Poland and Polish life in the 1930's.  Film 46138

Poland and Polish life in the 1930's. Film 46138


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The daily life of Polish children, 1930's.

Intertitles introducing the subject of the film - and also claiming that the Poles have been subjected to tyranny by Germans and Russians in the past. Shot of a farm, ducks, women carrying hay on their backs. Partisanly-written intertitles noting how the education that American youngsters receive is far superior than the one that the Polish youth receives. The two women continue their journey. The following intertitles admit, however, that between the ages of twelve and fifteen, American and Polish youngsters can be considered equal in brighteness and achievements. Three Polish boys smile to the camera - they seem to be younger than the ages previously mentioned, though. Shot of the bigger family, but only the men - two young boys, two adolescents and their father. To the great surprise of the filmmaker, the 12-year-old boys that he met knew all about Washington, Lincoln, and Woodrow Wilson - who they named as the world's greatest man. Two boys are leaving for school, while their mother is drawing water from a well. In the next intertitles, the filmmaker talks about his personal experience in Poland, which he admits that he loves and admires, despite the fact that him and his crew were arrested near Warsaw for making pictures. A little girl and her brother look at the camera; she tries to take her brother's hat off, then a close up of her, then they both leave together hand by hand. More shots of cute little girls. The girls are helping their mothers in their daily tasks. After work is finished, they play together. The girls are very helpful in beating chaff from flax, as the next intertitle notes. We are then being presented with shots of them doing exactly that. The girls are also tending the flock of geese that the family owns. A Polish student looking at the camera and then walking towards it - he's in the centre of a big city, probably in Warsaw, considering what we found out earlier. The following intertitle informs us about the significant Jewish population in Poland; the children are wearing the same clothes as the elders and they have inherited their business insticts. Two Jewish boys counting money. Older Polish boys till the soil, while the younger herd the cattle. The cattle are being taken back in the farm. Shot of a family, while the previous intertitle mentioned the fact that 99 percent of Polish are Catholics. Close up of the daughter. She's carrying her shoes in her hands, as she's going to wear them only when the family arrives at the town's church. More shots of little girls and boys. A little girl draws water from the well. Polish children are always happy to help their parents with the daily tasks, according to the intertitle. In return, they get to have their own pets; a girl pets her pony. They also have some free time to gather flowers. The following intertitle notes that the Poles are the finest looking Slavic race. Shot of a young woman and a girl sitting next to a river. Close ups of little boys; one has collected mushrooms, others just look at the camera, while the last one starts crying after drinking something unpleasant.


#Poland #national #costume #jews #farm
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