Diver SUCKED Into PIPE | Diving Gone WRONG

Diver SUCKED Into PIPE | Diving Gone WRONG

Scary Interesting

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@sheepdoglogic - 06.12.2023 22:15

On #2, I just watched that story a few days ago but yours, was much better with better details. The son who saved the first guy and than wanted to go back to rescue his dad and the others, but was told no! I would have told that Coast Guard to "F" Off! Same with those family members during a fire who are told not to enter,,, yeah right, you can "F" off too Cop! HOOAH!!!

@NotStarskiwars - 05.12.2023 10:59

thanks so much for the videos, perfect late night watches while i clean and get the room in order xo

@jamio2089 - 05.12.2023 04:21

i cant believe the last story... that was so avoidable! i hope those instructors are haunted by their choice for the rest of their lives

@Terszel - 01.12.2023 11:28

Yeah i think im good on the ocean
Im fine with just land

@topduk - 30.11.2023 20:59

The government is so helpful. Those 3 are dead primarily because of them blocking competent help from rescuing them.

@richardcoble9498 - 30.11.2023 08:52

More & more i see dont call police or coastgaurd for these types of rescues all they do is throw wrenches into possible rescues and force them into recoveries. .just crazy u call them for help and they do the opposite . Thats our caring government for ya

@tinymetaltrees - 28.11.2023 00:10

Don't worry. You don't need the hose that let's you float. Now, hold still while I strap all these weights to you.
What would make you go along with that?

@Batmann_ - 27.11.2023 06:01

So...what happened with the first one? He sued the company and they said "nah, bro, it's all fine" and then what...? Everyone just believed the company trying to cover their ass? He won the lawsuit?

@FEJK82 - 26.11.2023 20:50

What caused the sucking current into the nuke plant?... Like an elevation type deal that naturally goes from high to low?...I can't think of any other practical machination - but it looks level enough from aerial images. Anyone know? Thx.

@jamman7344 - 25.11.2023 08:46

People need to learn to say no if your life is potentially in danger by a mistake because they forgot some equipment or they don't want to use a certain safety precaution then you need to learn to say no dude that's crazy that girl at the end lost her life because they said it was okay to dive when it wasn't okay and then what's worse is knowing the fact that she had the wrong type of suit on nobody kept an eye on her

@brandon23471 - 25.11.2023 02:22

"What's that? You've never used a dry suit before? Oh no worry! We'll just strap it on you in a 500ft deep lake and let you go off by yourself with zero instructor supervision and instruction!" Scarier than these scenarios is the fact that literally any so-called "expert" can be as moronic as these people, and your life could be in their hands.

@whelanmmw - 24.11.2023 18:04

The last story... It will haunt me forever. How could the dive instructors be THAT STUPID? I know NOTHING about diving. But I know not to load someone down with weights that way and toss em into the water! Sounds like a good way to hide a body, not how to dive.

@KoiKai42 - 24.11.2023 07:35

The pipe incident off the coast of Trinidad… there is a GoPro video where you can hear the voices of the men. They are hard to hear but there are unfinished transcripts and people’s interpretations

@ingainloggningsnamn - 21.11.2023 04:49

ok, from that intro I expected something truly horrific. But that first story wasn't that bad. :o

@RockyAliTyson1 - 18.11.2023 10:51

What is there to investigate in the last case? They should be sued for everything they own and spend life in prison for murder because they murdered that poor girl. Imagine the hell she went through.

@1finalfailure - 18.11.2023 10:29

Having dive weights in pockets and not a quick release is insane and completely inresponsible!

@Doodlecream - 18.11.2023 09:40

With the last story I can’t imagine how scary and how lonely the end of her life must have been. Failed by so many.

@OsamonGaming - 18.11.2023 01:00

looks like getting sucked into pipes can happen to anyone, not just crabs

@_wegota2319_ - 13.11.2023 06:18

Ummmmm those instructors killed that poor girl. That is unbelievable. My god.

@Tomdog83 - 13.11.2023 01:47

The full story of the men getting sucked into the pipe is so ruthless its hard to read. Search for it if you want, unbelievable.

@jessicatidey970 - 11.11.2023 14:06

I honestly can’t believe that they let that poor girl dive without a dry suit hose! The squeeze you can get in dry suits is awful, especially if they are made of tri-laminate, which is so stiff! The whole point in dry suits is having that layer of air around you to help keep you warm and dry (obviously), unlike wetsuits that trap a layer of water between you and the suit. Without the ability to add air to your dry suit, you are going to be so uncomfortable and unable to go to any depth without the material being crushed against you, much like when you take a water bottle to the bottom of a deep pool. This can cut off blood circulation and cause cramping and numbness, and restrict your movement making it hard to swim.
Always research dive centres before you go, and if something seems off about the equipment or the instructors, don’t continue with your dive!

