This is what an Auto Dead Hard looks like... | Dead by Daylight

This is what an Auto Dead Hard looks like... | Dead by Daylight

not Otzdarva

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@notOtzdarva - 24.08.2022 02:05

Remember to make sure that a "suspicious" DH is not actually Off the Record instead. Easy to get them mixed up sometimes. 😅

@acactusnamedjosh708 - 06.12.2023 23:25

Imagine needing hacks to press the E key.

@raccoon.legion - 26.09.2023 09:54

How can anyone have fun like that, it takes 0 skill to use and just makes you look like an inbred moron, I have known rocks with more personality than that Nea

@Daniiii4u - 20.08.2023 17:19

What if that random swing was just her thinking that he would hit her?

@MojazInfo - 17.05.2023 01:03

After the last nerf Dead hard becom useless anyway

@xFrosten - 12.05.2023 03:14

They are not necessarily cheating though, there is a challenge in the tome where you have to avoid an attack with dead hard, so they might be purposefully using it, even if there is no way they will get hit. In this case however there is multiple examples throughout the game that point towards an auto-deadhard, but still you can't be 100 % sure

@DillonMeyer - 10.04.2023 18:52

Auto Deadharders on life support after Dead Hard becomes a perk only usable after being unhooked.

@reginageorgequeen - 05.04.2023 21:13

Nea ate

@yukairifrancksteelt5238 - 28.03.2023 19:59

I feeling everyone play with a auto dead hard on computer with macro or something like "legit" logiciel lol ouf they nerf this perk

@suffering8948 - 18.03.2023 00:08

Honestly the worst part of the cheating situation as a survivor main is the fact that innocent people get accused of hacking a lot more then they used to

I was in a public match once and the killer played pretty well for the first 2-3 gens
I was in a chase and I got an endurance hit and escaped for a little bit
He went hunting for me specifically before he left me to bleed and then face camped
when he finally picked me up
Still managed to escape because my teammates were actual gods

I managed to talk to the guy in the endgame chat and he was adamant that I auto dead-harded and reported me

I ran sprint burst that game the endurance was from off the record/ borrowed time (can’t remember which)

@CrazyYurie - 13.03.2023 08:01

I've been seeing this alot lately. It's honestly pretty frustrating - especially because I'm trying to do DH for my own survs only to find that I'm not a damned clairvoiant.

@piggfeathers - 12.03.2023 04:06

i just want to have fun why are people like this

@cyberpunk-2O77 - 05.03.2023 19:53

Sometimes the only difference between, "excellent survivor outplays killer with perfect timing" and "cheating survivor uses auto dh" is which side the streamer is on.

@TheSpectralFX - 26.02.2023 08:01

DH needs nerf asap.

@fnx_dns145 - 29.01.2023 19:15

Cry cry cry

@joro3945 - 05.01.2023 13:46

I’ve had survivors fall to the floor and then see dead hard bar a second later and they get back up

@imaginedflight - 21.12.2022 00:11

mad late, but what song is this? sounds familiar but idk what from

@denislaverolov9422 - 13.12.2022 04:05

I had Tapp player that was acting and timing his dead hard the same way, god I wished I killed him

@desolatingvision - 08.12.2022 14:17

I have a clip where I held my dh for 15 seconds and pulled it off, I might get reported

@gogamingelite9613 - 06.12.2022 03:13

They just need to remove that perk me anyways I think it's unfair that survivors get a third chance

@gogamingelite9613 - 06.12.2022 03:08

I go against these almost every game the auto dead heart one time I waited 30 seconds on a dead heart and they still got it off I did everything but a lot of survivors are using Auto dead hard whole lot of them

@YJL186 - 11.11.2022 04:16

i swear i see subtle cheaters a lot in my games. i have never seen a player flying around, jumping, or doing anything wild like that, but i cannot explain some things i have seen though. even after game looking at items and perks doesn't explain some of it.

gen speeds that seem suspicious, players moving slightly faster, the auto dead hards etc. i have even seen killers running tombstone myers without even bringing a tombstone.

@clxdexd - 30.10.2022 20:46


@brahmburibrahmburi5378 - 18.10.2022 16:57

Have that every 2nd match

@masterweapon334 - 08.10.2022 10:01

Imagine cheating and still dying

@eherrera23800 - 01.10.2022 15:43

its happened to me also..... I am trying to finish my last achievements and be done with this game

@hookfancy9879 - 01.10.2022 06:35

This is why I don't use exhaustion or endurance perks, I don't like being accused of cheating just because a community is so riddled with cheats that every game can be looked at with skepticism.

