6 Signs You’re NOT Getting Promoted into Management or Leadership

6 Signs You’re NOT Getting Promoted into Management or Leadership

Kara Ronin

2 года назад

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@kararonin - 05.12.2021 11:30

Have you ever been overlooked for a promotion? After watching this video (and thinking back to that time) did you miss any of these signs you won't get promoted?

@inquisitive1911 - 06.12.2023 02:58

Watched the video, thanks, but if you are very smart in your job, and your colleagues are downright jealous and they are long termers, whilst you are the newbie who learned fast to do the role, then the Management will always side with the long termers and their dictatorship, because they are too scared to argue with them. Just my experience. Love from Scotland, ❤ X ...

@PurplePinkRed - 05.11.2023 10:35

Two years at entry level in my current company and I was put on higher duties for a while. After I spoke up about issues with a new computer system with higher management, things changed for the worst. The signs I noticed:

1) Taken off higher duties or your tasks are being delegated to others without any explanation or feedback.
2) Applying for higher positions internally and being told you interview well and have relevant experience, but aren't what they are looking for. When you ask for further details, they don't give any.
3) A sudden change in behaviour from your management (less friendly and caring than before).

The tips in this video are great but only for those with a relatively fresh canvas. If you've already made the mistakes, you need to find another company and move on.

@juniorp726 - 28.09.2023 04:32

Ways not to get promoted work for the city of NY.

@CCCP85 - 16.09.2023 06:58

How to deal with unwelcome behavior in a new company by a group of existing people, just because you as a person are good with personality, knowledge and leadership skills?... If such team leaders have very close bonding with your manager... Because what I have seen once is that such team leaders are envious of you, they can't tolerate your popularity and your manager somewhat lets you get dominated by them...

@independentthinker.273 - 13.09.2023 07:28

Well everything you're saying maybe correct but it's not working for me. I'm very vocal and I always have expressed an interest in learning different aspects of a job so I could move up. I wind up being the kid that gets picked last because nobody else wants them on their team kind of situation. I have skills and I have natural talent. I'm very outgoing and I'm constantly mistaken for being in a position of leadership because that's just how I naturally carry myself. All of my family are alpha leaders. Is just a part of our DNA.

But still not getting the promotions that I should be getting for the amount of energy that I put into every position I seek out. Yet the position always seemed to go to somebody else. So either I'm not quite what they had in mind or there's some kind of favoritism or nepotism going on and that's what the real story is. Scratching my head on this one.

@faisalbin3921 - 12.08.2023 17:34

If my job is desk job, how can i vesible in office???

@novadhd - 10.08.2023 23:45

This shows you that soft skills are more important by far than tech skills . Thanks!

@ammardukhan4162 - 30.05.2023 06:47

I am so interested about your channel… keep it up!

@user-kr7hx2zp5u - 16.05.2023 13:29

Great tips this videos is ! I love your video series

@LindseyObrooke - 13.04.2023 07:11

It’s sad because I do a lot to be visible. I am a high performer. Highest on my team a lot of the time. Always top three, at least. I have been overlooked for promotion and am pretty sour about it. My company seems to promote those who rarely make noise, and a common phrase is for people to keep their head down and work. I have colleagues come to me asking for help. I have a great relationship with my manager and other colleagues. I’m silly sometimes and try to be a good combo of myself and professional. Doesn’t seem to matter. Sometimes where you’re at just isn’t the end game for you!!

@sullygaming1137 - 31.03.2023 08:09

Where I work (Walmart) you can work like a pack mule be visible 24/7 and not even get a glance by the higher ups they see you as an object a number. I've taken the test multiple times and it always fails me I've given them "Walmart" answers

@CloverLane98 - 25.11.2022 13:44

These signs helped me in the opposite direction. I’m up for promotion and I’m super anxious I won’t get it, but I am visible, people always ask for my opinions and help on things. I am not involved in high up meetings yet, but my workplace is non-traditional working from home. They use group chats to discuss issues relevant to training leadership and I’m in those groups. I’ve also been given more higher level work the last few months, and they continue to add more tasks. multiple team members have been advocating for me and talking to leadership about how they support me being promoted. I love my coworkers and care so much about helping them feel welcome and supported every time I get a chance to take the lead. My work is so rewarding and I’m really passionate about it. It does feel like I’m an obvious choice but at the same time I still have this sense of doom that for some reason I won’t be chosen for promotion. Do you have any tips on workplace anxiety/that feeling that it’s too good to be true.

@almak9295 - 08.10.2022 14:11

Hello Kara, thank you very much for posting very useful videos. I love them all...! However I could not find it..? Am I missing something?

@surendrasinghrawat5738 - 29.07.2022 14:47

Now in my life new teacher have come .. Thanks mam

@ranjankumarsahoo - 25.10.2021 17:39

Hi Kara,
I am a regular follower and endorser of your videos to my colleagues. I find every points articulated in your powerful videos thought provoking. Grateful.
Takeaways from this magnificent skill video:
1. Reach to colleagues and make them feel that you count them in your second home i.e. work place.

2. Never cease from putting forward your opinion especially in meetings, where you are expected to do so.

3. To be counted as a brain to call upon, improve your connection with the high level people.

4. Be a compass at the time of confusion in work place. Keep recalibrating the compass to show the right direction consistently.

@cyrilgeorge5644 - 22.10.2021 19:48

This video is fantastic and removes blindspots that we have about ourselves...outstanding stuff
