Todd Muller makes his first speech as National Party leader |

Todd Muller makes his first speech as National Party leader |

4 года назад

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@pcmetro23ify - 23.05.2020 22:46

Maybe he has the moral fortitude to call China out over the Wuhan virus.

@paulcarter9807 - 23.05.2020 22:53

The man has empathy, intelligence and is a loyal New Zealander. A good change for National, they now have my vote.

@peterthomas3138 - 24.05.2020 00:30

Can we get a podcast so we can actually get to know who these people are

@shadowboy23 - 24.05.2020 01:37

rebuild the economy ... More like sell our assets to China ... Go national !!!

@muraliseetharaman1908 - 24.05.2020 04:29

I wish him all the best for 2023 elections if he is still around. Good try for 2020 but slightly bit late.

@napoleonnz - 24.05.2020 04:35

Let's look at it without taking sides. Currently the coalition seems to be a two-person band. Jacinda Ahern is the superstar, backed by Grant Robertson. Jacinda has enormous mana with a majority of New Zealanders which will lead to her party's re-election, primarily through admiration and gratitude over how she handled this Covid-19 crisis and the Christchurch massacre. Almost every other MP on that side is either a liability or a nonentity. Todd Muller has identified that and has already set his "team" against the coalition. I suspect he will improve National's popularity quite dramatically over the next few months then lose the election gracefully while planning for the next. National will offer themselves to the electorate as the professional team to guide us through the inevitable recession and out into prosperity again. So we can expect them to hammer the coalition's "failure to deliver" in this term at every opportunity.

@jamesrountree3991 - 24.05.2020 06:16

I quite like this new team but........
Correct me if I'm wrong but.....
*News hub (already pro labour) gets a bailout from labour
*then do a poll of a few thousand more left leaning people
*claim national are a unstable boat
*push this narrative for 4-5 days forcing national to do something......anything
Look I'm a liberal secularist but keeping media and state separate is just as important as keeping church and state separate and theres something that stinks about this (I maybe wrong....just sayn)

@TT-qg5qs - 24.05.2020 06:49

Another C.C.P puppet like John Key selling Nz to chinnaa.

@judahatkinson5985 - 24.05.2020 06:52

i already dont recognise the country where in anymore

@gitanoespana7694 - 24.05.2020 07:53


@robertalexanderscott - 24.05.2020 09:09

Scott Morrison's brother?

@cassandrastornoway5445 - 24.05.2020 09:26

Where does he think the Bioweapon came from?

@kaneashby487 - 24.05.2020 09:32

Well another one ready to sell us to china while the rest of the world are being threatened by them..ladies if u want a man to tell you what you should do with ur bodies this guy is for you...same old white man bullshit

@ambatrondavis9488 - 24.05.2020 11:10

He supports Trump! his MAGA hat will have pride of place in his new office he said. Anyone who supports Trump is an idiot.

@apeasantspointofview394 - 24.05.2020 20:34

Maga fan? No surprise a white privileged kiwi man who admires the white privileged american politics. John key loved qmerica to. According to Muller's mate in an interview said he Made sandwiches knowing " the maori boys would pinch them" so offensive to maori that statement was. A catholic? Please Muller your religion is between you and the almighty. Stating your faith is so 1980 such an archaic way of self promotion. He will probably be seen kissing babies lol how fake. He is just privileged and out of touch. Jacinda is the breath of fresh air this country needs. He is just a repeat of the same old politicians. Your guys days are over.. Ok boomer.

@technical6ify - 24.05.2020 23:34

He's a bit too presumptive about getting into government.

I do think it is positive that both government & opposition are focused on small business though.

@blackpearlbp - 25.05.2020 07:21

Jacinda has earned the right to lead NZ into the future...NZ has an opportunity right now to become better, richer and a global leader....don't mess it up Labour because Muller looks ready to take the reigns's great to have two strong options in NZ instead of the mess in USA...

@michelletans687 - 25.05.2020 08:09

We don't need a wannabe Trump running our country thank you. Def will not get my vote!

