'The Witcher' Cast REACTS To Henry Cavill's ABRUPT Departure..

'The Witcher' Cast REACTS To Henry Cavill's ABRUPT Departure..

Film Camp

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Tsjarishe V
Tsjarishe V - 02.10.2023 22:18

Am i the only one that thinks it is stupid if the writers take something that exist to make something 'of there own'. Than make something completely new.

Jacob Jester
Jacob Jester - 02.10.2023 18:19

The funny thing is Henry’s criticism and input is exactly what fans want in their shows…writers have no idea what fans want…

Charlee e
Charlee e - 29.09.2023 07:58

James Gunn did him dirty

Hazman Noor
Hazman Noor - 20.09.2023 22:42

All because Producers wanted to change the original concepts, storyline and characters "The Witcher" while Henry Cavill wanted to keep the original with minor changes for the sake of TV Series; yet, Henry Cavill was to blame as Problem Maker for "The Witcher?" Really?

Anna Donegan
Anna Donegan - 16.09.2023 21:48

It wasnt Henry it was netflix being ignorant arrogant and rewriting a perfectly good story and Henry was NOT OK with that as were NONE of the REAL Witcher fans base... STOP damning Henry.. accept the FACT you screwed everything Netflix with your blatant arrogance and lack of respect for him and the original Story which you gave no sh1ts about anyway!

Jurgen Sosa
Jurgen Sosa - 15.09.2023 23:28

I understand writers trying to carve a name for themselves, after all it is their job and they’re dream most likely, but this has been going on for a while now, where writers USE the source material but add their OWN SPIN to things … I.e the Halo TV series although which was explained to be on a alt Timeline, yet the main issue for me personally is that they want to USE they fan base and name of something already known to CLIMB the latter.
There are AMAZING stories out there in the sci fi area, that I personally would love to see adaptations of ( The Witcher , Halo, Warhammer, World of Warcraft, Half life, etc etc) yet they give us this Half ass shows, either by trying to “Modernize” the characters for popular culture ( changing races, gender, or out right removing characters) ( I’m looking at you Halo, where is Sgt. Johnson 😢) , baiting us into “Hey we are making something you love “ wanna try this really good burger… once you try it realize that the ingredients are not actually those of a tradicional burger. ( the patty been not 100 beef , the bread lacking flavor, a strange mayo or sauce that the believe is much better, so on), that even though taste not be terrible they sell the idea but present the public something not aligned with what they promised or we Thought it would be, now this doesn’t mean they should not bring knew ideas to the table, (CoD rework or remastered version as example) they can actually work pretty good and maybe a refreshing new idea or take on things, my point … if you are using something that is already a MAJOR HIT stick to the source material as posible(characters, areas, story) and try to ADD, not change or remove from it.
And then tell US that this is what we have been waiting for all this time.

Give it another name, or Based on the novels Universe, please don’t piggy back on the titles name of other successes.
YES we want to see are novels, games, in tv or movies, and also TRUE that we would love to see NEW things on series and movies, the UNIVERSE for some story’s is HUGE for you guys only to focus on the “Hot take” of it … look what Star Wars did having the biggest ( in my opinion) content been the “Clone Wars”.
Taking us with clones brigades and different planets in battles alongside different characters not only expanding and illustrating the content but intruding new characters ( Asohka, the 501st, Commando Clones, to name a few).

I have faith…, little but I have it, that writing and story telling can be turned around and give us back incredible stories. And great writers can become really well known.

In side note knowing how attached to the source material Cavill is, looking forward to the Warhammer Series.

Ps: the opinion on the shows previously mentioned is my own and this is not a reflection of what I think of them, but only examples of what tv series have been lately.

Pepe De Rien
Pepe De Rien - 15.09.2023 10:52

Yeah, when you know better the lore than all the staff members combined, and they start to write some "creative" shiets that never happened nor would fit into the world and the "lore keeper" doesn't accept them. As far as I saw this story, the producer(s) and writers wanted to make some "creative stuff", but Cavill resisted, and therefore Cavill was the bad guy, who didn't understand the creativity, but Cavill knew the whole story in and out, so technically he was the one true guy in this company. I feel some Disney "creativity" (hint madness) at the Netflix. And for season 4, they found a puppet who can dance how they are whistling.

Mr. SelfDestruct
Mr. SelfDestruct - 14.09.2023 06:33

It’s not gonna work !!! It’s gonna flop

Darth Nox
Darth Nox - 14.09.2023 00:11

All these small-time channels are progressive Hollywood cronies vying for success by spreading slander on actors and actresses that don't conform with their overlords.

