Why Humans Are Vanishing

Why Humans Are Vanishing

Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell

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@davidhaylett1810 - 05.01.2025 07:41

Feminism has caused these issues. When women didn’t work, a man used to earn enough to buy a house and support a wife and family and the woman could stay home and cook for the family.
Then globalist bankers came up with the idea of getting women into the workplace and yes women wanted to earn their own money. But this doubled the workforce and over time cut wages by 50%. So now both the man and his wife work full time to earn what the man previously earned by himself.
On top of that, wasteful governments have employed huge numbers of useless government workers who have to be paid for via high taxes and money printing, causing inflation.
And then many western women have become masculine and are only interested in extracting money from men. Their priority is not having a family and they have become undateable. So many young men avoid women entirely or move overseas to find love. And of course that leads to a low birth rate.
It has now become far too risky for a man to marry in the west or to have a child as it often leads to the man being financially ruined, paying alimony and child support and not seeing his kids. No wonder that the number of men signing up for that has fallen fast.
When I was a child divorce was seen as a scandal and almost unheard of. Now it’s encouraged by feminists and the woman is financially rewarded by the state for divorce.
Mass immigration is of no benefit to most people in the recipient country, as most of the immigrants are low skilled and GDP per capita falls as in the Uk. It puts a strain on public services and causes governments to increase taxes further and print more money, making the cost of living higher.

@GorgonaAthea - 04.01.2025 18:13

Completamente desconectado das questões climáticas e ambientais, ignorando a pressão demográfica sobre o meio ambiente. Afirmar que não há superpopulação com base apenas no declínio das taxas de natalidade é um exemplo flagrante de dissonância cognitiva. Eles estão focados na prosperidade e na riqueza, esquecendo que, nas taxas atuais de exploração de recursos naturais, provavelmente ficaremos sem fontes para sustentar esse padrão de vida artificial, mesmo que as taxas de natalidade aumentem. Enfrentaremos o colapso ambiental, conforme alertado pelo MIT, dentro de duas décadas. Que análise sem propósito. As questões ambientais inevitavelmente reduzirão a população humana, assim como nosso modo de vida já reduziu as populações de vertebrados em mais de 70%. Como isso pode ser sustentável a longo prazo, especialmente com uma população crescente ou mesmo estável? Na verdade, estamos diante de uma encruzilhada ambiental e demográfica, e ninguém sabe realmente o que fazer. O resultado final: seremos consumidos pelos processos dissipativos que tão ferozmente ajudamos a alimentar.

@jamesricamara4932 - 04.01.2025 15:21

we gonna have artificial embryos that grow humans faster but also age slower after release from its capsule, where you'll get a working human within 9months instead of a infant, and of course socialism is inevitable when the world unites under one planet one flag mindset whenever one of the super powers succeeds at world domination or cooperation. Ai will be a big big big part of this system. not the skynet or matrix kind but a population regulator where each person is a assigned a purpose like Krypton! where superman is from

@nicholashenderson6941 - 03.01.2025 23:05

Population follows the cycle of civilization. It's a direct result of education. The most educated have the least children. Meanwhile the least educated have the most children.
Women are the most educated, thus birtrate decline. So the next generation will be less educated, this start having more children.
A contributing factor is economy. Its too expensive to have children right now.

@arashi441xyz - 03.01.2025 16:07

Meanwhile India is spreading like wildfire in many parts of the world. (Thailand/ middle east/canada)

@evgeniydragondog - 03.01.2025 01:29

My favourite song tells:
"People won't die off, we fucking multiply"

@andrewzhuk8713 - 02.01.2025 19:49

Let them make even higher taxes, it will stimulate people to have children so they together can enjoy living near the fence on the street.

@WyattsVlog - 02.01.2025 18:05

I'm 40 with zero kids, I'm doing good!

@zeazeaimm7922 - 02.01.2025 04:41

So fighting climate change then? Guess someone’s goals are being met

@dronegirl7539 - 02.01.2025 02:55

About 70,000 years ago the human population got down to about 1000 individuals. Yeah we almost went extinct.

