Who sabotaged the Nord Stream pipeline? | DW Analysis

Who sabotaged the Nord Stream pipeline? | DW Analysis

DW News

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Adam kahn
Adam kahn - 14.11.2023 07:07

Zelensky actually shaved lol

The Lineburners
The Lineburners - 13.11.2023 07:05

There no mystery when your president get on tv and says he will blow it up is there.

Karl Knutson
Karl Knutson - 11.11.2023 21:55

Ukraine did it

ANNAZ F'KER - 06.11.2023 14:20

... THE US.

Harlan coal Bush
Harlan coal Bush - 05.11.2023 03:24

Ok oki did it

Richard Appleton
Richard Appleton - 01.11.2023 01:30

I'm sure i heard the diver say he saw how the pipeline blown out that goes someway to confirming a view i held from the beginning. Submarines, divers placing an explosive charge on the outside of the pipeline would have seen the pipe fractuing in a inward direction. The otherwise solutions has a simple explanation, Russia sent a PIG through the pipeline loaded with explosives and detonated it at the rupture point. Their denial and diversion is typical of lies that come from the Kremlin as evident over the last 600+ days

Start Sangam099
Start Sangam099 - 30.10.2023 05:13

Your Daddy of course U.S.A!!!

Daniel Bailey
Daniel Bailey - 15.10.2023 19:00

Ukraine did this

Believe Munashe
Believe Munashe - 08.10.2023 08:54

Its the Americans

R. Salinas
R. Salinas - 05.10.2023 14:53

It was the United States.

RS - 04.10.2023 23:13

Everyone knows Ukraine did it, but noone dare to say soo.

U.S. intelligence agencies learned from a European ally that the Ukrainian military had planned an attack on the Nord Stream pipelines, three months before saboteurs bombed the underwater network, The Washington Post reported on Tuesday.
June 6, 2023

Charlie Barton
Charlie Barton - 03.10.2023 12:07

Jesus, DW shows the argument that Washington blew up NS as being fictitious and Russian related from the get go. My god, why don't you show Biden saying it would be destroyed and Nuland and Blinken practically cheering after it was done. And then, near the end of the video, the DW wonders who the winner from the destruction of the pipeline was. "That's mostly the US" says the energy expert. But the US couldn't have done it, no no no. The Russians must have done it to themselves. Sounds legit. 

This pretty much sums up why I've stopped reading and watching DW. I was interested to see how DW would discuss the issue, and I realized I might as well be watching a Radio Free Europe production.

Finally, I'd point out, this kind of nonsense is why populists in Europe will keep winning elections: You can't ignore and attack on your infrastructure while also cheering on the attackers. It's a little pathetic, and the people of democratic nations won't accept it. Only the corrupt elites in the capitals are capable of being so contemptible.

qolspony - 30.09.2023 04:57

Look at the distance of the U.S. from Germany vs Russia there you would get your answers who the winner is. Transportation is always.a big factor of the price of good and labor costs. A pipeline would always be the most cost efficient way of sending energy.

N B - 27.09.2023 13:47

Biden promised to destroy it

Sleepy Ox
Sleepy Ox - 27.09.2023 06:48

Energy oligarch mobsters are terrifyingly evil.

Andrew DuBose
Andrew DuBose - 26.09.2023 23:54

We’ll get the Epstein client list before we officially hear the actual answer to this question.

Orion - 25.09.2023 20:42

USA blow up the pipe braking the marriage between Germany and Russia.

Jalla - 24.09.2023 21:09

Das war ein Angriff der USA auf Deutschland.Los lasst uns die Airbase angreifen und die Amis platt machen!

Bionix Steam
Bionix Steam - 23.09.2023 12:12

Lauter joking stephans media
Stiefel Stilzchen Stephten Medien !
Das war Fu die himmliche Kuh ?
und Fain recht fine , das himmlische Schwein ?

N Campos
N Campos - 19.09.2023 23:09

It was Joe Biden 😂😂😂that blew up the pipe line.... he said it himself

Tom Henry
Tom Henry - 18.09.2023 10:10

Wasn’t putin
And wasn’t Ukrainian tourist fishing

Lutz Filor
Lutz Filor - 15.09.2023 17:24

This level of curiosity to get the answer is as familiar as the murder of JFK, 9/11 do you see a pattern of not wanting or seeking the truth? You DW plays a role in muddying the water. It is irrelevant who did it. The level of states around the world (Baltic) is not amazing. Personally I am glad that the discussion about using this pipeline.

jay wolfenbarger
jay wolfenbarger - 15.09.2023 04:06

Who created suxtnet , little boy , and the nordstream explosion
All one and the same

