Truth of Albedo - Dragonspine, Durin, and Alchemical Magnum Opus - Story and Lore - Genshin Impact

Truth of Albedo - Dragonspine, Durin, and Alchemical Magnum Opus - Story and Lore - Genshin Impact


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senko  san
senko san - 09.10.2023 04:49

Everyone saying "i hope we'll see more kayea lore in shneznaya", but i want albedo lore, ESPECIALLY since the doll harbinger is quite similair

Tooth - 03.05.2023 12:48

Moosashi is the Mossbag of Genshin lol

Allegory Ari
Allegory Ari - 29.03.2023 03:43

Im using the magnum opus for my essays, very noice.

Allegory Ari
Allegory Ari - 26.03.2023 00:16

Y'all just keep giving me more reasons for albedo to be my favorite.

Kitsune Chan
Kitsune Chan - 15.03.2023 11:00

I was one of the unlucky players that started too late to experience this amazing quest. I only hear how awesome it was. Albedo is simply one of the best characters in the games in terms of many things. He has interesting personality, he is involved with so much lore and he is just a chad.

shio - 25.12.2022 17:11

Wait what? When did this happen in the story? I’m not doubting you I just don’t remember, or was this an event?

Student Wolf
Student Wolf - 19.11.2022 19:53

This is so well made!!! We shall hope to see more of Albedo's lore

nectadraws - 08.11.2022 22:57

You're a lifesaver, now I understand a lot more! (I wasn't playing yet at the time the event was online, it should be put in a story quest fr)

albino478 gaming
albino478 gaming - 16.10.2022 09:22

You know, what if Rheindotter or "Gold", is Alice. She is at least 500 years old, which coincides with the Cataclysm, meaning she could come from Khean'riah. We also know Alchemy is one of fer skills and she is Really, really good at it. And Khaemy is based on alchhemy, but taken to the extreme. What im trying to say is Rhinedotter=Alice

TheNightless Fall
TheNightless Fall - 03.10.2022 08:27

There's only some character i would say they have a deep well done lore and the best exemple is Zhongli but.. i would say that Albedo lore is pretty good too.

⌦ 𝚢𝚞𝚛𝚛𝚒☔︎︎
⌦ 𝚢𝚞𝚛𝚛𝚒☔︎︎ - 17.07.2022 05:07

as someone who took a break from genshin and missed the events following the chalk dragon prince, im really happy you made this!! it's well organized and the way you tell it is very clear!

TotallyAlan - 11.07.2022 19:58

The only thing I can and will say…


Pooya Zolghadrasli
Pooya Zolghadrasli - 04.07.2022 15:26

after hearing all of that im just thinking why hoyo would put all this information in events

Pooya Zolghadrasli
Pooya Zolghadrasli - 04.07.2022 15:16

do you think dvalin and durin would be friends?

 Huffman's ctrl+v
Huffman's ctrl+v - 08.06.2022 15:00

Albedo: a creation untouched by the Gods
Zhongli: "here's a vision"

Sanjai Stafon
Sanjai Stafon - 13.05.2022 17:04

i am new to this game, though i have completed every character story quest but i have seen only albedo story quest 1 is there any other thing where i can find the second albedo and the wopperflower

八雲紫 - 13.04.2022 06:40

I like how exploiting the fact that “imperfection is what makes us human” is exactly how you identify and block bots. Take the case with the captcha for example. Clever way the game is speaking to the fourth wall.

Turbonite - 28.03.2022 10:53

Now that the Enkanomiya quests are out. What if the "Primordial" in the name refers to the "Primordial one" in the book "Before Sun and Moon"? It was claimed in the book that another entity called "Second Who Came" overthrew the Primordial one and most theories says that the Second Who Came are the Celestians (Presumably from another world). So, my small theory is that Rhinedottir was actually NOT a villain and she was trying to create a mass of "Primordial ones" to rebel against Celestia, as Celestia is being revealed to be the enemy everytime a new Archon Quest is dropped.

S.A - 08.03.2022 22:21

So what I initially heard was albedo is albedo until her reaches 'perfection' to be Rubedo. basically changing "Al" and "Ru"

Johnkeey - 08.03.2022 09:37

Thanks man, when I first meet him until now I felt uneasy about him, just the fact alone that he practice the creation of life puts him in my list of characters to be weary of.

Rayy - 31.01.2022 21:36

i feel bad for albedo no.1... mann imagine being born with feelings instantly and get feed to a monster, by your creator no less.
no wonder he is filled with thoughts like perfection and stuff

The Smilyguy Guy
The Smilyguy Guy - 28.01.2022 19:39


peacewibby - 12.01.2022 17:56

Does the Traveler absorb the corruption to purify an object??? Is that why there is sediment in the alchemy bottle that has the purple coloring of corruption?