@joaquinvalderrey8619 - 28.09.2022 20:29

ty for upload this video, i played a match today and a elodie was kinda sus, but with you trick to detect an auto-dead hard i realize she was hacking.
fun fact: good ending, i can kill her with the "mori" of pyramid head and one ms before the animation ends, appear the escape image in the hud xD

@BRANSGG - 27.09.2022 16:06

i be been watching good dbd killers and that 99% accurate time they wait for dead hard is 5 seconds

@billybyrns2557 - 24.09.2022 12:40

It’s sad to say, but I’m unsure if auto DH can be fixed or not. You can soft counter it by doing what you did, getting close enough to hit but whiffing on purpose, being the lesser of two evils. But, in terms of actual detection- this is a very much an easy clientside script/macro that automatically presses a button when certain ingame criteria are met. It’s almost like aimbot, but with less steps. It’s not very intrusive, and so lightweight, that it might be almost impossible to stop/combat anyone from using it. The only real way to prevent its use would be from documenting it as such, with active policing.

@daveinthelife91 - 21.09.2022 22:37

anyone got the link for this one? actually useful hack for once dh is abysmal now assuming you can even get it to go off

@thehungryllama8020 - 21.09.2022 21:36

this has the music from Baba is You in the background lol

@JonRob - 20.09.2022 14:37

I want that Nea gaming chair

@hbombdaboss97 - 19.09.2022 22:10

Otz gets outplayed “he’s cheating!!”

@conundrumcipher5907 - 19.09.2022 17:11

Enjoy not knowing forever. 😂

@monoponok8998 - 19.09.2022 16:09

Hey otz after seeing this video it really opened my eyes to how many auto deadharders there are. I’m a noob (maybe a week in) but I learn fast and I could tell something was off when I slashed at a Laurie strode with Auto dead hard, I time my attack for the dead hard to go down as well and it seems it never comes I go in for the lunge or basic attack and the result is well. Let’s just say it diminishes my killer spirit and makes me turn into a raging gamer (that was a joke in the end there but you catch my drift)

@nexusone5213 - 16.09.2022 15:11

Why you guys keep their Name Hidden and don't report them? It's normal that they continue to cheat.

@redshirt49 - 13.09.2022 19:13

Dead Hard is overrated anyway. I don't know why survivors are so obsessed with a perk that saves you one out of ten times, while the other nine times you just do a dab and look like an idiot before the killer downs you.

@beastgalaxy295 - 12.09.2022 23:57

Cheaters on pc are the reason I play 90% of games on console. I lost my dark souls character about mid game and didn't have it backed up because I was ignorant of hackers.

@Darkpoision64 - 12.09.2022 17:39

Auto dh ruins the fun of dbd and should be kill switched and reworked to something else entirely. They just have to be injured to get it to work and could happen at any random moment it takes no skill to use and wastes so much precious time baiting out.

@sorrowmg278 - 12.09.2022 04:26

Clearly you don't understand auto deadhard. It makes the game run better and I like the way it looks.

I will state that this is a joke for anyone who really needs that information

@rileysullivan4123 - 11.09.2022 07:36

Praise the default Meg for doing a heal tech in the most Meg-head fashion ever, so Nea couldn't crawl.

@amiller7764 - 11.09.2022 03:32

I won’t hold my breath on that day “til it’s resolved somehow.” Real question, has DBD ever tried to implement anti hack software into the game to counter the cheaters?

@L_GaMR-mp4oc - 11.09.2022 00:15

Its when you plug a controller in your computer DH become automatic cause of less button, all xbox player or controller player avec automatic DH✌🏼

@baka8240 - 10.09.2022 07:04

Otz, can you say "Boon Totem" xd

@GODPRODI6Y - 08.09.2022 00:12

This a W in my book I don’t care

@GODPRODI6Y - 08.09.2022 00:12

Still manages to kill the cheater and win the game 💪🏾

@Byronze - 07.09.2022 20:15

this has been a thing for a long time has it not?

@pupica3691 - 07.09.2022 19:13

eac? more like ec
