Arrays, Lists and Dictionaries in UiPath - Full Tutorial

Arrays, Lists and Dictionaries in UiPath - Full Tutorial

Anders Jensen

1 год назад

10,670 Просмотров

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Anders Jensen
Anders Jensen - 16.06.2022 12:07

Thank you for all of your support! 🙌🔥
You're really helping me a ton each time you like the video - or just watch it 😊
Instagram: @andersjensenorg

Mobile Automation
Mobile Automation - 29.01.2023 18:20

How would I do the assign code in C#?

Jeewantha Perera
Jeewantha Perera - 22.11.2022 21:23

Hi Andreas it was a good video to learn get a random attributes from an array. But, how we can avoid getting duplicate name form this array. And also, how we can add these non duplicated names to an queue in Orchestrator as a transaction ID ?

Gopalakrishnan Kannan
Gopalakrishnan Kannan - 20.10.2022 11:10

Thank you very much Anders! Your videos are really awesome and your channel deserves more views and subscribers. I am getting clear understanding on each concept of UiPath after your videos. Thanks again!

Md Hidayat
Md Hidayat - 22.07.2022 09:26

Thank you for the video!
My solution is very neat after changing from array to dictionary method , in config file

Can't believe I have been using read range + filter dt + get row item method for each row of config file all these while.

Adriano Tavares
Adriano Tavares - 15.07.2022 19:41


Craig Norton
Craig Norton - 27.06.2022 12:15

Yet another great video from Anders. I have a question regarding Dictionaries and your video. In the video you did a Read Range into a Data Table and then loaded into a Dictionary. What are the advantages from loading into a Dictionary versus just leaving as a Data Table and using that instead?

Mahesh patel
Mahesh patel - 25.06.2022 22:38

Anders always clean design & thorough explanation .

Lasse H. Bidstrup
Lasse H. Bidstrup - 25.06.2022 08:52

Hi Anders
Thanks for your videos 👍
I wondered if there is any performance or other reason for using the 'Invoke Method' activity instead of the 'Add To Collection' activity?

vinay awasthi
vinay awasthi - 18.06.2022 10:09

Hi Anders...
Greetings from India, don't have words to expresses how thankful I am of your videos on Uipath. I am your subscriber and currently working in a big MNC by the help of your videos. I have one query:
Is it possible for you to create a video on a web automation workflow with reframe work (linear process - No queues involved), considering that workflow is divided into multiple invoke workflow files (at least 2). Request to also include exception handling and trigger a mail on every business or system exception which could possibly occurs in any of the 2 invoke workflow files.
Had a similar scenario at my workplace and I am struggling with that. Will be waiting for you reply and help on this matter.

Peter Unnerup
Peter Unnerup - 17.06.2022 14:33

Thank you for your efforts in teaching us UiPath. All All your videos are much appreciated
I'm sorry I could not attend your online session. I will see if I can attend next time.

traditional coking & lifestyle
traditional coking & lifestyle - 17.06.2022 09:10

Thanks for this video sir...

Brian Torres
Brian Torres - 17.06.2022 05:32

You rock Anders! Thanks for sharing <3

Larry Ding
Larry Ding - 17.06.2022 04:27

finally, there is one update for UiPath.

Anders Jensen
Anders Jensen - 16.06.2022 22:27

Thanks to everyone watching this first lesson ❤
Key takeaways today:
🔹 Array: A collection of zero or more variables of the same type. You can't add elements during runtime. Refer to it numerically. Almost always use a list instead.
🔹 List: A collection of zero or more variables. You can add elements during runtime. Refer to it numerically.
🔹 Dictionary: A collection of zero or more elements. Each element is a key-value pair. Refer to it by the keys.

Anders Jensen
Anders Jensen - 16.06.2022 22:14

Hey anonymous - I wrote this answer, and then your comment was gone, so I figured I posted it anyway. First of all, thanks a lot for your answer – I love these discussions; making me think and get a little better 🙂 You're not right. An array is a tuple with a fixed length, while lists are homogenous. Yes, you can concatenate two arrays, but you're not changing the array's length, and I will not recommend it due to bad performance. You go with lists over arrays for performance and functionality reasons. I really hope we can continue discussing things here. Kind regards, Anders

Tapan Behera
Tapan Behera - 16.06.2022 13:53

Thanks....for the videos. Can you make a video on how to implement CICD pipe line using azure DevOps pipeline.

S - 16.06.2022 13:47

Can we control with it the browser?

S - 16.06.2022 13:47

Cool thanks 👍🏼❤️❤️
Is it a free tool and does it work on Linux ?
