STOP Lying! De-dollarization and What They Don't Tell You

STOP Lying! De-dollarization and What They Don't Tell You

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ParadoxFilms - 19.09.2023 15:46

Good video, thank you

Will Young
Will Young - 12.09.2023 19:12

Thank you for talking some sense in the midst of all the hype and panic.

Daves ArtRoom
Daves ArtRoom - 03.09.2023 20:46

Our reserve currbcey has to mean something. It means that the US can act as irresponsibly as many other countries, but we have the ability and unique position that we are immune to hyper inflation and low standards of living. If the petroleum dollar does not mean much, then why did the US and Saudi Arabia agree to it?

Mt D'or Ghost
Mt D'or Ghost - 19.08.2023 01:58

The IMF is a US made financial institution

Tut'z...Tut'z...Tut'z.. - 17.08.2023 11:40

Keep thinking positive! Maybe a miracle will happen and save dollar

namjoon - 04.08.2023 22:29

The dollar is reducing power in my country for like 1month now 😮im worried

Phillip Belcher
Phillip Belcher - 30.07.2023 22:57

You literally just describe the state of our country. Lack of faith in the government, corruption, and loss of faith and the judicial system. I wasn’t worried about our currency before I heard you make that statement. Damn!

Megan - 18.06.2023 13:59

When you are talking about anti-fear, it's hard to argue with what other major countries are doing. It seems like america is trying to hide what is happening? And they will use whatever means it can in the process. But, the world has been and will always continue to be in a state of evolution, history in this evolution has shown that all empires collapse and ALL fiat currencies have failed. You simply cant stop evolution or change history.

Chris Parks
Chris Parks - 17.06.2023 20:09

One more smart person who thinks Russia is losing and must be trusting mainstream media. I don't want information from someone that falls victim to that nonsense. Buy physical precious metals that you actually hold

Jin Von Astrea
Jin Von Astrea - 14.06.2023 08:08

De dollarisation is inevitable , it’s not fear mongering when many countries are starting to dump the dollars after the sanction on Russia . This is what you get for abusing the trust and printing dollars.

Nyne rays
Nyne rays - 08.06.2023 00:42

You are misinformed , however we appreciate your examples of these wishful thinking.... folks ... the writing has been on the WALLS and now the TREATIES HAVE BEEN COMPROMISED ! they have been VERBALLY publicly notified to be relieved of their duties and will restore it's proper Matriarch of the indigenous earth born of the land. It's a matter of moments now as we speak.

Saimongamerzn_Animation - 04.06.2023 08:50

Its very obvious its lies (They being paid if it actually happened it will be discussed in china ) to those are not easily fooled

Travis Bascom
Travis Bascom - 03.06.2023 20:38

How can anyone argue that the US dollar is stable when it just lost 9.3% due to inflation. Why would anyone want to hold on to dollars when it is losing value? That is why people are exiting the dollar world wide and this will escalate as the FED is forced to print again after the banks go under from the FED tightning. Since 2008 our economy has functioned on record low interest rates it's a pipe dream to think we can just raise rates and the economy won't shatter.

Michael Tuffour
Michael Tuffour - 03.06.2023 05:58

Keep on dreaming.😩😩😩

Micael Santos
Micael Santos - 22.05.2023 23:30

And banks keep closing

Hadi Qasemi
Hadi Qasemi - 21.05.2023 22:22

Typical American arrogance combined with enormous ignorance

Mark Bloxham
Mark Bloxham - 13.05.2023 16:48

You’ve never met the world form,? You are very uninformed.,? You will owe nothing and like it.⚖️💩⏰🧠, in one day, Richmond become nothing how they have for the riches their hearts failed and forth to come up on the Earth scripture,?

Mary Monroe
Mary Monroe - 07.05.2023 21:49

This is helpful. I take pause when there are "hair on fire" video dumps! Thank you for the info.

dustin youhon
dustin youhon - 07.05.2023 18:10

Always come to big homie for the real sauce

McKenna Peay
McKenna Peay - 07.05.2023 04:26

I don't believe the dollar will collapse, because, the fear propaganda is pushed so hard- obvious. They want us to think the dollar will collapse

Joesph_Shaw - 06.05.2023 23:05

Fed please print print print the money !! I'm almost out!

ibraheem abukhdair
ibraheem abukhdair - 06.05.2023 17:06

Excellent video! You are one of a kind. You absolutely know what you’re talking about

Tom Tom
Tom Tom - 04.05.2023 09:04

i think this is a Beginning of a change. its small but its a change. the million dollar question is how fast or slow it will be........

Tb Adj
Tb Adj - 04.05.2023 05:25

Coca cola has such a ubiquitous international presence that I like it as a dividend king with a currency hedge

John Shumate
John Shumate - 04.05.2023 01:32

Trust in the Institutions after the last 2 yrs, you gotta be kidding or not fully awake...

Alan Chan
Alan Chan - 02.05.2023 01:48

Duh. Weaponising US dollar scares the whole world, you can view history and be happy thinking US dollar can still dominant, but sorry.. US is declining big time. Talking about corruption.. US' corruption is so systematic, interwoven between big corps, especially MICs. There is no SUDDEN collapse of US dollars, but a steady decline. It is stupid and naive thinking RMB would replace US dollars as reserve.. rather, China, along with countries know that US dollar is not OIL dollar anymore, and they are encouraged to use their own currency. Seeing what happened to Russia, the rest of the world are looking for a system away from SWIFT and US dollar.. that's just logical and makes sense. US dollar is not backed by gold, but only IOUs which no one thinks US would pay back. The faith is gone. OK, some thinks it's backed by military force.. but sorry, it is aso weakening, as US cannot produce weapons at the same rate as it used to be: no money, no capacity. BRICS is stronger than G7 in terms of GDP, and China is not viewed as ruthless/selfish/cold blooded as US.
Laugh or hide face and pretend US is still doing well as you want.. yet it's over.. a senile tiger reminiscing the past glory.. it's political system is also showing how flawed it is. It can't even maintain basic infrastructures, fighting crime/drug, health, education, racism... essentially, this is a "super power" which people live in a third rated country.

