
1 год назад

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Guild Wars 2 can be a tricky game to get in to. Perhaps you've found yourself a little short on money despite putting a lot of time into farming or maybe you just can't seem to find gear and weapons which are any good - but don't worry. Many of Guild Wars 2's quirks and oddities aren't anywhere near as daunting as they might initially appear - and this handy list of 15 tips seeks to answer some of the problems that you might have encountered during your time in Tyria!

00:00 - Intro
00:28 - Use The Trading Post
01:22 - Check Your Material Storage
02:12 - Stay Near Other Players
03:39 - Respawn Quickly
05:08 - Read Your Abilities
06:19 - Exotic Gear Is Really Good
07:20 - Don't Worry About Hearts
07:59 - You Can Level In Low Zones
08:55 - Use The Wiki
09:28 - Talk To People
10:00 - Join Squads
11:19 - Change Your Build
12:16 - Try Different Things
13:47 - Don't Rush (Unless You Want To)
15:14 - You Can Play The Game In Any Order
16:01 - Conclusion

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Johnny Martin Johansen
Johnny Martin Johansen - 16.09.2023 17:01

The MOST IMPORTANT, recently added, and may require the latest expansion (not sure), is the Wizard's Vault. Currently, you can spend only 1800 points to get an Ascended Weapon + 3 pieces of Ascended Armor. SUPEREASY to get some of the best equipments in the game.

Btw, though this is a great video, I don't agree with everything here. For example, I recommend to do the story lines as quickly as possible, since they unlock quite a lot of goodies or even essentials. And if you like the game, get all the expansions and Living Worlds asap.

The Vegan Punk
The Vegan Punk - 14.09.2023 22:11

Best tip I can give you is: DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME!! It’s a terrible game. Play Guild Wars instead. It’s 1000X better. I played Guild Wars for 15yrs. It’s the best MMORPG ever. Guild Wars 2 is crap. I quit after about a month & went back to Guild Wars.

Fluffells - 14.09.2023 05:51

Don't ignore the hearts. 100%ing a zone gives you some valuable items. Sure, cosmetic, but transfiguration charges and getting 10 statuettes for a complete makeover ticket might be worth getting. And if you have any expansions, you can alt farm the starting city as soon as you load in. No hearts, just run around and collect all the points of interest and fast travel points.

Bexar - 14.09.2023 02:41

I just came back after 13 years and as such I´m a complete newbie again. This video helped me out a ton, so TYSM for that!

Bankai T_Rex
Bankai T_Rex - 12.09.2023 14:35

I swear this game is like a rabbit hole, when you think you have an idea then you watch another video and learn more lol, dude I was not aware of the distance situation, yes I knew about the boons but I though been far at range it was better than close to the melee combat and was getting one shoted by bosses and I was like wt h!! well here was the answer lol.

Devil's advocate
Devil's advocate - 07.09.2023 16:53

GW2 is such a nice but incredibly boring game for PvP. There is no point in doing PVP.

Nice video, but the diction is a bit... cringe... at times.

JaMers - 06.09.2023 02:09

It needs 12 and a half hour into the game to relise that i can destroy account bound stupid random armor

P S - 05.09.2023 18:45

tip nr. 1: dont waste time for an old mmo game

Alvaro Rodriguez
Alvaro Rodriguez - 02.09.2023 01:40

Thank you, coming from WoW retail this is so different in a refreshing way.

Wiggy G
Wiggy G - 28.08.2023 18:49

Josh Strife Hayes

Kyrax - 21.08.2023 02:07

0 player and character progression makes this game so dull. once you're level 80 there's 0 upgrades to get. the money from leveling is enough to get what ever exotic armor you want instantly. actually a terrible design.

Indigo Foxx
Indigo Foxx - 17.08.2023 22:59

Anything to stop it running like shit?

Sometimes it caps itself at 60fps

Also no healer class. Makes me bored

RoseDragoness - 01.08.2023 04:15

Thank you!

