Terrifier 3 Theories and Predictions!

Terrifier 3 Theories and Predictions!

Terror Trader

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Svenny Unknown
Svenny Unknown - 13.07.2023 10:41

No way it’s just gonna be a trilogy Damien’s gotta keep these movies coming

Richard Reichley
Richard Reichley - 02.02.2023 10:07

Sienna is terrifiers version of Angela The Demon Hunter. ( Not well known) Similar Outfit and both have the sword with the power to kill a demon. And the reason why Art didn't die is that you have to kill the demon that created others first. That's why it was a demon head in the sketch book not arts. Also I'm sure the sketch with the cyclops in the book points to Angela as well because she's a angle that killed demons for years in mythological times. But that's my theory specially Angela the Demon Hunter isn't well know specially due to copy right issues. So most people wouldn't see it coming.

Brian J.
Brian J. - 20.01.2023 12:07

What I hope they do. Is kinda just go AWOL. And shh on all the theories and go completely like wait what!!! Awesome!!!!

Make U Behtar
Make U Behtar - 15.01.2023 13:27

I think Sienna's dad is not art because it is too obvious instead he created art because "Art" the name is belonging to some creation. So the dad created that damn thing and name it Art

Byron Weaver
Byron Weaver - 08.12.2022 16:35

What if Terrifier 3 picks up right after where Terrifier 2 left off?

pauly smallz
pauly smallz - 02.12.2022 11:27

What a stupid theory Damien said all the answers are in the clown cafe scene go figure it out

Michael Cameron
Michael Cameron - 30.11.2022 18:25

I haven't seen anyone mention that other than their mom, jonathan loses no one and sienna loses everyone she's close to. Maybe Sienna and Jonathan being estranged could occur, and sienna not being sure if jonathan can be trusted could be mixed into whether he's good or evil after art ate his fingers.

J.R. - 16.11.2022 01:36

Maybe Sienna's father killed Art's daughter then Art somehow sold his soul to Satan to bring back his daughter but they both came back as demons instead. This is why Art hates those kids so passionately

UpANotch - Beats
UpANotch - Beats - 15.11.2022 16:20

I also think that the clown cafe is Hell! Damien said that he spoiled what the clown cafe actually is on the directors commentary but it’s sadly only on the US blu ray and not on the UK version

UpANotch - Beats
UpANotch - Beats - 15.11.2022 16:16

Damien Leone said that everything that happens in this movie is happening for a reason so I have a big question...why did Art give Sienna a black heart at the clown cafe? Is it his own heart? Maybe the dad‘s?

DJPH1LL1PSZ12 - 15.11.2022 14:22

Fuck yea !!!!!!

lurkin_4_Murkin - 12.11.2022 16:09

Maybe sienna/Jonathan father was a detective or demon hunter or something and was hunting art but got killed and left it up to the kids?

CrocodileGamer 109
CrocodileGamer 109 - 11.11.2022 00:30

How do you not have more subs?

😈King Toxic😈
😈King Toxic😈 - 10.11.2022 01:05

I feel like the pale girl is arts daughter...Maybe siennas dad witnessed her death and so all of arts killings are to avenge her..That's how the father was able to predict what was gonna happen...Art wants to eliminate the family that witnessed his daughters death and will kill anyone in the way or connected to them....The evil spirit that keeps bringing him back posseses the pale girl and brings art back to avenge her death....I have no idea where Vicky comes into all this other than the demon possessed her to rebirth art ....Maybe it's cuz he was only a head so he had to be completely reborn to fully grow a body back....Since Vicky is one of the only people alive that is connected to art thats why the evil spirit possessed her...

Brodie Hubbard
Brodie Hubbard - 08.11.2022 05:49

I think the next Terrifier chapter will be split into two films à la Deathly Hallows. Also… Pale Girl may be Emily Crane, but do you remember Cat Lady from Terrifier 1 had a baby doll she called Emily? 🤔

Jetfry L
Jetfry L - 06.11.2022 22:08

Terrifier 2 was f**** great

Ron Davis
Ron Davis - 05.11.2022 01:43

Siennas dad is Art’s twin brother that was given up for adoption and has a psychic connection with him

Brad Malone
Brad Malone - 04.11.2022 17:07

My theory about the pale girl is it was the evil that resurrected Art and took the form of Arts first kill, And Siana's dad is not Art that's just dumb. I also don't think the dad created Art.

Patrick Fransiskus
Patrick Fransiskus - 04.11.2022 17:04

Where do you watch terrifier 2?

Tim Ruiz
Tim Ruiz - 04.11.2022 03:07

Maybe the dad drew him or something and that's where his name derives from "Art the clown" they mention the dad's drawings so much so maybe the dad did create him 🤔 just a thought

Morgue-N - 04.11.2022 00:49

I was sure Art was the dad until he attacked the kids. That's when I had doubts. I also thought it was interesting that he had created this character for his daughter, and had given it so much depth, and yet we don't see that he created anything for the son. I found that odd. They definitely have explaining to do when it comes to the girl. I wondered if she was related to the family somehow. Or maybe.... Just spit balling... But what if Art and the girl are related and the dad had murdered the girl... Probably not.

Corey Hall
Corey Hall - 03.11.2022 23:12

I want to see them lean into the fantasy horror angle, like some of the drawings shown in the father's notebook. Maybe Sienna battles Art in Hell. It would be interesting to see what other monsters are in the Terrifier universe version of Hell.

StonerDaKlown - 03.11.2022 22:50

“I love this theory” but that’s what I was also thinking is that maybe art the clown is Siana’s dad?! 🤷🏽‍♂️