@resett_1483 - 01.01.2025 21:52

squid game

@brettmelnrick4854 - 31.12.2024 06:32

Well that’s all well and good, but we won’t resolve climate change if we continue to allow cancerous capitalism / materialism (and the psychotic people driving it) to drive the majority of policies in countries around the world — greed and self interest, and the lack of discipline to get rid of the mentalities we’ve been conditioned to have in the modern age, will ruin us.

@okden69420 - 31.12.2024 04:21

I feel like the human population is too big anyways, & not having kids period is the only effective way to reduce the population. My town keeps building more and more apartments and it makes me sick. More trees are cut down in and around our city, and it makes me sad & sick that they’re being replaced with overpriced apartments and storage units. How disgusting..

@okden69420 - 31.12.2024 04:15

Seems much cheaper to get my tubes tied/removed than even thinking about having a child

@hconn628 - 31.12.2024 00:10

Living creatures dont just vanish, the population is being balanced by nature, as any other overgrown population does. Too many humams over-consuming resources. In nature this would result in starvation and war. And for some parts of the human population thats whats happening. In other parts we are driven to cull birthrates based on socioeconomic feasibility. Once we hit a more sustainable population globally, all of this will for the most part self correct. Prices will drop, economies will stabalize and we will earn more and have to work less. Less people, less of a financial burden on the government and economy. Its cyclical and has been understood for quite a while. Assuming robots dont completely replace humans with the advent of agi (100 percent serious btw). Which in that case the economy will be absolutely destroyed while we figure out universal income.

@Dreamer151-h3q - 30.12.2024 21:37

Ehh… rubbish we’re good.

@AbdulFirman-vb5rj - 30.12.2024 09:42

Spanish or vanish

@JoshuaJardine - 29.12.2024 05:51

interesting video, thanks!

@Laborious_Turtle - 29.12.2024 03:39

ive had a vasectomy myself by the age of 29, having zero children.

Don't regret it.
Later, if i have the means, i might go for adoption.

@FunkySoulNinja13 - 28.12.2024 23:27

Maybe its the whole economic system? Maybe as a species we should say fuck governemnts, fuck laws, fuck money, and just fucking figure it out like our ancestors did. They didn't need all this garbage, they didn't need careers, promotions, they just fucking did it. Im so tired of modern people and all your high expectations and narcissistic wants. Fuck it all! Just fuck!

@JVM42069 - 28.12.2024 11:57

Maybe because people are less FREE to have kids now...

@uriargaman7241 - 27.12.2024 15:53

Israeli here. While we didn't reverse population collapse, we simply stopped it in the first place. Child care is almost free ages 3-18, with considerable parental leave. The government literally hands everyone a sum of money each month for every child they have. Fertility treatments are heavily subsidised.
Now of course religiousity plays a role, but even secular women have 2.1 children - exactly the replacement rate.
Another thing less easy to replicate is both our culture and sense of demographic competition [you probably don't want to import the 2nd anyway]. So I don't think this policy set will bring all countries back to 2.1. But it will certainly raise the rate significantly. Much better to decrease slowly with ample working population than to crush. These policies should be able to bring most countries to 1.8 at least. But leaders are being careless because it's a long term problem.

@kiyomiku - 27.12.2024 12:48

I think a big way to fix this would be government funded match making events. Dating apps are just too useless.

@Rjsjrjsjrjsj - 26.12.2024 16:40

So youth in asia would mitigate the problem.
Double entendre.

@Sarkman-u1u - 25.12.2024 22:20

Why are the numbers of children’s
In decimals

@mr.awesome8399 - 25.12.2024 01:49

Humans are vanishing because having a family/children is not incentivized but rather societally discouraged. You are also encouraged to want a selfish lifestyle without children.

@ahminlaffet3555 - 24.12.2024 14:11

Solution: Tax the rich

@SorceroD-r6o - 24.12.2024 03:51

the fact that governments are actually short-term thinkers has been proven so many times at this point, they prefer money over everything! look at The Netherlands (my country) they literally only allow expensive houses to be build atm whilst normal middle-wage homes now cost well over €500.000 now, 10 years ago the average was just €175.000... at the same time they keep on letting refugees in without any room so they can be compensated by the EU... there is literally no room or housing for young adults anymore that is affordable! the cheapest rent houses are now also €800+ a month which is literally way too expensive for someone under 21 without a full-time job and even for people that are 21+ and have a full time job its almost half of their income!