Satori - 30.07.2023 13:41

stay near other players? LOL If you can find them. Most are high levels, 1 shot kill everything while new players sit and wait for respawns so you can do your heart quests. Then you join a guild and no one talks ever. I have tried 4 so far with lots of people online and not a peep. This game is not a group game but more for solo players and I am ok with that except with they come in and kill everything.

ko4ichigo - 26.07.2023 19:31

ahhhhh my eyes turn of post processing it looks so much better without it!!!

braschny - 23.07.2023 20:00

biggest tip: dont play this garbage.

poisenbery - 17.07.2023 02:00

You didn't talk about fields/finisher combos in a new player guide??

Rusiku - 10.07.2023 07:12

I feeling a bit some rude people in general for ask some teach to do raids because i never get a team or clan for that also the last month in reach of goal T4 fractal , with good resistance , some people make to me very unconfortable until i very sad and sell all my runes and quit T4 fractal..

mydogsareneat - 04.07.2023 01:57

Buddy up with a guardian and keep beside them. Thatd the best advice I have. At low levels you will get knocked out of fights very quickly without them. Seek them out. Learn what they look like. They are your safety against boons.

Crop Harvest
Crop Harvest - 20.06.2023 05:00

Thanks for these tips, they’re greatly appreciated!

Roger - 16.06.2023 04:46

My superpower is reading.

Commander Shepard
Commander Shepard - 15.06.2023 21:02

As someone, after many years, just now getting back into WoW, I was looking for something new to try and was torn between GW2 and FF14. This video has convinced me to start with GW2.


Randy Moffat
Randy Moffat - 14.06.2023 20:15

Unfortunately, he missed the value of equipment in WvW, it is highly recommended you get ascended gear for infusions and other benefits. Otherwise, great video

RevTox - 06.06.2023 16:33

Originally, I said: "Seems like a pretty solid MMO RPG, so far. I recommend buying at least one xpack, but it sure beats paying monthly."

Now, I say: Watch out for the money grubbing. Although they don't charge a monthly fee, they find other ways to extort you for money. If you want to get all your masteries or the complete story line, get ready to buy gems so you can buy each episode for 200 gems, each (about 5-8 episodes in each "season" story line that doesn't come packaged in with the 3 expansions that you must buy separately). If you want to try playing different professions (classes - like 9 or more available to play), well, you only have 5 character slots, so you have to delete your characters to try out the rest after you made 5 - unless you buy gems to unlock more character slots. If you want to have enough bank space to store crafting materials, minis (pets), buff items, dyes, collection items (for achievements/masteries, etc.), legendary item parts, mystic forge recipe items, map parts, runes, sigils, upgrade parts, special event items, convenience items (like vendor or trader summoners), dowels, food items, or anything else (so many inventory cloggers in the game), be ready to buy more gems for more bank space and/or inventory space. I filled up my bank before leveling up my first character and had to use one of my only 5 character slots to create a bank character which I decked out with 20-slot bags (the max size you can find without special events/achievements or promos) - and I pretty much filled up that bank character's inventory slots (and the tiny bank is shared among characters) within a couple months, even while selling off many items that I would have kept, if I had room. If you are into vanity items, pets, mounts, and skins (I'm not real big on those), you have to buy many of the better ones with gems. Also, if you want to get the better weapons, armor, and upgrades for them, be prepared to spend hundreds, if not thousands of gold (which, of course, can be purchased with gems to speed things up), be prepared to farm for months or years. I play a lot and only make about 70 gold per week, completing daily missions and weekly world v world missions. I've seen better infusion slot items selling for over 2000 gold in the trading company. It feels kind of pay to win, but I'll admit you can get full exotic gear with proper sigils and runes for less than 100 gold, depending on your build and spec. Good luck competing in raids or wvw against people who paid for the best ascended/legendary gear and upgrades (infusions, etc).

Also, the balance is way off. Certain professions, builds, and specs can just annihilate others in pvp, world v world, or even raids/fractals. I've seen someone even say everyone in pvp or wvw should just roll reaper to keep up.

The play control is a little wacky, too. There aren't all that many abilities to use (like 5 from weapons and 5 from profession/build/spec), but it seems like you must regularly swap between 2 weapon sets in combat to keep up proper rotations and maximize performance (at least with the professions I played), all while regularly dodging and positioning yourself in the correct spots at the correct times. Some abilities hang or even turn you around a bit, too. It feels a little clunky, at times, but it felt like more action than other MMOs.

