Mass Effect Legendary Edition: Complete Ashley Romance

Mass Effect Legendary Edition: Complete Ashley Romance

Naughty Gaming

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JC of the galaxy
JC of the galaxy - 20.09.2023 23:53

Ima be real with you. I honestly DIDN’T want to romance her but somehow since I like to talk to everyone in my crew I somehow trigger the romance by accident. I was NOT expecting the scene at all and…well…I technically had eyes for Tali instead sooo

InvisibleMan95 - 11.09.2023 06:25

The most misunderstood and the most underrated character in the trilogy. She and Shepard make such a perfect pair.

Anayo Smith
Anayo Smith - 13.08.2023 03:50

The best ending shepard survives

Anayo Smith
Anayo Smith - 13.08.2023 03:46

I don't think ashley count towards the paramour achievement

tesseract butterfly effect
tesseract butterfly effect - 12.08.2023 14:04

You picked some questionable dialogue choices sir

Aveneis - 04.08.2023 02:49

Ashley x Shep is true
Liara x Shep is just mainstream xy
End of story.

PhoebeRaven - 03.07.2023 18:31

I never got to play Ash's arc out. I always sacrificed her for Kaiden, because couldn't have no racist on my squad. I stand by that choice. But then... I also always save the Geth, so what do I know? lol

Xorax - 11.06.2023 00:44

Shepard: Shut up and get over here

Ashley: Make me ( but she's the one who grabs his head and pulls him in )

Kavitami - 27.05.2023 00:59

Bro and I killer her 💀

TheFavoriteUncle - 23.05.2023 09:09

Rizz Sheppard

Batman - 16.05.2023 12:38

I love her. ❤️

Duke .Nukem
Duke .Nukem - 02.05.2023 00:29

We'll bang ok?

Maniok221 HD
Maniok221 HD - 17.04.2023 20:54

I think she's great as a love partner, of course, what she said in ME1, you can argue about it, but as a friend for Shepard, she's wonderful and she's changed in ME3, if she doesn't come back in ME5, I don't know either, obviously, others are great too, but this chemistry is perfect between the two

KrizWarden - 15.04.2023 11:58

I’ve only ever not left her on Virmire once, I’m here just to see what the cutscene looks like lol

BlediDisney16 - 07.04.2023 19:44

John Shepard and Ashley Williams are a perfect couple😇🥰😍🤩😇

Imapotato - 31.03.2023 12:30

I romance Ashley but that doesn't mean i can't bang Kelly Chambers & Diane Allers when Ashley 'needed a break' I was dead for 2 yrs & needed some release

Imapotato - 31.03.2023 12:02

Ashley is the only mature ADULT relationship. Liara & Tali have a teenager obsession with Shepard like he is a pop singer & Tali chronically masturbates to thoughts of him. Tali especially gives me a creepy middle age teacher underage student vibe that makes me sick...but she is my Quarian little sister & she gets that hug!

Freethinker1 - 24.03.2023 12:05

The voice actors did such a great job at bringing the characters to life and endearing the players to them. It made the epic trilogy so much fun to play and you felt the weight of your choices and every one that was lost. There was a solid motivation to make good choices and their survival because you cared about them so much.

Bob Bob
Bob Bob - 09.03.2023 19:27

My 1st time through the Legacy edition. I wanted to romance Ash.
But accidentally called her Religious beliefs, extremely dumb. xD

Plan B. Blue ass.

Lee_Land_Y - 04.03.2023 03:46

Renegade scars are doing a great job convincing Ashley he is in fact the same person he always was, and not some indoctrinated Cerberus husk.

Jake Make
Jake Make - 01.03.2023 03:00

I like tough women they are always so persistent 😊

Anonymous - 24.02.2023 13:45

Of course you went Renegade, like an asshole. You should have done the Parqgon path if you are focusing on a romance arc, genius.

Anonymous - 24.02.2023 13:43

I liked her somewhat in the first game... Found her to be quite charming with her lines of poetry and calling Shepard "Skipper". In the second game, she was a stubborn asshole. In the third game, she was still being a stubborn asshole in the beginning and there was zero effort put into her romance. Plus, they made her somewhat unlikable in the third game, in my opinion. She was not nearly as charming to me at all by the end of the story as she had been in the first game.

