Dr. Paul Mason - 'From fibre to the microbiome: low carb gut health'

Dr. Paul Mason - 'From fibre to the microbiome: low carb gut health'

Low Carb Down Under

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Toni - 30.08.2023 14:08

Surely Dr. Mason, both types of fibre add bulk to our digestive waste? After all, it has to be excreted with the dead microbiome.

Lumencraft - 05.08.2023 18:00

I find it very had to believe that the average person in the "high fiber" group only had a bowel movement every 6.8 days. If you actually take in even a couple of spoon fulls of a fiber supplement you'll know that's not how it works. Those people must have had some very significant digestion problems.

Matty B
Matty B - 02.07.2023 10:24

I'm a coeliac, thank you for alerting me to Fructans.

Alireza Bahrami
Alireza Bahrami - 30.06.2023 05:13

It's ridiculous how you present this in a way that seems to be applicable to EVERYONE! Not sure what is this trend that we see these days where people on Keto believe Statins are harmful, Fibre is bad and they are the only ones doing the right thing!! A balanced diet is what we need I believe but I get it if certain diets works for certain people, no issues there! I personally have a happier tummy when I use enough fibre! It's a shame you don't think about long term side effects and easily ignore other studies and papers that are at least equally important!

Stephanie Lawrence
Stephanie Lawrence - 28.06.2023 06:01

I wish my brainwashed BF would watch this instead of going by what his "dietician" tells him.

Pepper - 28.05.2023 17:54

Grease doesn't go through the kidneys or the bladder, it goes down the digesive system, right through to the end. That's what makes food move. Water is removed into the bloodsteam and leaves through the kidneys and bladder.

Pepper - 28.05.2023 17:52

It needs grease, just like a car engine to make things move. Then my friends, things move quite quickly.

Pickles - 25.05.2023 11:48

You really have to be careful how much cream you add to your coffee too, because if that's the only vegetable matter you consume like me, you could end up running to the loo every hour to two. 😂😂👀👀

Lakelander - 22.05.2023 15:10

I’m conflicted whether to eat meat or not. Why do the people in the blue zones who eat little to no meat and eggs live the longest? You can say correlation doesn’t equal causation but it’s one hell of coincidence all the same.

GlaciusDreams - 22.05.2023 07:32

Really hope you all read and research as much as possible, because this is pure quackery

aziraphael0 - 07.05.2023 02:31

i would respect this video more if you linked the cited studies in the description

nick christopherson
nick christopherson - 10.04.2023 03:18

I eat 100g of fiber a day with no problems..it's your bad gut microbiome doing this..slowly introduce fiber and take probiotics...this will help

nick christopherson
nick christopherson - 10.04.2023 03:14

So funny how the only docs against high fiber diets are from Australia or new Zealand where their chief export is meat... how convenient...never mind the hundreds of thousands of research papers and 100 years of nutrition studies say to much sat fat is bad and fiber is healthy

Whiznot - 06.04.2023 04:48

After a vaccine injury I developed bad GI problems with severe constipation. I struggled with these issues for a year in spite of being on a ketogenic diet. I was familiar with this presentation from Dr. Paul Mason but I had trouble actually believing it. For the last two weeks I've been on the carnivore diet with close to zero fiber. No more constipation. Dr. Paul Mason backs up everything that he says with good science.

Baron Chris Bennett
Baron Chris Bennett - 16.03.2023 18:30

I get serious constipation if I remove fibre what's the solution on a carnivore diet?

Rowan Starling
Rowan Starling - 18.02.2023 22:15

This video changed my LIFE! I've been on and off Keto and Carnivore for 4 years with great success, however, I've also suffered from debilitating medical issues and emotional overeating and too much wine. After my hernia surgery 3 years ago, suffering from horrible bloating and gas and thought it was from dairy. Fast forward to 2023 and back on track, quit drinking, lowered carb intake again, but didn't help gas and bloating. Watched this video in preparation to go back on Carnivore, but not motivated enough, until I saw this. Spent a week researching everything(again) and because my PC is of 0 help...so had to research Metabolic Syndrome, Insulin Resistance, Hypothyroidism, etc. and now I feel more confident to be disciplined and stick to it, especially since I discovered I'm Fructans Intolerant. Thank you, Dr. Mason!

Carol Preved
Carol Preved - 18.02.2023 07:05

Dr Mason... be aware that some of your audience may be nuns... n that you successfully made them laugh at the comment... large fecal matter attempting to go through a small hole! Lol! Sr. C!

Rolling Stone
Rolling Stone - 25.01.2023 01:13

Why does Dr Bulsiewicz (Fiber Fueled) present reams of studies that directly contradicts this lecture. Bulsiewicz is a renowned gastroenterologist and researcher. What gives?