Also, if you aren't okay with woke agenda being forced on you in a game, then this may not be the game for you. With "gay pride month" upon us, they decided to force players to accept a free gift of rainbow-colored wings. Players don't have to wear them, but instead of just mailing them with an option to delete the mail, they set a notification that highlights the Black Lion Trading Company (their version of the auction house) icon that stays on your screen and covers it with a gift icon. When you click on the icon to see what it's about, it shows you the offer to "buy" the rainbow pride flag wings for 0 gems. They made you an offer you can't refuse. If you don't accept it, the gift icon continues to cover up your highlighted trading company icon on your screen until you do, which is pretty annoying. Normally, you can see a little exclamation point on the icon when a trade goes through, but not with this "gift" blocking the way. I suppose you can accept the gift and throw it away or gift it to someone who wants it, but I stand on principle and don't appreciate a divisive political agenda being forced on players in a game where it's nice to forget about all that stuff. I contacted customer support to let them know I don't want to be forced to accept the gift of a symbol depicting a divisive political agenda or have the normal function of the icon covered up. They pretty much told me they couldn't do anything about it and I would have to accept the gift or complain to the developers in the forums.
I begrudgingly went to the forums (which is already a pain with the bad layout, login requirements, and having to always put in a security code they send you). I pretty much copied my e-mail to customer support that told them I don't appreciate the divisive political agenda being forced on players of the game, especially when that rainbow flag symbolizes a political movement that promotes sexually-natured shows, events, and parades that involve small children. The community there instantly started accusing me of being a bigot, name-calling (all against their rules), and calling for my thread to be deleted and me to be silenced. A few people agreed with what I was saying, but most who replied just assumed I was some kind of bigot or troll and that I should be silenced because it goes against their attempts to push agenda on everyone. After the thread got to 3 pages long, I replied to someone complaining that the rainbow flag is merely about human rights and inclusiveness. I told him to look at the thread and see just who is trying to force a belief on others, who is telling who what they can or can't say about it, and who is trying to silence who. Just then, I noticed a warning from a moderator of their forums saying I violated a rule by posting something political, and another warning saying I was banned for 3 days for talking about "sex acts" (which I did not). The most explicit thing I mentioned in a forum reply was that the supporters of that flag push for kids to be involved with sexually-natured shows that have included lap dances, pole dances, and strip teases, which are all inappropriate. They also locked my thread in the forum. I sent another e-mail to customer support explaining the warnings and that they told me to post my issue on the forums (which they knew was a complaint about the political nature of the forced gift and my displeasure with what that gift symbolizes). I looked at the forum this morning to see that I now had a third moderator warning accusing me of "hate speech," (which I did not) resulting in a permanent ban from the forums I was told to post my concerns on. It's not hate speech to disagree with supporters of any flag by saying they shouldn't involve children in adult-themed shows or events. The message was clear: "You will accept them pushing divisive political agenda on you, and/or you will be silenced."

They might as well just say "You will eat ze bugs and you will be happy."

ZAISHEN - 06.06.2023 13:24

Combat sucks, u will get bored in few weeks..

Phil Adams
Phil Adams - 04.06.2023 14:26

very nice guide, i remember doing so well in gw1, making builds and all, and on the surface level i said this should be a breeze, but there are so many nuances in gw2. i was like its a frickin collage coarse. so i tell people study one thing at a time. it will make it so easy. a guide like this cuts through alot of the learning curve.. ind i can say, to this day i forget to change my armor and build to the environment, then im like due,, after Dyeing (sp?) thank you mighty teapot

Frederik Bachmann
Frederik Bachmann - 03.06.2023 23:39

thank you soo much for this video. It really sums up most of the questions I had

Anonymous Person
Anonymous Person - 20.05.2023 10:53

You just sold the game for me! I'm going to try and play as soon as I can. Thanks!

𝐒𝘬𝐚𝘥𝐢 - 18.05.2023 10:22

the title is weird

Azapha Kaylock
Azapha Kaylock - 18.05.2023 03:38

Hi I know im late to this but I thought I'd add a tip for new players that is a god send when learning.

when you get into game on first character, go into settings and hotkeys, find "Action camera toggle" and find a suitable bind (i use left alt next to spacebar but you do you). Ok so GW2 uses two styles for combat that you can change between freely, standard feels much more like a standard MMO with tab targeting while action camera turns your character with your mouse and sets your main action bar ability onto your mouse clicker too.

