they were in the jungle with no training, well, no proper training, giving the Vietnamese a huge advantage. In my opinion, they were basically sent there to die just so they US government could save face on the international stage. And to make matters even worse, when these young men, who were practically still boys, reached out, looking for love, because they were so traumatized, lonely, and homesick, they inevitably ended up getting a Vietnamese girl pregnant, no matter how many promises were made, the US government wasn’t having any of it, and forced every single G.I. back to the United States alone, some of them had been with their Vietnamese girlfriends, even wives, for years. This is one side of war they seldom talk about, but sadly, it’s a very common theme in any war. Now that it’s 2023, the vast majority of these soldiers and Vietnamese women have passed away, leaving behind tens of thousands of people who never got to know the truth, never got to have a life they deserved to have, all courtesy of the United States of America government, and you have the audacity to actually call yourselves home of the free? Are you freaking kidding me? The government is nothing but a bunch of hypocritical, spineless cowards at most (unlike it’s brave men and women who fought under false pretences)! I’m not even going to begin talking about how many soldiers came home with severe PTSD a.k.a. Shell shock, who became homeless alcoholics, and/or committed suicide, and the government never even said a word about it, not offering any help at all to the family, it makes me sick! I truly love my American friends, neighbours and family, but I absolutely despise the US government, ESPECIALLY its military, with every fibre of my being, bunch of hypocritical SOB’s! How many men’s lives were destroyed? And for what? Don’t say they fought for freedom, they fought because they were told to, not realizing it was all a giant political pissing contest. I think it’s time you force your government to change the national anthem, because you can no longer say land of the free, you can still stay home of the brave most definitely, but free? Never! You treat your military like garbage, expecting them to jump through your hoops, without question, just so you can look good at the UN, allowing millions of American troops to die over the past century or two. But that’s another issue altogether, will save that one for another time! Just don’t deny it, and don’t screw with me, I happen to have two medical PhD‘s and work as a research scientist, but for years I treated soldiers coming home from war, who are all suffering from extreme PTSD, unbelievable depression, and anxiety, all because your government refused to even acknowledge it existed in the first place, God forbid you admit that your soldiers have emotions! I repeat, bloody cowards!!!! (The government, NOT it’s brave citizens). May those brave souls who made the ultimate sacrifice rest in peace, in eternal respect and glory…and may their government go straight to hell!

topgeardel - 29.06.2023 06:46

Americans always enrich the cultures they engage in......NOT. They did NOT belong in Vietnam, and therefore, there shouldn't be any pathetic stories like this of Vietnam. I am a proud Vietnam/Draft resistor. It was bad enough that the veterans were invaders and aggressors in a country they didn't belong in....but they didn't even know how/why to "keep their pants up" for a year or so. Losers.

MichaelDuyen - 12.06.2023 18:33

My brother still can not find his father yet

Kaustav Kashyap
Kaustav Kashyap - 23.05.2023 16:16

I feel extremly sorry for the girl and the husband who was cheated upon

Cynthia - 15.05.2023 17:59

Men, women! Self control is very important. Ther is a time for everything.

Indra Ramnarine
Indra Ramnarine - 04.05.2023 16:09

So sad 😢😢 i lost my angel in 2022 at the age of 17 yrs , she would of been 18 September 02nd 2022 😢😢😢 when i finally worked so hard to give her a better life she was stolen from me, now im alone 😢😢 money can't make me rich , when she was alive i was rich now im poor cause money can't help or buy me my angel back 😢😢 i miss you kerina John remember daddy love you and will always love you until we meet again my angel 😢😢😢😢😢

Jirachi- Wish Maker
Jirachi- Wish Maker - 23.04.2023 21:42


Mick - 15.04.2023 23:37

I really feel terrible about this... "GI babies" are despised over there.

steve205 - 15.04.2023 14:47

as a veteran who served in the Vietnam War this just got me 🥺your dad is very proud of you always remember that..

J L - 15.04.2023 14:46

The ultimate cuck story is the husband

Gerardo Oviedo
Gerardo Oviedo - 04.04.2023 15:47

Que bien que la recibieron

Gerardo Oviedo
Gerardo Oviedo - 04.04.2023 15:45

Que triste que el soldado este en cama y con unos tubos,

Mello O'Neal
Mello O'Neal - 04.04.2023 03:09

My father says that he knows there has to be at least 2 children in Vietnam he left behind if they lived the ladies ran off to protect the children since they knew the baby would be black and that was a hella dangerous thing there

HereGoesKevin - 02.04.2023 19:46

It's important to recognize the fact that Many US soldiers also fathered Vietnamese women and went back to the US without recognizing their children. There were many half White or half Black Vietnamese people after the war who have never met their american fathers.

This is why many (not all) but many Vietnam war veterans don't want to talk about their experiences during the wars because most of them just probably f*ked around with women and the local prostitutes, making as much children as they can and then went back to the US.