Zeroski - 17.12.2021 02:42

Albedos lore is honestly the best

Aiko - 13.12.2021 09:58

So I guess what we do know for sure is that subject 2 cannot replace the real albedo until he kills the traveler, so as long as we (the traveler) are alive subject 2 cannot kill the albedo we know

Aiko - 13.12.2021 08:44

So there's enough evidence to say (at least with some certainty), that the albedo we know is still alive, and hasn't been replaced ( yet;) ) by subject two right ?, I honestly just need closure.

giyuu's introverted soul
giyuu's introverted soul - 12.12.2021 05:41

im doing my project while watching this, and i tell you my mind just explodes whenever i hear complex words T-T

Happy Person
Happy Person - 12.12.2021 04:18

At the end of the event I think that's the real albedo :D

eta... - 11.12.2021 13:16

I think there's going to be a final Dragonspine event next year to finish up this tale.

xyanonyx - 11.12.2021 11:49

ok so. I read some wikipedia articles on alchemy, and noted that the conventional order is indeed rubedo as final and citrinatas as before that. however I saw smth mention that rubedo is associated with "gold"...

Rubedo is a Latin word meaning "redness" that was adopted by alchemists to define the fourth and final major stage in their magnum opus. Both gold and the philosopher's stone were associated with the color red, as rubedo signaled alchemical success, and the end of the great work. Rubedo is also known by the Greek word iosis.

so I google "iosis". one of the google results says:
Iosis is a Greek word meaning 'the process by which a base metal becomes gold'.
however, I have no idea how reliable this is since it's from a company's "about us" page.
still, at least this implies that rubedo is associated with *gold*.

I play genshin with EN subs and Chinese dub, since I can understand some Chinese. and of course I have Albedo, he's my absolute favourite playable character I love him.
his voicelines refer to citrinatas as "黄金", aka GOLD (or literally, yellow gold). I suspect this might be why the order is switched?
"rubedo" is referred to as 赤成. 赤 is a fancier word for red, and 成 is something like 'becoming'. so literally becoming red, or "reddening".

note: "Gold" (Rhinedottir) is also referred to as 黄金, aka the same as "citrinatas" which I find very interesting.

if this event is about Albedo's "rubedo" (3rd) stage, I suspect part 3 may involve meeting "Gold", Rhinedottir. If not, either way, it will have something to do with Albedo reaching his final stage...

itty bitty Game discoveres
itty bitty Game discoveres - 10.12.2021 20:37

Something about durian
He's kinda related to lumine/aether ( lost one), delusion, albedo, fatui, unknown God and dark powers

Yzachar - 10.12.2021 16:41

You: "Breaking down the story / lore"
me: Breaking down cuz I lost 50/50

Joshua Blitzer
Joshua Blitzer - 09.12.2021 15:07

The f”first” Albedo only took Albedo’s form to take his place and probably didn’t look like him originally

Samir Al-Tabatabaie
Samir Al-Tabatabaie - 08.12.2021 13:15

Very important detail I feel I need to bring up; in Teyvat the last two steps are actually reversed! It’s Nigredo, Albedo, Rubedo and THEN Citrinitas. Albedo’s ‘Feelings about Ascension’ Voicelines reveal this key difference. Curiously ‘Citrinitas’ is codified as ‘yellowing’ or ‘GOLD’. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

auroraaa - 08.12.2021 03:17

When i watched this i cant trust him anymore

Jace - 07.12.2021 04:12

I would like to note that the game has a bit of a different order for alchemy, as Albedo's ascension voice-overs list them in the order of Nigredo, Albedo, Rubedo, and finally Citrinitas. So, if your speculation is true and the Albedo we see is a combination of him and the other Albedo, then it would imply that there's actually one more step in Albedo's journey: the awakening, or the solar dawn. And, according to his in game voice-over, Albedo defines Citrinitas as when "the meaning of the object being transmuted has finally been brought to light, becoming gold and revealing its true value." So, if Albedo truly does have another stage, then it might be when he finally reveals his true nature or "awakens", which could be the destruction of Mondstadt (or attempted destruction) that he foretold in his first story quest.

Bissibo - 07.12.2021 03:31

Albedo carries the whole genshin lore on his back

blahrbs - 06.12.2021 23:32

Please forgive my messy thoughts but hopefully i can air it here. it's that TL;DR: JOEL'S DAD is SUS.

i'd like for the speculation that the twobedos assimilated to be true, as it's more poetic, but i do remember albedo having a smug attitude at the Golden apple archipelago island storyquest as well as his own Character storyquest - threatening to summon 6 oceanids to test traveller. so the disappearing birthmark prank fits his personality.

also albedo saying he felt a twinge of grief when he eliminated not-our-bedo, the latter whom btw survived/revived after being eaten by a dragon so anything goes after such elimination. I think a strong reason why albedo might kill the failedbedo was bec albedo cares deeply about the traveler's safety, where there's at least 3 lines in this event: "Still safety comes first, we do not know the identity of the thief..." "But please, whatever happens, put your safety first at all times" and "But I will endeavor to keep you safe, that much you can trust in". And he thinks the failed expt bedo would harm traveler for being able to discern, but so far none of the attempts were lethal to traveler, and failed exp even seems melancholic even more so than og bedo, but def not hostile when we meet him when he exits the cave.

but thing is that the failed exp can also copy the likeness of an individual. remember eula saying something about one of the fakebedos wanting to take joel further, then pushing the child after being confronted? why does he need the child for? Joel's Dad not remembering anything at all and it being obvsly pointed out by the quest leads to several probable hypothesis, one of which is that fakebedo assimilated joserf's form sometime after albedo eliminated him. But idk everything is so muddled so bad that it's good.

