Emma C Makes // 30 // All the Socks I've Ever Knit; From Least Favourite to Most Fabulous

Emma C Makes // 30 // All the Socks I've Ever Knit; From Least Favourite to Most Fabulous

Emma C Makes

1 год назад

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@emmafoster2268 - 26.11.2023 16:11

Loved the tour of your beautiful socks! Weirdly blue used to be my favourite colour too, but these past couple of years I've found myself drawn more to greens and corally pinks. I've always hated purple but I've even begun changing my mind on that!! I'm making a pair of Bonfire socks and love the simple texture. Here's to the making of even more beautiful socks!

@caroline.seasidegirlknits - 26.11.2023 18:54

I really enjoyed this Emma, thank you 😊 You've inspired me to gather all my hand knit socks and see what I've made over the years. Mine are almost all vanilla socks though - I really should try more patterns! I actually love your least favourite pair, in fact they are all beautiful ❤

@grahamcaffull7649 - 27.11.2023 14:48

What a fabulous collection - I adore them xx Lesley @DuckpoolLane

@LesliesLakeLife - 27.11.2023 22:55

Thank you for sharing, Emma. I love my handknit socks. I have patterned and vanilla ones and love them all! Yours are all very pretty.

@catherinecrochets - 28.11.2023 18:41

love the vintage tinsel ones! very tempted to start a pair for myself but I'd never have them done by Christmas so I probably shouldn't 🙄😂

@ravensrockknits - 30.11.2023 17:57

Lovely video, Emma 🩷. Lots of inspiration 🌸

@abiainscough7392 - 01.12.2023 15:41

A lovely episode, thank you :) it was so cute how you got more and more excited as you got to your favourite pairs at the end! I have had the Bonfire socks on my list for ages because of your podcast, maybe I finally need to cast them on, the texture all the way down just intimidates me a bit! See you next time x

@racheloakton4501 - 01.12.2023 22:45

So many beautiful socks. It has also given me the motivation to finish my Christmas socks from last year, I only had the foot to do to compete the pair 🙈

@julianesiebert871 - 18.12.2023 18:53

Thanks a lot, great Inspiration. Best wishes

@creative2716 - 22.12.2023 07:28

Jealous of your sock knitting. I crochet, have tried knitting but to no avail. It is just not my talent.

New-ish sub.
Happy holidays.

@marcelinemaigrot4912 - 29.12.2023 12:54

Bonjour. Pouvez-vous m’indiquer quelle laine à chaussettes utiliser de la m’arque KNITTING FOR OLIVE ?

@marijkeschellenbach2680 - 20.01.2024 09:07

I wish I had made notes and taken pictures of all the socks I have made and the ones I wear the most are scrappy socks made from all the leftover yarns of previous socks, and I make socks two at a time. They don't match and I have gotten many compliments on them, go figure!. I am going to have to go through all your socks again and write down the patterns you used. Thanks for sharing Emma.

@peggiestuthers9073 - 20.01.2024 18:56

Oh I wish I could crochet socks! I’m come from Oklahoma and disabled but have zero patience with socks Lol

@monicacorr6979 - 01.02.2024 09:30

Very inspiring, now I am going to start my journey with socks as well.

@mariawalker8442 - 26.05.2024 09:25

loved this! recently made my first pair and was too scared to wear them, but I actually love that yours are a bit dirty, it reminded me why socks exist in the first place! to wear them. I think the wear just shows you love them!

@Victoria-A1111 - 05.09.2024 02:19

Hi, sorry if I missed it, but do you do any videos on crochet socks? With 4ply or less. ?? Thanks in advance ❤

@CarolBarletta-pj6eg - 21.09.2024 22:12

You’re too fussy. Most of those socks are lovely.
