Is BLADE & SOUL Worth Playing in 2021? | The Best or Worst Free MMO?

Is BLADE & SOUL Worth Playing in 2021? | The Best or Worst Free MMO?


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qqulti - 23.02.2023 18:09

you really just said this game performs? lmao

vladamiric lee
vladamiric lee - 04.12.2022 00:17

Get to the point damn! dont need to hear your life story. Thank you for reviewing

lee mills
lee mills - 06.07.2022 16:21

cmon you didnt just want to chat with her, you also wanted to run around in stockings and suspenders ^_- if i told my school mates back in the 80s that ppl would be running around games 30 years later looking like that, they'd of said "it'll never happen", so those of your generation that are wondering why their planetary inheritence may as well be a massive ball of shit, well this is one of those reasons

Fate - 15.05.2022 10:20

i like this game because this game allow you to kill Random player in the map.... Yeah when they useing Some Armor From certain clans 😂😂

Egyptian descendant
Egyptian descendant - 15.04.2022 10:36

I been off blade&soul for 2 years I really hurt me trying to find out the best protection I need for my desktop

Mica Mica
Mica Mica - 19.03.2022 07:36

I love this game and came back after 5 years and found out I can only play it in english with english voices which is a big down for me as I used to love korean voices, anyone knows if I can go back to korean voices and how? I'm trying with bns buddy but the game keeps crashing. Thank you!!

Yaxa - 19.02.2022 01:53

No need to be racist.

Natalie Cimander
Natalie Cimander - 21.01.2022 20:53

Played Blade and Soul for 4 years since release day. I loved this game and I´m still crying over it. So much wasted potential.
I am a person who pays for good games. I don´t mind grind, I don´t mind farm and I certainly don´t mind progging raids. But what I do mind is awful performance and when the company shits on their player base so I quit before the UE4 Update and sold my account.
So, after nearly 2/3? years of quitting I still find myself yearning for the game sometimes. I still think the combat is the best one I´ve ever played in an MMO and I absolute ADORE the world and character designs. But I would never go and install it again because I know it would do me no good, BnS started to feel like a choire to me after a while to the point where you feel bad if you dont play for a day.
I picked up FF14 and I feel incredibly comfortable there. Sure, the combat is no BnS, but the game is hella fun, the story is just insanely good and the people there are so kind and nice. And most importantly, THE GAME RUNS SMOOTH AS FUCK.

Kazesos - 15.01.2022 07:28

Don't mind the people telling you guys the game is p2w, It's your average grindy KR mmo with a cash shop. The game is beautiful and def worth playing if you don't mind the grind <3

Sei - 11.01.2022 19:40

Your Cons show me that you have no idea what you are talking about.

Too much story? Are you serious?

Unbalanced pvp? have you even played 10 games to be able to say that and CC heavy? Go play a shooter if you are not able to use your combos.

Hongmoon levels are a proof of how long someone plays the game. It is not something you grind activly. So you want to be max HM within a week while people played the game for years and like to show there experience of by having a high hm level.

Low population? Because people like you spreading bullshit about the game, meanwhile you have not even reached real end game.

I really liked watching your videos, till you started speaking about BNS, that made me realise how you put no effort into reviews and just want to make quick buck by spreading the common misconceptions.

Apollo of the Sun
Apollo of the Sun - 06.01.2022 12:55

I literally waited years for this game to come out in NA, then it got ridiculous with it's p2w, cutscenes were eventually lazily put together. Since there's not enough players like there used to be, it's hard to cue up some dungeons. Pvp arena is a ghost town, thanks the bots for that and to top it all off, you can get carried through some dungeons, but if you pug a group of people that don't know the mechanics, you're all gonna die cause you never had the chance to learn them and you get yelled at by the one guy in the group that knows the mechanics. So sadly I dropped out cause it was overwhelming. This game will always hold a place in my heart, but I can't play it like this.

Yoh Winter
Yoh Winter - 20.12.2021 00:15

boobs and soul has now nipples?

Abdulla Alaskri
Abdulla Alaskri - 01.12.2021 09:15

Is the fps fixed with the unreal engine 4 ? Or still dropping I tried it with rtx 3090 and its dog shit it was on unreal engine 3

Waff00 - 09.11.2021 22:10

I want to get into blade and soul but i dont know if i shouls be a kung fu master or a soul fighter

Don't Worry
Don't Worry - 04.11.2021 05:01

Heyyy where can I get cool costumes like what you have

Loks - 04.11.2021 03:20

dont understand...but bns now have ue4 or not released yet?