Waya - 13.09.2023 19:11

So ridiculous cuz this is what you want in an actor too bad the directors are woke bots

Stu M
Stu M - 13.09.2023 18:48

The problem is Hissrich. She lied multiple times in interviews and on social media saying they would stick to the books and whatnot but then dropped the garbage fire that was season 2. Idk who runs this channel, but he clearly has an agenda that's on board with Hissrich. Clearly both idiots trying to make Henry out to be the problem when that's obviously BS. If they had stuck to the books it would've been amazing, but instead hubris got into these pathetic writers' heads and they decided to ruin it by changing a medieval slavic fantasy into a poorly thought out modern mess. (Modern as in the ideas not the setting)

Thrifikionor - 13.09.2023 17:16

If it werent for Cavill, Netflix Witcher wouldve ended with season 1.

joemat - 13.09.2023 01:07

They ruined the original story. Thats the only reason he left. Henry is a great guy and irreplaceable Geralt.

Jan Stanisław Raszyński
Jan Stanisław Raszyński - 12.09.2023 20:44

With that new workout done Henry Cavill would be a great choice for the role of Guts in a Western adaptation of "Berserk". After "One Piece's" success it may be more plausible than ever. And knowing Henry he would just get hyped if he got to know the source material. Someone just hand him the manga already xD

J Debell
J Debell - 12.09.2023 15:23

There will be another producer hiring superman Henry very soon

Killerclone21 - 12.09.2023 12:25

the series was doomed to fail after the disaster that was season 2

maedhros105 - 12.09.2023 11:55

The writers absolute stupidity killed the witcher.

Billy Richardson
Billy Richardson - 11.09.2023 09:52

I don't like witcher games or witcher books think I'll get a job writing episodes for witcher what sense does that make

Josh LovesJesus
Josh LovesJesus - 11.09.2023 08:55

I hope that Lauren Schmidt Hissrich didn't replace henry Calvin with anyone because if she did had to replace him, then consider me not supporting the movie anymore 💔

Mindful Mini Pods
Mindful Mini Pods - 11.09.2023 08:31

Imagine the entire Witcher's Cast will fail without Henry. Go woke go BROKE. dam shame. Henry would have knocked it out of the park super EZ money LOST now. Dum Dums listened to that woman. HAHA

Caffeinated Wolfe
Caffeinated Wolfe - 11.09.2023 05:59

Don't try to bring me that crap about him being "difficult" because he wanted to remain true to the characters. That's what fans want. We want the character, not some jackass showrunner's "version" of a character. This is why geeks respect Cavill and not these studios. He's a legitimate fan and understands these stories and characters. People who think that's a problem can actually go fuck themselves.

Asiansoup - 11.09.2023 04:54

Henry was the Perfect Actor for this. If he said "Let me do Like i want todo". Then fucking Trust him ! Because he was the Guy who made this series so popular!

FidoDenStore - 10.09.2023 22:21

imagin the actor is better then the people whos making the witcher

Cathy Trottier
Cathy Trottier - 10.09.2023 13:11

One minute every member of the cast is GUSHING over him and the next TRASH talking him . Hollywood is over flowing with backstabbing

Γεώργιος Αράπογλου
Γεώργιος Αράπογλου - 10.09.2023 11:05

When Cavill loves a character, he will not betray him. That is why he was a perfect Superman, that is why he was a perfect Witcher, that is why he would have been a perfect James Bond.
Unfortunately, in all these cases, there were producers and writers who prefer to destroy the essence of those characters because of their own psychological problems. With the assistance of a dedicated Cavill, they could have made masterpieces. They preferred to do nonsense and get rid of him.

Allison Drummond
Allison Drummond - 08.09.2023 14:26

I won't watch season 4 I don't think Liam's is a good fit to play the witcher

JasonCam - 07.09.2023 15:31

Netflix should keep the main cast, recast some side characters and fire the writers who don't respect the source material as in the books and the games. Then shoot season 4. If they would do that, I'll watch. Otherwise I'll boycott it like the rest of the fans.

Violet's Abyss
Violet's Abyss - 06.09.2023 17:11

A lot of people would probably drop the show without him. Me included.
Specially with it not following the books.

n teks
n teks - 06.09.2023 05:20

lmao get f'd idiots congrats on the cancellation

Gilberto Brandina
Gilberto Brandina - 06.09.2023 04:14

You narrative of the events is so misleading that I cannot consider it in good faith.

