Why Does Joseph Stalin Matter?

Why Does Joseph Stalin Matter?

Hoover Institution

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curazedbywolves - 16.08.2023 17:05

Stalin was amazing. Free your mind and learn about him.

Branko Drljača
Branko Drljača - 29.07.2023 00:53

I like his book and I know he focuses on Stalin as a dictator, but I don't think what he says that other Communists didn't want terror is true. Remember, out of more than 700 000 executed in 18 months, 40 000 were members of nomenclature and cadres of the regime. Others were victims of Order 00447 aimed at "usual suspects" in the countryside. They were ex-kulaks who served their time in exile or escaped, some even getting a position in village they lived as kolkhoz director (basicly their old job as village elders), there were priests, small time thief, relatives of white guards and so on. There were also a lot of discussions, moderated by local party leaders, about should those "former people" be allowed to vote as was said in Stalin's constitution of 1936. There are also a lot of people, who do believe in Communism, who have suffered during collectivization, even in cities, saw those lower ranking Communists cutting more and more of their rights and freedoms, depressing wages and using repression as they saw fit in 1930-1933 period (something they couldn't really do in 1934-1936) and hated their guts. I think that Stalin used general population feeling betrayed to conduct his Terror, while those in Party also made a case that common people could and would cause a popular uprising and asked for power to arrest and execute anyone who might be a part of it if opportunity presents itself. I am not trying to defend Stalin, I am just saying that rest of Communist Party also escalated terror down the line for their own interests. Khrushchev secret speech was bull, since it's point was that terror was completely on Stalin and mad desire for power. In reality, it was Khrushchev who organized terror in Moscow and later in Ukraine, demanding quotas for arrests that even Stalin and Jezhov considered excessive and curbed them on more than one occasion.

free speech
free speech - 06.07.2023 01:49

America funded bolshveists. USSR was alter ego of bankers. They are one and the same

Jocelyn Joseph
Jocelyn Joseph - 15.06.2023 04:13

The terms of nuclear deterrent between East and West, the terms of a strike and now it's time that God would drown all the radiation under dust from a comet ☄️collision; we'd rise again from ashes to build the world anew. 😊😊

nuqwestr - 22.05.2023 22:23

"Collectivism" is just "Feudalism" powered by the "People", both eradicate the individual.

Dirk Bindemann
Dirk Bindemann - 30.04.2023 14:35

With all respect, all these dictators got it from Lenin. Therefore Stalin was not the standard, but Lenin.
Read "A People's Tragedy " by Orlando Figes

Alvaro Bagaria
Alvaro Bagaria - 08.12.2022 14:25

Well, I am not sure millenials are interested in learning anything outside their own world -at least most of them.

alec-alec - 14.10.2022 22:50

Not possible, but inevitable

Paul Bonello
Paul Bonello - 27.09.2022 20:42

Masterful - Joe Pesci look alike/sound alike is the bomb!

OSCOCAT - 13.09.2022 16:02

I'm amazed that in this day and age, when long format theatrical documentaries are so popular, that no one has made a multi-part movie explaining what happened in Russia much in the same manner as Band of Brothers and From the Earth to the Moon.

Elias Phiniotis
Elias Phiniotis - 07.09.2022 14:56

Hind-side 20/20 !!!

Saki Ickes
Saki Ickes - 24.08.2022 01:08


Pkwic - 29.07.2022 00:12

Why Stalin matters? For who? For Prof. Kotkin, US Academy, US ruling class? It's very simple. It was under Stalin's tenure that Russia/the USSR became a socialist superpower and the only nation in the world capable of annihilating the West. And today this country, even in its truncated form, still remains the only force preventing the Empire of Lies from owning the world.

Jay Eye
Jay Eye - 26.07.2022 13:04

Kotkin's perfect delivery of his responses are disconcerting - not because of the content, but because of his lack of mistakes, ums, ahs, and inconsistent cadence. I think he self-corrected exactly one time. This dude is a machine. He's the academic Terminator. You know he's reading the back side of his retina.