C.J. Shotgunangel
C.J. Shotgunangel - 01.11.2021 19:28

To give you a answer : Gw2 is not pay to win. Never was and never will be

ShadowFox - 31.10.2021 15:58

Tera online isn't p2w

bladeheart111x - 29.10.2021 00:34

I wanna play it again, but I'm doubting that my pc can handle it... (i'm using a Dell Inspiron 15 laptop btw(4GB RAM))

JP - 28.10.2021 14:31

Simple answer, UE4 didn't do much for performance. Crashes, lag, etc continues to be part of the game. Visually, there is not much difference from UE3 to UE4 as advertised. The removal of the gamepad support for no logical reason affected a significant portion of players who like or need this accessory to play the game. Sadly, I continue to see NCSoft Dev team as the main reason the game keeps degrading in the West. In short this game was NOT rescued by UE4. Very heavy on P2W.

The Punisher
The Punisher - 25.10.2021 23:22

Rift is not p2w, best mmo ever

Pruit srajak
Pruit srajak - 25.10.2021 18:37

the only things that need to be changed to save this game is taking out the p2w and make it far less grindy

Gin Ichi
Gin Ichi - 24.10.2021 00:30

bns was really good back then with 45 lvl cap, its already dead game now, even ue4 didnt save this game from despair cuz ncwest literaly doesnt care about anything except how to suck money from people, wish that they care about the game more like this

Reginald - 20.10.2021 23:03

Meh its still p2w...

Gin Tachibana
Gin Tachibana - 14.10.2021 06:58

it runs better but the game is till pay to win Blatantly

Fettsack mit Machete
Fettsack mit Machete - 13.10.2021 22:10


Layla - 13.10.2021 18:19

the graphics doesn't seem to be what I remember playing years ago. It used to be more bright and saturated? That was what I liked about it actually.

The designs, animations and art are amazing. But game itself is unfriendly to new people. Extremely pay to win. The story also went to shit and they barely continue it. I left like more than 3yrs ago and if I went back now I didn't miss much of the MSQ. The original artist and multiple og devs already left the team years ago.

I played blade and soul years ago and tried to get back to it recently but overall I'm just dissapointed and it's only a good memory now. I went to ff14 and its more playable. Overall I still like this Asian martial arts style but I still wouldn't play bns the way it is now even if its the only of its kind on the market.

HazzardPT - 13.10.2021 16:16

The game is awesome

Sinem Gülbahar
Sinem Gülbahar - 13.10.2021 11:32

I am a Force Master Main, probably since the Game had the Poharan Content.. which was so good back then omg 😍!
But as someone who didn’t spend even ONE COIN into this game - not even for cosmetic which is kinda sad because BnS has so beautiful outfits - I can do the latest dungeon except for the latest Raid.
I am not even Raiding, I buy the Items I want and upgrade it as far as I can. The game is more up to having friends who like to play this game as much as you do. Because even if you are solo and try to get higher .. you can’t. Less p2w more friend2win tbh.
Search cool friends, play together and have fun

I mean, I do play like 2 hours every other day .. so if I can do that - everyone else can xD
(For reference: 2640 AP)

Broccoleet - 13.10.2021 05:20

Man i do miss the combat of B&S . I think to this day it's still my favorite combat style of any mmo i played but i have high hope for Lost ark tho !

Yang Shane
Yang Shane - 13.10.2021 01:02

the problem with blade and soul to me is the ping dependency... its really high like 150 where i live, and even the autoatacks act like skills, so when i do one auto, other can do even 4 or 5 dependent of the class... its really bad...

Ander Rivera
Ander Rivera - 11.10.2021 16:16


Dibyaudh Das
Dibyaudh Das - 11.10.2021 15:14

Is there any significant difference between Blade and Souls and Blade and Souls 2?

Honya - 11.10.2021 13:35

Here are the ugly things about the game:
- Story is good, but progress is horrible. They optimized the fun out of the game. You oneshot everything from level 1 to 30 with a fresh account. Even bosses. Even worse, with a high level account, there is a thing called "unity level" which gives you HUGE hp and dmg boosts on every character, meaning you cannot enjoy a new alt character, because you basically a god among men.
- PVP is a huge mess, it has amazing systems, but PvP builds are way too OP, stunlock for years. But you touched that
- Hongmoon level is one thing, but gear farming is horrible, and tedious. The game basically expects you to do every dungeon every day for a month or 2 for 1 piece of equipment. If you get your core equipment, you are required to farm one specific dungeon exactly 300 times to get an achievement which is required for a ring. A ring.
- If you want to do the minimum daily quests, you need to spend 3-4 hours doing it. Every day.
- The community is immensely toxic. They literally kick you from easy dungeons (which you are supposed to do because of daily quests), because you dont have gear (which you can get by doing these dungeons). They only want to clear the dungeons as fast as possible, and skip all the mechanics. They expect you to know all the mechanics the first time you are doing the dungeon, if you don't know, or fail a mechanic, they flame you, and even kick, or leave.