P.S. Albedo also mentions this story quest that creation is an arrogance. and that the sustainer of heavenly principles/unknown god destroys Khaenri'ah presumably for this. But she also tells the twins "The arrogation of mankind ends here". Maybe the twins are synthetic humans too.

PPS In the pale princess and the six pygmies, it says that everyone in the Moonlight Forest Kingdom has fair skin, light-colored hair, and bright blue eyes, like Albedo. And that the description for the Land of the Night fits Khaenri'ah.

mehrshad - 06.12.2021 21:03

Thanks for explaining this to me big mon helped a lot

Daniel Cooper
Daniel Cooper - 06.12.2021 11:18

Great video! I personally believe the 'impostor albedo' killed our Albedo and is now living as him or they have decided to share the same life for reasons unfathomable to us. Because that was definitely the imposter Albedo at the end of the quest. He was either messing with us, telling us the story with the rose & the gardener in the cave pretending to be the Albedo we know and then commenting on it at the alchemy stand. Or he overheard our conversation with the original Albedo, because they have a strange truce where they're sharing the same life, and he commented on it to mess with us. I don't know I'm just waiting for more theories to explain to me what's happening. I do like your idea that our Albedo could be the one that was fed to the dragon and that the supposed imposter we meet is actually the perfected version. I don't know man my brain too small.

Yubelious! - 06.12.2021 10:11

So we're not going to discuss Joserf?

LuckyMSTR - 06.12.2021 07:04

You have to do more lore videos like this, they're amazing

53 - 05.12.2021 21:16


pk - 05.12.2021 20:55

This lore is complex enough to bring you back in game bounds to explain it to us.

Now, the part about Albedo and Susbedo working together does makes more sense. Since, neither will Albedo lose from Susbedo because of plot armor and that he's my favorite character (also he's smarter and knows all Susbedo's plans). Nor will Albedo kill Susbedo, since he sympathizes with Susbedo, as shown in ending cut scene of part 2. And, knowing Albedo, he will choose the option where he gets to learn more (about Gold, Gold's creations). The only reason he likes to be in Dragonspine is Durin and the fact that anything about it may bring him closer to finding Gold, I'd guess. And now he has got a living, breathing Subject, he won't waste that.

So, from what I can make out of the story, what Albedo might have chosen is to let Susbedo play social part of Albedo, in exchange of letting Albedo do research on him. In this way, both will be happy.

(Sorry for bad english. And, I love your videos.)

blooblis - 05.12.2021 20:23

Didn't the abyss twin or someone also task the traveler with finding the true meaning of this world?? maybe the traveler and albedo will team up to fight celestia/the sustainer of heavenly principles at the end

Sundalo Sketch
Sundalo Sketch - 05.12.2021 20:11

This really adds to my theory on Durin.. That Durin wasn't always a skeletal rotting dragon of venom. I believe the original Albedo (Subject 2) poisoned him from within his stomach, either with alchemy or because of his impurities that Gold oh so detested, slowly poisoning Durin's body and mind, to a point he goes completely aggro though not by his own will (Which shown through the Dragontooth spear description details).

It's unclear if after Durin's immediate death does Subject 2 escape his belly or if he was unable to for years after the incident due to being in a deep slumber or the belly still being too intact for him to break free from. Maybe the first Albedo quest hints towards the time of his escape when Albedo finds the Festering Desire, aka. Subject 2's sword created using alchemy and Durin's blood. Meaning he's been out and about on Dragonspine for a long while if the sword has been out in other people's hands, or maybe it was stolen when he wasn't looking and didn't care enough to get it back.

For someone so eager to replace Albedo, this imposter is actually quite patient. He knows when the time is right and isn't one to make mistakes lightly, which is why he created the Whopperflower to stir trouble and bring light to his possible existence. He's testing the waters while also gathering data on the "wrench in his plans" (the Traveler). The last chapter of the recent event shows the confidence he has in himself, boldly acting slightly out of character, twisting previously mentioned metaphors and references, even sending an indirect threat in killing the Traveler alone on the ice cold mountain. It wasn't a mistake when his mark disappeared then reappeared, he planned it, to confuse the "gardener" and gather more data on the Traveler and what weaknesses or perceptive skills they may have. He sowed a seed of doubt and confusion within their minds, so the next time he makes an appearance, the Traveler wouldn't be so confident in foiling his perfect future.

laefard Gonsleis
laefard Gonsleis - 05.12.2021 18:14

I really need to see this video after commenting my view on your post

Mufaro Musa
Mufaro Musa - 05.12.2021 17:37

Moosashi not tryna break genshin? 🧐There is a change in the force

rehman arshad
rehman arshad - 05.12.2021 11:50

Yeah this is a good video ... that ending screwed with me ...