Валерон - 23.01.2023 09:05

Зачем заливать без перевода?

lynser kawi
lynser kawi - 20.01.2023 02:28

gas is healthy it allows you to know how you are metabolizing your food. so do you mean eat bread no fiber only sugar and carb is better?

Sly Dog
Sly Dog - 14.01.2023 08:53

I don't need a randomized control trial. When I don't eat fiber, I sh1t bricks. When I do, everything flows smoothly. When I eat too much fiber, it has the consistency of toothpaste. So what do you think I'm going to do? Right ... make sure I eat enough fiber but not too much.

you r enough 💜
you r enough 💜 - 10.01.2023 16:21

Being vegan for so long 2011 - 2022 caused me bad symptoms and I believe it caused diverticulitis switched over to clean keto andIF and I am feeling so much better I lost 83 lbs and I'm almost 50 and feel like I'm in my late 20s . Fiber hurts me I know good fats and real whole food is healing

Kiley Patrick
Kiley Patrick - 10.01.2023 02:24

Doesn't fiber help remove excess hormones like estrogen? And I've heard we need fibre to feed akkermansia bacteria which protects our mucosal lining of the gut.

o_my_kitty - 10.01.2023 00:20

Could the worse result be from increasing fiber intake, but not increasing water intake, therefore causing more constipation?

Stuart Wyllie
Stuart Wyllie - 09.01.2023 00:17

Zero fiber for 5 weeks gave zero bowel movements.

Luba Sulpovar
Luba Sulpovar - 08.01.2023 16:01

Thanks Dr Masson for your great presentation👍👍👍. I was born with IBS FORMAP + constipation and...all exact symptoms that you described. Thanks again 💖

TT Fan
TT Fan - 28.12.2022 10:40

Ketones is a nat appetite suppressant
0955 : SCFA convert into ketones
Injected ketones benefit IBS

Shawna Gunn
Shawna Gunn - 27.12.2022 02:18

Every friend I have that went on a no carb diet to lose weight all look 10 to 20 years older than they did before the no carb diet. They look sick actually.

Mr.Sojek - 25.12.2022 22:02

I fell sorry for people having problems with fibre intake. All the best for you.

M K - 24.12.2022 22:56

No wonder vegans are pissed off...they're constipated.

Mike The Dealer
Mike The Dealer - 23.12.2022 05:02

Wow. I've been carnivore with small amounts of veggies for like 3 weeks now, feeling horrible, yesterday I was feeling terrific, for lunch I ate meat some veggies and apple with almond butter, today I woke feeling horrible, nerves in neck, shoulders, face all in horrible pain. I'm thinking it was the almond with 11% fiber (if I remember correctly)

Peter Segers
Peter Segers - 03.12.2022 21:57

When someone talks about fibre, i know he is talking bullshit. It's like talking about carbs as one group. There are good carbs and bad carbs. Same with fibre. There is tons of literature of there benefits. Maybe this is not the case with constipation but saying we don't need it. I doubt it. Keto YES, but "no fibre" => NO.

miriam kellner
miriam kellner - 13.11.2022 12:08

Hello to those following Dr. Mason’ lecture. A question: I did not catch what does he recommend we DO EAT to get the dietary replacement instead of fibers to keep our stools “normal”?

Joe King
Joe King - 08.11.2022 14:58

Why are we lied to about every aspect of health??

Antonia Schiffer
Antonia Schiffer - 25.10.2022 15:13

What was the duration of the study you shared?

The Muscovy Mob and Others.
The Muscovy Mob and Others. - 21.10.2022 15:31

Or there is a happy medium.Humans are not strict carnivores. Low carb, very low carb yes. Mostly meat, yes.

وجع گلبي
وجع گلبي - 20.10.2022 23:33

I mean, we follow the Qty system. Can someone explain to me, please?

Jim Rutherford
Jim Rutherford - 19.10.2022 22:02

Medicine in western countries is so corrupt. I think Paul Mason says it, without actually saying it directly.

jeffrey sarto
jeffrey sarto - 07.10.2022 10:15

Another BS

Braden Maxwell Walker
Braden Maxwell Walker - 06.10.2022 00:01

I just started increasing my dietary fiber and am taking so many more and better dumps, this is just faulty methods and studies fasho lol use common sense everyone

No Dr. just healthy
No Dr. just healthy - 02.10.2022 01:03

I wonder about my intestinal muscles. I was obese and was severely packed with visceral fat. Did my muscles loose strength, possibly explaining my high effort elimination? I’ve lost 80 lbs so my gut organs are free now.

Pepper - 29.09.2022 15:43

A couple of coffees with cream and some bacon and eggs is a good way to make it slide down the pipe.

Krzysztof Kwiatkowski
Krzysztof Kwiatkowski - 18.09.2022 17:07


Rohit Azad
Rohit Azad - 09.09.2022 13:52

how wrong is the Dr about Fiber in year 2022 lol