Even if you enjoy the game, the combat, the story, this game is a horrible mess. Progressing through the content is about oneshotting everything, and running between quest givers. They removed every early dungeons, so do not even thing about doing any group content before you hit max level. Endgame consist of doing the same dungeon, and other 3 activities every day for months, do weekly raids (which you really need to look out for, because from most of the groups you will get kicked, or not even accepted, if you dont hit the gear level the players want you to be on ). After spending around half a year, farming and grinding, you can then start trying doing harder dungeons, which you need to watch and read guides before, or else you will get instantly kicked.

UE4 overhaul is great, but the company does not realize that the problem with the game wasn't it's outdated graphics, and not even the performance. They need gear and progress overhaul, until that happens, better stay clear of the game.

Chaosknight40k - 11.10.2021 11:36

Even with the unreal 4 update, the game is still poorly optimized, game constantly sits at 20ish fps and dips to single digits when 12 of players are spamming skills. Meanwhile I can get 60+ fps on remastered max(not ultra) on bdo 60+ fps with 100+ players in view. The entire 1-60 game progression is so boring now that the low dungeons is basically irrevalant and no1 does them.

Night - 11.10.2021 10:29

Sadly im not able to download it, Im unable to connect to the server to even log in. I do kind of miss playing this game.

Naught Meinäm
Naught Meinäm - 11.10.2021 04:50

This is the one MMORPG I've ever actually sunk time into, I had put probably several hundred hours in it back in the day. I had my own issues with it (some of which were explored in this video), but I think what really eventually killed it for me is how utterly antisocial the playerbase is. There were definitely more people playing on NA servers back in 2016 and it was never hard to find a bunch of players in the hub areas and some zones, but they might as well have been NPCs. They literally never interact with anyone even when prompted to. Absolute mindless zombies. That's something I utterly despise to see in MMOs, because the entire point is playing in a world inhabited by tons of other players you can interact with. If engaging with other players is something you're not interested in, then frankly, you probably need to find a different genre.

H N - 11.10.2021 02:25

If you're looking for an action mmorpg that have a unique combat style, bns might be for you. It's the main reason I play it. I quit years ago because UE3 performance was so bad. Now it's a lot better after testing out the game for a few weeks. The story is pretty solid too for a f2p. It's not perfect as some mentioned in the video and comment and it's very possible to progress without paying especially if you're not trying to reach the top 10% which I don't care about.

Xastiel Muffinz
Xastiel Muffinz - 10.10.2021 17:50

Honestly, the biggest problem i have with this game is the incredible lag. making most classes unplayable

Syphex - 10.10.2021 17:34

PvP being unbalanced is what makes it great.

Balanced pvp gets boring after like 14 hours of constant pvping ending up to never touching it again.

Syphex - 10.10.2021 17:24

Holy fuck it looks great. played it a year ago when the graphic update were being pushed out to Asian countries but we still had the old graphic engine running.

It's such a clear difference.

Hello World 123
Hello World 123 - 10.10.2021 15:47

• Pay to win: Ok, w/e idc
• Zones are segregated: Um... ok. I can live with that.
• Classes are race locked: Well, I'm out. Thank you for the video!

Yuti La
Yuti La - 10.10.2021 09:16

The servers are the same trash as before with ping spikes from 30 to 150 in EU.

PlaYeR ToE
PlaYeR ToE - 10.10.2021 08:47

I see big booba
I click

Mac Horz
Mac Horz - 10.10.2021 08:27

I hope u have final fantasy 11 on your "worth List". Its one of best MMOs but dont look like one (graphic is pretty old).

Hyaman HD
Hyaman HD - 10.10.2021 02:01

the game is ok, but you might wanna play another game if you value your wallet or time / I really love Lucretzia comment . 👍

Oni - 09.10.2021 23:57

Might need to get back to playing blade and soul again

Oscar Caicedo
Oscar Caicedo - 09.10.2021 15:56

I've been mainig this mmo for like 3-4 months now and yes it's not perfect, yes has it's flaws, yes has p2w elements but nowadays what mmo doesnt... Also for being a f2p mmo is not really that bad you can get bis gear fairly easy just knowing how the game actaully works and playing throu the monthly events. Most of the complains i've seen online are form people who havent even played the game in years. But what really hooked me i think it's the community, this game's community is one of the best i've ever encountered in any mmo of course you'll encounter assholes here and there but the community is always willing to help an teach new players, i've met so many cool people and made tons of friends in the short time i've been here. Pro Tip Hongmoon level doesnt mean anything, don't focus on it.

Melvin Martinali
Melvin Martinali - 09.10.2021 14:42

I loved this game dind play anyting beside this bit i stoped playing couse the game was a shitshow bad ping constand crashing so i stoped for about 2 years i came back whit the ue4 update and i am back in love whit this game damn
