Paying for Adobe Subscription? Pros & Cons

Paying for Adobe Subscription? Pros & Cons

Flux Academy

4 года назад

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Jenelle Fritz- Nanay who loves dog
Jenelle Fritz- Nanay who loves dog - 23.07.2023 13:47

Hi, how about if your only using to resize the picture and compatible to hiipoo sublimation ink? Do you know of any software that is free or cheaper than photoshop? Thank you I’m advance. Right now I’m on 7 day trial. I don’t like to spend monthly subscription and I’m not designer at all. 😊

C’est La Vie
C’est La Vie - 20.07.2023 03:40

"Make 6 figures as a freelance designer" - casually throw that humblebrag in there...

Soraya van Dijk
Soraya van Dijk - 17.07.2023 14:48

Hi, Thanks for this usefull info. I love using procreate since I am an illustrator/artist. It works well enough for anything I want to print right now. However I do want to create higher quality illustrations and even logo's. I notice no matter what I do with the setting. It does not get as big as I want it to be.

Affinity on the other hand makes higher quality/no pixel illustrations. But I find it not as nice to work with, also since I work on a older (hopefully soon to be updated tablet)

Thanks, bye

Cellerdoor - 13.07.2023 01:51

My experience so far with. Adobe sucks 😅 The program has been trash thanks for the advice

Carn Marth
Carn Marth - 12.06.2023 22:44

This video is purely for people who are mainly or exclusively image-makers. The presenter assumes – wrongly – that all designers are image manipulators. He ignores graphic designers whose main tool is InDesign, who mainly use typography or are placing into layouts images made by others. In other words, he ignores most designers, full stop.

As far as Adobe's subscription goes, this is pricing out of the market many small businesses and sole traders. Appalling.

WildStorm74 - 30.05.2023 11:55

I'll pay $1000 one time buy.

War Chaserz
War Chaserz - 03.05.2023 14:25

I remember Adobe being free now its monthly
Especially when my father used to buy alot of their products back then, until one day I think one of the programs of adobe he updated then it became a subscription even though he bought it as a lifetime (forgot which software it was)
If anything Adobe did subscription cause they did not have much competition if any at all back then and tried to capitalize on that, now there's others out there (I prefer Davinci resolve cause of their colors and simple use)

There was one illustrator/adobe like software out there that tried to transition from one time payment to subscription and they LOST ALOT of users to the point they had to reel in their decision

Scott Nailon
Scott Nailon - 09.03.2023 06:55

I have been paying Adobe for years... I am starting to look into Canva Pro as I have been seriously SCREWED by Adobe on Stock Images + Creative Cloud @ $119.58 per month for God knows how long....

ghostofwhereiwas - 20.01.2023 07:01

just pirate it trust me

Zurion ivory
Zurion ivory - 13.01.2023 05:13

I bought the $260 annual plan for adobe premiere pro, do I also have to buy a subscription with that?

Gandolf - 11.12.2022 11:52

➡ Google has great cloud storage. Free 40GB. Therefore, cloud storage and the presence of many programs are not an argument for the subscription model. Ordinary software like Photoshop or Illustrator is installed on a local computer and does not require anything else to work. Perhaps only sometimes updates with bug fixes by the company itself, which they are required to do for free. So the subscription model cannot be applied to such software. This is not SaaS to constantly consume company resources and pay for it. That's why people hate the subscription model for standalone software.

O'na Diyorum
O'na Diyorum - 24.11.2022 14:08

Adobe is very cheap in Turkey. If you choose Turkey as the plan, you can get it for 70% cheaper. Currently Adobe CC is $10/Month.

Virkman - 20.11.2022 07:50

playing the repeater on yourself

Home Office
Home Office - 12.11.2022 12:54

I'm using photoshop from cs3 if I'm correct. Never paid and will never gonna do. Torrent is your friend all the way 😂

It's Relativ
It's Relativ - 08.11.2022 05:59

Affiniy Design and Photo won't open at all on my Macbook. MacOs 10.15. Icon keeps bouncing and the software doesn't open up. Their support team can't even point me in the right direction with one solution. They're telling me to try this or try that. I'm only switching because PS CC is overwhelmingly slower. I had been using CS6 all the way up til 2020. I need to figure out something fast.

christian hudspeth
christian hudspeth - 03.11.2022 23:25

Oh my lord bless my heart I had to literally beg the customer agent to cancel my plan even tried to pay the person to cancel the plan but then threatened me with double the price of one month of subscription to adobe creative cloud to cancel it on top of already just paying for the one month of Adobe then 'reduced' the fee to one month of adobe to cancel on top of the one month subscription I just bought. Adobe business practices are terrible and unethical. Look else where for creation software ESPECIALLY if you're just trying to play around with some art like me.

Big Man
Big Man - 26.10.2022 14:57

I feel like affinities model is really good for individuals or small teams. I firmly believe they’ll eventually surpass Adobe in comparative app features just given the consistency of quality for updates. Additionally, on that topic, I am more likely to update every single year for great new features. The commitment required by Adobe is madness for most small creators. You can get one app for 30 bucks a month or the whole cloud for 80+. There is not a good amount of customizability there for creator needs. They insist the price is right, but you see so many other companies doing great things with so much less of a cost, let alone no subscription. In a world of the internet and increasingly free information, Adobe will struggle outside of the corporate sector. Though at the same time I get the vibe that they don’t want small businesses or individuals who are new to the industry using their software. They term those folks as “hobbyists” and it is low key disgusting, but understandable from a big business POV.

Chess Movies
Chess Movies - 25.10.2022 07:21

Homie needs an affiliate link, I'm sold!