- 23.12.2024 13:43

Only the Western world is disappearing, and only since after WWII, and especially the 1960s, so we must ascribe the phenomenon to cultural changes since then.

Quite obviously, women's "liberation" has meant that women now work for strangers rather than their families, that they earn and learn more than men so stop considering most men as mates due to hypergamy. Legally neutered and economically segregated work places reduce the ability of women to meet familiar men they can marry, and so does reduction in church attendance, especially in cities. Divorce laws and subsidies to single women destroy the family and the incentive for men to have and support children. All the leftist "successes" do indeed lead to a fall of fertility in the West. And then there is pollution of the environment and the food supply.

@h-k7804 - 22.12.2024 21:36

Relax humanoid robots will solve the problem

@The-real-astra - 22.12.2024 17:25

0.8 kids 💀

@AnnHinch - 22.12.2024 07:40

I don’t think nearly enough time was spent on how much of the world raises girls still hasn’t caught up with the idea that women should be considered equally smart and capable people to men. I can tell you one of the many reasons I never had children is that I had no desire to give up a giant chunk of my life , dreams, and income in a way no husband would ever be forced - or expected - to do. Also, this “your body, my choice” crap doesn’t exactly drop panties.

@theduder2617 - 21.12.2024 16:19

Considering the objective fact that global human population has steadily increased year by year for decades, it is safe to say that humans are not vanishing on any level. In fact, many states in my nation have been trying to enforce births of new people regardless of the health and capabilities of any parent.
Even if those who have no desire to breed never breed, plenty more will be born anyway. A planet does not reach almost 9 billion of a species if that species were actually "vanishing".
There is something vanishing from our species without a doubt. Intellect, intelligence, common sense and critical thought. And without those factors in play, breeding will only increase. We will certainly doom ourselves. Only it will not be by reducing breeding rates. The opposite will be our demise.
There will always be those who have no interest in breeding. And their numbers can certainly decline due to not breeding. But they're not a majority. Most can not wait to breed because they believe there is something grand to behold in extending their genetic lineage.
Until an entire nation decides against creating new humans, we will not be seeing any real decline in our numbers, nor should such a decline be a concern. Life in most areas was quite a bit better in the early 90's. Back when global population numbers were much lower. Back when a grade school education was held in high regard.
I sincerely believe we as a species could benefit greatly by allowing our numbers to reduce.

@thoughtlesskills - 21.12.2024 15:40

Blaming anyone but boomers and billionaires is just b*tch sh*t.

@windsorcorbin1005 - 21.12.2024 06:35

Oh no, just what are American evangelicals gonna do if all this is God's will? 🤣😂🤣😂

@xrxrxr520 - 20.12.2024 18:19

In China, people work extremely long hours. We have a working system called "996" (working from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., six days a week with only one day off). I think this is one of the main reasons why Chinese people are reluctant to have children — we simply don’t have the energy to take care of them! On top of that, the cost of raising a child is extremely high, while wages for most Chinese people are generally very low. Most importantly, pregnant women often get fired by their employers because bosses believe pregnancy will affect work efficiency. This is truly heartbreaking!

@harimakani2316 - 20.12.2024 11:29

Great population decline can lead to economic collapse

@FiremansGaming - 20.12.2024 03:05

Having children is now a luxury

@89technical - 19.12.2024 18:43

The first time I watched this video I loved it but rewatching for my economics class, I can't help but notice it's got more holes and fallacies in it than swiss cheese.

1) The idea you need young people to care for old people: You did a very, VERY subtle shift there when discussing how technology can't do everything we need young people for by showing someone building a house - the elderly in this country and every country are the wealthiest people on Earth - they have years of savings, investments and property to draw on while you people hold billions of dollars in debt they're profiting off of.

"BuT wHaT iF tHe GoVeRnMeNt OnLy WoRkS fOr OlD pEoPlE?????" ~ Joe Biden was 81 and dying from dementia at the time this video was made. His successor, the former president Donald Trump, is a young and spry 78 years old. And there's still 20 years to go before the baby boomers have died off in large enough amounts for Gen X to get their turn at governance.