TwilightBrass - 02.05.2023 01:33

Get out of the Dollar ASAP.

Khalaf Aleissa
Khalaf Aleissa - 30.04.2023 10:08

you are sick

sangm - 30.04.2023 01:32

It's always a given that fear sells...and some people will sell-out their own mother to make a buck.

January March
January March - 29.04.2023 18:21

I agree. So much sensationalization of de dollarization.

T-point - 29.04.2023 13:36

It’s happening the world is changing I know it hard for you to accept but get ready and prepared.

Vladimir Moushkov
Vladimir Moushkov - 29.04.2023 12:22

Or because of rule of the gun?

Indigo baloon
Indigo baloon - 29.04.2023 10:54

Rule of law. They take your wealth if you happen to be a russian. Good joke bro.

Tim Bat
Tim Bat - 29.04.2023 01:09

I agree 100% with you Mr. Hogue.

These people are uneducated and know nothing of Asia, as a whole.

Ask any of these clowns;
Is China open?
If all Chinese were given an opportunity to swap dollars for their currency would they do so?
Does China manipulate their currency?
Are they an open society to foreigners?
Do they have a good reputation?

I could go on and on.

BRICS (GDP) is >60% China. It’s all about China, these other little countries have minimal influence in the global economy. China needs commodity’s.

Does the USA require anyone to use the dollar? NO. Then why do they? If no one makes them use the currency then why do they all do it? This is what these uneducated people don’t understand.

Whichever currency wants to step up, please take the stage. Must have an open currency, banking system and allow investment in your country. There is the key problem, what fool here thinks China or any Communist country will open their countries up? Await this long list of candidates.

DRKILLSM - 29.04.2023 00:32

Thanks, man! I was truly worried 😅

British HongKongese
British HongKongese - 29.04.2023 00:20

I am from Hong Kong, a place where has been seized by China. I can tell you that the whole society is getting weird and weird and being more “materialised” that the government is simply ruling by telling lies. All the so claim official “campaigns”, “targets” and “plans” seem not related to the people, and we are acting just like tools to the government. Never trust Chinese, their hierarchical structure in their Confucianism culture only wants every ethnic in the world to be their salves. Nothing do with racism or the Chinese governmental structure, it is all about their culture.

P W - 28.04.2023 14:36

Another great video with lots of useful information. Thank you.

Einzelfall - 28.04.2023 14:31

dollar is finished. hyperinflation will end the US finally. The world aint paying for your lifestyle no more. US is the most corrupt country on the planet. 100 Billions to ukraine and not a single dollar to americans

Renato Babka
Renato Babka - 28.04.2023 11:35

I am Brazilian and can guarantee the US dollar has nothing to worry for now 😅 we sent the dumbest person ever to be the brics bank president and we have the most corrupt president we ever had as president again.

Demchig Doyod
Demchig Doyod - 28.04.2023 07:53

Other World death of Childern feeding USD, easy to look back what is the reason come from but you all won't.

greek - 28.04.2023 07:12

Thanks for the common sense approach its a breath of fresh air thats for taking the time to explain this.

Carol Welch
Carol Welch - 28.04.2023 02:32

Its laughable that you don't address the corruption that has taken over our country. I believe that is why our dollar is crashing. You make good points that others capitalize on fear, but I don't for a minute think the dollar will last 10 more years as it is now.

El Maxi
El Maxi - 28.04.2023 01:13

Luckily, the dollar is dying. The bad thing, the USA will be a third world country due to the internal crisis that will be unleashed at the end of the pyramid scheme of the national debt.

By the way, they raised the national debt ceiling again, this nation is finished...

paolo robledo
paolo robledo - 28.04.2023 01:12

this is so funny

Aerrow Nex
Aerrow Nex - 27.04.2023 22:52

The dumping of the dollar won't happen until the alternate trade settlement mechanisms are put in place. When it does, it will be really fast. A couple of years. By the way, inflation is the expectation of dollar flowing back in to the US and stocks usually go up at that time but the actual purchasing power goes down. The stocks will surely go up but not enough to compensate for double digits of sustained inflation.

DontUputThatEvilOnMe - 27.04.2023 17:11

I knew the whole dedollarization stuff was bs from day one. Just look at foreign currency exchange to the dollar. They haven’t really changed at all.

Colette Alethia
Colette Alethia - 27.04.2023 15:06

It’s so unfortunate that I had to DIG to find your video.

tom Jeffrey
tom Jeffrey - 27.04.2023 13:31

The nation's that you talk of that don't have great economies ie. The brics nations, is literally because they run under a reserve banking system where by they pay a fee(interest) to create currency . The while reason they want to break away from this system is so they don't have to bank the Zionist banking cartel that said fee to create currency thus not devaluating the currency already in circulation and not endebting the nation. It cost nothing to create currency yet under current western monetary system we pay an interest on EVERY DOLLAR that gets created. And just last year in USA alone that was in the trillions??? Governments shouldn't need to "borrow" money but should have the freedom to create and disperse money of there own without borrowing, of course in a responsible manner.
