Beginner Pyro Tutorial | 04 | Team Fortress 2

Beginner Pyro Tutorial | 04 | Team Fortress 2

S TF2 Guides

1 год назад

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@heartless.mp3 - 24.01.2024 17:21

Tysm for this as a total noob this rly helped

@fuckumina - 31.12.2023 14:47

thank u im a new pyro main and im new tf2 player so i will sub in 1 2 3

@definetlynotamainacc8773 - 16.10.2023 23:10

3k hours on record
Watches begginers guide

@neoneelgaming5458 - 24.09.2023 08:56

Playing upward as pyro and pushing the entire enemy team off the cliff as pyro at the part where the cart goes over the thin track

@Arcticgreen - 11.09.2023 01:29

I kinda hate it how people talk about pyro being countered by sniper. The logic they use would indicate that EVERY class is countered by sniper. If anything, they're kinda neutral. If pyro can get the sniper within range, then the sniper is just another roasting shrimp on the barby, but if not, then sniper has the advantage. Getting to sniper might seem hard, but given how the flamethrower works and it's short range, sticking to the narrow side-routes is typically pyro's thing anyway. If anything, heavy and engineer (the sentry gun, anyway) is pyro's true counter, with longer range and a faster damage output, pyro gets BODIED by these guys. Scouts can often be baited like flies into coming into pyro's preferred territory, where the pyro can use the flames like a wall to force the scout between a wall and a hot place. True, pyro cannot effectively pursue scouts, but that's true of every class, and pursuing scouts is a fool's errand, baiting them is the best way. I can't tell you how many times I've baited overeager classes into within range of my sentry by pretending to be an overly eager, if weak and cowardly engineer.

Also, pyro doesn't have anything (except the Thermal Thruster) to help him set up ambushes, so he's really no more an ambush class than anybody else. In fact pyro's flexibility comes from his three major roles, and how easy it is to slip between them.

*Holding territory, typically in the narrow routs along the flanks.
*Spychecking, pretty much anywhere where a spy is likely to be.
*Team assist. Few things in tf2 are scarier than facing them WITH a pocket pyro adding support. Usually the projectile classes deal with the hardest threats... unless those threats are being protected by an air-blasting pyro. Scouts may try to juke a heavy, but that just leads them right into pocket-pyro's flames.

If there's one thing I do hate about playing pyro, it's that the Thermal Thruster takes up the secondary weapon slot instead of a fourth slot, forcing me to choose between increased ambush and speed capacity... or having long-range options.

The main skill, at least for beginning pyros, in my opinion, is positioning and behavior. Air-blast, the timing, the aiming, that's a bit of a mid-level skill, with combos and stuff being the high-level skills. The low-level skills are about positioning and behavior. You CANNOT go running at the enemy that's what they want! Ya gotta get them into YOUR territory! Take claim of a spot and defend it! Heck, take it a step further and take claim of a spot with your engineer! Let the sentry HELP you set up ambushes! The team wants you spy-checking anyway, and engineer nests are where spies LOVE being anyway!

There's a reason why my spray in tf2 reads as follows "I love the smell of roast spy in the morning".

@themasterofoogabunga - 25.08.2023 23:36

actually pyro can have really good range with the flare guns, espically if an enemy tries to run

@RAVEVelvet - 24.08.2023 17:42

Woah Im suprisised people still make YT tutorial videos for TF2

But well I'm trying to learn pyro recently and this has been helpful thanks!

@aidenorr9536 - 13.08.2023 23:11

So what I'm hearing is that I need to use the Backburner

@starlosa - 22.07.2023 04:46

this convincec me to download tf2!!! good guide!!

@wr3nche5 - 15.07.2023 01:23

even tho i'm not a noob, i'm still gonna subscribe so i can support your mission to teach the new guys!

@bigbeachballs3074 - 06.07.2023 06:33


@kaylads - 12.06.2023 00:41

Thank you for making a quality no nonsense straighforward guide. Ive only started playing recently, so you're right that pyro really appeals to noobs with low aim skill. But there is a lot more nuance to the class as im learning it. Thanks again!!

@raed69420 - 31.05.2023 13:14

this is what ive been searching for, I know I am very late to the game itself but its still fun

@Lil_Intruder - 09.04.2023 21:48

I just realized I was fucking making a try hard soldier with a pocket medic rage because I was great reflecting his rockets to his pocket medic and i would just hide in a corner , them jump at him who is approaching and burn his back and finish him with my shotgun

A job well-done i would say.

@saymehname - 04.04.2023 19:30

Thank you for this. As a noob to tf2 I am getting crushed and needs the tips.

@Cat_Omglol - 11.03.2023 19:11

How to get flare as pyro?

@jiant_ - 25.01.2023 04:41

Great vid, please do a demoman tutorial next!

@soupcan - 15.01.2023 21:53

had the time to watch it this time, so i have a second comment to give.
im glad you guys are on a mission to help out newer players so that they can stick to the game and have a chance against every one of us whos been playing for many years.

@soupcan - 15.01.2023 16:54


@spellboundearl - 15.01.2023 11:49

glad to see you back!

@MF_Chip - 15.01.2023 10:32

You returned :)

@peacefulsoysouce2869 - 15.01.2023 10:01

great guide! although it would really nice if you can cover some of the other unlockable weapons :D

@recruits__8690 - 15.01.2023 09:04

The Waffle House Has Found Its New Host

@liamelias4214 - 15.01.2023 08:51

Great guide man! I just hope the next installments of this series come out sooner.

@Nerd_Sauce - 15.01.2023 05:08

As a person that plays an unusual amount of pyro, I can 100% agree to everything this guy says. Great guide! Keep it up!