D R - 25.07.2022 20:27

It is sad that I am rewatching this and realizing that the same collectivism he said Stalin did with the term "kulak" is the same thing we have been doing recently here in the US with terms like "racist" and "transphobic". Turning the people against each other while drawing everyone to the obedience of the government, who pushed the agenda for that very reason.
It truly is a fact that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Grom Hellscream
Grom Hellscream - 06.07.2022 00:46

He sounds like Joe Pesci. Great video though, thank you.

Burial - 28.06.2022 06:59


Guy Georges Voet
Guy Georges Voet - 07.04.2022 15:15

Dear Mr. Robinson, estimated Sir, i have for you, besides the most emphatic praise for what you have already accomplished on your show, an extremely urgent and important proposal. Both Mr Victor Davis Hanson and Mr. Stephen Kotkin are members of the Hoover Institute. They are both exceptional men of proven quality and accomplishment. They are excellent debaters and expositors of complex ideas in very comprehensive schemes of thought. Yet, yet, as i am since some time now trying to get a hold on what is happening in the world and especially in the US, listening very carefully to these true luminaries (the best show in town, you said yourself about Mr. Kotkin) it so happens that i cannot help noticing an unmistakable and potentially very deep rift in their estimate of things national and international. This comes out abundantly clear when they discuss anything to do with what Trump stood and still stands for. This issue is the biggest issue on the table now, for the US itself but also for the world at large (see the 3rd Lecture on "Sphere of influence" held by Mr Kotkin in Vienna in 2017).
I beseech you, dearest Sir, to put them together as soon as possible with you at your table and have them talk about these issues, each one clarifying himself in debate. Both are civilized men, of good cheer, wellintentioned, and modest men. You must have them talk with you together, please, you cannot not do this. I think such a debate could be of the most extreme importance in sanitizing the republican party's grip on things. Because the Us and the world must get beyond what the Trump phenomenon means and has still in store it seems. Only those speakers, together with you monitoring, can vastly and in one go contribute to this as no other team of public intellectuals could. PLEASE, consider my proposal and most vehement request at lenght. Many thanks and loyal greetings from Belgium

Sam Tha Champ
Sam Tha Champ - 16.03.2022 21:46

He looks like joe Pesci a little

Al Johnson
Al Johnson - 07.07.2021 06:29

I almost had a heart attack when at a first glance I thought it was so called “doctor” Fauci in place of Dr. Cotkin

Himachal - 08.06.2021 19:00

You think this is funny Robinson? Huh.. , So you think this is funny..

James Schenken
James Schenken - 26.02.2021 02:08

I ordered the book and will see what else is said about the collectivization. My recollection of the great killing that was part of it was based on two factors:
First, there was a famine due to drop failure,
and Second the communist party officials in the field were reporting greater crop yields than actually happened.

With these two factors Stalin ordered the confiscation of the crops to meet the central planning needs AND he also order the sealing off of the boarders to Ukraine to prevent word of the catastrophe he caused from getting out. By the following spring, something like 6,000,000 to 7,000,000 were dead in Ukraine. It was intentional.

derek finn
derek finn - 20.01.2021 13:00

Amazing how he mentions franco was called a fascist when he was a nationalist and traditionalist I say this as in today's world it is exactly the same I've witnessed people who are die hard nationalist simply be called fascist for zero reason at all so this intelligent mans insight shows that fascism is a made up bundle of crap to only try label and smear

Maxwellington Perez
Maxwellington Perez - 06.01.2021 02:47

funded by billionaires, of course they hate the man of the people

james gribble
james gribble - 12.11.2020 21:11

Ive read robert service stuff, and stalin by montefiore (amazing!!!), but heck this guy sounds like he may have a book too top them all. Very astute analysis, great interview

Benjamin g.
Benjamin g. - 29.10.2020 16:09

Non intellectuel contribution:
“We got an audience of millenials” im gen z mwahah
Time goes on...

Zach Stott
Zach Stott - 28.10.2020 16:41

Would love another video with Kotkin - he's brilliant

Calculated Masochism
Calculated Masochism - 05.10.2020 17:14

When Stephen Kotkin speaks, a wise man shuts up

xmchughs - 09.09.2020 16:28

All Stalins Matter

M W - 03.09.2020 23:20

Robinson would make a great career in Pravda. Every interview he's so annoyingly partisan. Dude, we get it, the left is dumb, no need to act shocked, it's cringey.

kosherwhitewine - 21.08.2020 21:30

This is the most braindead thing I have ever seen in my entire life. I am 10 minutes in.