The dev's seemed to only put effort into Liara being your romance option in the third game, and that is why I went with Liara in ME3. Your moments with Liara was downright beautiful. But they should have taken the time to do that with each of your romance options: Ashley included. They should have all had really special scenes with Shepard, but they didn't.

But BioWare made the mistake of giving the writers less time for ME3 than they were originally ally supposed to have, and they got rushed. Therefore, they only had time to really put the effort into only one of the romance options.

If they had had the more realistic deadline that they had originally anticipated and they didn't have to rush, the third game would have been a damn masterpiece like the second one was. I still thought the third game was amazing, but it could have been so much better if it had another year or so to cook.

Jackie Saenz
Jackie Saenz - 21.02.2023 10:59

I went through female shepherd through male shepherd My female was in love with liara and then my male was in love with Tail but then I had to switch to Ashley so now I'm playing both female and male My female will be in love with liara only liara and my male Will be in love with Ashley and tail I'm first starting with Ashley then second tail

Ray Ruiz
Ray Ruiz - 21.02.2023 09:19

God that decrepit face is horrible on Shepherd

Rebeli Argum
Rebeli Argum - 19.02.2023 04:48

Oh, Ashley. The girl i kill every game

Evongelo - 16.02.2023 00:56

They make Liara a bit cold in ME 2 and 3. I might have to do a renegade play through romancing Ash some day.

Andrey Short
Andrey Short - 13.02.2023 04:03

Wait shephard was alive at then end no wayy I'm on 3 now i couldn't help myself looking at the ending

Kylie Thresher
Kylie Thresher - 04.02.2023 13:13

I always have such a hard time deciding between Ash and Kaidan. Girl boss or puppy?

J Quil
J Quil - 03.02.2023 03:02

I don't know, I could never romance Ashley. Her head is shaped like someone's Calf Muscle.🤷🏾‍♂️

Grasshopper K
Grasshopper K - 29.01.2023 09:46

I remember my first playthrough on the PS3 collection box set. I didn't want to play until I could play from the beginning.
I was damn proud for my loyalty to Chief Williams through 2. Brought a tear to my teenage eye when he picked up that photograph xD

J L_D - 24.01.2023 14:23

So Ashley has no nipples. I'm desapointed

Texas Delight
Texas Delight - 14.01.2023 07:15

Ashley was completely correct in ME1, they would sacrifice earth for their worlds and they say that at beginning of me3.

Odieman - 11.01.2023 06:24

Someone did not save the council in ME1

airjersey89 - 05.01.2023 21:58

Ashley was my first ever romance in ME. Maybe she was annoying in the first and second part but in third I was like "Wow, damn, Ash, what a change!"
I really liked her. I laughed hard when I saw her drunk on the floor. One of the funnies moment in the entire trylogy.
She's like a female friend which you were very close with, entire childhood but one day you realise she's your dream girlfriend

BamBam Moody
BamBam Moody - 27.12.2022 11:52

Should have let him live dangit not fair (tears)

Marlo Aleman
Marlo Aleman - 08.12.2022 07:30

I remember that I blew her up when I played the original trilogy for me know I'll be keeping her alive for me whenever I can play the game for myself again for me when I get the opportunity for me I've killed Kaiden by making him the second squadmate for me and she she died for me back then

Duke .Nukem
Duke .Nukem - 08.12.2022 02:29

I can never romance her, Liara is too damn fine to pass up.

Jamie House
Jamie House - 23.11.2022 08:15

Hmm. Interesting, I thought they'd cut the argument/choose scene in ME1 because in my play through in the LE I didn't get it. I thought they'd removed it and just had a lock in at a certain point like the other games. Weird.

Maksymilian Ziele
Maksymilian Ziele - 04.11.2022 23:32

Good thing Ashley did not find out it was Liara who gave Shepard's body to Cerberus to resurrect him.
Otherwise it would be bloodbath.

Rick HCA
Rick HCA - 21.10.2022 15:23

I could't take Ashley on the first game. The hole military persona she embodied, the racism towards aliens, her victimism and inferiority complex, the need to impress everyone was irritating as well.
But for some reason i chose her over Kaidan. In ME2 i regret it, but in ME3 i was glad how much of a better character she was. You can say what you want about ME3, but the character development reached DA:Origins level.

dante040 - 15.10.2022 15:45

Thought I would pick Ashley, but her personality just didn't do anything for me.

BITW Awesome
BITW Awesome - 13.10.2022 09:08

Romance girl