@vaughanscott7308 - 08.11.2023 09:26

Holy fuck!!!!!!!! Thats terrifying.

@Flat_Earth_Addy - 07.11.2023 01:47

Reddit? Why? Aw, I liked your channel. I guess I have to unsubscribe now...

@abcdefu5706 - 07.11.2023 00:00

I guess some people never heard the phrase, "curiosity killed the cat". 😮🙋‍♂️

@drunvert - 04.11.2023 18:56

They killed that girl

@joshwinters1409 - 29.10.2023 03:01

Goddamn that pipe story has to be the most chilling trapped story I've ever heard, injured amd claustrophobic, surrounded by water and oil, injured, trapped and unsure what even happened or if there were people on the outsidee who knew what happened to try and mount a reacue attempt, chilling.There is another video i have seen on this that explains what happened from the account of the survivor that includes the gopro audio of the guys trapped inside from the moment they gained ability to move if anybody needs more information on this story.

@chaotic_witch82 - 22.10.2023 05:43

Omg the last story... 😢😢

@chaotic_witch82 - 22.10.2023 05:34

The Byford Dolphin incident is the worst one I've ever read about...

@jst1man - 22.10.2023 02:47

Sounds to me like the power plants. Lied and he should have sued. If there is no sign on the surface then they lied. Also they should have had a notice on the surface of no diving. By the way it sounds typical of a big company.

2nd- I bet till this day that son despises the Coast Guard and I would also. It seems to me they had a chance to live and the Coast Guard killed them. Sorry, but I see no 2 ways about it. They were alive, but a useless Coast Guard did nothing. The son should have sued! And sued the oil company. I bet he quit.

@dudley5658 - 19.10.2023 23:40

I’ve always made great effort not to die under water.

@lesliewolfe7643 - 12.10.2023 04:02

Mr Ballen told a story very similar to the second story in more detail on his channel. With a video clip of the moment they got sucked in. Absolutely horrifying.

@hungsolo8948 - 11.10.2023 06:32

What happened to those dives sucked into the pipe, and who’s responsible, is definitely known. It was covered up so nobody had to pay up or be destroyed by the media. It’s impossible to not know what went wrong at this site. I was a commercial diver and worked on oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico, Cook Inlet in Alaska, and California. When something like this happens the Bureau Of Safety and Environment Enforcement, Bureau Of Ocean Energy Management, the US Coast Guard arrive and they don’t go away until they know the cause.

@dx42 - 07.10.2023 17:03

"It's only by boat when you get close can you see their ominous silhouette deep in the ocean". Ummm... 15 seconds before that you said you can see them from satellites in space. Who writes this stuff?

@jdrose1000 - 07.10.2023 08:30

Seems like those pipes are too dangerous to be down there!

@ZzigZaG00NIN - 07.10.2023 05:14

The only way getting sucked into a pipe could go right is if it was Mario

@KurtMCox - 05.10.2023 01:06

Boo-eee. It's pronounced "boy' 😂

@Lynn-Lynn-Lynn - 03.10.2023 21:41

Hutchison and st lucie are two hours from Orlando (south)… I miss home 😢 I find that story super fascinating. I’ve swam in those waters and I’ve never heard of anyone getting sucked into a power plant

@kaiser.watanabe - 01.10.2023 11:43

Survival 101: Never approach anything under the water that looks ominous and dark color

@trippiechaos - 29.09.2023 14:24

Im English so i had to keep myself from laughing every time you said "flange" 🤣🤣

@DarkFox501 - 27.09.2023 09:25

I wouldn't even call that last one negligence. Those people should be charged with murder. I have been diving for 16 years and I have never encountered a situation that required more than 16 pounds to sink me, even with 14mm of neoprene in salt water. 44 pounds of weight is unbelievable and the fact that more than half was completely un-ditchable puts this in the realm of complete insanity. That story is so infuriating.

@naichestube - 21.09.2023 15:51

The last one was crazy. I really enjoy all them so far.

@cl-vh9wb - 17.09.2023 05:35

Second story actually has a video associated with it from the single survivors helmet. They were all alive and can hear the two severely injured groaning in pain. They were pulled in due to the difference in pressures when removed seal pulling them inside as well as the sea water from the temporary underwater enclosure to give them a dry space to work. They were all in vocal communication with one another within a dry section of the pipe until the one survivor left to get help.

@FoxyCAMTV - 16.09.2023 02:10

The laat story is the worst example of a "instructor" ever.I know nothing about diving and even I would have done better than them.