K J - 14.09.2023 22:11

This video is a joke😂😂😂

Samuel Wangatia
Samuel Wangatia - 13.09.2023 20:39

Where have these analysts been, haven't they heard of USA

asd87906 - 07.09.2023 22:59

So after being right about Vietnam, Watergate, Abu Graihb, and more now an uber-renowned journalist (and Pulitzer winner) cannot be trusted? Because he appeared on a Russian channel? Okay

Sujit Thonse
Sujit Thonse - 07.09.2023 13:47

Oh. now the US is supplying gas at 5 times the price. 🤷‍♂. Well well

Souurdoough Breaad
Souurdoough Breaad - 04.09.2023 21:18

The U.S did it

cz l
cz l - 04.09.2023 07:26

Only one country can unplug the oxygen pipes of the European Union and prevent Europe from making any resistance

Justin - 03.09.2023 09:56

Everyone know that it's NATO 📈

MK Ultra
MK Ultra - 30.08.2023 16:39

USA blew up nordstream

Erik Alapää
Erik Alapää - 29.08.2023 10:49

Any industrial economy needs cheap energy. Having to buy expensive LNG from the USA will severely cripple the west European economy and make pensioners freeze to death in the winter.

Pablo Gutiérrez
Pablo Gutiérrez - 26.08.2023 13:45

Yes... good joke, now we can also assume that with the same Ukrainian technology used to “sabotage" the Nord Stream, it was also used to sabotage the landing of the Russian probe at the Moon.

Jim Thunda
Jim Thunda - 26.08.2023 01:57

It doesn't matter who blew up the pipeline.
Any country that stands back and allows dictator's to attack another country is just as bad.
Every other country should immediately condem and fully support any country under attack with all necessary force.
Then we will have a peaceful world.

HeyYou - 23.08.2023 16:08


daniel Cazalis
daniel Cazalis - 23.08.2023 14:12

Biden blew it. And he did it as Seymour said. DW has no shame.

Michael Jaganyi
Michael Jaganyi - 23.08.2023 09:24

Clearly, you can see, from Angela Merkel's statement, if a country's interests are at the forefront, then even human rights take the backseat.
Africa, you're on your own!

Mit Navn
Mit Navn - 23.08.2023 06:44

It can’t be that complicated. 😅

Ugwueke Anthony
Ugwueke Anthony - 22.08.2023 18:53

Russia will never recover from the war they started sad 😢

Gladwil Theledi
Gladwil Theledi - 22.08.2023 16:06

Why would Russia sabotage their own economy? 🤔

markus dittrich
markus dittrich - 22.08.2023 11:49

I remember that a policeman was killed during a demonstration in Germany . It took them 3 days to find the killer. During the Boston marathon a bomb was exploded. They found the perpetrator within 5 days. After 10 months they still do not know who did it?

D Chappy
D Chappy - 21.08.2023 23:46

Well, we might not know who sabotage the Nord Stream Piple, but we do know they were definitely American.

Sew_Gal - 21.08.2023 00:36

I thought there was proof the Americans did this? Why is it still a question?

M E - 20.08.2023 17:30

The Americans did it they found evidence

Paul Leigh
Paul Leigh - 20.08.2023 05:08

Any authority carrying out a faux investigation does not need to break out a sweat. They already know who did it. Who benefits? Who loses? Who had the capacity? Omertà!

Tearstank - 19.08.2023 19:35

This news piece is not objective at all. They more or less try to sell the Russian angle. What a joke. Will stop see DW as of now.

Karen - 19.08.2023 05:19

You does it benefit ? The US. Simple, literally ask anyone with a brain 😂

Oddvard Myrnes
Oddvard Myrnes - 19.08.2023 00:18

Everyone with a working brain knows that the U.S. did it. They wanted the Pipeline off the table, depriving Germany any chance of independent energy policy. It is only through Ukraine gas can flow to Europe from Russia now. And the gas flows uninterrupted through that pipeline until this day. The effect is very evident. Germany faces economic disaster & have NO WAY OUT! BASF are relocating to Louisiana in the U.S. because of cheap gas. LNG market from the U.S. is BOOMING! They sell LNG gas to Europe at 5 times the price of their domestic price. How DUMB must you be NOT to see the point here? The stuff DW is pushing is BS & serve as diversion tactics. WE, the European people (Germany in particular), are kept in the dark by our incompetent leaders. Vote for independence at next election. We need to get out from under the dangerous U.S. foreign policy.

Kali_Yuga - 18.08.2023 18:55

Biden said he was going to end Nordstream while Scholz just stood there and smirked. Figure it out.

- 18.08.2023 14:39

Wow the accent gave me cancer