Timothy Paul
Timothy Paul - 21.08.2020 03:05

Proof positive yet again that the Left destroys everything it touches!

Somot - 16.08.2020 21:27

Does anyone know what music plays during the intro?

Vita Reid
Vita Reid - 15.08.2020 08:15

Stephen Kotkin is one of the most interesting persons I've heard. I'm transfixed.

George Ianţa
George Ianţa - 15.08.2020 02:51

60 million + murdered people: "Yes, why does he matter?"

Guccee Places
Guccee Places - 15.08.2020 00:01

Socialism Sounds fabulous folks but it just doesn't work! Only thing that communism stemming socialism manages to do is forcibly take power, goods and property from those well off and give it to officials in power while the poor still starve, the only difference is that now everyone (besides the officials in power) is not allowed to disagree. No one is allowed to do or say anything that MIGHT go against the communist regime. Everything is rationed! Nothing is truly owned. There is a large shortage of goods to the point where you would have to build your home with your hands. There are no building codes so the wiring in homes can cause fires. You are basically on your own. Many folks have to rely on ways to find goods - which can mean stealing or bribing to survive. Your friendly next door neighbor may get jealous and get officials to take things if they feel you have too much! They can take your life earnings or a cow you need milk from too feed your kids - if they feel you do no deserve it! I lived it!

sandorfintor - 13.08.2020 02:26

Thank You.

Mason - 09.08.2020 20:00

Calling Stalin a dictator means that one doesn't understand how the Soviet political system functioned in 20-50's.

Pac Z
Pac Z - 07.08.2020 06:48

"he had a lot of urban activists...people who were young in many cases...and wanted to build a new world and were impatient that that new world should happen as soon as possible..."

Sounds like the left in the US...

So the DEMS work to harness that momentum -- notably by throwing the "activists" a few bones (e.g., free college) -- to better support the party's struggle for power.

ясно - 06.08.2020 18:40

Here you finally discovered yourself. So its Trotsky who is a great person. This person who was obsessed with global revolution dreaming to put the whole world in fire... the world should kiss Stalin's hand for saving the world from that fascist. And USA now is trying to rebuilt the ideas of trotsky. You guys are doomed because you dont have you Stalin to save you from the disease called "trostky".

ясно - 06.08.2020 18:33

Yes, it's difficult to explain the 1937 because you keep missing out a group of trotsky followers (usa made a big deal about this trotsky giving him place to hide in usa) but the group was still working within the elites and continuing their horrid killings and trying to establish bloody communism they believed in. Stalin had turned against them, not against his loyal followers, you idiot.

ясно - 06.08.2020 18:27

My God! What a liar!!! You forgot to say that famine was all over the world and also should mention that wonderful capitalistic world demanded USSR to pay only in wheat for any purchases done from the west. He also forgot to mention that much was done to reduce the impact of famine. I cant believe these old rumors are still considered a scientific fact. Well, understandable, when the evil of western culture need to be covered up.

Dmoney USA
Dmoney USA - 04.08.2020 19:27

I wish every socialist and every Democrat in the USA would watch or listen to the clip.
It is very much applicable to today's USA.

Johannes Pilvikukka
Johannes Pilvikukka - 04.08.2020 03:02

I hope the Stalinist college-kids from twitter are listening. But I bet they would argue it was not real Stalinism.

Justin Turdo
Justin Turdo - 01.08.2020 06:23

Better dead than red.

TheBendablespoons - 30.07.2020 20:26

Thank you guys who call stalin a mass murderer while unironically doing their interview in an institution named after Edgar Hoover! Thank you CIA and FBI !

Julian - 29.07.2020 17:55

Wasnt the purge mainly because of the old-guard communist plot against Stalin? Thats what Winston Churchill thought at least (at the time I might add).

Go Far
Go Far - 27.07.2020 04:22

thank you hoover institution... thank you sk...