Chickens Rule
Chickens Rule - 06.09.2023 01:40

I’m excited to see what Geralt is like in s4, but honestly, I’ve kinda hated all of Liam’s Hemsworth characters since Hunger Games 😭

Coffee House Philosopher
Coffee House Philosopher - 05.09.2023 03:39

IF anything the producers and writers were the difficult ones. Henry was essentially filling two roles as both the actor and expert on the source material something that they took for granted. They tried to create an entirely new series when the only reason it got green lit was because it was meant to be an ADAPTATION of the work.. Something that didn't receive 100% positive reactions on the onset but once they say Henry do his thing changed people's minds. . .

Dennis Douglas
Dennis Douglas - 05.09.2023 01:54

Does anyone notice something about all the movies and shows that are in the dumpster? Is it just me, or are all of them done in by Woman trying to castrate male leads, and makes the shows about Woman stars. Most of them just play their roles as men and fail. I know that doesn't sound nice, but it seems to be the case. Indian Jones, Star Wars, The Witch-Her? It just looks like they do not care if the shows TANK and get canceled, as long as they get their Woke message across.

Suzanne Keith
Suzanne Keith - 04.09.2023 18:00

Wow! Revisionist history!

mitch tarpley
mitch tarpley - 04.09.2023 06:45

Henry was the right fit for both characters, if both producers didn't do what it takes to keep him in the right roles, making for good TV then let them tank. I will watch his next movie as his as is he is a good actor, but not so much on seasons and sequels that are to cheap to keep talent and keep changing actors.

Helbron Checa
Helbron Checa - 03.09.2023 19:37

when people that don't have idea expess his opinion...

Leroi LaPue
Leroi LaPue - 03.09.2023 16:13

Henry like Gina Carano is way too good for the muppets they work with!!

Random Vidz
Random Vidz - 03.09.2023 13:07

Why they always recast to the most non descriptive people ever like their face and body doesn’t fit into the plot

Marcus Valera
Marcus Valera - 02.09.2023 08:24

I'm with Henry all the way.
They're just bullshiters.

Coyo Boyo
Coyo Boyo - 01.09.2023 09:54

Cavill, Hank Cavill. Give him James Bond and who cares where he was.

Joy Katherine
Joy Katherine - 31.08.2023 22:11

Life is like this. Have integrity and a voice and be called difficult. Everyone knows Henry Cavill is / made this series what it is for the show. Good luck. It's like when a toxic boyfriend names a woman the problem to his new girlfriend. Liam, you are the new girlfriend.

Jan - 31.08.2023 20:04

The "writers" ruined the series. The Witcher started good, but they made him in to a support character, not a leader.

Cpt Crayola
Cpt Crayola - 31.08.2023 03:07

Feels bad for the witcher show, it's gonna be in the toilet views wise lmfao

SuzukiXtVstrom1000 - 30.08.2023 02:24

Mads Mikkelsen would of been the best casting for Geralt. Geralt isn't young or a stud muffin he is however a man's man and a ladies man and a great actor. He would of been my #1 choice.

NakedSplit - 29.08.2023 17:10

Nope the witcher will never make him famous sorry the witcher series sucks i had read the book an play over an over the 3 games in my pc so yeah the witcher series sucks an miss leading to those whom have never read or play the witcher

NakedSplit - 29.08.2023 17:07

And thats is why WB suck an fuck DC comic ever-time an they will never be in the level of Marvel an DC will never be popular thanks to These idiot directors, writers an WB they need to sell DC comic to Disney so DC will stay with their actors an have a solid story line cause I think WB is missing that solid story line

Hunter Hamm
Hunter Hamm - 29.08.2023 09:53

It’s crazy that you would hire writers who hate the source material

Benny Castillo
Benny Castillo - 29.08.2023 07:46

When Zack Snyder's cut of the Justice League was almost finished, he was replaced with James Gunn, who had an entirely different version in mind. The Zack Snyder's cut was considered the better version, which butthurt James Gunn, to no end. No pun intended. No, f*ck that! Every pun intended! James Gunn literally bent over the franchise and r*ped it. Instead of dark and edgy, we got sarcastic and flippant. He did a great job on Guardians of the Galaxy, because he fit the style of the franchise. Not so much with Justice League. And he blames Henry Cavill. When perverts think they know how to tell stories, be careful of those stories. An agenda will be evident, and James Gunn is definitely that.

Malan - 28.08.2023 19:54

Yeah.... I think that Hemsworth may do a good job, but it won’t be the same. As a person who was only watching it because I like Cavill as an actor....I have no real reason to continue watching. At this point to many fans, he is Geralt and that cannot be undone. I think the show will still have a good number of viewers, but I think this change will definitely lower the support quite a bit.

XstreamGamingZ - 27.08.2023 06:11

Woman power destroys it