@rosscleaver84 - 25.05.2020 08:35

Todd Muller will not get into government.his party are stupid idiots

@TheBackwoodsbastard - 25.05.2020 10:31

I hope he can sort out the Chinese issue and has some ANZAC spirit

@Nguroa - 25.05.2020 11:31

Why didn't he put his MAGA hat on? I thought he'd be better than Simon, now I find out he's Trump supporter.

@iced_out_hello493 - 25.05.2020 11:32

Wait so Simon and Paula bennet have nothing to do with the National party anymore???

@hc768 - 25.05.2020 12:01

Shock horror, how could National pick a man against abortion, gay marriage and euthanasia as Leader. I will vote Labour in protest.

@pawnriot3269 - 25.05.2020 13:52

Ok boomer.

@darrennicol2442 - 25.05.2020 16:07

Give us our rights back?

@rodeo4877 - 26.05.2020 03:49

Time for the new mobs turn at the trough.

@ladylivinginthedarklands3405 - 26.05.2020 19:40

What an evil man with an evil agenda backed by the United Nations and w.h.o

@ladylivinginthedarklands3405 - 26.05.2020 19:41

What a troffer

@nukerzerothefirst3417 - 26.05.2020 22:22

wow national trump supporter , a man that wanted to be president of the USA, and he wants to open our boarders , all for the sake of money first people last , our safety wasn't mentioned ?, if you are about what is best for us, sit down and shut up Jacinda has our best interest all sorted, you are all about big corporate's as per the norm , this national leopard never changes its spots only it's leaders

@shanonlandon - 27.05.2020 00:58

Now this guy sounds more like a leader than nationals last. Bridges was in my opinion too hung up on blaming and attacking others instead of doing what is expected and hoped for as a country’s PM. NZ’s next election will be more interesting now, my vote will be the same! Kia kaha Aotearoa.

@bremCZ - 27.05.2020 10:16

This is like a 5th form English speech.

@hudyerwheeshtfeechies5019 - 28.05.2020 01:09

How about putting these at the top of your list to do ........REPEAL Jakindas Abortion Act . REPEAL Jakindas corona virus Act to subjucate NZ Citizens. and one other thing why dont you for once and all, DO AWAY WITH POLITICAL CORRECTNESS .

@nickatonio1464 - 28.05.2020 05:15

All the best Todd be true to yourself and win it this year for common sense and our freedoms. MNZGA!

@OJs_SET - 03.06.2020 04:12

Shut up Mr Who

@philipjackson5818 - 17.06.2020 09:55

Well there is no way I would vote National no matter who the leader is, they can promise all they want the fact is we had them for 9 long painful years and all they did was think of money and not people, run down Health, Schools and treated the people at the bottom with contempt, so much for John Key and we would all be better off.

@gregorykimishii662 - 01.07.2020 14:02

Haha Todd. Keep on “Trumpin’”

@LosPhoenix - 05.07.2020 10:52

she said "he is PROBABLY the most decent person I know" - what a load of shit. lol He may be a good guy but I doubt he's the MOST decent. lol

@LosPhoenix - 05.07.2020 10:53

He will crumble under pressure

@lukechadwick5045 - 11.07.2020 05:28

Labour has this in the bag

@bcrown7201 - 14.07.2020 01:06

Watch him walk out ,abandon ship,ya joke

@michaelfroger1816 - 14.07.2020 03:24

Well, this is embarrassing.

@baza0 - 14.07.2020 07:15

Good riddance to a weak and nasty man.

@bugmouthready529 - 14.07.2020 08:13

Todd, Ya screwed the pooch mate! You screwed the National party's chances of an election victory and you have screwed the people of New Zealand concerned about the red tide of Labour which is also screwing us all! I guess it just goes to show that politics is never really about the people hey!

@WHOHATESTOWORK - 23.08.2020 00:18


@davidbradley3982 - 07.09.2020 10:41

just another bunch of criminal traitors ... the NZ gov...
full of rapists.

@pawkdahl9624 - 11.09.2020 15:41

When Todd pulled a Muller 😂
22/05/2020 - 14/07/2020 ⚰️☠️

@msterrinfromtiktok3194 - 27.08.2021 06:32

I love National, but I thought Todd was a complete joke