Government is NOTHING but a gerontocracy, and while the elderly need to be respected and looked to for their experience, they are the cohort who benefits most from government policies NOW. They have the lowest taxes and the highest wealth. Tax them and let them pay for their needs. Don't depend on a shrinking cohort of young people to subsidize the last 20 - 30 years of their lives.

"Oh but that's so mean! My Grandmother..." Your grandmother is fine: she owns a house worth $2.1 M she bought for the spare change in her couch cushions 40 years ago. Do you own a house? No? Then sit down and stop defending geriatric wealth hoarding.

2) African migrants are going to be fought over by European nations;

They're actively letting them drown in the Mediterranean now when they currently have a population crisis.

Recall: Britain Left the EU because they didn't like the number of Polish and central Europeans migrating into the UK. And they're white people. Europeans are going to die out before they change their policies to be accepting of non-white migrants.

3) Less people means public services in suburbs can't run: Good - Suburbs are an active drain on the city and subsidized by cities entirely. And unless you're knocking down the houses when the people who own and occupy them die they're still standing and can be renovated or repaired for people to occupy.

And considering a large amount of residential housing in these areas is now rental units, a collapse in population is the only way those companies are going to either let those properties go, allowing people to then start families or collapse because the cost of owning them is beyond what people are able to pay in order to live in those areas. The Suburbs need to die, they are one of the major contributors to climate change.

You showed the cities becoming empty but that's not the first places to collapse: It's always the suburbs that decline first because they have no industry. Cities like Detroit dying are exceptionally rare.

4) We do need fewer people. Period end of story: the sheer amount of environmental degradation going on just to feed people is unsustainable: Thomas Malthus is about to be proved correct and in shocking fashion. The population decreasing naturally however is a far better alternative to letting everyone starve to death.

No Ecosystem Can Handle Runaway Population Growth, for ANY Species. Earth's carrying capacity for our planet to not degredate everything but live a modest and comfortable lifestyle is 4.5 B people. We are currently pushing 8 Billion, 25% of which consume 5 times their needs, making it closer to 14 B people's worth of resources. The difficulty of people having children is a symptom of this. Our species is losing young people because there is no room in cities for families or wealth to start them. It's all be siphoned up by a class only interested in their own comfort.

We could solve climate change tomorrow. We have the tech. But that same geriatric group of billionaires and their elderly lapdogs in government have no interest in doing so and so the world burns.

@petuniawigglebottom3392 - 19.12.2024 02:21

In the western world, sprog are an overpriced, time consuming. often annoying liability. A parasite. Why throw your life away on one, unless you're Amish or something, and need the free slave labour?

@Freddie-ep2fk - 17.12.2024 22:12

Video: People in japan are disappearing

That one anime kid: 🤞

@malinjacobsson1508 - 17.12.2024 22:01

No need to worry ab falling birthrates! If u don't wanna have kids, then don't do it! :) A big issue of falling birthrates are an increasingly smaller chunk of young people taking care of the elderly in the future. In the future we will not work the way we do today! AI will very likely take over a large amount of both white and blue collar jobs in only 20 years and it won't take long until it's not economical anymore to hire a human for some jobs.

@ericsilberstein667 - 17.12.2024 20:10

Humans are unsustainable. Nature is most important.

The overpopulation crisis is speeding up the sixth mass extinction.

The population continues to grow not decline.

@JsRazza - 17.12.2024 19:24

Why don't you just call this "The Climate Change" channel?

@IronWill-n5k - 17.12.2024 17:49

I figured I’d set it up so both parents worked and I’d hire a babysitter. But then I wouldn’t have much control over what happens. It would have to be someone I trust

@PershingOfficial - 17.12.2024 02:56

What a wonderful video. Excellent this is getting awareness. People do not see the long term. I often hear that we are overpopulated.

Many fail to see that at the current rate many developed countries will become unsustainable in just 50-80 years.

Like many problems, governments will wait until it’s critical and they can “see” the consequences. At that point the damage will be done.

@Dohlesarecool - 17.12.2024 01:06

Aww man humans are not dying

@AUA981real - 16.12.2024 23:35

Kurzgesagt escaped hate about 67,000 times in this video alone 🙏😭👌