Its arguably a lot smoother and easier to learn the game in action camera and learn to switch based on whats easier, I wish I had known about this option in the settings at the start as its really really handy

SevenDetailz - Dantay
SevenDetailz - Dantay - 15.05.2023 11:09


Heavoc - 12.05.2023 17:10

u guys just had to call pve WORLDVSWORLD didnt you? you just had to call hots and dots BOOONS AND CONDITIONS didnt you? ugggghh making it somuch weirder for no reason..

Slouchy Gamer
Slouchy Gamer - 12.05.2023 16:43

great tips tysm, havent played guild wars 2 since it first came out ^_^ been looking for a new mmo to play

mental slime
mental slime - 10.05.2023 23:54

Been playing Wow on and off over the course of it's lifespan. It's been fun but there are a lot of small annoyances that have piled up so much it's become a chore now. I played GW1 back in the day but never check out the sequel. It sounds way less restrictive than Wow. Gonna check it out today!

Rewwgh - 10.05.2023 12:40

The efficiency page and that PvP lobby trick were definitely the most important pieces of information for me. Thanks a lot for the tips dude!

JourG - 06.05.2023 16:43

I died playing GW 2. So I gave it a bad Steam review.

James - 06.05.2023 10:16

Alright, time to watch this video 200 hours later

Mike TGL
Mike TGL - 01.05.2023 12:18

I've just started playing. Game seems awesome. Love the open world questing.

partyrock898 - 29.04.2023 11:45

Tipp Nr. 1 uninstall

Haider Albassam
Haider Albassam - 26.04.2023 02:23

As a returning player this was really well done, thank you!

Jenn Cattaneo
Jenn Cattaneo - 25.04.2023 19:06

Awesome video! I have been playing for TEN YEARS and I'm still so clueless. I've opened all the maps and finished all the main expansions (except HoT because I just couldn't get into it until I had mounts). I really have a good time still, even though I'm not a badass. I do feel dumb though because I still know NOTHING about builds, I only play one character, and I don't know lingo. So when I ask for help or look up help in the sub-reddit, I can't even understand the advice or instructions. I got the big GW book but it came out before any expansion. It probably has a lot about builds and optimizing etc.
Anyway, thank you for this video. I will be checking out more of your channel.

João Textor
João Textor - 23.04.2023 00:10

Amazing video!
This is, in fact, one of the best MMORPGs out there, specially to those who don't really have much time to play games anymore.
I moved to GW2 because I was tired of playing ESO and with every patch I had to grind new gear to stay "up to date". GW2 does not have this pressure fortunately.

Taevarth the Charizard
Taevarth the Charizard - 21.04.2023 11:51

"now with mounts in the game"
Cries in F2P new player with no dlcs

I Have A Plan. I Just Need Money.
I Have A Plan. I Just Need Money. - 12.04.2023 04:10

So for some perspective...
Black Desert is my first and only MMO since 2017. So you can imagine the culture shock when I went into GW2.

I was skeptical, but the game was just nice and cozy like that.

It felt like the equivalent of coming from an abusive childhood household and finding a nice old couple in the country side giving me a roof to sleep under, food to eat, and a fire to keep me warm.

chriall - 10.04.2023 07:56

As a F2P player all we can sell on the Trading Post is Wood, LMAO
I found for me the fastest was to get Gold is by Playing Lots of PVP cause Selling Gear & Items is not an option...

Jean Martin Reozonja
Jean Martin Reozonja - 08.04.2023 16:35

i made 400 gold sending cupcakes to strangers in a week and wishing them good luck and good vibes. didn't ask for anyhting in return but got from 1 to 10 gold, one crazy person even sent me 100 gold. So yeah 200 cupcakes a day thats 2 gold times 6 days is 12 gold. I've spend 12 gold on getting 400

FakeSmile - 05.04.2023 09:52

you said doing hearts isnt needed, you don't unlock something or get something needed. But I heard that you get legendary materials or something that you would need, no?

Euro King
Euro King - 03.04.2023 06:06

I just started and I'm loving every minute of it
